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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 500x492, bitcoin-symbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16716511 No.16716511 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16716513

0.3 BTC, lost 90% on BRAP

>> No.16716517


>> No.16716527

3.2, lost 75% while hodling NANO

>> No.16716594

>lost 90% on joke token freely distributed on biz
how could you fuck up so bad?

>> No.16716616

>> No.16716626

I have 10BTC
in mtgox.

>> No.16716654


>> No.16716687

Bitcoin doesn't bring me dividends so I don't hold it but I value everything I do have in satoshi's.

I am a proud hodler of P3d on the Ethereum blockchain. A smart contract that distributes Ethereum evenly to token holders proportionally to the size of their bag on any type of volume be it Buy Sell or Transfer.

>> No.16716691

Around three fifty. Ama

>> No.16716693


>> No.16716704

569 BSV

>> No.16716711

those are gone you are never getting them back

>> No.16716714


>> No.16716752

P3d Song BY: Crypto Yardie

>> No.16716770

When they all talk trash "Show them the smart contract"
When they say it's a fraud " Show them the source code"

>> No.16716824

a little over 3BTC and about the same amount in alt coins.

>> No.16716833


>> No.16716848


>> No.16716858

yep, wrote it off long time ago.

the fuck you say, bitch?

>> No.16716893

5.25 and still accumulating and flipping shitcoins into it.

>> No.16716912

If I were to sell all my LINK and ETH I’d have the equivalent of ~12.5 BTC. Right now I only hold 0.1.

>> No.16716932

kek this is from Candy Shop Mansion video from Australia: https://candyshopmansion.com/

>> No.16716936
File: 219 KB, 800x620, 1573205564627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded, especiallly if you hold ETH.

Do you realize Ethereum could drop back to sub $50 and nobody would even care, it's a dead project with infinite problems

>> No.16716945

9.25, have cash to buy 1 or 2 more in case january will be a blood bath
but there is high chance we are not going down

>> No.16716948
File: 53 KB, 739x1600, IMG-20191229-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. Change to btc immediately, trust me when I say you'll regret it if you dont

>> No.16717210

5 BTC and .8 BTC in heavy altcoin bags.

>> No.16717549

around 8, plan to get a few more in the next months

>> No.16717603

0.8, on my way to get to a whole one before the moon mission, fairly certain I'll still make it.

>> No.16717626

Yea no fucking thanks. All the memes about halving pumps and store of value won't save bitcoin from it's inevitable death. Slow piece of shit does not generate enough transaction revenue to keep miners honest.

BTC right now is extremely overvalued, ETH is extremely undervalued, relative to the amount of utility they generate.

>> No.16717635

The only reason it's got problems is because there are actually people, you know, working on it. Bitcoin is stagnant and outdated garbage. Only reason people buy is because they think a pump will happen (Greater fool). ETH actually has use cases

>> No.16717639


Converted all my BTC to ETH and LTC. Feels good, man.

>> No.16717642


grand daddy always leads the way

>> No.16717645

21 worth
but 0.2 in actual BTC
started out with 2.5 btc I had from 2013

>> No.16717652

>grand daddy always leads the way
Grand daddy never increases more than Ethereum , percentage-wise. Summerfag.

>> No.16717664

>never increases more than ethereum
>has always had a higher marketcap than ethereum
>started at a valuation of pennies

>> No.16717697

300 real bitcoins

>> No.16717717


>> No.16717851
File: 104 KB, 1136x640, 596CAB66-F2F1-41B0-BDA9-B832D32EEC80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16717881


I am OK with this.

>> No.16717910

41 BCH

>> No.16717927

look at the most recent cycles. Ethereum did a way higher fold increase

>> No.16717929


>> No.16717935

0 because Cuckcoin Core is worthless garbage from a technology and inherent value perspective.

>> No.16717958

Around 1.01

>> No.16717997

if you don't hold btc privately you don't have bitcoin. even if you hold btc on a custodial service you don't have any bitcoin.

>> No.16718011

Spotted the retarded bch bag holder

>> No.16718018

BCH will moon harder than BTC you retarded new fag

>> No.16718033

How does it feel holding a useless alt from a guy larping as satoshi? Bch going to zero

>> No.16718053

>Larping as Satoshi

Holy shit you really are a new fag. That is BSV you imbecile. Go back to Plebbit where you belong

>> No.16718054

Cycle. It happened one time, because of the ICO bubble. That won't happen again. ETH is vaporware garbage. I still remember PoS was planed for 2016 and now it's 2023 on a completely new chain. Can't make this up.

>> No.16718097

All the same shit to me. No one except for bag holders care about BCH

Still going going to zero


>> No.16718120

0.03 worth so far. not my biggest priority and bills and rent and adult bullshit keeps getting in the way. poorfag doesnt help. so it goes

>> No.16718159



i just want 10 by the end of 2020, and i'm not buying a single shitcoin to do it.

>> No.16718172

somewhere around 300+ btc in mtgox which are gone forever
and I'm broke now btw
life is such a fucking meme I swear

>> No.16718186


jesus christ... you're telling other people they don't have brains but bitcoin is "slow and about to die"

even on 4chan this is a fucking feat

>> No.16718194


shitcoiner cope thread?

>> No.16718195

Whatever you say newfag. Good luck with your little 1.01 BTC. You will never make it. Stay poor

>> No.16718898
File: 714 KB, 811x608, SPOILER_1577872593023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just over 10 so i could easily calculate what i had total by multiplying BTC price times 10

>> No.16719135

50,000 CraigWright Coins

>> No.16719144

The society that runs parallel to our own.

>> No.16719151

Holy fucking shit. Proof.

>> No.16719170
