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16716522 No.16716522 [Reply] [Original]

When people disagree on the scaling debate many times they're arguing about different things without understanding common ground

It breaks down into a few groups with different incentives

There are the users which are most important
They are the ones who created "bitcoin"
There were users on bitcoin before there were miners and service providers
the users were the miners and the service providers back in the early days
they all kept a record of the network, enforced the rules they agreed on and it grew
this became the ethos of bitcoin which is backed by a long understanding of banking, politics, finance, money, and many other topics
As bitcoin matured a micro economy was formed where real money could be made

With this monetary incentive specialized miners and professional service providers took advantage of this new thing and started laying the infrastructure
Now these miners and service providers came to bitcoin for the profits not the ethos, and they provided bitcoin with services and security so the system worked as intended
bitcoin continues to grow

The marketcap of mining companies and service providers grew into the billions because of bitcoin it's not the other way around remember this
coinbase didn't create a secure peer to peer consensus network, bitmain didn't either
In 2017 the block space had hit its limit and it becomes a topic of debate

>> No.16716531

Now these bitcoin miners/providers try to raise the blocksize because fees are hurting their bottom line
It makes sense for them, the bottom line is most important thing in business. Bitmain and Coinbase had all those employees all that money riding on it they couldn't afford to see fees increase
And remember Coinbase does not contribute to bitcoin's protocol at all. They don't understand it. They are a corporation who needs to profit at the end of the day. Same with Bitmain.
So they easily come to an agreement "raise the blocksize" in a closed room with billionaires deciding the future based on profits for their corporation

Now bitcoiners see this they resist. Fuck coinbase's bottom line we're not going to let them run bitcoin into the ground like they did our current system
The way to resist this is to give the commoner the right to run a fully validating node so it can never be co opted as it scales up
Running a fully validating bitcoin node and forwarding transactions is similar to a declaration of independence
the billionaires can't change the rules when anyone can run a node
Only the bitcoin blockchain retains rights for the common user
This is why it's important to keep blocks small, it's for sovereignty not profits
profits follow because we maintain the free market that creates innovations and growth

>> No.16716593

declaration/constitution same thing
We're breaking away from the current system into a new rule set of laws/code

Instead of fighting a civil war over the 2nd amendment being forked out of the constitution
The kikes wouldn't be able to carry any economic activity with them on a controversial rule change they have no power
so you see bitcoin protects this power dynamic and it's because of small blocks

>> No.16716673

Also if you think you know better than the bitcoin developers after all this
you deserve to miss it

>> No.16716686

nobody is even left in crypto for scaling to be an issue at this point.

after the segwit nonsense it was already over with. everyone had run for the exits

>> No.16716774

I don't care about mouth breathers looking for a quick buck they don't provide any value to this network
You can scam them on eth or whatever
Only people doing real shit meaningful shit here are educated bitcoiners

>> No.16716784

If bitcoin could have sex it could scale by being more bitcoin

>> No.16716791

All the technical advancements in the world don't matter if there's nobody left to buy into them.You need the mouth breathers as much as they need you.

>> No.16716828
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>Now bitcoiners see this they resist. Fuck coinbase's bottom line we're not going to let them run bitcoin into the ground like they did our current system
>The way to resist this is to give the commoner the right to run a fully validating node so it can never be co opted as it scales up


>> No.16716902

What we don't need is them giving their 2 cents on development
These johnny come lately lambo moonbois
Their economic activity is beneficial but their opinions on technical details are dangerous

>> No.16716908

Who won the scaling debate? Brainlet

>> No.16716939

the moonbois are the only thing standing in between here and 1k per btc. I understand developers want to jerk off to LN watchtowers and such nonsense. But the issues facing crypto are much bigger than that.

>> No.16716960

Technically you dont need mouth breathers you just need the fed to repo you. Also someone create a bitcoin smart contract stock market gogogo

>> No.16717018
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Moonbois getting btfo every 4 years is good entertainment and provides a nice stress test as we scale up
These blockchains without a throughput limit are already zogged
Corporations don't respect human rights when it comes to profits, add that to a computer algorithm calculating the profit and you get ethereum's brave new world

>> No.16717286

This is why I believe blockstream is one few good actors in the space
they knew these technical details and consequences
Their CEO has been in the encryption wars since the 1990s!
he's cited in the bitcoin white paper as the author of hashcash (1997)

this is why blockstream had the foresight in this debate where coinbase has a literal gay as the CEO and after short term hedonistic profits

>> No.16717292
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forgot to add picture of encryption t shirt he printed as a protest against harsh laws on encryption from the early 1990s to 2000s

>> No.16717678 [DELETED] 
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alright fags I have to go I hope someone learned something

>> No.16717752

Can I beg for some sources of other good arguments about this? All I've got is ad hoc'd intuition from being a privacy nut.