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File: 132 KB, 800x535, chad vs billionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16716108 No.16716108 [Reply] [Original]

It's over.

>> No.16716119

Fight me bro

>> No.16716141

Zuck could have that guy's long legs amputated if he wanted.

>> No.16716164
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet Zuck would still be shorter than him.

>> No.16716214

I'm a manlet like Zuck. Should I start lifting weights to be closer to that chad, or will it not help at all?

>> No.16716223

Classic angry manlet behavior. Keep coping.

>> No.16716244

Lifting always help. However, that guy is probably tall as fuck, and has a great face + hairline too, you cannot compete against those Chads, deal with it.

Or you can keep coping like this guy >>16716141 and think you'll grow if you keep sending death threats to every Chad that amogs you.

>> No.16716281

*Winklevii flashbacks*

>> No.16716284
File: 376 KB, 2048x1350, C66BtmDWwBA-xvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily my face is pretty based so it's only the height thats ever been an issue. If Zuck is a 3 I'm like an 8 in the hotness category. I pray for the ugly manlets

>> No.16716320

>im an 8
People tend to overrate themselves, and their lays.

What's your height?

>> No.16716321
File: 666 KB, 640x640, MOG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16716323

Zuck could buy his face and put it on his dick

>> No.16716339


You missed the point. If Zuck cared about trivial things like height he would have done something about it. But Zuck is one of the richest guys in the world and doesn't give a fuck about that. Zuck could fuck any women on the planet he wants. If not willfully by force. The guy has more money than the GDP of many countries to throw around to get whatever he wants. Only poorfag beta cucks worry about their physical looks, because they only think people have to give / gift them with what they want, instead of realizing its all about taking what you want.

>> No.16716614
File: 699 KB, 1242x1234, 91965CC2-D0A4-4EF3-8268-F08C92B358AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally doesn’t care, you might think he does but you don’t understand that elite people don’t think like you and I

They don’t think in Dollars, they think in power, and they go after power and that’s all
If the man wants something, any women in the world, he can get her, he does not care about a random roasties opinion about it

>> No.16716653

Giants exist today, just like in the Bible. Only now we've just convinced ourselves that they're just really tall humans despite 99.99999% of humans not being even remotely that tall.

>> No.16716749

Very defeatist

>> No.16716790

Assertiveness is cool and all but I've met too many chad types that are off putting to the whole group because they take themselves too seriously.

The guy here just looks like a jerk and not in a good "I get what I want" way. Just senseless asshattery.

>> No.16716822

Zucky could buy a private military and have these fuckers taken out

>> No.16716865
File: 55 KB, 1200x800, 3EF221DB-A7A4-4A60-85F3-6BEBB7A64335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16717028

>bitcoin vs libra

>> No.16717140

found the seething insecure poor fag

>> No.16718326
File: 3.95 MB, 475x266, chadded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't buy the best feeling in life. Keep coping tho.

>> No.16718423

He DOES care about his height. He stages every single picture to try to hide his shortness. Google it

>> No.16718436

it never even began for incels.

>> No.16718464



>> No.16718490

Zuck the cuck only started Facebook because he had trouble getting a gf in his undergrad years, ie the easiest time ever to get laid.

The other guys in that photo have tens of millions in their bank accounts from playing basketball, a game lots of people enjoy watching and playing. Zuck made Billions selling the data of regular people to the government.

Chad Millionaire >>>>>>>>>>>>> Virgin zuck the cuck Billionaire

>> No.16718496
File: 35 KB, 480x320, 36927E7C-FC65-403D-A68C-5C7D102DF666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you’re so awkward and inhuman that you make chads uncomfortable

>> No.16718531

what a chad

>> No.16718626

absolutely devastating. that manlet should never go out in public again

>> No.16718659

manlet should have immediately decked that big faggot right in his smug face. i would. being a real man isn't about height, it's about standing up for yourself. even if the manlet got his ass kicked he would have still kept his dignity and made that big faggot think twice before doing that ever again. he could have gotten 1-3 really solid cracks in and done some real damage to the other guy.

>> No.16718682

>i would.
you wouldn't, you fat virgin incel

>> No.16718702

I'd rather be the billionaire than the literaly-who next to him

>> No.16718712

i am a fat ass and women hate me. i admit it. but i'd never let anyone get away with that.

>> No.16718726

dude, I feel ya, but what if you really chimp out and seriously hurt him? You risk jail time. For what?

>> No.16718768

in my experience you aren't going to jail unless you instigate the fight. that cocksucker who picked the guy up was instigating the fight, and arguably committed assault. would it hold up in court? i don't know. but i've been there in my younger years and nothing happened. i guess it could have.

>> No.16718787
File: 686 KB, 750x924, E2BBB011-39D5-4F62-A832-13013ED75D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw when even your love doll is taller than you. How do Manlets cope?

>> No.16718800

andrew anglin?

>> No.16718811

So many insecure faggots here. Grow balls you fukcing pussies. Alpha is a mindset. Height dont matter. My 5'4 friend pulls more blondes than me being 5'11.
Quit negative self talk faggots.

>> No.16718815
File: 442 KB, 750x693, 402D29EC-E771-480B-A5A7-627E6846670F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16718821

goddamn that must suck

>> No.16718836

sucks for you cuz you're a loser and a massive faggot in life.
>he pulls more blondes
it doesnot bother him

>> No.16718846

wow he gets to fuck 2/10 landwhales, I guess that's impressive for you

being a dwarf sucks, nobody takes you seriously

>> No.16718912
File: 25 KB, 534x401, zuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anywho, they/he were probably just fucking around. You can see the chad look at the camera with a shit eating grin. Most Chads are actually class acts. They know that with great power comes great responsibility.

>> No.16718951


Used to not pay attention to human interaction dymanics based on mere appearance. Have started to do so as of late and life has been a little easier.

>> No.16718975

>Used to not pay attention to human interaction dymanics based on mere appearance

>> No.16718985

Zuck is a jew

>> No.16719129
File: 90 KB, 449x449, 1576707231566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about it mate. Dad was an engineer and raised me to brain mog instead of height/frame mog (I'm 6'2'' with a a pretty robust 210lbs frame). Maxed out my brain capacity and now am blooming into a well rounded Chad, so to speak. It was a painful path up to this point in time.

>> No.16719142

you will be more aware than the standard chad

>> No.16719148
File: 103 KB, 960x682, olfhjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he HAD to become a billionaire to get laid you ugly incel. His money is just a form of cope. Meanwhile the chads didn't have to do anything.

>> No.16719216
File: 114 KB, 787x1024, 4FBA112F-400B-4CA5-8641-6CF065DD71B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up incel, you faggot say everything on earth is a ‘Cope’

Start taking responsibility for your life

>> No.16719242
File: 134 KB, 500x625, BHS_David-Woolson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the truth struck a chord with you. Keep coping on 4chan you ugly incel sperg.

>> No.16719430

Projection through the roof

>> No.16719444

Except we're talking about your reaction.

>> No.16720261

Holy shit that is B R U T A L