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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 394x394, VIDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16708839 No.16708839 [Reply] [Original]

This is unironically the bottom. This is possibly the most 100X of all time, and if you don't take this opportunity to buy the bottom, you truly do deserve to be poor.

>> No.16709127


>> No.16709193

>This is possibly the most 100X of all time
I mean I own it as well.
But how should it go 100x?
How should anything in this market go 100x anymore?
And even if just a few coins, why would everybody buy this?

>> No.16709241

The fundamental are superior. VIDT was posted about a ton on /biz/, which IS monitored closely by the research divisions of finance corporations. It is now literally on every Wall Street short list of crypto gems. It WILL pump. It is just a matter of when.

>I mean I own it as well.
Good for you. Hold strong. How much you got? 30K here.

>But how should it go 100x?
Easily. Everything about VIDT screams CMC Top 100, and when it inevitably makes it ascent to the Top 100 during the long-awaited alt season, it is mathematically certain to have 100X'd based on the projected marketcap.

>How should anything in this market go 100x anymore?
It is all manipulated, my friend. We may never understand the forces at play, but rest assured that at least 2-3 more BTC cycles are coming, and the classical alt season relationship will be maintained.

>And even if just a few coins, why would everybody buy this
See my top answer. The future is already written at this point pretty much.

>> No.16709265
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>> No.16709272
File: 126 KB, 927x500, Acronis Does More.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the Acronis wallets: https://etherscan.io/address/0x00472c1e4275230354dbe5007a5976053f12610a

One customer can notarize once every 70 minutes (files gets batched to reduce costs for Acronis and make it virtually free for the customer). Now refresh that page and you will see a different client notarizing at least once every minute. It costs less than 2 pennies for Acronis to validate a hard drive. You can validate 20 times a day or 600 times a month. Costs less than $12 a month for Acronis if you do nothing but validate 24/7. V-ID charges a minimum of $54 per month for a subscription alone, not counting a $2.22 charge per file.

>> No.16709283
File: 25 KB, 1088x295, vidt-is-a-scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VIDT is a scam. Token not needed. They created VIDT for the sole purpose of raising money. Service idea came first and then VIDT got shoehorned into it. They needed a utility coin for an ICO, as otherwise it would have been a useless security token and have no chance of being listed on exchanges or being legal. They knew no one would want to invest in a "1 VIDT = 1 Validation" scheme because that would make it a stable coin and have no speculative value. Which also means that VIDT price doesn't matter to V-ID at this point, they already got their million dollars. Unless they want to dump. All buybacks are scams to raise the price, so you give them your lunch money and create liquidity to dump into when the time comes.

>> No.16709289
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To be a reseller of V-ID, you need to pay for tokens upfront, bought on exchanges, and hope to move it by roping in customers. Meaning the more tokens you need, the more you have to pay. Does that sound reasonable? Having to pay a company to sell their product? The tokens are worthless on their own. MLM pyramid scheme scam.

>> No.16709303
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V-ID has partnered with HOWDOO UDOO, FTM, and LTO. All pump and dump scams. The reseller partners are either shell companies or outright scams.

>> No.16709308

Wow, someone REALLY doesn't want us buying VIDT...This orchestrated FUD samefagging isn't a redflag. Totally normal.

>> No.16709313
File: 9 KB, 227x160, Chain-Document.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the Chain Document offices. Avoid this scam, anons.

>> No.16709325

There will always be competition on a viable market. This is only bullish in my view and the fact that you FUD this much just makes me even more bullish. Happy new validationyear!

>> No.16709327
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>Wow, someone REALLY want us buying VIDT...This orchestrated shilling samefagging isn't a redflag. Totally normal.
Bagholders been calling "unironically bottom" since June. Get fucked.

>> No.16709334

>This is only bullish in my view
It's bullish in your view that V-ID stole the idea of Acronis while not having the connections or the capital to compete? Retard.

>> No.16709342
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its been unrefuted/undebated in every thread. you guys tend to just leave and make a new thread a few weeks later lmao

>> No.16709356

>How much you got?
Only 6k
I am a absolute poorfag student.
I am literally All in VIDT for months already
Can´t afford more though :(

>> No.16709357

ah VIDT, a classic /biz/ pump and DUMP

>> No.16709363

I honestly don't know. Right now, it's the ATL, I only got a small amount riding on this and I lost a significant amount of it nevertheless.
It's a risky bet. The team is solid, the project more so. Talked about it with some boomers and they understood the principles of VIDT pretty easily.

>> No.16709382

What is there to refute? Competition from a service that is targeting the data backup market? They're not even in the same market.

He just repeats himself so retards with no understanding of the project wont buy.

Don't even need biz on this, no reason to shill it here

>> No.16709408
File: 460 KB, 1415x729, vidt-offices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The team is solid, the project more so.
Wrong. V-ID rides the coattails of other pump and dump scams and use their connections to get clients because they cannot get clients on their own. LTO for AmSpec. FTM and the "governments". Project is overpriced scam and could be replicated in less than a month without any blockchain experience. The reason why Acronis works is because they already established themselves as a trustworthy cyber security and backup solution and is trusted by every Fortune 500 company. V-ID is being ran out of a shared office next to Subway. The fuck is going to trust these guys. Retards.

>What is there to refute? Competition from a service that is targeting the data backup market? He just repeats himself so retards with no understanding of the project wont buy.
Lying fucker, I literally posted here all the usecases and target audience of Acronis Notary: >>16709272 Same as V-ID.

>> No.16709467

Dammnit. Who woke the schizo FUDder?

>> No.16709498

You for lying. I let you all shill without resistance otherwise. We've been over this.

>> No.16709916

Bullshit fag, they do data back ups, not file validation.

If you say V-ID in the mirror 3 times he appears to tell you about the benefits of Acronis back-up services

>> No.16709975

>The first consumer backup product to use Blockchain technology to prove a file is authentic and unchanged since it was backed up

How does it feel knowing you're a retard that missed the opportunity to sell the Satsgang pump?

>> No.16709982

>Suppose you have an executed agreement that you backed up to your local drive or the Acronis Cloud. The other party to the agreement also receives a digital copy of the exact same document. In a few months, you get a call from the other party telling you that you didn’t fulfill the contract. That party shows you a document that seems to be original. But you suspect they made some changes to it.

>Using Acronis Notary technology, you compare a certificate you generated for this “new” document with the original document’s certificate. That way, you can be sure that the recent document is an identical bit-for-bit match to the one you have in backup storage. If they don’t match, you know that the other party has changed the document in some way and can confirm what they have is not the original document.

>> No.16710060

Long term capital gains you chode. If you think this isn't gonna rally you're delusional

You can validate a backed up file on the blockchain, not a file independent of the clients systems. V-ID allows validation/verification independent of a specifics clients system back-ups. It provides the network for validation/verification in a wrapped up package and doesn't require the purchase of a backup system to utilize it

>> No.16710328

>It provides the network for validation/verification in a wrapped up package and doesn't require the purchase of a backup system to utilize it
V-ID requires an on-going overpriced subscription plan and worthless VIDT tokens. Not going to argue with you, no one is believing anything you have to say.

>> No.16710350


And you don't need Acronis software to validate a file that you received. You simply drag and drop your file into your browser above.

>> No.16710443

>nobody beliebe u
Strong argument

Ok, so file verification doesn't require the purchase of a back up service, just all of the validations.

>> No.16710472

I only have enough to buy 1000 is that enough?

>> No.16710632

>Strong argument
No bagholder managed to successfully argue against any of the above FUD. My argument is solid as are my investments.

>Ok, so file verification doesn't require the purchase of a back up service, just all of the validations.
Obviously. It's not a free service, retard. V-ID charges over $2 per validated file + subscription plan. Cannot validate without a plan.

>> No.16710651
File: 230 KB, 1229x317, no-wash-trading-sir-pt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon $60 investment will pump the price by 2X. Wait till the bots are turned off.

>> No.16710653

>VIDT was posted about a ton on /biz/, which IS monitored closely by the research divisions of finance corporations.
>Graduate magna cum laude from prestigious ivy league business school
>Bust your ass at your internship
>Finally get offered a position with an elite Wall Street firm
>Get shown your desk
>So far so good
>Find out your responsibility to the firm is to monitor this fucking shithole for "leads"


>> No.16710670

The past 24 hour volume of VIDT on IDEX is $313. It used to be, what, over half a million dollars?

>> No.16710858

So neither are free and they serve different clients who have different needs. If someone needs the backups primary and the validations secondary they go with Acronis. If they need the validations primary and don't need backups/additional backups, they go with V-ID. At that point it's just math and V-ID has already demonstrated demand.

>> No.16710970
File: 60 KB, 625x773, your-brain-on-bagholding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they need the validations primary and don't need backups/additional backups, they go with V-ID. At that point it's just math and V-ID has already demonstrated demand.
Bagholder math.

Acronis: $12 a month with unlimited blockchain validations + cloud backup + other features
V-ID: $54 per month (minimum) + $1.65 ~ 2.22 per file + no other features

What kind of retarded IT department would choose V-ID over Acronis?

>> No.16711184

Why are you all so retarded, blockchain is an immutable database, what do you need traditional storage for

>> No.16711429

>what do you need traditional storage for
Store the file that is being validated in the cloud, along with every single document that your business creates.

>> No.16711473

Thanks based anon for revealing this scam.

>> No.16711476

Do you understand the difference between validation and storage. What if I want to validate a bond I hold is legit do you send them a fucking copy?

>> No.16711547

Do you understand the difference between a trash scam versus a solid company that doesn't put all their eggs in one basket (in this case, notarization) and instead offers a multitude of features in the hopes of being an all-encompassing solution for IT departments?

I have no fucking clue what point you are trying to make. Acronis does one-click system restore, cloud backup hosting, ransomware protection, and now blockchain notarization.

>> No.16711559
File: 299 KB, 800x1032, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Acronis owns the patent for blockchain validation technology in the United States (and it is enforceable if V-ID does any business in the United States, regardless of bagholder claims): https://patents.google.com/patent/US10114980B2/

>> No.16711575

You obviously have no idea what a hash is. It's a deterministic function. When you have same inputs it results in the same output however you can't create the original from the output. So if I hold something and want to see if it's legit I'd validate it using this. Acronis is like hashing a username and password then storing it in plain text in a database retard

>> No.16711710

You're a fucking idiot. Stop posting. Or keep posting and make VIDT holders look even worse. Your call.

>> No.16711738

What is technically wrong with what I said. Acronis is Dropbox that added a hash function

>> No.16712011

>What is technically wrong with what I said. Acronis is Dropbox that added a hash function
Everything. Read the image in this post: >>16709272

>> No.16712101

storing digital media cheaper than amazon, god you're fucking stupid

>> No.16712213
File: 11 KB, 250x250, disappointed-rodent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be the new bagholder tactic. Making word salad arguments. Or they are turning legit schizo. Beware anons or you will end up like them.

>> No.16712268


>> No.16712300
File: 875 KB, 932x917, pizza-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be a reseller of V-ID, you need to pay for tokens upfront, bought on exchanges, and hope to move it by roping in customers. Meaning the more tokens you need, the more you have to pay. Does that sound reasonable? Having to pay a company to sell their product? The tokens are worthless on their own. MLM pyramid scheme scam.
Imagine being a reseller, buying $100,000 worth of VIDT inventory, only for V-ID to shut down three months later. In the minds of bagholders aka retards without any lick of logic for business think this is standard mode of operation. Because when you buy $100,000 worth of fidget spinners or inflatable blowup dolls, they automatically self-combust the minute the company goes out of business.

>> No.16712315
File: 123 KB, 550x550, 2d2e1a3da6f2d6a9b491c725eb16be22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that image

you beat me to it.

>> No.16712331

I wish I could dumb it down for you more, ill try.
Storing the very thing you are validating off chain makes absolute no sense, it negates the whole purpose of private/public key encryption. You're saving the private key (or file in this case), to a centralized "backup". So anyone who has access to that backup can claim ownership, and could rightfully validate it

>> No.16712376

The file backups are private and are a completely different feature: It's called Acronis True Image. The file notarization service is called Acronis Notary. You do not need to backup the file in the cloud in order to notarize it with Acronis. It only needs the hash. You can even validate via API or build your own software/internal solution for notarization. For $70 a year (normally $99), you get both True Image and Acronis Notary. Including access to the API.

Congrats on being a VIDTard.

>> No.16712422

Oh so the backup is a completely separate feature that you pay for, kinda like box, dropbox, google cloud, s3. Good luck getting businesses to adopt that.

>You do not need to backup the file in the cloud in order to notarize it with Acronis. It only needs the hash

Literally what i've been saying the entire time. You can at best say they are competing to do the same thing, dont give me the backup storage bullshit.

>> No.16712445
File: 181 KB, 1190x592, acronis-clients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good luck getting businesses to adopt that.
I got bad news for you. See pic related. It's from 2018. Now Acronis is being used by 100% of Fortune 1000 companies: https://www.acronis.com/en-in/pr/2019/09/18-12-09.html
>With 500,000 business customers, and a powerful worldwide community of Acronis API-enabled service providers, resellers and ISV partners, Acronis is trusted by 100% of Fortune 1000 companies and has over 5 million customers
Good luck bagholding.

>> No.16712487

>Literally what i've been saying the entire time. You can at best say they are competing to do the same thing, dont give me the backup storage bullshit.
Fairly obvious that you have no fucking clue what even Acronis is or does (even though every Fortunate 1000 company's IT department does) but you keep making arguments against it like an idiot. Step away and take the loss, just like every other bagholder in the past.

>> No.16712501

top kek, I just looked at IBM, Panasonic, and GM, they're being used as a backup storage provider by all those you fucking idiot. So again trying to compete with enterprise centralized storage. Let me know when they build a better business model than those I previously mentioned.

>> No.16712510

from their own website
>Acronis is a leading backup software, disaster recovery, and secure data access provider to consumers, small-medium businesses, and enterprises. Acronis solutions include physical, virtual, and cloud server backup software, storage management, secure file sharing, and system deployment. Powered by the Acronis AnyData Engine, Acronis products provide easy, complete, and safe solutions for data in local, remote, cloud, and mobile devices. When it comes to delivering the new generation of cyber protection solutions, Acronis is the undisputed leader.

they're a cloud storage provider plain and simple.

>> No.16712530

>I just looked
>less than ten minutes between posts
>I know everything now
The $99 backup storage solution includes Acronis Notary for free. Every customer that has the $99 version of Acronis True Image can validate on the blockchain as many files as they want at no additional cost. This is the last post you get from me, VIDTard. After that I'm personally billing you for my time.

>> No.16712547

So they're going to backup a few terabytes on chain? shut the fuck up, they're just a storage company that threw some blockchain into the mix to gain more customers.

>> No.16712563

>The initiative launched by Acronis has already been duly appreciated by bitcoin and blockchain companies. Vitalik Buterin commented: The potential for Blockchain reaches far beyond Bitcoin transactions with its built-in ability to deliver data protection and authenticity at costs that are dramatically lower than traditional systems. By applying Blockchain technology to its solutions, Acronis is the first data protection vendor that we've seen embrace this innovative technology to bring new levels of data protection to digital records and transactions.
Publishing date: 2016
V-ID: 2018 Q4

Eat shit.

>> No.16712576

ETH can't scale, BTC can't scale, Acronis can though. V-ID isn't trying to backup files dumb shit

>> No.16712586
File: 114 KB, 1080x1081, laughing-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost your money. You will never get it back.

>> No.16712609

I non ironically have over 100k tokens and bought into LINK ico, a few g's means nothing just listening to retards like you make it worth it.

>> No.16712629

>31 posts by this id

>> No.16712670

Imagine anyone still holding 100,000 VIDT holy shit lmao.

>bought into LINK ico
Are we supposed to be impressed here, lil brainlet.

>> No.16712680

This is my favorite response in these threads. My posts are gospel and worth gold, so it's good to have it compiled like that for anons who enter the thread.

>> No.16712681

Insane. That's very bullish.

>> No.16712692

This POS can't even break ten cents anymore. It has been hard stuck between 6-7 cents for months.


You idiots will baghold all the way down to triple 0s.

Pathetic how people think this will do anything...

>> No.16712700

The fud against LINK for 2 years was way more intelligent than yours. At least the bic mac stuff was funny. You simply lack the fundamental understanding of blockchain. It's good for some things and terrible for others, like STORAGE. I'll trust the aws data centers over a literally no body.

>> No.16712722

This. Finally signs of brain activity in this thread (other than mine, obviously)

Okay Brian. You were not funny at any point. Or interesting. No one cares, but I use you as a way to bump this thread.

>> No.16712746

I wasn't trying to be funny.
Post more subway images, that shit is too funny bro!

>> No.16712756

>I wasn't trying to be funny.
Or interesting. Or insightful. You do a terrible job defending V-ID. Rambling about storage on the blockchain and AWS for god knows what reason. Just stop, Brianlet.

>> No.16712795

You should tell Acronis to stop labeling themselves as a backup software provider since its on the header of their webpage fuck face.

>> No.16712832

>since its on the header of their webpage fuck face.
Autism. The header says "Backup Software - Data Protection Solutions" I wonder what file notarization would fall under... could it be data protection? Protection from the data being tampered? You lost your money. You lost the argument. Wish you better luck in 2020.

>> No.16713329
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>> No.16713402


>> No.16713415

Half of the bots on Hotbit now have been turned off. Volume went from $137,000 to $64,000. You have less than 38 days to sell. You've been warned.

>> No.16714101

Nobody cares about Hotbit anon. KuCoin or IDEX is the place to be if you want to trade VIDT

>> No.16714142


>> No.16714186

IDEX had $70 24 hour volume yesterday.


>> No.16714187

Why not just buy Kleros? Zero bagholders to comb through, and shilled by Vitalik.

>> No.16714625

VIDT is our coin. You anons better fill your bags rn. 2020 will be epic for this project!

>> No.16714642

>My posts are gospel and worth gold

Huh, I guess Kanye West shitposts on /biz/ now..

>> No.16715037
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