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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 334 KB, 1061x544, ripple and atom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16708608 No.16708608 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like im the only one on /biz/ seeing this parallel. But its the most obvious spelt out thing ever.
People seem to forget the massive 100x moon Ripple had in 2017 with all the bank adoption. The reason why banks bought up Ripple was because owning XRP meant for governance on the centralized like network. That is exactly the same reason for owning as much ATOM as possible.

basically, im telling you /biz/, screencap this if you want, there is going to be a mass buy out from a major set of banks of ATOM by asian banks to have governance over the Cosmos network. And it will be for the sake of adopting ethereum

>> No.16708613

ok boomer

>> No.16708620

what, is Ripple a boomer coin now?

>> No.16708671
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>Ripple had in 2017 with all the bank adoption. The reason why banks bought up Ripple

No fucking banks touched XRP. It was moonboi retards and Koreans who fell for the scam. And Ripple dumped on them and they've come to their senses. Seriously are you really this stupid

>> No.16708779

The reason for the 2017 was because major asian banks literally were being sold mass amounts of XRP for governance. I remember reading about it all at the time and the list of asian banks contracted to it. The type of 100x pump ripple had couldnt have been done from small fish Koreans like you claim.

Dont know if youre a newfag or one of the original conspirators from 2017 FUDding ripple

>> No.16708788
File: 22 KB, 251x242, 1574558952890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No fucking banks touched XRP
Imagine being this ignorant...

>> No.16708793

>mass buyout from banks
citation needed

>> No.16708814
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You zoomers are making me feel like a dinosaur. but for education

Ripple 100x its value in 2017, all from the mass buyout by Asian banks. Before, it just seen as some wanderless shitcoin that was supposed to work like litecoin.

ATOM is literally made by a korean guy and has mass support in Asia. And its the final piece of the puzzle of integration between ETH and all other blockchains. The more i read about it, the more evident that i see ATOM is going to pull a Ripple in 2020.

>> No.16708824
File: 108 KB, 1024x487, Unpleasanttruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you dont lie to us, do you?

>> No.16708831
File: 415 KB, 786x2494, 1577810143350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmos ATOM. All the cards are set up to do a pump similar to the one Ripple did in April 2017

this is literally the next Ripple. There is not other way of saying it. its NOT the next Ethereum, but the next Ripple

How did Ripple make tons of money? It got bought out by a bunch of banks, so they could control like everything. And that is pretty much the goal of ATOM.
ATOM is a staking coin that gives governance to the Cosmos hub. ATOM is going to be worth a shit ton, because basically every major player (binance) are going to want to own as much ATOM as possible to be the largest validator (security on the cosmos hub). Binance is built with cosmos, so that is probably a major incentive why its encouraging investors to stake off binance for the coin. But, ultimately, this ATOM wants to pull a ripple and bought out by major banks who want their own governance on the Cosmos hub, aka a larger validator
>shouldnt this centralization be vulnerable to attacks?
The Benefits outweight the Cons. thats all there is too it. The benefits are simply that its faster a very small dPoS chain shouldnt have to go through the same security measure as something like Citi Bank to use the Cosmos hub
>muh h4x0rs
Thats what makes cosmos an early adoption coin. Its openy fixing seen holes in the security that are tried out by the projects running it in (pic). Once when more and more projects use the Cosmos SDK and they iron out the security, thats when youre going to see mass adoption of the banks.
You cant just release a project and expect to see mass bank adoption like all of Cosmos competitors are expecting. you have to have it tried out on the small fish first.

This is why i am dead sure ATOM is going to pump like Ripple did in 2017