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16706059 No.16706059 [Reply] [Original]

what's your age, occupation and income /bizbros/

-Delivery Guy (Bike)
-£60-£100 a day

>> No.16706144

- 30
- Marketing Executive
- £32k ($42k)

>> No.16706148

>IT Manager
Still broke and feel like I'll never make it

>> No.16706149

-$24k a year

>> No.16706154

damn i thought they be making much more

>> No.16706155

-0€ a week

>> No.16706157

11 million this year

>> No.16706160

Street shitter
700 poos/year

>> No.16706169

Depends on the company. Mine offers no bonuses.

>Saved company 60% in digital marketing costs
>for more conversions

I'm getting kinda cucked. I need to move in 2020

>> No.16706171

learned to code

currently saving 35% of my income, making a big push in 2020 to increase that

>> No.16706174

You guys posting before or after tax?

>> No.16706178
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>> No.16706179

>Delivery Guy (Bike)
>-£60-£100 a day
how is that possible?

>> No.16706186

which programming language?
do you have CS degree?

>> No.16706189


>> No.16706196

-29 years
-music compositor and freelance graphic designer
Have you ever seen ''two half men'' ? Do you remember Charlie Harper?
That's what I do.
Usually depends on the song/theme. But on average I make 400k per year

>> No.16706233

Yes to CS degree, currently working in C# but next project looks like i'm going to have to learn swift.

>> No.16706237
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Software Engineer, remote only
USD $100k + whatever I make from short projects, ~$50k
No taxes
Live in Asia, super comfy, luxury apartment and qt virgin waifu. I don't even speak the local language.

I'd like to make more money obviously but it's not worth living in a cucked western country full of roasties, cucks, subhumans and degenerates

>> No.16706241

Treasury Software

>> No.16706248


>> No.16706427

bruv u are 23, relax, but keep on improving your skills

>> No.16706453

Why would you freelance graphic design
Which doesn’t pay shit if you are a music composer for jingles and make half a mil
Shitty larp fuck off

>> No.16706457

Twitch stream highlighter
Used to be around $15k a month, but since youtube has imposed its sanctions against "content thieves" it jumps from $2k to $6k a month

>> No.16706473

Stem degrees are worthless.

>> No.16706478

FRM swing-trader (until it takes off)
$250 / day

>> No.16706544

1000 per week.

>> No.16706571

>PhD student
>Around 1100€/month plus two extra months, minus taxes (more or less 10%)
Fortunately my gross salary in the third year of contract will grow to 1700 but I am still fucked unless I get a second job or crypto moons, am I?

>> No.16706602

>No taxes

>> No.16706607

Train driver.
£96k last tax year.

>> No.16706617

good, degenerate

>> No.16706625

The anons from the west & is not familiar with other nations tax situations, most likely a Mutt

>> No.16706630
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>has to be driven

>> No.16706743

>software developer
>40,000 € per year

>> No.16706750

>software dev
>94k€ salary + 12k€ capital gains

>> No.16706753

- 30
- Logistics Operations Supervisor
- 65K

>> No.16706755

That’s two a day anon. Eat more fiber.

>> No.16706762

Imagine living is such a shitty city that the fastest way to get around is on a bike.

>> No.16706780

you're living the dream, anon. how do you get clients? what tech stack/languages do you use? what are your side projects (searching for ideas)? i have so many questions. i don't want to waste my life at the current shitty corp.

>> No.16706790

if you live in a dense and active city, and do long shifts, it becomes very possible

>> No.16706793

- 25
- Software engineer
- £48k a year (not London)

>> No.16706804


If you live in a country with territorial taxation or no cfc laws, it's possible to avoid taxes as long as you don't have clients within the country that you live in

>> No.16706813

how much in savings or assests?

>> No.16706818

Software developer

>> No.16706826

>how do you get clients?
I have some long-term clients, past employers that need occasional contracting work, and my own startup. I don't solicit, I'm too autistic for that. I have a couple of former colleagues who find me jobs sometimes in exchange for a cut, which I consider fair.

>what tech stack/languages do you use?
Niche domain languages. I'd be easily doxxed if I specified my stack.

>what are your side projects (searching for ideas)?
Mostly crypto-related, small tools that I can license to exchanges, miners, and validators

>> No.16706855

>Software test engineer
>24k €

Seems not a lot but it’s double the average wage in my country

>> No.16706881

I'm guessing you live in the Philippines

>> No.16706893

Equities and futures trader (daytrader)
Between 500-4k a month, sometimes I lose money
Pretty cash otherwise, pretty cool seeing billions of dollars change hands every day

>> No.16706906

$87k pa

>> No.16706997


cuda shit

or bullshit. sounds too good to be true

>> No.16707005

fuck. mostly zoomers on software "engineer" positions.

we are all fucked

>> No.16707027

Dude as a graduate engineer age 30 I'll be earning more than you, what city are you in? Britbong here also

>> No.16707037

Diversification nigger, what if he has a slow year on jingles? He still has a means to feed himself.

>> No.16707039

Overseas contractor
Anywhere from 100 to 250k a year

Learned fairly quickly to lean toward 100 more so than the 250. when you get paid a lot there's usually a very good reason for it (the work environment will be miserable or dangerous or both)

>> No.16707042

Haha, that's nice my man what rail?
How long is long ? Because your hourly rate is probs whack even if your work ethic is good. Plus no one tips anymore given that suits prepaid (not paid on delivery)

>> No.16707081

IT consultant / Excel jockey
$160k base, ~$30k bonus, ~$30k stock

>> No.16707087

>Pharmacy Manager
>$160k per year
I'm hoping to stay single, invest heavily, and retire by 2030. Then I'll move to SEA and bang their women until I die.

>> No.16707102

Thameslink. London based.

>> No.16707104
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Staff accountant
65k annual

>> No.16707129

Professional Cockblower

>> No.16707137

$100k of regular income is hardly larp-tier. It's very achievable even for a fresh grad. Making that remotely is the harder part.

Most devs are mouth-breathing tards that can just about write simple scripts in an untyped brainlet language. Like most normies, they hate learning and will avoid advanced topics that involve any non-trivial mathematics or abstractions. If you can rise above the low-tier plebs of the industry, there is plenty of space for you higher up.

If I went back to the states I could easily top $250k, but I'd have to pay taxes and live in cuckifornia or (((NYC))), work in an office, commute, and be miserable. Not worth it, I'd rather live like a comfy sperg king here, even if I can't really advance any further in my career

>> No.16707152


no doubt that means some btc/eth?

>> No.16707166

> 30
> Small shop owner
> £40k / $53k

>> No.16707181

>data engineer

>> No.16707238

> 30
> site reliability engineer, FAANG
> 200k/y

4chan made me bitter. I reject consoomerism and roasties now. Mechanical keyboards are dope tho.

>> No.16707262

Can a neet get a job st FAANG?
Im currently studying discrete math, python and algorithms several hours a day

>> No.16707290


Many neets and broken people here anon. You can easily but work on your social skills and behavioral interview as hard as for technical ones, this is really important. Also do you like this stuff? If you're a bootcamper money oriented noob who just crams to pass.. even if you get in the work is not easy and peers are smart and competitive. Not saying it's something extraordinary but it ain't walk in the park either. If you can focus for hours and dive deep your good tho. Keep it at anon.

>> No.16707311


>> No.16707326

IT-Sysadmin Enterprise sector
80k (70k base + 10kbonus/overtime/oncall)

Where are you getting this as SRE?

>> No.16707331



>> No.16707336

Explain this plz

>> No.16707337

damn, that's fine.. top tier IT corp is just paying 100k for top tier engineers here. Germany is fucked.

>> No.16707339


well said, bro. Now I am convinced.

>> No.16707345

>.NET programmer
Bretty gud for my third world standards, still looking for a job that pays more tho.

>> No.16707348


I am Jack's smirking jealousy.

>> No.16707350

System admin
Certs ? Degree ?

>> No.16707353
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>ITT: pic rel

>> No.16707354

Process engineering trainee

>> No.16707361

grind and prove your skills for several years, then make monies

>> No.16707366


Cets, lmao.

I could compile fucking tensorflow with AVX optimizations along with all the deps, way back to libc++. lmao. I do this kind of shit just for fun. Could bootstrap any shit from scratch without fucking docker.

The problem is - a third-wold shithole and no degree.

But I could eat those fucking certified fags for a breakfast.

>> No.16707367


There are people commuting from Germany, it's not fun if your family is back in Germany but easy for neets I'd assume. Family I'd just bring over tho

>> No.16707379

Calm yourself nigger lmao. Bootload yourself head first into a frozen lake :wink
Okay so let's say I wanted the job below yours what would the requirements be and the salary please

>> No.16707390
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>virgin waifu
When are you gonna make your move?

>> No.16707394

thank you. i hope i can do it similar.
> small tools
can you give me an example (if it is not too dangerous for you (dox))? i have no idea what i could work on which i could sell. currently i'm waging at soul crush company but i didn't find any problem which i could solve in my free time to turn it into a product. thank you so far for the infos!

>> No.16707398

29, software, $180k/year
its weird I was making $80k 3 years ago and felt richer. Now it seems like everyone I know and their dog is raking in $200-300k/year.

>> No.16707410

How to get that much?
I'm about to be making 90k as a developer, but I don't live on a coast.

>> No.16707430


switch jobs. I had been asking for raises for 3 years at 80k, then when I told them I was leaving they immediately offered to double my salary. I don't get why businesses just can't keep wages up with inflation. They force you to waste your time job searching for leverage. such a stupid system.

>> No.16707473

Bachelors / AWS certs, storage certs, 4 years experience

>> No.16707599

No wonder Japanese people aren't fucking each other. They fap to these hot ass cartoons and a regular woman can't compete.

>> No.16708090

self-employed web marketing consultant.
39K (before taxes)

>> No.16708117


you're asking the wrong questions OP

>> No.16708128

Software Dev

>> No.16708183

What the fuck do I do unemployed 23y/o neet with shitty liberal arts degree but £100K in the bank

>> No.16708279

Network forensics engineer / Enterprise software subject matter expert
$80,000 + a few k in bonuses

>> No.16708463

-IT Operations Engineer

>> No.16708500

In college ish
Almost 1k from the goverment

>> No.16708507


>> No.16708521

74k euro base
Bonus depends on profit

>> No.16708541

Program Manager

>> No.16708629

What are your stats?

>> No.16708637


>> No.16708653

east coast sr software engineer

>> No.16708677


about 5-10 years away from financial independence where I'l retire and work part time for bennies and the rest of my time on my hobbies

>> No.16708834

english teacher in china
$3000 a month but its after tax with a free apartment and everything is cheap as fuck so i save $2200 a month after expenses and student loan (bong)

jobs easy as fuck bros, if you're a complete retard like me and you have a degree then its a piss easy way to save money without being a techlad like everyone else on biz

>> No.16708864

based, but Im going to avoid my student loan when I go teach English in korea next year I think. Im not a techlad either like everyone just chem degree

>> No.16709081

porn actor in prague
all those pretty girls/month

>> No.16709200
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>$4.50 per hr, but I make anywhere from $90-$300 in tips per night

>> No.16709285

network engineer

>> No.16709337

are you from EU?

>> No.16709341

A lot of people here are a lot poorer than I expected
Civil engineer for local government
66k a year

And I wasn't particularly pleased with my wage seeing as I have friends in the same field by private sector making 75k+

Wow this opened my eyes I should stay humble especially considering I only do about 2 hrs of actual work a day

>> No.16709394

nice, i decided against korea because i figured the work culture would be a lot more demanding and im a lazy piece of shit, i think i made the right choice because literally nobody here has expected anything of me

the annual median personal income in the US was $31,099 in 2016, and most of the people on this board are young and basically incapable of networking + there's lots of europoors and third worlders
if anything the numbers in this thread are higher than they should be because people who earn more are more likely to want to post about it

>> No.16709418

~ 110K

>> No.16709451

What a hard life u have :(
Must be so hard smiling and carrying a tray

>> No.16709493

>Delivery Guy (Bike)
thats not an occupation. Thats a summer job for teenagers

>> No.16709506

Tell me more

>> No.16709529

Data Scientist

>> No.16709530

Just wanted to say this is a cool pic and I'm jealous of the person who lives here and pissed off my life isn't like that

>> No.16709536

Product owner
150k+20k bonus + 10k pension etc

I don’t like it and am hunting for outs in the new year, but it is nice to put 5k/month into equities

>> No.16709629

Did you have to do a TEFL first? How did you find the school in China? What are the hours?

>> No.16709664

-own a restaurant
-nothing except basic necessities and bills because Im putting it all into a second restaurant (if i kept it for myself I get about $65k net income)

Yes I enjoy the food industry lmao Im a wagie at heart

>> No.16709729

i did a £19 groupon 120 hour TEFL that took me literally 4 hours, they're a complete joke
found the job by emailing recruiters posting on daveseslcafe, and everyone i talked to wanted an interview and in the end i chose one just based on the location, im asthmatic so i chose dalian, a city where i didn't have to breathe poison
I "work" between 8-5 on weekdays, but I just do 5 x 20 minute lessons, there's a 2 hour break, and the rest of the time im just half-heartedly playing with kids while the chinese teacher does all the work
its really, really easy (basically standard) to find jobs which only want you 20-25 hours a week with similar pay, especially in more developed cities than mine, but i avoided them because either the air sucks or its 30C+ all year round

>> No.16709807

-project assistant + amazon slave
-20k + 30k

i hate my life and feel like i made a huge mistake (career wise) but im stubborn with keeping my main job in hopes that it will provide a hugely beneficial network over a few years.

>> No.16709828

It's Atlanta. It's full of niggers. You don't want to live there.

>> No.16710149

stop bleeding money and learn a skill that commands a high premium

>> No.16710162

That's quite sad. I do also live in a very high cost of living area so I guess my wage is inflated. I'd probably be making 40k if I lived in a flyover state

>> No.16710184

$40k a year

>> No.16710476

>54k last year

>> No.16710572

Own a business.

>> No.16710613

> 21
> Student, CS
> €310 from the government each month (Scandinavian)

could be self taught but I can't be bothered taking responsibility

>> No.16710713
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>Engineering Technician

>> No.16710816

104,000 (before taxes and union dues)

>> No.16710865

28/Software Engineer/$110k

>> No.16711590


>> No.16711688

>Haven't 'worked' in like 3 years (Too lazy to uni and work)
>au$150/week from parents that I've been shilling to dump in stocks or something idk

>> No.16711857
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freelance copywriter

>> No.16712085

>that pic

>> No.16712152

That’ll take 10 minutes

>> No.16712162

I think he said he makes more money now

>> No.16712170

That sounds cool anon

>> No.16712180

>Professional larper here

>> No.16712226

CIA Nigger
I glow in the dark

>> No.16712240

is copywriting literally writing memes and copypastas for a business

>> No.16712282

It's writing website content and blog posts for SEO. I think the old style of copywriting is pretty much dead, since the feedback loop of data that reflects customer preference is very short. Today you need more of a marketing agency that has analytic tools and IT capabilities, rather than copywriters.

>> No.16712384

tips for me quitting the cage and becoming a bike delivery guy (outside london) please desu? I'm just want to do it for 3 months before summer hits

>> No.16712403

Software Engineer
110k base + 25k bonus + ~15k MSFT stock.

>> No.16712472

It's the UK, nigger
Dare you make anything over 60k you are taxed to death and mobbed by masses
Only exemptions are the investment bankers who are cucked into slavery anyway, and ngubu
Or plan B : save your employer millions by implementing an invention. Get 10quid voucher for tesco pumpkin as a reward.

>> No.16712490

310€ per month in a fucking Sweden? Are you white or something?

>> No.16712491

warehouse grunt

>> No.16712496

How much actual programming do you do? Is it even hard? Can the stuff you do be self-taught or do you need a CS degree?

>> No.16712716

Sandnigger poo detected.
Fuck off Aladdin. Go figure it out yourself.

>> No.16712754

no u wont even get an interview. 1 million apps for google alone. u need 3 years work experience or a degree plus 3 years work experience for an interview

>> No.16712774

>Non-Technical Start-up Founder

>> No.16712819

>still sad boy
>high stress
>little financial security

>> No.16712839

Of course. BTC and ETH are 92% of my crypto portfolio. Starting January 1, I'm gonna let Coinbase automatically buy $2000 worth of BTC each month for me.

>> No.16712903
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Shop manager
Fml im poor af what can i do to improve my income. Cant even drive a car with what i earn

>> No.16712938

>Data Scientist (drug design)
>120k salary, another ~60k in stock/bonuses

>> No.16713360

>Andrew Yang campaign volunteer

>> No.16713391

IT Infrastructure and Security

>> No.16713417

You design pharmaceutical drugs?

>> No.16713422

How the fuck are you making 24k a year as a NEET? Dividends? Crypto trading?

>> No.16713569

is that reckful's apartment?

>> No.16713615

>IT Infrastructure and Security

>> No.16713624

Director, Cyber Security

>> No.16713704


>> No.16713743
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software engineer
93,000 per year (spending all of it rip lol)

>> No.16713835

I like this setup, looking nice.
Also, remember to never give real info in a data-mining thread.


>> No.16714428

bump 4 OP

>> No.16714449
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It's not as glamours as I once thought it was so if you do want to do this make sure you start riding now, working on your cardio and leg strength now just so when you start it's easier

Apply for Uber, Deliveroo, JustEat and Stuart. It's best to ride for multiple companies so you're getting multiple deliveries per hour.

You can earn around £5-15 an hour it just depends on where you live and how busy it is.

The only real tips are get fit before you start, get used to riding with GPS before you start, try and work for multiple companies (starting off with one like ubereats is fine) and just be safe

>> No.16714487

What city? Must be tier 3 or neet tier living to save that kind of cash

>> No.16714535
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Cleaning Supervisor
70k - 75k not including superannuation (35 hours a week occasionally upwards of 40 hours during holiday periods)

>> No.16714577

Associate cyber security engineer
64k USD

>> No.16714589
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>Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven

>> No.16714694
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much appreciated anon. I'm a decent cyclist have done the dun run & other long distances (over consecutive days too) but appreciate the head's up. yes will get one of those phone holder things for GPS and even wear my helmet - thanks for the tips. working for multiple companies - do you take the jacket & bag of each company out with you or does it not really matter as long as you have the order number on your phone when collecting? happy new year bikebro
edit: had bicycles for my capture

>> No.16714724
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50 USD a day

>> No.16714729

How much do you need for that?

>> No.16714733

What kind of business?

>> No.16714741

Amazon seller
$1m in company equity give or take if I sold it at 2x gross.

>> No.16714821


>> No.16714884
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Mortgage banker, 21, 7500 roughly a month no college 2.1 highschool gpa with it of 142, super fucked up on coke and alcohol rn

>> No.16714891

its the UK

>> No.16714990

$175k + 5-10% bonus
Im head of a quant team in a bank (risk)

>> No.16715065
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>do you take the jacket & bag of each company out with you or does it not really matter
Doesn't really matter. I got my bag off amazon which was £77 and it's just got "the rider" on it. 99% of people won't care, might be 1 or 2 people out of 200 might give you a thumbs down just for your bag, no big deal. The companies know people ride for multiple other companies.
Extra tips:
Get a GPS that mounts to your bike not one you strap to your arm or try both and see which you like best
Make sure your tires are pumped full of air
Try and ride mornings, noon and night in areas close to you, find out the busiest times and deliver between those times

happy new year

>> No.16715165

Based. Don't let the drugs and alcohol consume your life. A lot of people in banking and finance burn out before 30. Welcome to the real world kiddo.

>> No.16715186

software dev

>> No.16715364

Shelf stacker at supermarket
$40,000-70,000 AUD because of penalty rates

>> No.16715387

Can I be a software engineer if I am retarded at Maths?

>> No.16715406

short answer: no

long answer: Depends on what you are actually working on, but most likely no

>> No.16715427


>> No.16715437

go back to school and learn something that will bring you money, IT or business for example

>> No.16715447

Your taxes?

>> No.16715448


Car Salesman with Audi
Around 100K a year, excluding company car
32 years old

>> No.16715450

Red Team penetration tester

Job is getting boring, despite the fact I get paid to break into buildings.

>> No.16715460
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>Web/Marketing Agency Founder

I work remotely on my own hours so its pretty comfy. I also get some income from side hustles, maybe another 10k a year.

>> No.16715654
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Was making $150k/yr in the oilfield but the miserable work & hours was legit making me suicidal

Just got my first formal job in IT, tech support at a fortune 100 company, only $17/hr but have to start somewhere

Any advice on where to focus as far as career? I already have a B.S., white male, ideally would like something I can do remotely. I enjoy self teaching/learning so not scared of putting in 20 hours/week on the side to improve

>> No.16715712

-baker/cake decorator
-around 35k

>> No.16715738

Idk if you have any aspirations for entrepreneurship anon, but there's two of these hipster bakeries near me that just make fancy doughnuts/muffins/etc and they make a fucking KILLING.

Yuppies line up out the door to buy visually aesthetic donuts at $7 a piece so they can post pictures of it on Instagram.

Maybe something to consider, no need to reinvent the wheel, just Ctrl+V a successful model!

>> No.16715739

finally someone with a real job

>> No.16715766
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switched location but just writing to say thanks

>> No.16715803

dalian, and yes neet tier, even at uni in the UK i spent less than £90 a month after rent and bills
i live near the school so no metro, i don't go out and anime and vidya are 'free' so my only irregular spending is taobao junk every so often

>> No.16715817

Americans are usually so concerned with privacy in their homes, why to urbanoids live in this glass-walled apartments?

>> No.16715830


>> No.16715844


>> No.16715857

You have privacy if you're above level 20 or so. It's nice to be able to look down on the poor people who can't afford a condo scurrying around like rats. If you feel noided just draw the curtains over the windows and it's just another wall. Americans like wine but that doesn't mean we don't like beef. The privacy and having windows thing is totally unrelated, and there's not even a conflict between the two.

>> No.16715870

Any recommendation for certs? I'm a software engineer working with AWS/Azure. Which ones do you think are the most valuable ones?

>> No.16715875

- 37
- software developer
- 24k eur a year

>> No.16715883

If your whole wall is glass then peeping toms sitting at their own windows with binoculars looking into other apartments will obviously see more than through normal windows.

>> No.16715898
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>all those pretty girls/month
I understood this.

>> No.16715909

If you're earnest, I was slightly concerned as well by the mode of professions ITT.

>> No.16715917

>year profit around 35k usd
its pretty good here in europe you can live very good with 20k usd /yr

>> No.16715940

thats all being a software dev pays in europe?

>> No.16716025

Probably eastern europe, not west. In eastern europe you can live like a king with a salary like that.

>> No.16716039

-Quantitative Researcher
-250k + bonus

>> No.16716062

45-50yo restaurant owner by night. 80k
charity manager weekdays 40k
swing trader got btc 2011 in me time.average 100-150k
property portfolio management in me time assisted by agents. 250k but is paying of loans

>> No.16716064

central europe,
senior and superseniors get 40/60k,
I live without all luxury and spend half on rent half for food, I can save around 100$ per month if lucky

>> No.16716089

>-Delivery Guy (Bike)
>-£60-£100 a day

How expensive is the cost of living in bongland? That is a fuckton of money to be running around with a bike.


>> No.16716099

>>Web/Marketing Agency Founder
What the fuck do you actually do? are you one of those annoying people that send MCN offers to youtubers that are just fine with adsense?

>> No.16716196

>cloud software consultant
Jumping into technical sales next

>> No.16716215

£96K my ass larper
Probably more like 60k but still too much for an uneducated pleb
No wonder bongland is going down the toilet

>> No.16716239

Basically make websites & then run PPC/SEO. Everything in between too.

>> No.16716262

lol 100% maybe he is counting his gross (inc fuel car etc) take home would be half that

>> No.16716308

- 37
- Urine Therapist
- $400 each day I work (16 days/month)

>> No.16716316

hospital admin

>> No.16716382
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Do you live in that apartment?
That’s all I want from life anon

Having a couple of pals that come over at night, having a normal like I guess

>> No.16716394
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-Scrum Master

>> No.16716532
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x2448, 487FB1AF-B213-4BC7-8802-611453B4E77E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ i’m a glorified .net programmer as well and these fuckers are paying me 62.66 DOLLARS an hour to work from my cozy fucking cabin as a contractor for a fucking us based non-profit organization...and im considering quitting in may to get an ms in analytics

Post like yours make me feel insecure...like i may be an idiot for walking out on this situation because im just a well-adjusted and handsome stealth-aspie that has oversold himself for the last decade and will inevitably be called out on his shit when he’s 40 and doesn’t have the same youthful appeal...

Anyway, fucking 10k a year...

>> No.16716537

Fuck. I guess i really should learn to code.

>> No.16716571

This is what I do but made a about half of what you made. Ive been in business for 3 years. When did you start you business?

>> No.16716605

Age 20
Income commission
Occupation timeshare Jew

>> No.16716666
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>> No.16716760

I've been doing web projects since 12 years old. When i'm vetting clients and applying for jobs they have no idea how old I am and just look at my senior background. Marketing my experience is less maybe 4 years. I built up a large portfolio of successful projects (profitable) too before i dropped out of HS

>> No.16717497

and flat..

>> No.16717503

yes experience in the end trumps all. good work bro.

>> No.16717551
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I dont even really know how to “code”...im a bit terrified because at 31 i lack fundamentals (e.g. stats education; besides convincing people to like me, which is certainly huge) and that all the “tech stacks” in the world wont make a legitimate analyst without a foundational stats education

>> No.16717588

Everything is going cloud. See if your company will pay for certs. You could also look into security or data.

>> No.16717629
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-YouTuber : )

>> No.16717966

I'm studying for my Sec+ right now, most of the entry level security jobs i see posted have it listed as mandatory.

Multiple people have mentioned that getting AWS certs can lead to $$$.

>> No.16718219

Cyber Security Analyst

>> No.16718242

-Computer Sales

>> No.16718378

Systems Developer
£30k (Northern Ireland)

>> No.16718484
File: 2.32 MB, 1242x2688, 129D626A-6B31-4D15-9003-A256066BEBBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve noticed when I got in the industry in February I was doin a ball every day, haven’t done coke in 4 months till last night. It’s an easy job, I have to teach idiots how to effectively save money, I only do refinances and it’s all done over the phone it is definitely a grind but what other industry can a 21 yr old go into with no experience, no degree and make 60k their first 9 months

Pic of last bottle I bought that I couldn’t afford last year since it cost half what I made in a check at Best Buy

>> No.16718543

Any recommendation for certs? I'm a software engineer working with AWS/Azure. Which ones do you think are the most valuable ones?

>> No.16718555

No Life, all my income goes for studies.

discord gg/U6SdSGN
Join here so I can order a pizza for us all.

>> No.16718560
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>> No.16718576

What are the sanctions? How do I get involved in this?

>> No.16718637
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- Mid 20's
- Unemployed/neet (working on making a video game)
- $0

>> No.16718646
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>> No.16718662
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>> No.16718677 [DELETED] 

How do you become a copywriter? Seems easy but they generally have high requirements that unless you already are a copywriter you're not getting the job including entry level.

>> No.16718681
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45ka year + like 5k profit share (i don't know exactly how much, it's my first year here).

Should I look for a job somewhere else in business? Is there good money in consulting? Any finance jobs that don't require daddy's money to get in?

>> No.16718831

where more exactly can I live well with so few?

>> No.16718879

37 105k Retirement plan management

>> No.16718880

Whats your niche?

>> No.16718913

£30k, non-London
back to the grind tomorrow. aiming to get the fuck out of auditing and move more into TAS

>> No.16718996

That's a damn nice salary for an analyst? Are you in SF or LA?

What kind of certs/background did you need to get into that role? Precisely what i'm aiming for

>> No.16719055

Reddit told me that the uk is a thriving economy even though they pay for Stacy's birthcontrol

>> No.16719109


>> No.16719133

>Business analyst
>20k euro per year after tax
At least I live in the poorest country in EU so everything is still cheap
Should I off myself though?

>> No.16719229

Construction electrician
112k (cad$)
Another 3-5k from photography hobby

>> No.16719367

How did you get into this??

>> No.16719569


can you at least say what country you're living in? I'm fully remote as well doing IT consulting and am thinking about country hopping 3 months at a time until I find a waifu or a place I really love

>> No.16719657

I unironically want to try this just need to buy some pnk

>> No.16719859

middle school teacher
about 38k USD a year, plus another 40k a year from a trust fund

>> No.16719870

-200$ a month.

>> No.16719927

$200k Bay Area

>> No.16719947
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>what's your age, occupation and income /bizbros/

>> No.16719963

They dont need to tediously datamine 4chan threads. They already know everything about you courtesy of social media, banks, hard line backdoors, etc

>> No.16719980

mechanical engineer

feels like I really shoulda went into software..

>> No.16720015
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Can work lots of overtime if I want it but wife works too meaning we have to share duties in taking care of our 7 month old son. Trying to get to work earlier in the mornings and take half lunches to get some OT.

>> No.16720023

>$20.60 an hour
Could be worse, I guess.

>> No.16720028

I record hours of gameplay in cheaply made multiplayer games, then edit the footage down into 5-10 minute cinematic movies with foley, music, vfx etc.

99% of gaming videos on YouTube are just Let's Play or commentary videos so I guess my content is kinda niche. I get roughly 3m views a month.

>> No.16720041

-pool vacum inspector

>> No.16720053

>shrimp farmer
>$429,000 per year

>> No.16720066

>£32k ($42k)

is this one of those jobs with a fancy title but that's really a cold-calling sales job?

>> No.16720081

> Warehouse receiving
> 24k

>> No.16720084

copyright specialist

>> No.16720090

-Business Analyst /Scrum Master
-go into the office once a week, all the developers are fully remote

I live in an expensive city. I also can't code for shit, have 0 interest in learning, but I have a liberal arts degree.

>> No.16720103

How do you get into that?

>> No.16720110

>Can't code
How did you even get that job!? Yet here I am getting rejected via email when I meet and or exceed the requirements and don'teven get an interview.

>> No.16720116



>> No.16720120

what do you do with all that money?

>> No.16720129

>Process/Project Engineer
>67k after bonuses
>live in one of the cheapest states so my extra money after bills/loans and a $400 monthly food budget is 550-600 bucks a month.
Kinda want to use at least half of it into crypto.

>> No.16720135

Yeah how the fuck do you get a management role at 27 and no technical ability

>> No.16720149

No idea friendo. I write user stories and acceptance criteria and wireframe occasionally but a baby could do that shit.

I think I was hired because my team is filled with Russians Asians and Pajeets who can't speak English and can't write properly.

Gotta find another career field soon before they realize how easily replaceable I am lol

>> No.16720158

Scrum master at 27 isn’t hard to believe if you’re generally competent, as he is.

>> No.16720169

Don't ask me m8. But they gave me multiple salary bumps so I'm doing something right?

Tbh I feel like a fraud. I don't even like software that much. Too many Pajeets and trannies in this field but I'll take the remote work and generous vacation time until I move on to something non-tech related

>> No.16720179

Oh I don't have much knowledge in regards to that. Most of my coding knowledge is split between C++ and C# and mainly used for making video games. I meant in general that jobs I apply to, even when I meet or exceed the requirements, I get rejected without so much as an interview.

How did the interview go?

>> No.16720181


in my case it's living somewhere there are large social media companies. they always have a need in copyright since that's a legal requirement and there's lots of content to go through. i stumbled onto it because the only qualification was a college degree and i didn't have any real skills or experience. copyright is not something that's particularly conducive to automation or outsourcing, so the work is pretty steady.

>> No.16720200

Grass is greener fren. I'm leaving the trades at 30 and going into tech, i'd rather spend 40 hours at a desk than 60-80 with an aching back and numb fingers.

>> No.16720204

Oh I see. Might be worth considering since I'm currently unemployed. Any key terms I should search for when looking up such a job?

>> No.16720211

>Oh I don't have much knowledge in regards to that

If you've ever photoshopped a meme in your life you can wireframe. Since you made no typos in your posts you're also more qualified to talk to the clients than the H1B bobs and vagey are.

The interview was fine. They just asked me situational-type people managing questions and general shit. The most technical thing they asked was "if you write a user story and acceptance criteria, the developer builds it, but then there's a bug found near the end of the sprint, what do you do?"

"uhh create a new ticket and pull it into the next sprint"

"anon you don't know how many people can't answer that question properly"

Got my offer a few days later. >>16720179

>> No.16720218

I'd rather be qualified to do my job and know what the fuck is going on

>> No.16720230
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-IT analyst and entrepreneur
-$60k (USD) from day job. Unclear future cashflow from current venture

These threads are fucking stupid. Why am I posting in it?

>> No.16720234

This thread went better than I thought. Very productive conversation is being had

>> No.16720244

try looking up "content review". job postings for these kinds of jobs tend to be vague, so it might not be copyright but something adjacent.

>> No.16720253
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Create merch, add a patreon and other e-begging mediums to maximize your earnings. I'm thinking of getting into this myself as well. Completely different niche though. My niche would be education.

>> No.16720264

-english teacher
-$11,200 a year
Yes I work for a tiny private college teaching English as a second language, no I'm not paid well, I put in 50 hours of work a week grading papers, teaching, preparing lessons, and I am only paid for 2 hours of prep time per week for a four hour class that goes mon-thurs
about 280 a week for 10 months
kill me
going back to school for architecture this spring

>> No.16720268

what the fuck how do you make that much farming shrimp do you own the business?

>> No.16720277

He owns the means of production and is therefore reaping all of the rewards. Based Gen-X boomer.

>> No.16720278

>going back to school for architecture this spring

Architecture was a dream field for me. I made mistakes and didn't pursue it when I should. Good luck anon

>> No.16720304
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You're heavily undervaluing yourself, your skill set and your time. Have you thought about teaching English abroad? It's a well paid job.

Me too. I love to design, build, and implement systems. Studied biochem in school instead (don't ask me why). Disliked academia, research, and private industry jobs. Get to design, build, and implement systems at my current job and as an entrepreneur.

Admire and study architecture on my spare time now.

>> No.16720307

God fucking dammit I'm too brainlet for that shit
Pretty based though not gonna lie must be a ton of work, wish he would tell us about it
Why not puruse it on the side? take a class or two every semester till you have the degree.
Thanks anon I appreciate it.
Architecture wasn't even my original dream, artificial intelligence research was but I'm too retarded to do that. Then I learned to appreciate buildings and read the fountainhead, after turning into a pretentious little shit I decided on architecture.

>> No.16720341

I've thought about it but I refuse to live in China or Brazil where there are large demands for English teachers. I've also been fired from Education First, the leading english teaching company in the world, because someone falsely accused me of something I didn't do. I told them to check the cameras and they said it didn't matter because the client is always right.
Also I speak portuguese and spanish.

>> No.16720355
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Yeah I've photoshopped before albeit rarely meme's. Hardest things I've photoshopped were 2 different real world scenes into one all while making them look like they are legitimately one picture. Convinced a few people without mentioning the photoshop until after.

I keep seeing you say "user story" what exactly do you mean by that as I don't know much about your job. Just became interested when you mentioned not having prior experience.

Thanks for the info btw.

Thanks for the info anon.

>> No.16720364
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Bump wtf How did you do this tell your story.

>> No.16720365

If you have the spirit of entrepreneurship in you, you can create a learning business of some sort. Teach these languages. Create courses, videos, or what have you.

Pajeets who want to make it in the first world are willing to pay good dough for courses (most STEM courses on course websites and videos on YouTube are filled with them).

It's the New Year. It should be something to fulfill. Do some research. I believe in you.

>> No.16720381

The LARP Business

>> No.16720392

How do you get into this field? You're rather young. Curious as I'm unemployed but your job is easy considering my personal knowledge. Saving is rather easy so I assume my personal knowledge helps big time.

Please answer anon. I'm unemployed, have a useless business degree, and can't even get a well paying job.

>> No.16720416
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Fucking based. You're on your way to making it. Are you investing in boomer stocks? Plow 1/3 of what you earn throughout your career into SPY and dividend paying blue chip stocks and you will be a multi-millionaire by the time you are 60 with ease. You can buy a house, toys, and be a playboy with the other 2/3 if you wish.

The best time to start investing was yesterday.

>> No.16720574

>security guard

should I just kill myself. No education, living at home with parents.

>> No.16720835

already have both of those lol
I use brave browser referrals too which get me an extra 2k BAT monthly

>> No.16720847

jr swe
85k nyc

>> No.16720870

>gardening machines repairman
>19k in burger money

The money is great for my country, but I dont really enjoy it, bcause I feel that I know nothing about those machines.

>> No.16720916

Based 11K Linkholder

>> No.16720984

FX trader (spot, swaps, options) at a boutique bank
66k salary, est 30-40k EOY bonus

>> No.16721078

Que país Anon? Se gana bien de ingeniero parece

>> No.16721327

Awesome man. Cover all of your bases and get on social media too. IG, Twitter, Faceberg, the works. Give it time and you're going to blow up. The YouTube algo is a funny thing.

>> No.16721457


>> No.16722134


Honestly trying to figure it out myself. Been looking into cars lately but I know once that's all figured out then I'll be back in the same boat. Not looking to horde/save or degen it into crypto, might go full /smg/ and do some real investing for once in my life.

Moneys a weird thing.

>> No.16722144

Is this as low stress as it sounds on the surface?