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16716514 No.16716514 [Reply] [Original]

Holy kek I went to Wendy’s and they got mad at me for using the touch screen to order. The lady tried telling me it outsources jobs

The absolute state of wagies !

>> No.16716528

holy kek nice blog mate

>> No.16716542

Found the Wendy’s wagie

>> No.16716573

>He didn't order using the Wendy's mobile found on Google Play and the Apple App store.

>> No.16716589

Tell them to imagine a world where AI and robotics obsoletes 90% of jobs, where everyone only has to work 4 hours a week, makes 10 times as much money, and everything is 10 times cheaper.

>> No.16716620


Cancel order, walk out, 1 star review

>> No.16716628

Not if these goddamn humans have a say though...

>> No.16716642
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I can't wait until the day robots replace every single fast food worker. I haven't gone to a fast food restaurant in years because of who is in the kitchen: tattooed drugged up meth addicts who can't do a single thing properly
Imagine a world where you can go to a fast food restaurant and not have to worry about any subhumans handling your food and probably dropping it but serving it to you anyways. Robots come soon please

>> No.16716661


>> No.16716676

Also, robots don't need holidays off. No more waiting for Christmas or Thanksgiving to be over just to get some cheap grub if you don't like your aunt's bland turkey and stuffing.

>> No.16716709

Dude, have some compassion. These people are already going to lose their jobs and they do it. Nothing they or you say will change that, so just don't rub it in. Be polite. The last thing I want is for these people to join in criminal gangs to destroy society out of spite. If we treat them nicely they may just die out in peace. After all, they have only their ancestors to blame for not being rich.

>> No.16716724

should have reported her to the manager. you could have gotten a free meal

>> No.16716727


>> No.16716747
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>Then we just told them to imagine a world where AI and robotics obsoletes 90% of jobs, where everyone only has to work 4 hours a week, makes 10 times as much money, and everything is 10 times cheaper.

>> No.16716914
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>where everyone only has to work 4 hours a week, makes 10 times as much money, and everything is 10 times cheaper

>> No.16716941
File: 52 KB, 435x580, B01842D4-2B4C-4FF0-AD66-37FF8D665DBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine not coming up with a way to turn the masses of unemployed low-wage, low-skill, low-iq workers into your army of personal slaves
Yeah, stay compassionate bitch

>> No.16716955

t. office drone whose job is going to be automated by 2025

>> No.16716997

Op here. The main reason I use the touch screen is cause when I tell them my custom order they fuck it up bad. They still fuck it up when I order on the touchscreen but not as bad.

It’s literally just this:
Jr cheeseburger with spicy chicken nugs, fries, Munster cheese instead of American, with a premium bun on top.
S’awesome sauce on the sandwhich.

I even order the nugs, fries, and sauce regularly and put them on the sandwhich myself. It’s delicious but these wagies keep fucking it up. I said no ketchup no mustard no pickle and go light on the onions.

The touch screen lets me do this easily

>> No.16716999
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Work hours per week in the west have gone down steadily since world wars because of technology. For example, in norway people work now only 4 days a week. both warren buffet and elon said too that automation frees people and products become cheaper while living standards increase, no question about it. There are, however, super workacolic people who think differ and get angry of idea nobody working really anymore, which is guaranteed result of the future humanity after all. Advanced AI will be the final nail in the coffin (singularity) and then afther the point, it increases exponentially, so fast humans cant even keep up with it even with their magination

>> No.16717014

based and nuance pilled

>> No.16717037


You won't make more money unless you can actually contribute something. Why do you think these people are trying to get us to eat bugs?

>> No.16717051
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>these people are trying to get us to eat bugs?
let me guess, they also put chemicals in the water to make you gay too right?

>> No.16717058

>it’s normal for everyone to be gay all of a sudden !

>> No.16717072

>Tell them to imagine a world where AI and robotics obsoletes 90% of jobs, where everyone only has to work 4 hours a week, makes 10 times as much money, and everything is 10 times cheaper.

here's what's actually going to happen: The US will become Brazil 2.0 where the entire population is made up of the rich or the extremely poor. There will be little to no in-between.

You re truly delusional if you think Mr Goldstein, out of the kindness in his heart, is going to pay you substantially more money for less work after he's done automating his business.

>Work hours per week in the west have gone down steadily
This is almost entirely due to the massive loss in full time jobs and the exponential rise in part time and contract work. It has NOTHING to do with businesses paying more for less work. Wages in the US have stagnated for literally decades.

>> No.16717081


Do you perhaps not know that Atrazine is used in large areas of the USA? It causes frogs to switch genders.

>> No.16717089


Urbanites are in for a serious lifestyle change. Have fun faggots

>> No.16717166


That's what we call a wagie ragie.

Make sure you leave some napkins and straw wrappers laying around before you leave.

>> No.16717178

no, it's not normal for you to be hyper obsessed with it online - go outside, nobody acts like that anywhere I've lived. Maybe on college campuses kids do weird stuff like always. who cares. I haven't lived near one in 15 years

>> No.16717186


Take a look at the swedish parliament

>> No.16717195


>> No.16717204

Found a white hair in my fries too. Found a hair on my gas station pizza the other day as well. I can’t wait till robots replace you fucks I’m tired of hairy food

>> No.16717216

yeah right, like a wendy's worker has the intelligence, foresight, or basic observational skills to understand that

>> No.16717230

seriously. I live in a decent sized city, and I will go to the suburbs 10-15 minutes further if I want fast food, because the workers are far less shitty

>> No.16717255
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I respect your digits but respectfully disagree with your assessment of the future. Productivity increases have not translated into wage increases, at least in the west: put another way, he who owns the AI rules the world.

>> No.16717290


But at least the wages will know the blame their boss and not the automation.

>> No.16717454

>unironically doesn't understand why people go for the touch screens instead of dealing with autistic staff

this shit is why I order everything online and avoid going to restaurants

>> No.16717627

wagies need to understand that automation is good. the sooner all the drudge work is automated the sooner the gov will be forced to implement UBI. it's really not rocket science.

>> No.16717706

>Imagine a world where you can go to a fast food restaurant and not have to worry about any subhumans handling your food and probably dropping it but serving it to you anyways.
that's due to diversity.
In Poland a typical worker in McDonalds is a white university student.
I have never seen a dirty McDonalds here. It's all very nice and clean and the staff is good to interact with.