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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1018 KB, 1440x1786, Screenshot_20200101-094250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16717131 No.16717131 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I even find quality women!? The women on instagram at least a large majority are repulsive. I mean look at this pic! What's going on in her head to go "Hey Stacey 2, lets get in matching bikini's, lay on a weird sofa, our butts touch, and have a guy take a pic." You dont see guys with thought processes like these as often. How's it even "normal" to the point beta whiteknights would jump out and say "they're just doing it for fun"!?

>> No.16717143

>Where do I even find quality women!?
you don't, you're not a quality man, you know how i know? you're posting here

>> No.16717146
File: 814 KB, 1440x1838, Screenshot_20200101-094828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this pic!? Odds are she dressed up and dragged someone with her for the sole purpose of taking this pic or brought a tripod for her phone and used a timer.

>> No.16717148
File: 291 KB, 993x1919, 993px-Louise_Brooks_ggbain_32453u_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women were also massive hoes during the 1920's stock market bubble. Really makes u think.

>> No.16717151

Moar of left for vishnu's sake.

>> No.16717153

>you don't deserve to drive a quality automobile, look at the piece of shit you drive now

>> No.16717159

wrong analogy
>I can't afford a better car but I deserve one

>> No.16717169

it is weird but those soles/feet are nice, would devour and make cum explosion

>> No.16717190
File: 667 KB, 1440x1836, Screenshot_20200101-095101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then there's this chick. "Hey take a pic of me just sitting here in a car, not smiling, and looking at something in the back of the car (likely the car's interior)."

What the heck 20 years ago pics were taken of moments eg family picnic, graduation, birthday party, etc. Yet here's chicks taking half naked pic's with no special occasion pronounced within the pic. Eg girl posing in a bikini where its clear the pic is just about her body or this pic where it's just about her looks.

>> No.16717200

Women get attention and money from the pics, the two things they love the most. And you are wondering why they do it.

>> No.16717208

they think they will become an influencer or some betabucks from orbiters, it's literally like unpaid internships

>> No.16717214

*or get some

>> No.16717242
File: 666 KB, 897x2211, Screenshot_20200101-095804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this Michael Jackson look a like? Where's the thought process in this. Screams normie.
>enjoy adventure
Just like the majority of women who never explain it and are likely copying each other via fake accounts to see what other women post and asd it to their real profiles.
>binging Netflix
That's not a tv show, what do you do just browse their catalog. Reminds me of this lady who asked me if I watched Netflix. That's not a tv show you social status virtue signaling woman!

>> No.16717250
File: 118 KB, 741x674, 1546039093385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in real life and >be yourself
i found mine while i was working at subway with her
we are both white, no drugs or alcohol, and were both virgins when we met. we want to start having kids in 5 years or less.
i was an autist with her talking about chickens and growing food and she liked it

>> No.16717259
File: 271 KB, 1920x1080, TheWall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salt addiction

>> No.16717274

You gotta look outside of town, you can only get immoral man and women there.

First of you need to make yourself a moral man.

Then you need to establish yourself with some sort of success and there you will meet fathers who have their daughters trained properly.

>> No.16717279

You guys I'm a dj at a bar and last night a girl came up to me and told me to play a song. She showed me her phone and the lock screen was her husband and her. She says " that's an awesome picture huh" I just say yea. Then she says "you wish you were in that picture with me huh" I just pause and reply with. "Hes a lucky guy" but she laughs because she thought I said "hes a good looking guy

Was this slut trying to suck me dick . I had to eventually tell her to go away cus she was standing next to me too long

>> No.16717280

>when the christcuck thinks this is about morals
Pls leave.

>> No.16717288

No. You burden yourself to elaborate with that comment or GTFO.

>> No.16717302

>tfw have a girl at work that I get along well with and who's obviously interested in me
>she's a drug addict who often relapses and has no education or plans for the future

My brain tells me that it's a fucking terrible idea but my dick says yes, what do? I also think it might be a bad idea to date someone you work with but idk

>> No.16717317

for me i don't consider dating anyone i couldn't see myself marrying in the future, otherwise it's a waste of time
do you see this girl as marriage material or a quick fuck

>> No.16717329

Nice. This means crypto will moon like crazy and bust in the 20s.

>> No.16717330

How can a DJ be so fucking insecure. I think you're in the wrong profession bud.

>> No.16717346

I don't know, but please let me know when you find out. I'm tired of going to bed imagining cuddling with a girl and kissing her on the face a bunch of times while saying how much I love her. The isolation eats at the soul, until all that is familiar is work and anger.

>> No.16717391

Insecure? I got offended the bitch assumed i wanted to be with her. But anyways. I did get molested my women all my life. Since i was a small boy. I was a cute kid. Girls would make out with me. Older girls too. Once my friend's mom made out with me with I was 7 and she tucked me and bed and gave me a handjob and asked me why my cock was getting hard when I was spending the night at his house. And a 17 year old girl held me down and made out with me when I was 6 and many many other times. I had girls just forcing themselves on me. Once my mom's friend was over and we were watching a movie then she starts caressing me. Then says she wants to suck my cock. I was 12 and felt pressured to say yes even tho I was scared.

>> No.16717417

I just had to end a 5 yr long relationship with a girl with whom I could do exactly that.

Trust me, the quote that says "it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" is total bullshit.

You don't know what you're missing so it's easier for you. Now that I know, I can't go back to single life easily

>> No.16717434

why did it end

>> No.16717450

lol faggot

>> No.16717451

She's really nice and good-looking and we get along great, but I'm not sure I'd want to marry her due to her past baggage and drug problems, along with lackluster future job prospects.

Sounds kinda harsh when you type it out, maybe I'm over-thinking it. She does seem to want to improve after all and we're both still young (24)

>> No.16717457

pump n dump but wrap it.
druggie girls will fuck some shady dudes for a hit.
make sure u record it though so u can have the memories for later.

oh and hide the camera. just get a good angle. cheers!

>> No.16717461

The federal reserve unironically controls the sexual market cycle

>> No.16717465
File: 352 KB, 743x728, Scold's_Bridle_AKG34260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women will just constantly fuck shit up and cause drama, they can't help it it's in their nature. we used to punish this behaviour with pic related. we are too soft now.

>> No.16717467

fuck i'm gonna fuck a black girl in this year, imagine the smell of those

>> No.16717472

fucking whore

>> No.16717482

Some black girls don't smell at all. Others have the most intense body odor I ever smelled. Its not like a small of shit or ass. Iys just a smell of there natural odor. you can smell there pussy stench on your clothes literally months later.

>> No.16717579


>> No.16717594

>t. Incel

>> No.16717608

dude yes thank you, i thought i was just going crazy.

there was this crazy black chick that was an easy lay that i was fucking for a few months but oh my god did her pussy smell. it literally didn't matter what was done, fresh out of the shower, shaved/unshaved, literally anything. her pussy just smelled fucking awful. she keeps wanting to hook up lately but ive been telling her no just because the easy puss just isnt worth that disgusting smell.

>> No.16717623

church groups

>> No.16717637

Find a local greek orthodox church, convert, pick up traditional cuties. been there, done that, thank me later. also protip, you can be a lazy neet bum. get a good job as an apprentice for one of the varying trades, or work on the higher paying spectrum of unskilled labor such as a warehouse worker, etc. everything starts with you and your own success, the rest falls into place.

>> No.16717643
File: 1.67 MB, 1210x6307, Taming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never know love and will die bitter and alone. I truly hope that you do make it with crypto so that you will learn that money doesn't cure depression.

Personality clash but also I wasn't treating her right. I started out right and she loved me to death, but over the years I started becoming too demanding and criticizing too much without giving enough love. She wasn't happy anymore but too scared to end it so I did for her sake. Once you ruin a girl, there's no going back, we couldn't fix it because to a woman emotions are everything and she just kept thinking about the bad times. We broke up in August, I'm considering trying to reconnect but only once I've let enough time pass to forget the past. Pic related is 1000% correct, I realize from my own experiences

>> No.16717644

cant be*

>> No.16717703
File: 899 KB, 1424x1892, thots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16717735

That picture is some high grade redd*t tier faggotry.
>t. I fucked dozens of women and are now happily married.

>> No.16717790

this would have been even worse if the holocaust had actually happened

>> No.16717796

I have a severe water addiction. I'm drinking it literally every day.

>> No.16717809

There is no such thing as a "quality woman", what kind of beta mindset is that? all women are whores and should be treated as your personal fuck buddies, what kind of simp thread is this?

>> No.16717825
File: 16 KB, 468x386, 1289610457500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all my LTR girlfriends have been virgins

My current girlfriend is not active on social media. she barely has any friends. i love her dearly

We watch anime together and she is really funny, nice, cooks for me and looks after me

10/10 face and amazing body

You have to not be an NPC faggot and the universe will literally provide you with a high quality gf

if youre a normalfag NPC then you will only attract soulless roastie whores like OP pic

>> No.16717826

>all women are whores
This is basically it. There no such thing as "the one" its all bullshit if you have the chance to fuck some girl do it asap and fuck off.

>> No.16717833

Are you me? This is my life story but it sounds much more based reading it lol.

>> No.16717844

its actually pathetic that women still are tricking men into the unicorn idea and having this simp mindset of "please give me sex" attitude. beta men will still argue against you. It's better to just let them learn the hard way and get knocked down, It's the fate of every man who doesn't know the reality.

>> No.16717862
File: 355 KB, 1920x1200, 1467763338396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP i can tell you are a perceptive person. you can see the inner quality and soul in people.

most coombrain NPC fags would happily settle for a roastie whore like your pic. on the basis she is a female and generically ""attractive""

any non-npc is repulsed by the behavior witnessed in these photos

remember never settle for less than a virgin or at the VERY least less than 3 sexual partners. If she uses social media heavily she isnt a keeper

>> No.16717877

This thinking is flawed in and of itself because no woman is a virgin in the 21st century, and a woman being a virgin in and of itself means nothing, they are still woman. It's the same line of thinking women use to justify marrying asians over seas, "They are not like western women" they cry out. They soon find out the hard truth.

>> No.16717882
File: 199 KB, 1000x815, 1468258564874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There no such thing as "the one"

there is. but you have to be a real human being and a real hero. not even memeing.

if you have a soulless NPC outlook you will never meet your realities dream girl

enjoy fucking the empty shells you meet, who have been prodded by many dicks before

That is the painful price for the degeneracy of casual sex

>> No.16717883

*It's the same line of thinking men use

autocorrect fucked me, but fellas be safe out there

>> No.16717889

there definitely are virgins. if reality hasnt provided you with one you probably dont deserve it

>> No.16717890

>there is

the poor soul, I really when you do fall down you don't get hit too hard. the ignorant don't even have enough experience to know what comes with it.

>> No.16717897

I fucked a girl with a smelly pussy once rawdog. Her pussy smelt so rancid that I couldn’t get the smell Off my dick. Showering did nothing. My dick smelt like her pussy for a solid week.

>> No.16717899

well there statistically are but it doesn't matter anyways, they are women. I feel sorry that whatever woman drilled this mindset inside your brain, that's not how reality is.

>> No.16717902

>t. Matt Heimbach

>> No.16717912

you guys are fucking pussies
life is what you make it
tinder girls are lame and everyone knows that by now

tinder peaked in like 2017
actually it peaked in 2014

fuck yourselves you pathetic nerds

been on this damn site since 2005 and you fuckers make me sick there's boards for pathetic losers like you

>> No.16717919

exactly, To see men so clueless on female nature with these simp attitudes of
>"You don't deserve women if X, waaahhh"

extremely bluepilled responses resonating in this thread, just from the sentences people are typing it's obvious that these guys have no clue.

>> No.16717928

shut the fuck up you pathetic incel

>> No.16717931

>im a miserable incel faggot

cool story bro

okay keep fucking soulless whores lmao

>> No.16717940

yeah apart from the fact ive been in an amazing relationship for many years, with a girl who lost her virginity to me

keep being miserable though incel fag :^)

>> No.16717947

I really feel sorry for whatever woman made you think this way. When the reality of women hits you hard, don't come crying to me. I've experienced two divorces, been with asians,white women, latina women. You'll have to learn the hard way. the only person who would type like you is a woman or an extremely bluepilled brainwashed man.

>> No.16717952

Make sure you are eating well.

>> No.16717953

the fool doesn't even know what's coming. That arrogance, I really your fall doesn't hit you too hard buddy, have a nice day. Please get married, I want you to learn the hard way.

>> No.16717957

>im a shit beta male fag who lets women divorce rape him
>that means youre also a beta male

yeah, nah.

keep marrying asians though lmao

>> No.16717969

everyone in my family is happily married yet im supposed to believe an incel on a bitcoin subforum about how long marriages last..
get a grip you absolute faggot lmao

>> No.16717971

you're ignorant aren't you? and all the men before you are completely wrong, Have you learned nothing from men, I doubt you have. Remember this thread and these words for when she assrapes you, Don't say I told you so.

>> No.16717983

lol, don't let life hit you too hard buddy.

>> No.16718005


>> No.16718014

yeah it could happen. is that how you justify not getting laid or having a loving relationship?

>> No.16718021

I dont get it. How does it work

>> No.16718041

I don't have relationships, I have women that I fuck on the regular, sometimes i meet them from tinder but pussy is pussy. I can tell you are young so I will spare my wisdom, you need to learn things in life the hard way since you are arrogant, I have no sympathy for people who are not smart enough to listen to the truth, they don't deserve it.

>> No.16718044

>I don't have relationships, I have women that I fuck on the regular, sometimes i meet them from tinder but pussy is pussy.

lead a degenerate lifestyle and you become a miserable degenerate

>> No.16718070

I'm not miserable whatsoever, I have money and everything I've ever wanted in life. But you on the other hand, failed to heed the warnings where others have failed and life will throw everything at you. You are not smarter than a woman with your attitude, even though you think you are the shit with that arrogance I can. Not my place to judge, I only help those that want to be helped, if they don't want to then they can do whatever.

>> No.16718081

my old tinder had 4,000 matches

i still fuck a few a month but barely try these days. it's much more fun to talk to women IRL instead of having to fight for their attention on that degenerate app

>> No.16718084
File: 213 KB, 1000x657, scolds-bridle-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metal plate on the inside that makes moving your tongue painful. here's a better pic

>> No.16718100

>casual degenerate sex is better than a loving relationship because ive gone for soulless money grabbing whores and dated outside of my race

lmaooo that cope

>> No.16718108

kys numale

>> No.16718111

oddly hot.. makes me wanna get a gf and make her wear this and panties and nipple clamps all day

>> No.16718202

Wrong. Not all women are like this. There can be good looking wholesome shut in women just like there are men. All women are whores, but well raised woman want to be whores for just one man. Be that man for them and they'll walk thru fire for you.

I know because I found one when she was 18. 8/10 at least, completely cute in every way. Very classy. I respect her immensely. She has only 2 close friends she regularly hang out with, never really went out to bars and clubs often. I was her first relationship and first everything.

They exist you just don't have any way of realistically meeting them. You don't find them hanging around in public too much. Friends of friends are best. I met mine because we were both invited by a friend to spend memorial day weekend at his house.

Too bad most of 4chan is shut ins who lack friends so they have even less of a chance to meet a girl like this.

>> No.16718227

Genuinely curious: how has this affected your adult relationships with women?

>> No.16718241

jew detected

>> No.16718252
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>> No.16718303

I imagine it varies person by person. Some are going to be better at handling prolonged isolation while others will lose their minds without a nice period of having a nice girl around. Others might get too fixated on it, and it becomes even worse than those people who are insecure about being a virgin. Regardless, I sympathize with you.

I am not going to convert to a religion I disagree with just to get women. If I were going to do that then why not, say, the Mormons?


>> No.16718342

You’ll miss her. Baggage and not being career motivated will feel like NOTHING in a year when you’re lonely and she’s gotten over you

>> No.16718363

Always listen to your dick anon.

>> No.16718369

I see no possible way this could go wrong anon. I think you should just listen to your dick and do it.

>> No.16718389
File: 169 KB, 624x557, bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still caring about women

Not gonna make it

>> No.16718612

You're literally putting pussy on the pedestal. You fucking cattle got kiked and zogged to the max. Not gonna make it.

>> No.16718616

Oh fuck

>> No.16718630

you make them into good women fuckhead. However if they refuse just drop them

>> No.16718650

virgin kike detected

>> No.16718652

Holy fuck. You don't write research papers with your dick. And conversely you don't breed with brain. The dick is right in there.

>> No.16718678
File: 179 KB, 1024x615, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's jewing who?

>> No.16718680

DJ Cuck in da house

>> No.16718697

That was taken with a dslr cell phones don’t produce image quality like that

>> No.16718709

Wholesome and based May god bless you two with a long happy life together with many children

>> No.16718724
File: 435 KB, 589x796, A9FCBAA0-5D09-45D2-BDB9-73D13E4223C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl top right is kinda based

>> No.16718786

thanks anon

>> No.16718834

dumb hoes aside
thats some nice beach

>> No.16718851


>> No.16718853

You raise them. Kek, the old crop is useless.

>> No.16718862

Cool story, bro.

>> No.16718875


You had one chance to create a meaningful, lasting relationship with someone decent that genuinely cared about you. From 12 to 18 you could have been strengthening a strong friendship with a girl you cared about that only after years blossomed into a perfect romance.

Instead you jerked off or chased easy targets. Now every woman your age has a body count and their pair bonding mechanisms are broken. You will chase love and affection and fail over and over until eventually you realize happiness was not meant for you and you just stop trying.

>> No.16718902

self sufficiency and homesteading is like crack to pussy

>> No.16718932

>hes a lucky guy

you should have struck her down with a dose of CHRISTIAN MORALITY talking about coveting the husband or her trying to get you to commit adultery.

begone wench

>> No.16718983


sauce ? do you have a better quality picture ? or girl ?

>> No.16719253

Right on, man!

>> No.16719373
File: 1.62 MB, 500x240, 1577062006474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away mate. I'm a pretty stable and well rounded guy and attract this sort of woman all the time. There are underlying dad issues (was candidly told this by a few) and they want you to fill the void. Good moral women will want you as much as these women do, but they usually want you to make the first move. I repeat: STAY AWAY

>> No.16719417

this used to be the highest dps/clear speed build in the game

>> No.16719551

>business and finance

>> No.16719624

Reverse the genders

>> No.16719684

dont be suprise, all the woman in my house does this shit.

>> No.16719771

this shit has more replies than any thread in the catalog right now

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.16719808

nice LARP

>> No.16719967

You’re a lucky man

>> No.16720001

She’s hired

>> No.16720005

You meet them in school. Go back to college and meet a wholesome family girl. They are out there.

>> No.16720187

Where do you meet

>> No.16720276

Yeah just bee yourself fag

>> No.16720498

Good wives are created, not found.

>> No.16720508
File: 179 KB, 264x324, 1546319547507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do I even find quality women!?
>/biz/ - Business & Finance
>119 replies and 18 images omitted.

Why is this allowed?

>> No.16720943

Date her on the condition that she doesn't do drugs. You'll get your dick wet for a while and have a good easy excuse to fuck off when she inevitably relapses like most druggies