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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16714526 No.16714526 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question. How do you guys wagecuck for 5 years, realize you'll never escape, and NOT kill yourselves realizing the other 40 is going to be the same shit over and over again? No freedom. Just living as livestock and if you quit, the jobs you apply to once you need to work again (if you even have that luxury to quit to begin with) will discriminate against you (making getting a job harder) since they'll see you as a potential liability.

You live to be someone's bitch until you're used up. 42% of americans retire broke. 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck meaning even while you grind away, you still have no peace of mind because your survival is never assured. EVER.
Most of your time is spent working, sleeping, or transporting in hell. You come home and you have nothing. You try to recharge with the internet or a movie, but then it's back to hell.

And the worst part is if the christian god is real, youre all fucked. According to the bible, it implies over 50% of humans are going to hell. You grind on this earth and when you finally want it to end, you burn for an eternity.

What the fuck... why do you retards reproduce?

>> No.16714536

>And the worst part is if the christian god is real, youre all fucked. According to the bible, it implies over 50% of humans are going to hell. You grind on this earth and when you finally want it to end, you burn for an eternity.

Dude just take this part out it makes you sound fucking retarded

>> No.16714539

If we didn't work billions of africans would go hungry

>> No.16714541

thank you

>> No.16714560

Sorry but it is already confirmed we have a creator. Not confirmed who they are.
I'll list 2 reasons.

1. Dino tissue found in a supposedly 195mil yr old t rex bone. Literally impossible for that to be there if the bone was actually 195 mil yrs old. In other words, it is much younger which disproves evolution as evolution is supposed to work extremely slowly hence why evolutionists argue that organisms have been around for "millions of years".

2. There are over 180 universal constants needed for life to exist all finely tuned (low level of tolerance). Had just ONE been off, 0% of life could form. Period.

Example: speed of light. Long story short, had it been a little faster or slower (outside the level of tolerance), no carbon would have formed. 100% of life is carbon based fyi.

Sorry if reality is too dark for you to handle but we do indeed have a creator. A sadist one at that.

>> No.16714587

no shit evolution is a lie
there are certain environmental factors that can express traits but fucking dinosaurs and humans and all the other stuff no way

think about this, 12,000 years ago all the mega fauna in north america died due to a meteor strike in the pacific northwest
no more saber tooth tigers, mammoth, giant sloth, giant moose, giant armadillo, giant ox, but most of the mega fauna on africa survived
what are the odds that we only have proof of mass extinction events but no solid proof of evolution

>> No.16714606
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also scientists are way off on guess how many "millions" of years old a rock is
there are cases of anomalies in rocks that shouldn't be possible

>> No.16714856

most people are npc coomers who only care about fucking other apes and waging provides that. a side effect of cooming is children

>> No.16715792

You are straight up retarded.

>> No.16715969

Just shut the fuck up. You are wasting everyone time with that bullshit. Scratch religion in general from your list and go on with your life. Don't spout nonsense, because you are too lazy to do your homework.

>> No.16716002

>it is already confirmed we have a creator
Yes and made in his image, which is why doods have nips

>> No.16716014

>/pol/ christians are shilling on /biz/ now

>> No.16716091

Im not even a christian, retards. Thats why I said "IF he is real...". Holy shit, you atheists just went full retard. You also ignore the 2 examples I used because it btfos your world view. COPE

>> No.16716107


>> No.16716182

You just completely derailed your own thread with atheist vs creationist nonsense congrats

>> No.16716197

> According to the bible, it implies over 50% of humans are going to hell
We are already in hell. This is it. Welcome.

>> No.16716258
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Self Employed Chad here. 26yrs old

Let me explain to you something you giga brainlet. Society is a big network and chain of people, each person has a duty/role to fulfil, like the worker ants compliment the warrior ants. Each are needed to have a cohesive and functioning society.

I mean honestly, this is just fucking retarded, how do you think the gov would be able to build roads etc if nobody was working and no tax revenue was generated?

You clearly have never lived in the real world, and only know the confines of your mothers basement or your neetdom social bucks 1 bedroom studio, ya fucking waste of life cuckold.

And it's not about being "someones bitch" Thats simply your subjective opinion. I only work for others in order to accumulate capital and re-invest, how you use your money is fucking up to you. And nobody is fucking forcing you to work 40- or whatever years. It's all down to you and how well you play the game.

But go ahead continue being a Low Status/ Undesirable waste of fucking existence and just wallowing in self pity.

Fucking schmucks like you deserve the rope. You'r never gona reproduce kido. And your WELCOME, you dumb neet ass can shitpost and eat pizza and lie in your shit stained mattress all day due to honest working peoples tax dollars.

So be grateful of what a great society we live in that we help mentally disabled individuals such as yourself.

>> No.16716452

selling drugs doesnt count, faggot.

>You clearly have never lived in the real world, and only know the confines of your mothers basement or your neetdom social bucks 1 bedroom studio, ya fucking waste of life cuckold.
Thats literally over 30% of people in the u.s. since 30% of jobs pay hardship wages, mother fucker

>And it's not about being "someones bitch" Thats simply your subjective opinion.
False. Thats all it is.
>I only work for others in order to accumulate capital and re-invest, how you use your money is fucking up to you. And nobody is fucking forcing you to work 40- or whatever years. It's all down to you and how well you play the game.

False. Most people arent given enough capital to work with. Are you a privileged brat that was helped by mommy and poppy to start your drug cartel?

>> No.16716458

> So be grateful of what a great society we live in that we help mentally disabled individuals such as yourself.
78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck, retard

>> No.16716483


look you retard, just because your that brain dead, doesn't mean others can't do it. i literally work around 3-4 hours a day and make middle class salary self employed. your just fucking dumb kido, deal with it.

how you manage your finances is your own fucking problem kid. if your that dumb and don't know how to min/max and live frugally to save and re-invest thats your problem.

go whine and cry to your mommy your such a failure and low iq, better yet rope yourself.

>> No.16716491


thats because their fucking dumb working ants, just like you retard. should of studied harder in school then and you woudn't of ended up minimum wage at Mc D's. boo fucking hoo. welcome to the real world

>> No.16716540

>look you retard, just because your that brain dead, doesn't mean others can't do it. i literally work around 3-4 hours a day and make middle class salary self employed. your just fucking dumb kido, deal with it.
youre lucky, faggot. Not a genius, retard. Tell me your business. Wholesaling? Maybe sucking dick?

> how you manage your finances is your own fucking problem kid. if your that dumb and don't know how to min/max and live frugally to save and re-invest thats your problem.
youre literally retarded. I dont spend money on stupid shit, faggot. Expenses are a thing. Maybe youre the fucking kid that is larping. Did mommy and poppy hand you the business?

> go whine and cry to your mommy your such a failure and low iq, better yet rope yourself.
eat a bag of dicks, faggot. Again, whats your business in? Come on, faggot. Dont pussy out now.

No, retard. It is just that bad, you pampered swine.
"duur should have gotten educated" what is your degree in again?

>> No.16716548

Basically this, people just don't dare to be themselves and follow the hive.

>> No.16716559

I also think its hilarious how you say "working isnt slavery!!" when you work 3-4 hrs a day (if not larp from a faggot ass bitch).

You miss the point, bitch. Grow a brain. My point is the fact that society forces people to work so much when it is not necessary is indeed slavery, mother fucker. Im surprised your low iq brain is even able to breath let alone have a functional business

>> No.16716566

*only work 3-4hrs a day

>> No.16716603

Do math, dumbass. Let me spell it out for your faggot ass. 30% of jobs pay hardship wages. 32% pay livable wages. 70-80% of jobs are obtained through networking (i.e. luck i.e. nepotism/connection with the right people). 50% of renters are cost burdened. 25% total of all renters spend over 50% of their income on rent. 42% of americans retire broke. 44% of 22-27 yr old college grads are underemployed and 7/10 graduate with 29k+ in debt.

You are an utter brainlet. A cock sucker buffoon that cant even comprehend statistics. Again, I struggle to believe such a retard like yourself has a successful business of any kind. Even one where you just suck cocks all day long.

>> No.16716623

In other words, it is mathematically impossible for most people to succeed in this society. You either luck out with jobs, a business, or get cucked. Less to do with intelligence and more to do with luck.

Example: A shitton of people private label on amazon. Some actually become rich while others dont when they do the same logistics (the part that isnt luck based). What determines success then? Luck. Some people pick the right niches. Some dont. The one that picked the right niche isnt a fucking genius.

>> No.16716630

Evolutionary science is just glorified guesswork about things that happened a long, long time ago before anyone was around to say for sure what really happened.

>> No.16716660

>How do you guys wagecuck for 5 years, realize you'll never escape, and NOT kill yourselves realizing the other 40 is going to be the same shit over and over again?
My child

>> No.16716698

Please tell me you didnt pussy out now. Answer the fucking question, faggot. Whats your business in and what makes you some high iq genius? Lets hear it.

Dont be a faggot ass pussy. Stop running away.

>> No.16716765

Money is a token of value provided to someone. If you want food and housing and security and all those other great things to be provided by other people, you need to make it worth their while. Either balance that equation or wander off into the wilderness where your counterpart is nature itself.

You sound like a triggered commie btw.

>> No.16716927

> If you want food and housing and security and all those other great things to be provided by other people, you need to make it worth their while.
ya and overpricing that shit is called extortion.

>You sound like a triggered commie btw.
you sound like a bootlicker

>> No.16716930
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i run an ecommerce business

look kid, we all need to work, thats life, somebody has to put food on the table. your other option is to live on the street as a crack fiend

calm down kid, sorry i was busy preparing some orders. just balling in cash. im not even high iq, i was just brought up to not think like a slave, thats the difference, mindset. if you think your a slave to money then your gona be a slave. money is my slave and it does my bidding. i.e reinvesting an working for me

you would be the modern equivalent of a plebeian, and i the patrician

>> No.16716950

>i run an ecommerce business
on amazon I assume. Called it. I explained why that is luck based. With that said, I actually plan on starting that soon but ive been all in btc for now

> look kid, we all need to work, thats life, somebody has to put food on the table. your other option is to live on the street as a crack fiend
Yes, kid. I know that, retard. My issue is how people are OVERWORKED. Holy shit, the absolute state of pseudo intellects that cant even read.
> you would be the modern equivalent of a plebeian, and i the patrician
>I got lucky therefore im superior
kek. Delusional fucker.

>> No.16716965

Because I’m aware that I hold a top 1000 wallet for LINK and have 32 ETH for the staking meme. Will sell it all towards the top of the next bullrun and then will reinvest the money into passive income real esatate once the crash occurs and I can buy property sub NAV

>> No.16716976

Im doing the same but instead am all in btc and plan to margin trade some of it after the halving once the bullrun starts.

>> No.16717009

I’m trying my hand at margin trading BTC but I am a from burger land and am honestly too much of a pussy to put significant btc in my Bitmex account in fear my VPN will go down for something. I think LINK staking and ETH staking will become live before late 2021, early 2022 (likely near top of next bullrun). That way I can compound my returns with staking. At the end of the day you should eventually transfer that value to RE, especially if we are in a correction and building values are down. I’ll likely stick to commercial or industrial RE so I don’t have the hassle of dealing with shit tenants

>> No.16717026


look kid, im not even from the US, i don't even use amazon due to its retarded fees. i market my products on various third party websites and in the process of building my own e-commerce website.

nothin to do with luck, as i have done this multiple times. whatever helps you cope man

>btc and other buttcorns
yep, I think your the only retard here buddy boy, why don't you just go the casino instead?

>> No.16717047


Someone needs a hugggggg!

>> No.16717055

>scientists are way off on guess how many "millions" of years old a rock is
they're working on a time scale of billions. Getting within a few million years of the right answer is pretty decent, considering the scale at hand.

>none of these things existed since hundreds of thousands of years ago. If they died only 12,000 years ago simple carbon dating of the fossils would place them in the right epoch. Dating science isn't perfect but it's certainly correct to the magnitude at least.

>no solid proof of evolution
we can evolve things right now, that's why we have breeds of plants and animals that we have selective breeded which have features their wild counterparts don't have and which couldn't survive in the wild. We can take 'fresh' wild stock, e.g. field mice, and using only natural conditions (wide open field, natural predators, etc) squeeze them through fitness filters that evolve specific traits very rapidly.

>glorified guesswork
that's essentially all science, and it's a lot better way of trying to piece together the laws of reality than hearkening back to some 2000-year old book or whatever. Creationists are like a kid with down's syndrome who is putting a puzzle together (the puzzle is evolution), is most of the way there but can't finish off the last 5% of the puzzle, so he just throws the whole thing to the floor and pulls out a buddy jesus statue instead.

The reality is, we can test evolutionary principles on live species and it gives us predictable results. We can't macro-evolve an eye out of bacteria yet, but just because we can't do that doesn't mean the whole thing is bullshit. Meanwhile creationists start off from bullshit untestable first principles ("like, dude, what if everything just got made exactly the way it is today?") and just get more retarded from there on out.

>> No.16717065

Hoping for one more bullrun n I’m done wagecucking

>> No.16717090

they are called christcucks for a reason, they scream and kick that they don't worship a jew

>Sorry if reality is too dark for you to handle but we do indeed have a creator. A sadist one at that.

Jehova isn't the creator of the universe, nor the creator of humans. you don't deserve to know the truth because you have shunned it away for centuries which is why the jews hate gentiles so much. There has never been a semetic person that has ever been friendly with a gentile.

>> No.16717097

>ya and overpricing that shit is called extortion.
No, extortion is called extortion. You're 100% free to go find cheaper, more "fairly priced" things. You just don't want to or are too stupid to.

People charge prices based on what they can provide balanced against how much of that everyone else wants. That's why a mansion in Malibu costs more than a shack in Kansas, or kobe beef costs more than a jug of corn syrup.

>> No.16717099

Wow OP hits the nail on the head with this thread.

I'm a neet and every single day I think of killing myself because I dont want to be a fucking wage slave with an environment full of assholes. It's too bad I'm not capable of doing it.

>> No.16717119

Imagine not putting 1000 to 2500 a month into a taxable dividend growth portfolio and not just retiring early in 20 years

>> No.16717120
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forgot to add

>> No.16717134

wagies don't know how to save, they would rather buy the new nintendo switch and 4k tv with a bmw car payment than save money.

>> No.16717149

believe me, i know

i live with normie roomates that keep blowing their money on dumb shit

fine by me, not my money, not my problem. enjoy working until you die while i retire at 45

>> No.16717205

It's why I live in the midwest, I have a truck I bought for 2000$ and a 800$ month apartment, I work construction so I save over 1.5k a month and of course invest in chainlink. people need to know the path to success is thinking longterm which is saving and things of that thing.

>> No.16717218

For life as we know it to exist. Is constants were diff, live could still exist just differently. All we know is all we know

>> No.16717223
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Post nose

>> No.16717231

Also midwest fag here. My annual salary is about 45k after taxes. I've gotten my living expenses down to 12k a year. I set aside another 12k in cash so i can eventually buy a house in cash. The rest goes towards maxing out my roth ira, and the remainder goes into my taxable dividend portfolio.

imagine coastal cucks that cant save a dime because if they do they starve to death

>> No.16717234


they were always jews, moses was a jew,jesus is a jew and the son of a jewish god, jehova end of story.

>> No.16717257

Why fulfill a "duty" if I get nothing out of it though? What you are saying
>Stupid cattle, you need to work so humans could have a nice medium rare steak dinner! You have a duty to feed humans, you fucking cuck!

>> No.16717264

by living very minimally and putting all my money into crypto deluding myself into thinking I could make it. it worked btw, even at a pretty late age. don't give up hope. just try to make sure you're actually good at the job you do have though, that's important. don't phone that in while hyper focusing on crypto, do it the other way around.

>> No.16717270

I have basically embraced it and become a workaholic.

I work my ass off all year and then take a nice 7~10+ day vacation to Hawaii or the Caribbean every year.

I wasn't born good looking or rich or artistic. I am a wagecuck till the day I die.

>> No.16717278

>Im not even a christian, retards
>you atheists
>not even

>> No.16717287
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>I think LINK staking and ETH staking will become live before late 2021, early 2022 (likely near top of next bullrun).

>> No.16717289

>You're 100% free to go find cheaper, more "fairly priced" things
Stockholm syndrome and unrealistic as shown by the stats. Most people struggle for a reason. The economy isnt "booming" fyi

>> No.16717301

ive had my vpn off by accident with bybit and my account wasnt locked so theres that. I also dont think its a good idea to margin trade in this market but thats just me

>> No.16717313
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>nothin to do with luck,
logistics isnt luck. Finding the right products is, dumbfuck.

dumbass bitch. 1. btc has had higher lows for 9/10 years 2. small market cap (.25 trillion. Gold has over 8 trillion). 3. Btc has been following the log chart


>> No.16717323

>How do you work & not kill yourselves?
NEETs are so dramatic. Wagging gets me off my ass & out of the house, gives me something to do, forces me to socialize, & puts money in my pocket. Its really not the end of the world

>> No.16717326

When are you thinking? Even if staking isn’t live I still think I will make significant gains

>> No.16717325
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what kind of dumbass bitch thinks businesses arent luck based? No fucking shit the logistics isnt luck based, kid. Finding the right product is.

If all it took was mastering logistics, literally everyone and their mother would have a 100% success rate, dumb mother fucker ass clown

>> No.16717356

> that's why we have breeds of plants and animals that we have selective breeded which have features their wild counterparts don't have and which couldn't survive in the wild.
kek. Unless you can prove the changes hapen through mutations and not adaptation, that isnt evolution.

Evolution is the fixation of beneficial mutations into the population with the use of natural selection. So many fools seem to think "adaptation IS evolution". That is false. Adaptation is basically the selecting of information in the genome. Thats why some animals born in caves dont have eyes while the same animal that live outside of caves do have eyes. Thats not evolution. Thats adaptation. Certain genes are activated depending on environmental factors.

Your word salad aside, how about attacking my point about the dinosaur tissue? There was even an excitement done by an evolutionist. They used ostrich blood tissue and stored it at 0 degrees celsius for a year. They then measured the decomposition rate. Even at 0 degree celsius it wouldnt have lasted 195 million years let alone preserved under worse conditions.

>> No.16717366

Youre not even making sense at this point

>> No.16717376

>20 yrs
lol no thanks. I'd rather go all in btc

I dont spend money on luxuries, jackasses

>> No.16717388

And thats why im all in btc. Dont make assumptions about me, fool
not a counter argument

>> No.16717405

hello mate I think your a bit lost here thank me later

>> No.16717462

experiment. (auto correct)

>> No.16717481

well, im only 20 so i understand if youre already 30 or so. in your case its definitely wiser to up the risk/reward

>> No.16717488

also, if you dont spend money on luxuries then the statement doesnt apply to you, retard

also funny how you responded to a comment addressed to a dumb normie

>> No.16717495

You responded to me, jackass. I am the op. My ID is different because Im at work. I just have free time because no one is here

>> No.16717499

yeah but it's not god it's ayys. worshipping them doesn't do anything they fucking suck.

>> No.16717505

I know. Whoever they are, they are a sadist

>> No.16717520

okay well it doesnt change the fact that you directly insulted people working wagecuck jobs. I just told you how a wagecuck can get ahead and create generational wealth as well as retire early, gaining a 1.6 million networth and about 50k annually in dividends never having to worry about bills again, which their children can easily use to get ahead in life and continue the legacy.

i am also 100 percent confident that an all in investment into btc will have a worthwhile payoff. What I dont think is that it will set you up for the rest of your life unless you take those gains out and put it into a whole new investment vehicle. BTC will eventually live to see the end of its usefulness when it becomes a stabilized currency and doesnt generate wealth anymore, either by mining or by new buy-ins

>> No.16717548

>What I dont think is that it will set you up for the rest of your life unless you take those gains out and put it into a whole new investment vehicle.
thats the plan
> BTC will eventually live to see the end of its usefulness when it becomes a stabilized currency and doesnt generate wealth anymore, either by mining or by new buy-ins
well aware when the market cap gets bigger, the price will stabilize and btc will be used in a more practical way other than to just "hodl".

I dont think your idea is a bad one either. I'll just get the gains from btc first.

>> No.16717583

honestly im just expecting the entire world to go to shit by 2040 and all of this will mean literally nothing but its fun to play the game while its around

>> No.16717832

>You grind on this earth and when you finally want it to end, you burn for an eternity.
Lol. What kind of joke is that indeed. Today i stared into the dimly lighted, cold fog, on a totally deserted street, outside of the city, and i thought, this is hell.

>> No.16718264
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i work less than half the year

>> No.16718348

yeah, playing bing bing wahoo is way more noble and fulfilling

>> No.16718504

>And the worst part is if the christian god is real, youre all fucked
Not really, seeing how salvation is completely free if you would choose to receive the gift

>> No.16718523

Nitro and money giveaway, paypal and bts only. But mostly free nitro.
discord gg/U6SdSGN

>> No.16718554

i went into a panicked frenzy last night after i suddenly realized its anatomically impossible for dinosaurs to have sex and procreate.

explain to me how a stagasaurs or triceritops engage in sex. i mentioned this to a few friends and they kept insulting me for this despite the fact that """scientists""" allegedly dont know how

NPCs are real bros

>> No.16718736

there's no point in having a conversation with people like him. just ignore his comments and move on

>> No.16718764

People don't want to hear it. you forget how desensitized to the fact that all history and science is a lie this place can make you. When I first found out I went nuts and I'm pretty open minded. It's hard to drag yourself out to wage every day in the knowledge that nothing is true and everything is a scam.

>> No.16719224

>2. There are over 180 universal constants needed for life to exist all finely tuned (low level of tolerance). Had just ONE been off, 0% of life could form. Period.
>Example: speed of light. Long story short, had it been a little faster or slower (outside the level of tolerance), no carbon would have formed. 100% of life is carbon based fyi.
This doesn't prove anything.
Just because it's highly improbable it doesn't mean it couldn't happen.
And it happened...
Just like making it while gambling on shitcoins is highly improbable, there are still people who made it.

>> No.16719244
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>its anatomically impossible for dinosaurs to have sex and procreate.

>> No.16719256
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>> No.16719339

Found the flat-earth faggots

>> No.16719593

>couldn't happen.
>And it happened...
circular reasoning

>> No.16719602

Automation will replace nearly all jobs before that. I'd say we have may 20 years, max.

>> No.16719604

also, that is not a good argument. You are basically spitting on math and saying "fuck statistics. It could happen therefore it did". Thats circular reasoning.

>> No.16719609

good point.. maybe not ALL jobs (trades) but I can see most disappearing. Even lawyers and doctors since I can see AI as being more accurate with diagnostics

>> No.16719909

>should of studied harder

>> No.16720293

>How do you guys wagecuck for 5 years
I've only wagecucked for 4 years.

> realize you'll never escape, and NOT kill yourselves realizing the other 40
Not true at all. My investments are already making half of what I make. That means in a 2 years or less, it'll make exactly what I make. After that point, it'll make more than what I make.

The point is, i'll be retiring before 35 and will be cooming inside whores day and night.

>> No.16720477

Huh? What have you been investing in?

>> No.16721711

Im a coastal fag cuck here and half my income goes to rent. It may be time to pack my bags.

>> No.16722624

sucks when you go on holidays and realise the reason you feel like shit all year is simply not getting enough sleep

>> No.16722629

Because they buy things with money that give them momentan dopamine boosts