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16701483 No.16701483 [Reply] [Original]

Anon what you sell right now?
Is it still worth getting in? How high should the initial invest be? Or is it all a big meme?

>> No.16702621


>> No.16702841

>Anon what you sell right now?
Nothing atm. Was banking on sex toys until their new regulations kicked in.

>Is it still worth getting in?
Yes and no. Personally, I've had far better luck with eBay lately. Margins on FBA are paper thin and it's risky as fuck if Amazon or another seller releases the same or similar product at a better price.

>How high should the initial invest be?
At least 10k. Expect a 3-5k profit on that investment if you're extremely lucky and wise with your items. IMO, FBA is only worthwhile if you're moving HUGE volume AND come up on certain items dirt cheap. The absolute name of the game is volume since margins are so slim. If you're not moving at bare minumum 1000 items a month, there's literally no point.

>Or is it all a big meme?
Yes. It's absolutley a meme scheme to effectively 1099 the boots on the ground that maintain Amazon as #1 digital marketplace.

Good thread though. Very refreshing to see anything other than flavor of the month cryptoshills.

>> No.16703147

How do you know what to sell? Is it just trial and error?

>> No.16703693

I sell weed and molly on Amazon and am making fat stacks

>> No.16703753

>if you're moving HUGE volume AND come up on certain items dirt cheap.

This. I am a partner with an FBA business and we move ridiculous tons of merch at a very competitive price point and we're generally quite optimized but still only pull in around 20-30% GM. Can't tell if that's good or shit desu, maybe some other anon can chime in on that.

Obviously starting your own brand or listing will be more lucrative for a low initial buy in than say, selling licensed products from some other big brand - your 4 feedback ass will never ever get into the buybox and you will be rekt at gunpoint for MAP violations. So my advice is, if you're a stingy bastard, pick some random ass part, be it a dildo or a photo frame, find a cheap, CHEAP supply source, and obviously do your fair research before hand so that you aren't stuck holding some bullshit that cost you $3 a piece but another marketplace seller is unloading them for $2. Wow. This post really made me remember how much i hate my job. BRB gonna practice javascript for a bit.

>> No.16703966

Thanks anon. Sorry sounds hard. So is it 2-5k every month profit including restock?

>> No.16703998

Did they release AMZ coin yet?

>> No.16704309

What about sources to get your head around FBA and dropshipping? Are there some jewtube channel that are legit or only scammers who want you to buy their seminars?

>> No.16705057

>Was banking on sex toys
good niche... hgh IQ

>> No.16706052

Do you go to China and negotiate and arrange the cargo shipping? I dont think China respects just emailing alibaba and it seems prices can always be beat from chinese ebay epacket orders. The Margins for us shipping seems slim and I assume China has some sort of inventory warehousing worked out for US shipping only there considering how familiar it feels to order chines epackets currently on US soil in the sense that it feels like you're dealing with the Chinese there. Probably a China town. Do you think you just order a fuck ton of epackets then mark up the price $1? Seems like a waste of time and our postal system has to completely destroy all the margins there.

>> No.16706493

I don’t know for the us but yeah. Let’s say you have 700$ to test a product. Buy 500 0,90$ articles like an anal plug. Sell this shit for 7$. In germany you pay 19% costums fee that you can get back after selling a product. Then you have tocalculate the airshipping (200$) from china, 20% fba fee and ppc campaign invests. So maybe you make 1-2$ profit on this analplug in the ende if you’re lucky. You need a good listing to gain reviews so you’re product will be listed high in the search on amazon. Don’t know if you can stop ppc when you got enough reviews on your product and how long that should take

>> No.16707189


>> No.16707501
File: 43 KB, 480x360, FA319151-77FA-4DA9-A3CF-6F7E97FD32CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell used books through FBA. It’s like grinding through the early levels in WOW Classic on a daily basis, but once you have a couple thousand items in warehouses, the volume kicks in and you start seeing good money. When I say it’s a grind sourcing books, I’m serious - it’s a f-ing grind and 99% of people will Not have the patience, personality or time for it and give up.

I also sell higher prices items (antiques / collectibles) on eBay - $100 or more priced items only.

Amazon & eBay are my full time job. I don’t clock in / clock out. The only person who tells me what to do is my wife.

>> No.16707615

Where you find these books? Do you stock them at home or got a storehouse? How much money could you make in a month with that?

>> No.16707738

Estate sales, library sales, thrift stores, antique stores, storage auctions.... mainly estate sales for me.

Here’s the thing - most books aren’t worth re-selling. You will need to pay for an app that basically tells you which books are worth it by scanning barcodes. Here’s where the grind kicks in, for every 100 books you scan, maybe 1 to 5 will be worth reselling.

I work from home - converted my detached garage into an office/warehouse. What you make depends on many factors. That said, start by getting to $2,000 profit a month. If you can do that, you will then have a good idea of what you need to do to scale up. If you can’t even make $2,000 profit a month doing amazon FBA, then it is probably best to keep your day job.

>> No.16707763

Okay and what you do with the books you can’t resell? Sell them by kilo or what?

>> No.16707810

>Was banking on sex toys until their new regulations kicked in.

And now toys for children will be banned too due COPPA? what the fuck can we sell anymore?

Im also concerned on lossing content I have on the "edgy" side because of new anti harassment regulations.

Making money is becoming increasingly impossible. All the internet celebrities get all the traffic and the UStard government keeps coming up with increasingly annoying regulations. I guess nobody gives a shit in practice unless you are actually in the US (just like nobody cares about DMCAs out of the US) but still.

>> No.16708045
File: 49 KB, 600x600, EF7BED1A-710B-4DE6-96A8-B76883FB95F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t buy books I can’t resell... on the rare occasion I buy a gaylord (600-1100 books) - those that aren’t worth sending in to amazon, I’ll take to a local used bookstore for cash or store credit. The rest I donate.

There will be some books that you ship to amazon that don’t sell. You have to be very careful because eventually you start getting charged storage fees per book (fees triple Oct thru Dec). Sometimes you will have to pay Amazon a small fee to destroy some of your slow moving inventory. I’m telling you, it is NOT easy but at least you don’t have to deal with pic related.

>> No.16708420

Okay thanks for the info anon. Can you tell me what that app is called to scan the books to see if it’s worth reselling?