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16714636 No.16714636 [Reply] [Original]


Take the poll pill and tell me what you think. How fucked am I without a 4 yr degree? I live in california (near LA).

Take the poll pill!

>> No.16714668

Are you the coomer in Ontario that keeps getting verizon cellular IP's global banned because you post jailbait and gore in /tv/ and /ck/?

>> No.16714677

100% fucked w/ no degree, the only successful dropouts already have a product/job when they drop out of college, ie musk zuckerberg etc.

>> No.16714686

I have a 2 yr degree. Is that equally shit as people who have no degrees? Feels that way. Im 24 and keep getting justed and trapped into low wagey hell.

My biggest gripe is the cost. Every fucking class is 1500 and that doesnt even include the fucking books. What a fucking ripoff.

>> No.16714719

There is some fag in ontario, ca who keeps breaking rules on other boards and getting verizon dhcp pool IP's banned, you know the ip address that you lease when connected to verizon wireless towers?

>> No.16714737

I'm also considering 2 things... if you die, so do the government loans (not with private loans). Secondly, I'm considering not paying at all... though the only reason I am on the fence on this is due to it hurting your credit score and the reason that matters is to be able to get loans for things that matter and with low interest as well (like a business loan).

Funny how easy car loans are to get, but not business loans.. fucked country

>> No.16714743

Also, if yang wins I think he mentioned student loan forgiveness along with the 1k a month (I could be wrong on the former).
Fuck student loans. I dont understand why the shit community colleges cant offer bachelor degrees so universities could go out of business. Universities are a scam.

Also, employers should not be allowed to ask for degrees if not needed for the job

>> No.16714760

someone locally was posting cheese pizza and I was freaking out because I didn't do anything and thought I got flagged for something I didn't do
OP stay in school it's hard to create a path for yourself outside traditional avenues
I think the degree would be worth more to you than someone like bill gates
also yang won't win

>> No.16714782

only 40k a year and a easy job maybe get a government job?
if not school maybe there are certification requirements for an easy government job or something

>> No.16714820

Ya.... idk. I think I'll take an 8 week break (a class is every 8 weeks) to try to find a gov job (Ive been trying) or maybe a TA job at a school.

Honestly, I just want a job that pays a livable wage and that doesnt make me want to blow my brains out, but thats hard af to do without a degree. I dont want debt plus im burnt out (I passed the hardest class I had to take for the program, but still. So fucking grindy). I also just want to focus on other stuff (btc and wholesaling).
I keep getting cucked with the jobs I get (all 5 Ive gotten paid hardship wages besides one that was a temp job) so thats the only reason I feel im screwed without a 4 yr degree.

>> No.16714871

yeah it's tough
I dropped out of school and it was hard for me to find work
I ended up doing insurance sales until bitcoin took off
as bitcoin grows there will probably be ways to make it in the space even in a easy maybe service type job, companies like nodl are a hardware node company but they provide service and support on all their devices
as the industry grows new people are going to need help and being interested in the basics of bitcoin plus a little training will be enough
you wouldn't need a degree for bitcoin related stuff but it's a gamble

>> No.16715859

Your fucked with or without a degree there buddy.

>> No.16715873

A degree is worthless. Connections aren't. Just go to another country and bribe for a degree and come back.

>> No.16716142
File: 58 KB, 1127x685, E8CE463D-D4AC-4629-BD76-B5C6B73DEBE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit.. its split pretty evenly. I was hoping it would be very one sided

>> No.16716157

This nigga goes to American Military University AHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.16716171

huh? Im not going to the military

>> No.16716655

Fellow Inland Empire fags report in

>> No.16716692

Just change majors you retard.

>> No.16716911

take the job. you can always go back to school when you figure out what you want to be when you grow up.