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16717016 No.16717016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to have sex with a tranny.

What are the chances of getting STDs with condom on?


>> No.16717067

Trannies have boi(pussy) not std from pussy only from arse

>> No.16717110

what's the likelihood of getting from arse?

>> No.16717147


>> No.16717161
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>I want to have sex with a tranny.

So you want to have sex with a man in make-up?

>> No.16717171

you got herpes already just from thinking about it faggot

>> No.16717176

you can get the skin on skin STDs. You can minimize the risk by being the one in control of the penetration (you take her doggystyle and control the depth and make sure your pubis doesnt touch her). You also lower the risk if you wear boxer-shorts with buttons (or you cut a hole) so you can just stick your dick out with a condom.

>> No.16717179

Ask Gilles about it

>> No.16717183

1 out of kill yourself

>> No.16717188

Higher than vaginal sex my dude.

>> No.16717221
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100 percent mega death aids

>> No.16717227
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you can also wear latex shorts and cut a little hole.

>> No.16717239

Just be honest with her up front.

>>Are you clean? I just want to coom no diseases.

She will be honest with you back.

>> No.16717246
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>I want to have sex with a tranny.
this is a board about jewish and pajeet internet scam coins. fuck off.

>> No.16717252

>wet stool contains 100,000,000 bacteria per gram

Imagine putting your dick in a crapcontainer.

>> No.16717253
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>> No.16717371

You'll be fine so long as there's not big bumps all over her

>> No.16717398

imagine thinking the methheads that become trannies have any poos

>> No.16717437

Is it really sex though? It's not a sexual organ. It's like putting your dick in a tailpipe and then claiming you've had sex with a Volkswagen.

>> No.16717605
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All the faggots who wouldn't destroy his asshole are the ancestors of beta farmers that stayed home while the alphas were out raiding, pillaging and raping

>> No.16717617

Once the shitty wig comes off and the makeup you’re stuck with some dude In a push-up bra with cheap plastic titties.

>> No.16717628

literally see so many trannies on Tinder and they usually are so desperate.

>> No.16717647

it will be unlikely you find a passable one. the really nice looking ones are able to pass for actual girls and they have legit boyfriends that take care of them. you'll most likely end up with the buffalo bill type tranny selling his as on the street and will probably stab you in the hotel room.

>> No.16717675
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Who the fuck would wear a wig when hair is the easiest thing to grow ? Its the most feminine
>dude In a push-up bra with cheap plastic titties.
I would destroy his ass even if he was flat chested, who tf cares about that when this face is sucking your dick

>> No.16717699

If they have STD.
100% if the condom breaks and since anal is rough as fuck you'll get micro tears around your penis and they'll get micro tears around their anus and some blood contact will happen.
0% if condom doesn't break.

If they don't have STD then 0%.

Like literally the easiest math question. Give me another one.

>> No.16717739
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>unlikely you find a passable one
Wow, so hard
>the really nice looking ones are able to pass for actual girls and they have legit boyfriends that take care of them.
I wonder why "normal nice looking girls" whore themselves, be it on the street,cams or Instagram
What a fucking virgin

>> No.16717747

2 for 2 on men in cheap wigs. Not even good sew in.

>> No.16717808

if you use a condom close to 0%

>> No.16717818
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I feel like there is a difference

>> No.16717836

When you go out of your way to find a shit one like on the right there is. One on the left is high quality and could be real hair, I can't see her part to check the scalp but ill give it a pass.

>> No.16718121

Explain? even with involving kissing?

>> No.16718265

>Fucking dudes

Lmao, you worthless COOMers belong back on Rebbit.

>> No.16718288

I fucked a tranny without a condom. How fucked am I?

>> No.16718388

What site is that?

>> No.16718395

It literally says on the image.

>> No.16718470

just go for it dude, use a condom and you'll be fine. looks like a fine trap to me

>> No.16718645
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definitely an improvement

>> No.16718647

Is it weird that I would unironically have sex with the left one? Like suck his cock, fuck her (male) in the ass and suck on her (male) tits. I'm not gay and would never have sex with a man but this makes really horny. Am I gay or bi or just hetero?

>> No.16718669
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this website is a gold mine

>> No.16718672

Does this fucking thing have 3 ears

>> No.16718691
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would you /biz/?

>> No.16718740 [DELETED] 

Assuming you are attracted to women (female) and only like men that pass for women like the one on the left in the post you quoted, you are a GAMP.


Definitely not gay, but maybe completely straight either. Bi with a type (attracted to femininity) or straight with a dose fo cocksexual.

>> No.16718749

Assuming you are attracted to women (female) and only like men that pass for women like the one on the left in the post you quoted, you are a GAMP.


Definitely not gay, but maybe not completely straight either. Bi with a type (attracted to femininity) or straight with a dose of cocksexual.

>> No.16718832
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Bi, because you like him for his feminine appearance but he is a man in the end.

>> No.16718854

Well I guess that settles it. Traps are not gay. Good to know I'm not a homo.

>> No.16718883


Gtfo my board u faggot

>> No.16718901

Lots of fear mongering in this thread. The risk is very low and close to 0% if you use a condom. Even if they have HIV and you bottom it's still extremely unlikely to get anything if they use a condom. Condoms are over 99% effective when used properly. Look up the statistics and the science. Good luck and have fun.

>> No.16718904

most tranny's have no sex drive from the hormone blockers (test is a sex hormone) so the tranny STD rate is markedly lower than the femoid STD rate because 1 trannys dont fuck so much 2 less trannys 3 trannys arent usually attractive so dont get laid by men or women.
the risk factor is : sex work to pay for trannyism conversion such as meds/surgery.
anal sex is high risk between any group.
higher chances of being raped because only a psychopath could want to fuck them.
bug chasing homosex and drug fuelled high risk sex.
if you meet a normal decent tranny risk should be low, if you meet a sex work then get tested.

>> No.16718918

Get tested ASAP.

>> No.16718957

>Is it weird that I would unironically have sex with the left one? Like suck his cock
>Am I gay or bi or just hetero?
yeah that sounds a little bit fucking gay bro

>> No.16719003

>"I want to have sex with a man.
>"What are the chances of getting STDs with condom on?

>> No.16719178

I mean if (s)he looks like a girl?

>> No.16719259
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>> No.16719457

smells like shit and male pheromones trannies are disgusting trust me I tried it

They do give good head and handies though, they exactly what feels good unlike females who just guess what the sensitive parts are

>> No.16719500

Go on..

>> No.16719542

kept fucking "her" for like 30 mins could never cum, I think its because the Freudian dynamic is not present when you fuck a biological male, she was dripping cum the whole time because i've got animal strenght pelvic thrusts that was the only really hot part

>> No.16719594

was it from an escort?

>> No.16719628

No, Tinder

>> No.16719662

Then just have sex with a gay man. The same shit. Same pheromones. Same poo in penis.

>> No.16719730

They actually clean very thoroughly
fags =/= scat fetishists

>> No.16719763

is this considered business and finance in 2020?

>> No.16719819

its a growing market

>> No.16719895

biz trans.

>> No.16719904
File: 19 KB, 399x384, 1544028664297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you, as a biological male, are fucking another biological male in the ass or he is fucking you in the ass
you are unequivocally gay and your pseudo scientist larp based on feefees doesn't count

>> No.16719907

Biz is the shitiest board

>> No.16719935
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16719945

All of this just to fuck a mentally ill faggot

>> No.16720143

Was (s)he attractive? Share some pictures anon.

>> No.16720156 [DELETED] 

I said nothing about ketting him fuck me in the ass, I'm not gay after all.

>> No.16720165

I said nothing about letting him fuck me in the ass, I'm not gay after all.

>> No.16720180

Scientific facts don’t care about your feelings :)

>> No.16720207

I do Richard Prior impressions while some cute guys blow me

>> No.16720666

This is a Jew or a mentally ill faggot. Listen to reason anon, you will get an std for fucking man ass.

>> No.16721005

>Good luck
He's going to need it because he's gonna get faggot aids. You're a degenerate for even suggesting he do it.

>> No.16721143

You're an uninformed fool. Aids is virtually impossible to get via sex in a modern 1st world country if you take precautions. He just has to use a condom and PrEP. Condom will make the chance minuscule and PrEP will further reduce the risk of contracting HIV by 90%+ on top of that. Check the facts.

>> No.16721268


100% you fucking heretically gay faggot shit fucker.

>> No.16721277


>Studies have shown that PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99% when taken daily.