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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1672165 No.1672165 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think people should be associated with the industry they work in?
Do you think less of people because of the moral/ethical implications of their work?
For example, do you think that cigarette company employees are morally/ethically liable for the health issues that cigarettes cause?

>> No.1672394


Automobile manufacturers are fucking deplorable degenerates because they cause all of the vehicular deaths that have ever occurred.

>> No.1672402


Cigarette companies don't force anybody to buy and smoke tobacco.

Automobile companies don't force anybody to text and drive killing a family of four.

Gun manufactures don't force anybody to go on a shooting spree.

7-11 doesn't force anybody to go in the store and rob it mugging you in the process.

>> No.1672412

Yes to all

>> No.1672414

I don't have a Tim who the fuck is Tim

>> No.1672444

Just like murder is not wrong because no one forced you to get killed, you let it happen.

>> No.1672446

Natural selection at its finest. At an ethic standpoint murder is good cause it creates jobs and more space for others. More people benefit from murders then people that are hurt by it.

>> No.1672448

What about basic safety and education? Like how cigarette manufacturers warn people about the harm of smoking, or how automobile manufacturers have safety features like seatbelts. I remember a story awhile ago about Ford neglecting to install a safety feature to save money, and it cost a lives. Should Ford have installed the feature?


>> No.1672534

I have a modest investment in a tobacco company. I think smoking is terrible, I used to be a smoker for 5 years before I finally quit and never looked back.

The way I see it, current smokers would probably get self-righteously pissed off at you for NOT investing. They would take it as a personal attack against them, they are adults, they can make their own decisions. They like smoking, it is something they have decided to do that makes them happy, it's not your job to coddle and baby them, and we have no right to stop them from making their own decisions.

>> No.1672636

Most employees, no. Higher management does have a degree of responsibility, especially when they do shit like >>1672448.

>> No.1672650

Personal responsibility is a social construct that has no real meaning outside the confines of a society.

just like your morals and the judgments they produce.

so no, I don't think anyone "should be" responsible for anything. Morality is the masturbation of small minds.

>> No.1672669

Buy you believe that muderers should be removed from society. You're just giving morality and different name and justifying it with different reasons. It's the same damn thing, you're just calling it a different name.

But sure, we can avoid the term "morality" if it upsets you that much.

>> No.1673968
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>> No.1673983

I agree that cigarette companies dont force anybody to buy and smoke tobacco. I support their right to sell it. But I believe in business ethics and I don't condone shady business practices like targeting minors and denying the drawbacks and health impacts. If you work for a company that does do something like that, then yes, you should be held liable for any part you took. The decision makes should be in the most trouble, then those that implement it, then those that knew about it but didnt have anything to do with it, and lastly the people that worked there but didnt know about it. The last category shouldn't face any real repercussions other than maybe losing their job if the company goes under, or a loss of pay if the company has large amounts of fines and has to cut pay to survive, if you really want to work there after whatever comes to light, and do it at the new decreased pay, go for it, if not find a different job at an ethical company

>> No.1673989

>Buy you believe that muderers should be removed from society.
no I don't.
stop projecting.

In societies where murder isn't a crime you find people almost never murder others of their own group. Conversely, when it's criminalized we find most murders are done by family members of the victim.

the concept of murder itself is the problem.

>> No.1673990
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>> No.1674002

Everyone kills. "Organic" famer is killing off poor wild animas who were not bred to be killed to give that hipster an organic brew beer.

>> No.1674006

thank you for this cogent criticism of western thought.

the problem is Christianity and the other Abrahamic plagues criminalized normal human behavior.

The result is we purposefully create criminals just so we can punish them. Your morality is a disease upon society that has literally killed more people than any other plague known.

and you pretend it's edgy to want to stop the killing for drugs or oil or dirt or religion. You're an idiot. Just like every other idiot that never questioned the time he was born into. It's not even your murders that matter, what matters is how weak your excuse for them.

>> No.1674007


>> No.1674012
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are you serious son?
the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits

>> No.1674017
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>> No.1674228


Yes. every human has the responsibility to analyze what they do and measure if it's having a negative impact on the world. They can't just say "well I had to make money".

I think Insurance companies are worse than cigarrete companies.

The tobacco companies are actually pretty cool in my book.