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File: 47 KB, 800x535, TG-18072018-UpsetlandlordMM_20180718151510_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16706431 No.16706431 [Reply] [Original]

>Make thousands of dollars a month with only a few hours of "maintenance work" thanks to rent and raising house prices
>Most of them never worked a single day in their lives and inherited all the properties they own.

They don't contribute to society in a single way and yet extract more of your paycheck then the government.

>> No.16706444

Sorry you are poor pal

>> No.16706448

Well, they make the laws or pay those who do, so... What do you expect?

>> No.16706449

>daily commie thread

>> No.16706452

Nothing stopping you from buying a house.

>> No.16706560

>>wah, this house someone else built and someone else paid for costs me money to live in.

>> No.16706575
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>tfw your Uber driver picks you up from work and starts telling you about his rental properties
>"yep got em when my dad died"
>"I drive Uber for fun and extra cash"
>"man I've been driving for like THREE HOURS today haha"

>> No.16706578

>Believing this
This is a 18+ board retard, fuck off

>> No.16706597

You could only blame your own ancestors for not being rich.

>> No.16706865

There's a VERY good reason for them to exist: to enable people to live somewhere without committing a huge financial outlay.
But i land were more heavily taxed, a large chunk of what goes to landlords would go to the government instead.

>> No.16706954

if you cucks didn't insist in living in overcrowded cities, the landlord issue literally wouldn't exist

>> No.16707057

Yea just buy one. "argh ordering in pizza so fucking expensive why do they even exist?" > doesn't make their own pizza

>> No.16707113
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the only problem is that there isn't cheap, legal, low quality housing for working people that want to save money. i pay 800 dollars for a room in Boston, which is cheap but I would rather pay 100-300 dollars for a one of these caged apartments. unfortunately a lot of landlords, nimbys and other shit block cheap housing to protect their investments. plus regulations/costs for new developments means the only new housing are expensive to rent. PLUS i dont have access to welfare-tier housing since i make "too much" at 90k. government expects me to spend my paycheck on housing when i shouldnt have to.

>> No.16707138
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house buying much needless and expense and hassle Sirs, much expense, much work, many troubles, I don't know why anyone would buy a house, the stress, the worry, much better rents, yesssss..

>> No.16707174

I had 4 landlords till I bought in, all inherited their property. i looked at the records, all the houses around mine were bought for $1 (means they're inherited). I never inherited shit and had to bust my ass to buy it's ridiculous.

>> No.16707269

>people should let people live in houses for free

>> No.16707284

y not

>> No.16707343
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>Woman at work bragging about owning her house
>"How many 28 year olds do you know of that already bought their own house?"
>Minutes later admits that it was her grandfather's and all she had to do was pay $6000 in fees to take it after he died
>"It was a lot of money though"

>> No.16707351

If it's that easy then become a landlord yourself

>> No.16707352

weak bloodline detected

>> No.16707397
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I own a rental property (single family house). Here are a few things you aren’t taking into consideration.

1) The rent I charge my tenants doesn’t all go in my pocket. I have monthly bills.

2) I employ people because of this property - contractors, electricians, plumbers, pool cleaner, gardener, house cleaners all have received income (some on a weekly / monthly basis) because I hired them to take care of issues on my property.

3) I used to be a renter myself and have experience on that side of things as well. There are good and bad landlords, just like there are good and bad tenants.

You need to grow up, stop sounding like a little bitch, go all in on XRP and maybe one day you too can contribute to society by owning an income property.

>> No.16707409

>Just become a homesteader
>There's free property in the 21st century

>> No.16707413

1.) you siphon money to pay your own vices

2.) anybody could get a job anywhere doing that. you just employ people to feed your treacherous lifestyle and to drain them of theirs.

3.) you used to be one of us.... then you turned on us....



>> No.16707424


>> No.16707427

My grandpa:
>complains i live rent free in my parents basement
>says he had to pay rent when he was 18 years old living with his parents
>then goes on to say that the parents saved up the rent he paid and bought a house for it without him knowing and gave it to him
>goes on to complain how easy i have it and i should just buy a house already

>> No.16707437

>money/power too centralized
>wonders what needs to be done
You tell us.

>> No.16707440

there's nothing more disgusting than when the uber driver tries to LARP. it's like, don't you get that literally every one of you cunts says this isn't your real job and it's just a hobby or something you do on the side. like, stop talking to me you fucking subhuman I don't give a shit about how you cope with being a more cucked version of a taxi driver just bring me to my location bitch

>> No.16707459

Throw him off a bridge

>> No.16707492

fucking kek
you are a landlord and you shill xrp?
are you a jew?

>> No.16707497

My dad owns 6 houses and a park. Two of them are farms. One with 18 acres and one with 80 acres. He built two of the houses himself by hand. He was a wagie his entire working career and just did nonstop work to accumulate assets. He's a good guy though and fixes everything immediately and he lets my stepsister live in one the houses rent free because her kids are fucked up. Someday I'll be filthy rich by default but it's not worth losing my dad over. He's a great man. That being said he's busy as fuck taking care of the properties constantly.

>> No.16707529
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>> No.16707537

>you too can contribute to society by owning an income property
top zozzle - better watch, your nose don't grow any more

>> No.16707567

I don't have an issue with providing privatized housing, but I do have an issue with it minimal regulation and not providing affordable public housing as an alternative. Housing is a basic human need and people shouldn't have to choose between living on the street or paying hundreds per month to live in a slumtown.

>> No.16707590

I hate retards like you.
Landlords purchase properties thereby creating a demand for housing the renters could not afford to create. Much housing exists solely because landlords financed it. They also maintain the properties.

>> No.16707600

Bingo. Also things like making it illegal to sleep in your car or RV on the street in metropolitan areas means effectively being forced to rent an apartment

>> No.16707621
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You do realize that for thousands of years humans lived in forests and mountains using caves and tents as shelter. “Housing” in an already overpopulated city is NOT a basic human need.

I don’t remember reading about Native Americans in the 1800’s demanding affordable housing in places like New York City because the teepees they lived in out on the plains and in forests weren’t humane enough.

>> No.16707673

If you think rent is too expensive, why not make more money? Or better yet, why would you leave your parents house if you can't pay rent?
It's absurd to me.

>> No.16707677
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Good goy!
>0.1 shekels have been deposited into your account

>> No.16707697

>abolish landlords
>Make the government the landlord

Commie logic

Every landlord contributes more to society than op

>> No.16707765

"The only people that frown upon bloodlines (inheritance) are those without one"
you need to cope OP

>> No.16707781

None. Houses should belong to tenants

>> No.16707800

My landlord and his wife chose to rent the property she was living at when they got married. It gives me what I want when I don't have enough to buy a house. How is that improper?

>> No.16707818

No they dont. OP is most likely engaged in productive work while landlords collect money doing nothing

>> No.16707828

her grandpa probably worked his life for that house

she is an extension of her grandpa
she deserves the carefree life.

>> No.16707834

They shouldn't. It's immoral for them to take money from where they haven't earned it. It's called stealing if you take something that isn't yours in any other situation, so why is it allowed in cases like this?

>> No.16707836

>he doesn't absolutely destroy the lives of people who brag using untraceable completely psychotic and autistic methods

>> No.16707841


Landlords pay taxes and stimulate the economy. Op just shit posts

>> No.16707852

-People want living space without paying for a whole house/flat all at once.
-People want to live somewhere but not buy property because they expect to move soon.
-People don't want the hassle of owning and maintaining property.

>> No.16707882

Your dad is a boomer. 96 acres today would cost millions

>> No.16707887

the work has already been done by either the landlord himself or his ancestors for them to afford the property

he owns the place and you pay for the privilege of using it temporarily without large upfront cost

>> No.16707933

Fuck you I bought the damn property. If you wanted it, you could have bought it too. Your down payment for a personal home is much lower than what you need for an investment property. Also there is literally nothing wrong with inheriting money.

>> No.16707943

this is based

>> No.16708013
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>Boomer grandparents have opportunity to buy multiple houses or invest in stocks when they cost almost nothing
>Instead they waste it on travel and Chinese knick knacks.

>> No.16708053

>I should never have to spend a cent on things that don't make my people feel good!!! Waaaaaa

>> No.16708060

It isn't all gravy being a home owner. It is literally bag holding with the speculative value sustained entirely by demand. Sure, if you or somebody else bought a house 30 years ago you've got an insane 'return' from the perspective of 30 years ago, but it is very risky with poor returns at the moment. It'll have looked like bag holding for 20 of those 30 years too. I suppose the real crazy value is in using the equity within the property to leverage sick gains.

Say you buy a house outright for 200k. You rent that place for 1k a month. 6% roi before costs, taxes and allowing for periods of no occupancy is pretty fucking bad. You should be putting 1% of the market value aside per year for maintenance as well. The 2-3% increase in property value is great, but you can't realise it until you sell unless you mortgage and use the money to snowball which is the real value.

Of course that 200k would have been 30k a few decades ago and that reflects the true value of the bricks and materials and land beneath it which is all it is valued at without demand.

Lets say population decreases even slightly over the next 30 years. You'll literally have parts of the country depopulated and small towns will be filled with empty homes. It'll be like rural Japan.

>> No.16708066

THIS... renters like OP like to complain, but don’t have to deal with the curse of possessions

>> No.16708073
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>just let the government provide housing

>> No.16708104

did you even read my post? Is asking for the option of cage apartments really that entitled?

>> No.16708164

It sounds weird, but I believe it will slowly decline and die out in time. Most of the rental properties out there are inherited or from the very specific housing boom over the last couple of decades. Most of the people involved are amateurs.

People are living longer and having children later in life. If you inherit a place valued at 200k realistically you can hope to extract 30 years worth of rent from it. 360 payments less costs assuming no downtime. You can see why people choose to sell rather than take on what is going to become a minor job. Others will lose the property due to bad luck, poor decision making or by just not being as good at it as others who want it more.

The people who got in and bought before the boom enjoy returns in excess of what the current market can provide. People seeking to get into it now can do a lot better for less effort than a mini property empire.

Also the population growth thing. A few generations below replacement rate. Curtailing immigration. Immigration from parts of the world impacted from climate change are unlikely to assimilate successfully and be business as usual. We will probably see a lot of houses return to land + materials price.

>> No.16708185

Landlord here. I wish I could set up a huge block of of 200-300 / mo cage apartments. The costs could be super low and the profits would be much better than what I'm getting now. But zoning won't let that happen.

Also public opinion would have a field day. Can you imagine the headlines? "Horrible Landlord Cages Tenants - Why Do We Let This Happen?"

>> No.16708205

No one seemed to mind too much when the headlines said "Horrible Boss Cages Workers - Why Do We Let This Happen?" It's a simple fact that wagie belongs in his cagie, day and night. I propose cage shaped cars so that he doesn't need to suffer the scary insecurity of the uncaged world.

>> No.16708216

I agree it would be horrible PR. It's sad because there is legitimate value in it.

>> No.16708225

It means the missus and I can move from city to city around the world every couple of months enjoying what each has to offer but without having to buy a whole house

>> No.16708239

I know, it would be a huge win. It would be a concrete structure, rooms would be basically like a barracks with a swipe card entrance. Cot, electric, toilet. 200 a month plus utilities, separately metered. Don't pay, we deactivate your swipe card. The room would be made to be hosed down in the case of degenerate activity

Easy peasy. I'd literally put all of my money into a plan like this.

>> No.16708247

The commute and to bad from the outskirts of boston

>> No.16708254

>Can ANYONE here give a single good reason for landlords to exist?
They have the land.
You don't.

Also, niggers. If the risk of a tenant shitting up the place didn't exist, rent would be lower.

>> No.16708262

I'm from another city and the bad parts here are nothing.

>> No.16708269

T. Nigger

>> No.16708278

>Can ANYONE here give a single good reason for landlords to exist?
Because of lazy ignorant people like you OP who are too fucking daft to own your own home so you must rent. Landlords wouldn't be as prevalent if you dumb fuckers would just buy a house, but you won't because you cry about how home ownership is a scam, which brings me right back to my original point.

>> No.16708283

If she was my landlord, my "pipes" would be clogged at least three times a week.

>> No.16708335

the real problem is of course that after a relatively short time those cages would cost half an average wage in rent
rent always climbs to maximum affordibilty of average wages around because wagie cagies are stupid, zoning laws are the only thing allowing you to live like a person at the moment rather than a total slave

>> No.16708356

While I agree that landlords provide a necessary function (charging a fee for a service for those without sufficient capital), I think those that say 'OMG commie" are also pretty fucking retarded.

There are a ton of perverse incentives going on in the current system because the supply of land is totally inelastic, and this extends into housing stock. As it stands, the game incentivizes people who can monopolize all the housing they can, which is why companies like blackrock are buying all the housing stock out there. People with properties can get low interest loans to buy more, which exacerbates the problem. After a generation of this, we find ourselves in what amounts to serfdom where the vast majority of people can never own land despite actually participating in the productive economy.

Land is distinct from other asset classes because it is a factor of production, and unlike labor and capital, nobody created it through their own effort. If we taxed land instead of labor and capital this would cease to be an issue.

>> No.16708429
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Europe is covered in rotten brutalist social housing just like this? From the economically dead east where they are mostly empty and falling apart to the coasts of the mediterranean where warm climate, the occasional lick of paint and airbnb tourism keep them going another year before inevitable redevelopment to the crime, drugs and black mould no go zones of scotland and london. Everywhere they are they are failing.

I mean ... I speak as somebody who likes brutalist architecture. They just don't work socially. They are all being redeveloped because high population density means high property values which results in high 'quality' homes (whatever that measure of quality is).

Real world poor people are unable to value time so they'll still get more normal housing. It'll just be a three hour bus ride away from where they work.

>> No.16708466

>COPE the post
Land is taxed you moron, and landlords pay an exorbitant amount in land tax BECAUSE it is an income property. The problem is exactly what my point was in my original post:
>Because of lazy ignorant people like you OP who are too fucking daft to own your own home so you must rent.

>> No.16708639

I understand that property taxes exist anon. What I object to are taxes on labor and capitals, and that property taxes don't accurately measure land values and overemphasize the value of their improvements.

Are you the same faggot from yesterday?

>> No.16708662

To reward people who invest smartly and delay gratification instead of blowing their money on fleeting pleasures and literally zero chance of success shitcoins?

>> No.16708829


hotels are a waste of money just for one night

>> No.16708846

can anyone refute this actually?

>> No.16708874

properties, fine.
But land should be taxed. Land belongs to everyone
except it's fucking illegal now to set up your tent about anywhere.
Except in dead areas where there's no resources left. Why do you think all the aborigines are dying?

>> No.16708890


Land and property are taxed, moron.

>> No.16708925

The service that landlords provide is charging a fee for the capital outlay the the renter can't lay out.

The problem is that the returns are compounding and the supply is fixed. I don't think landlords need to be abolished but for the reasons you say (land is the common property of mankind), the land system needs to be modified so that land speculation is not economically profitable and the increase in land values is returned to the people that create them, which is the broader society.

>> No.16709005

People shouldn't buy more houses than they need.

>> No.16709022


>> No.16709024

who pays to maintain the house? the landlord who already lets someone live there for free?

>> No.16709030

why not? because youre poor?

>> No.16709033

thats a dumb argument, im sure you have things that you dont need and just wanted.

>> No.16709035

Read the post again. It says ''most of them inherited all the properties they own''. Even if they did work for it, it then gives them access to free money which ruins the incentive to keep working.

>> No.16709057

Because land is a factor of production like labor and capital, but unlike labor and capital, the supply of land is fixed.

Land should be able to be held in perpetuity without compensating all other people for the lost benefit of the forgone conclusion. Ricardian rents should be taxed at the full market value, labor and capital should be entirely untaxed.

>> No.16709064

If it makes you feel better, the landlords pay property tax to the goverment so basically almost half of the money you paid them is actually going to the goverment, not them.

>> No.16709067

I've read your posts and agree.
I've thought about this before and read some Georgist theory, while I don't agree with everything along that line of thinking I do think introducing a land taxes that scales exponentially with the amount of land you hold would go a long way. Sort of like Friedman's negative income tax but applied to land.

>> No.16709094

It's not about the amount of land, it's about the MARKET VALUE of that land, and that is a key distinction. Farmland by it's very nature must be worthless than urban land.

The question is 'who creates the value of land'? I'm generally against public investment but it's objectively the case that public investment increases land values, it makes very good sense that the public recoup the value of public spending through increased land rents.

>> No.16709105

The headlines about those hipster bunk beds in LA seemed positive to me though

>> No.16709108

if there is no profit incentive there will be no landlords to buy property, without that nobody will develop the land.

>> No.16709122

I’m a landlord of 12 units and it’s a nightmare. Houses I rent are prewar and are a nightmare...last ten years have been 40k in repairs and 50k in taxes, and that doesn’t include water and gas and electric. Tenants are all have shit for brains and not a single one of them is a damn adult. The millennials are worse than the boomers to rent to. I fucking hate it but if I sell everything I know the money won’t last.

>> No.16709123


>he thinks "the public" is recouping that money from land rent, and not all manner of fat cat government bureaucracy skimming a huge chunk off the top before sending the rest to meme shit like failing inner city public schools and a street corner park

If those rents didn't exist, your rent would be 30% less. Think about that. Landlords wouldn't have to charge as much. Taxation is not your friend so stop operating with that mindset.

>> No.16709137

fair points.
Public investment in land has a history of being badly exploited by politicians though. You can tax land value without requiring public investment.

>> No.16709141

post some of your millenial stories, I know how shit they can be with drugs and whatnot but I want to know your side of it

>> No.16709154

Anon, you're basic.

I'm pretty libertarian, maybe even Ancap. I've stated that I'm generally against public spending and would much prefer land rents be returned directly to people without the overhead. But that's a seperate discussion.

I'd like you to make the case why taxes on production (labor and capital) are superior to taxing Ricardian rents. I do not believe that this can be done.

Land is distinct from all other assets. I believe if you deploy capital, the benefits of that should 100% belong to you. However, if you buy land, wait, and allow OTHER PEOPLE to deploy capital in your vicinity, you're allowed to walk away with an increase without lifting a finger, AT THE EXPENSE OF EVERYONE ELSE.

This is morally indefensible and economically inefficient.

>> No.16709168

those taxes stop people from monopolizing all the land, which would send the prices way higher than they are now. The "wealth tax is leveraged to the working class" story is only true to a certain extent.
>I fucking hate it but if I sell everything I know the money won’t last.
And then you would have to work a normal job for your money. Imagine that for a nightmare. Boo hoo.

>> No.16709185

>I'm pretty libertarian, maybe even Ancap. I've stated that I'm generally against public spending and would much prefer land rents be returned directly to people without the overhead. But that's a seperate discussion.

That isn't a separate discussion. This is entirely what I'm addressing, you're the one trying to turn this into a separate discussion. I didn't say anything about the philosophy of land rents, I said your land rents are not going back to the public, they're going into the pockets of government profiteers, as usual. This is how it will always happen so you can leave your utopian vision at the door. The choice is whether that's a good dynamic or not, I don't think so since the public would be better served to have cheaper rents and housing.

You only have to look at Cali and NY to see what happens when the government decides to regulate land ownership a little too much.

>> No.16709186

just market it as a trendy 'capsule hotel' or 'tiny bedrooms'

>> No.16709205
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>Taxation is not your friend
oh great, here come the lolbertarians. the adults are talking dude, please take it elsewhere.

>> No.16709206

property tax were created by jews so that you would never own your land.

>> No.16709212

yeah kys, You aren't an adult you are a slave

>> No.16709227


How am I lolbrertarian? That's simply a fact, don't approach everything with "let's tax and regulate this", taxes and regulations are a last resort solution since they're severely limited in their efficacy. We didn't used to tax the fuck out of everything in this country, it's not a good thing and it impedes everybody.

>> No.16709228

owning land is a stupid idea.
Land belongs to everyone.
I dont care about jews, we're discussing if land tax is a good or bad idea, not if the jews are responsible for it.

>> No.16709243

I do work a normal Job as well, I manage the units and work doing data entry at an office full time. Landlording doesnt give health care and I've had half my units empty when I need to fork over work cash to keep the business a float. No such thing as "Making it" anymore. I keep the building because the Fed is going to destory Fiat and stock market is doomed in the next 30 years. What the fuck and I going to sell the building for gold? Boomer Stocks? nothing is permanent, the closest thing we have to permanent is peroperty. Also I make it a priority never to live in anyplace I own...I rent my apt away from the building.

>> No.16709273

I want to make a deposit in this lanlordlady, if you know what I mean

>> No.16709296

Because I don't wanna pay back property tax

>> No.16709302

the point is that being a landlord is optional, you won't die if you give it up. If it's such a nightmare you are free to quit and live the "normal" life.
And if you're envisioning a collapse of fiat and stocks and think the property market will survive that, good luck lmao. Ask the people who invested in Dresden before WW2. People who held gold are doing better, that's for sure.

>> No.16709307

They should be killed and property seized and redistributed. Only MIGA kikes have a problem with this

>> No.16709367

>Tenants are all have shit for brains and not a single one of them is a damn adult.
that's why rent is so much, as stated in my post earlier
if every tenant was Asian or white who didn't party and shit up the place rent would be much lower because there would be much less trouble

>> No.16709377

>owning land is a stupid idea
good luck convincing the people with land that you are correct :^)

>> No.16709396

Under a negative land tax, those with lower land values (the majority) would receive money from those occupying high land values (very few).
In a democracy, all that needs to be convinced it the majority :^)

>> No.16709398
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it's funny to see the fantasies of s0i weaklings who have no power
the rage of millions of weak kings

>> No.16709406

good thing we don't live in a democracy
How's that popular vote treating you, Hillary?

>> No.16709432

im not an ameritard like you
and also lol at whining at the popular vote thing, Hillary knew what game she was supposed to be playing. Not american and even I know how the first past the post system works

>> No.16709455

Again, if you're going to make this claim, explain why you think taxes on income or capital gains are superior.

You're just saying 'taxation is bad so don't bring it up" which really doesn't hold water. Land monopolization is horrible for the broader society and in my opinion one of the only legit functions of government is to remediate it.

We need government and land taxes are the only morally defensible way to fund it.

>> No.16709483

The thing about it is that property taxes ARE bad. Under the current system, if you have two identical lots, and once guy builds a nice house that increases the property values of those around him, and another builds a fuckin crack house, the guy with the nice house pays MORE.

The game should be structured in such a way that people are encouraged to produce value, be through labor or capital. We should not have system that is antagonistic towards value production that also gives every incentive to hold land out of production.

>> No.16709603
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it already be like this in America. property tax

>> No.16709748
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>tfw grandparents all in leverage market bought real estate for 50 years

>> No.16710795


>> No.16710811

property tax is not the same as land tax.
And the ideal land tax would not b a one-time event but a perpetual rate, to prevent owning land.

>> No.16710840

Yeah I'm pretty bitter my retarded dad didn't buy any real estate here when it was cheap. Immigrated from soviet Russia so probably wasn't financially oriented. I'm essentially priced out forever but fuck if I'm ever going to give a landlord any money. Just gonna be homeless and save up $10k/year and invest until I'm 60 and then live out the rest of my shit life in retirement in whatever country has low COL by then.

>> No.16710866

Also, despite being tremendously butthurt that I don't get to inherit fucking anything, I still disagree with OP's point. Someone worked for the property and should be allowed to give it to whomever he wants (usually his descendants). A lot of people wouldn't work as hard as they did if they knew they couldn't pass it on to their children.

The only alternative is abolishing property rights and well that's a huge discussion on its own but it would probably be a clusterfuck.

>> No.16711216
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>mfw landlord at age 22 after mom remarried and moved with some retired baseball dipshit
>dad is relieved I get to keep the house instead of mom
>don't have to work at all I pay someone else to deal with the house
stay mad (and poor), op

>> No.16712252

Buy a house you dipshit, the government subsidizes mortgages enough as it is.

>> No.16712288

What utter 50 IQ horseshit. It's like saying no one would buy cars if there were no dealerships. Tesla sells their cars directly to the customer, developers could do the same thing.
If no one is selling its because there's no demand

>> No.16712306

lol, they subsidize the lenders, not the consumer. Sure you can get *loans* you have to pay back. But the prices are 300-3000% the cost it actually took to build the house.
>just pay 5% interest

>> No.16713351

lol get fucked wagie

>> No.16713380

They subsidize the consumer when he writes off the interest payments from his other taxes.
>But the prices are 300-3000% the cost it actually took to build the house.
Build a house then.

>> No.16713613
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>> No.16713632

>You do realize that for thousands of years humans lived in forests and mountains using caves and tents as shelter. “Housing” in an already overpopulated city is NOT a basic human need.
because it's perfectly legal to just set up a tent or live in a cave retard.

>> No.16713643


>> No.16713660

Yeah it is. You can camp on public land for a few weeks at a time before you have to move your campsite 10 meters. Also there's no building codes in bumfuck nowhere offgrid. You can build the shittiest piece of shit you want, nail 10 pieces of 2x4s togethers and throw a tarp over it and no one will give a fuck. Or just fucking sleep in a tent on the offgrid land. No one will give a shit. Not a solution, but just saying.

>> No.16713673

Because you keep giving them money. Learn to capitalism bro.

>> No.16713678

Just become one like I did. You do have landlord parents right? I'm pretty much modern day nobility

>> No.16713684

Stalin did nothing wrong.

>> No.16713686

Your fault for having nigger parents lmao

>> No.16713719

You're wrong anon. The lockean proviso has been violated.

>> No.16713772

Germany is like this. They have good industrial policy so most people do alright, but home ownership isn't the norm there. Ironically, Canada's home ownership rate is something like 70% of households.

>> No.16713794

Anyone who has had any sort of office job knows this and the posters ITT contradicting it are retarded.

>> No.16713817

Do big agree with this though - there is problem of positive externalities generated by virtue of densification. Same thing happens when you take the costs of developing transit from general revenues rather than by special levy on property owners immediately adjacent to the improvements (e.g. light rail).

In the first instance, however, I can't get around the problem of how you avoid the problem of ever-expanding public bureaucracies from dominating the distribution of the surplus.

In both instances, I also don't know how you could accurately calculate the surplus.

>> No.16713833

Either take advantage or be taken advantage of, sure you can buy single family home to live in and then save money not having to pay rent but if you could generation additional income with very little work why wouldn't you?

>> No.16713837

I am a bit drunk so please excuse some of the prose fuck ups.

>> No.16713854

Your mother ran away with another man and you didn't do anything about it. Owning a detached house isn't going to make you less of a faggot, but it doesn't matter because you're larping anyways.

>> No.16713877

Fucking cope, how is that a larp. Plenty of lucky fucks inherit rentals from their parents, it's nothing special. My mom also ran away with another man but I don't get to inherit anything because my parents were retarded. I have to wageslave and he does not.

>> No.16713897
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>> No.16714949

I was at a 4-star hotel... and the bartender didn't wash his hands coming from the bathroom... urinal, and back to work...
>i complain to other wait staff
>i complain to hostess
>hostess offerers me a room for over 180 USD
>tell her to shit in her hat basically
>get on stage with live singer, and eventually after 3 songs i never knew the 4th one and stepped down from stage
>so other bartender gets me an UBER...
>umm im cocked so lets go
>i haven't pee'd since i saw that bartender use a toilet and not wash....
>so i tell this broad to stop... broad took off... UBER LEFT ME...
>i walk to the police department.. they gave me water and called me a cab...
>fuck it... im willing to say it was the best experience on the outside of a jail cell...
>don't drink and drive, and if you do plan on drinking designate a driver.

>> No.16714960

wait it goes deeper...
>tell her to pull into a gas station...
>damn some one left a floater
>pee and flush
>oh shit needs a plundger...
>tell the clerk, walk out of gas station UBER TOOK off....

>> No.16714964
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They don't need to give a single reason to exist. People can do with their property what they want.

>> No.16714968

The laws are no the tenant side, not the landlord side. As your pic shows you're still a child.

>> No.16714970

>next door is a pizza place
>ask if I can get a delivery pizza
>ask if I can use a phone
>fucking cunt sends all these cooks home
>order food
>walk out while she's being a bitch
>i ordered like 17 dollars worth of food, but she didn't want to let me use the phone, so I just walked to the police station.

>> No.16714977

Good for her though

>> No.16714979

wait hold up... before the pizza place, i did purchase two nips from the liquour store.. they gave me what everers... flavored smirnoffs i think.. but i want the full story to be told.

>> No.16714988

No it means he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing with crypto and is lucky he has a property he can rent out so he doesn't go broke.

>> No.16714993

i usually call them servers, broads, chicks, mothers, or daughters.... woman is a strong word, what ever.... cousin? actual name... im sorry... what ever... does gender matter? the police guy was a man... i apologized and wanted respect, and he said... my cab was delayed because state police pulled the cab over... the driver was having problems with his client... and well k troop took them, he picked me up and it was good.

>> No.16714999

did have to wait an hour for a cab, but two bottles of water from the police... thanks. officer anon.

>> No.16715008

i stayed off the road... you all should all try to remember that.

>> No.16715012

Low cost housing should be built more. The universe and people owe you nothing though. Build your own life.

>> No.16715013

oh i did have like 6 vodkas, 2 saki's, 8 shots of espresso, a big beer, a big wine, and another stupid ipa beer, 2 gin and tonics, and those nips.

>> No.16715017


>> No.16715018

Crazy. If someone wants to live in a car why bother him...

>> No.16715021


>> No.16715022

it was a 12 ounce cold snap... and it was the worst beer...

>> No.16715028

i can drink every fucking day... and if i don't want to anymore... you can't convince me. say hey baggie i'll giive you a million dollars to do this shot... I'll either give you the finger, or i'll partake... that's a lot of money... but I think i'd imediately how about a surrogate and let some one else do the shot, but ok you get the finger.

>> No.16715048

listen, there were a few tribes, and you're talking after wall street... wall street was liiterally a wall built in the 1600s and if you want to speak poorly of the tribes impacted, look at these fucking casinos... you're just a fucking prick.... and the tipi is a different thing... they hunted buffalo and followed the Mississippi river. and the planes... you're literally bitching about the 1800s... and affordable housing.... it was come here and get work, we had a civil war going on you moron, and manufacturing didn't change that much.

>> No.16715069
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>> No.16715074

you know what i have the most records of is these coastal tribes that followed swims of certain fish.. i've eaten these... but the tipi was never used in the north east... we just cut trees, folded saplings puts skins and builts a fire inside of them... it was a wigwam.. and you have to understand... the ammount of immigrants in the 1900s... changed the demographics forever.... you can keep a teepee by a river.... but honestly that's only because some one is about to die... back then... you get in bad shape.. it could take 2 -3 weeks to die, but sometimes people got up better, and eventually ended up dead... it's about work and ancestory

>> No.16715089

I bought my first apartment when I was 28 years old. Does it make me any better than her, mhm?
t. IT Engineer from Slavland

>> No.16715117

meh...im american.. you bought what? and the taxes on it? seriously it's just a language difference...

>> No.16715143

Sounds good.

>> No.16715182

would breed

>> No.16715214
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TFW I am a landlord . Actually feels good to have a passive income. Anyone who is complaining about landlords , cope some more. I am 100% sure that if get an opportunity to become one you would do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.16715531


>> No.16715595

I support tax on empty houses and retards on /biz/ call me a commie even though it's economically feasible. But people like you who unironically want something as stupid as "hur thur landlords shouldn't exist" isn't going to happen. No serious person, no politician and no economist would agree and I generally agree with them than some rando retard who just came from the Chapo Trap House reddit thread to post their bullshit ideas.

>> No.16715626

>Every landlord contributes more to society than op
this is your brain on Judaism

>> No.16715638

stop posting and leave the board, tripgay

>> No.16715660
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A decent flat in an okay place is like 400k at least. The market has a 7% annual return, so it would be retarded to let you live there for like a 100 bucks. If you consider the opportunity cost of the owner (how much money the market value of the home would generate, what they give up for you to live there basically) and taxes, repairs, etc you realize you aren't actually fuck over that bad.
If rent was lower by law ppl would just sell their houses/flats at market value and get a bigger return elsewhere.

>> No.16715707

>Houses I rent are prewar
there's your problem

>> No.16715748

Simples. Just buy your own house then you won't be afflicted by the problem of landlords.
Oh wait, what do you mean, you can't afford your own house? See? You've just justified everything landlords do for you.

>> No.16715793

Eurofag there
Banks won't let you borrow money if you're too old, even though you worked all your life and you are under 50. How can you afford to buy a house when you've got to pay a rent ?

>> No.16715895

If rent were lower by law, so would be the market value (because expensive properties wouldn't generate enough ROI, demand drops).

>> No.16715935

There you go. Blame everyone else except yourself. It's the landlord's fault. It's the bank's fault. It's the gubberment's fault.
Just get off of your fat lazy arse and figure it out like I did when I was 18, when I bought my house. Absolutely couldn't afford it, I lived in poverty for decades. But guess what? I made it.

>> No.16716015

Waaaah waaah
Why aren't you like me, a sore loser. IM A LOSER BY CHOICE, WHY AREN'T YOU LIKE ME WAAAAH

>> No.16716183


> loans are based on income
> nothing stopping you from purchasing a home

Right cause jobs that earn $50k or more per year are around every corner.

>> No.16716189

In order for some to live off interest, others must pay interest.

>> No.16716329

this makes sense because burger homes are utter trash cardboard boxes

>> No.16716342


This is an issue. The system in America is designed to keep every single adult spending a good portion of their paycheck on housing.

>> No.16716406

Buying a rental property is like getting a 30 year loan to buy one stock at a time for 30 years.
I'm not sure about the US market, but it's certainly the other way around here, proparty value sets the rent price.
Often the rent is just about an avarage return, and you havent considered the tenant(s) cooking meth in the flat, beating their vives in the flat, pissing on the carpet, property taxes, property manager's fee (and them fucking you over), mold, tenant refusing to leave.
And I havent even gotten into the fact that when you are buying a house you are competing with the capital of chinks and other rich foreigners who don't give a shit about return (they are just getting the money out of their county, the house is often never seen by them and empty) and that also builds into the price of the property, and you never get a return on that.

>> No.16716412

Someone has to own the property and put up the money to by and maintain the property you dumbass.

>> No.16716433
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Whether it’s commie talk or not, under the current system we are all rent-slaves forced to work to keep the roof over our heads.

>> No.16716448


Thing is you can't get a $1,000,000 loan at 2% to buy stock with.

>> No.16716500

Is there anyone that can make the case that taxes on labor and capital are superior to taxing land values alone?

>> No.16716521


Yeah, taxing labor maintains the class hierarchy, keeps the rich rich and the working class working away for the rich.

>> No.16716611

My point was that you are spending money that will (or maybe won't) bring a return for decades. It's just not worth the risk for an average return, It's not that easy to pull your money out of realestate.

>> No.16716637

Serve bug burgers in cages and on the large screen inside the each cage pod, broadcast lectures about equality and diversity
You should be fine then

>> No.16716640

>I support tax on empty houses
I wouldn't mind this
Rents are so high because of the risk of disaster (i.e. a nigger tenant shitting up the place)
If your house is lying empty, then you aren't dealing with the risk of nigger tenants (although there are squatters, but that's a different story)

>> No.16716649


>t. White people

>> No.16716656

Nigga walked to the police and they called him a cab

Da fuck

>> No.16716663

Used to think like this.

Joined the zog army and used my VA homeloan. No down payment or any bs. Literally just joined an intelligence mos for a few years, got out and started at 85k two years ago. Over 130k now, multiple properties.

Conversely look into something like construction.

How do people not know about choices?

>> No.16716682

My humble brag

I chose the VA 100% NEET route with social security. Nigga I dont do shit and THAT is priceless. Worth more than everything in the world

>> No.16716703


Yeah but if you have 100k, you could get maybe 15% in the stock market (on average on the high end). Or you could use it to put a down payment on a $500k property. It would then only have to return a net 3% ROI to beat the stock market investment. Like if you got a 2% interest rate and a 6% ROI then you net $20k vs $15k if you invested in stocks, despite the RIO being half. All because there is a government run, money losing corporation, that gives money loosing loans for real estate, so people take advantage of it.

>> No.16716730

70% here...nice, 3k for doing dick all is the NEET move. Showed up to one class a week for the gi bill plus disability and that was dope. Did you have to appeal a shit ton of stuff?

>> No.16716739

Nigga I just acted crazy. They gave me schizo meds. SSI is like $1400

Like I acted CRAZY

>> No.16716754

The real benefits start at 100% permanent and total anon. Theyll give your kids a $40,000 GI Bill for your dependents

Look up Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA)

Its bullshit bro may as well out jew the jews fuck the government

>> No.16717045

Because streets and many public areas are not designed for people to use as sleeping/living quarters. There are designated areas for this and some businesses will allow it.

>> No.16717105

There literally are if you didnt go to college for interpretive dance. You did go to college, right anon? Or at least tech school/skilled trade training?
If you haven’t bettered yourself why do you deserve to make more money? If you have bettered yourself through higher education, why are there other people with similar degrees having no problem making money? At some point you are going to have to accept that the problem doesnt lie with anyone else, but you.

>> No.16717316

Didn’t read, fuck off tripfag

>> No.16717413
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>Can ANYONE here give a single good reason for private property to exist?
It's easy to talk shit about property rights when it's OTHER PEOPLE'S property you're talking about. A habitable house takes a huge amount of resources to build, maintain, insure etc etc. A home literally costs a couple decades of wages for most people. If the people who own houses knew their property rights were not going to be respected these houses would have never been built in the first place and everyone but a select would be sleeping in the streets or in scrapped together shanty towns.

In short, shut up commie.

>> No.16717828

So make parabolic progressive tax then. Like vitaliks eth staking.
0,2% main residence
1,5% next five
Then 2% etc
Instead taxes just fleece the plebs

>> No.16717869

We are getting fucked irrespective of the system. On the one hand, US boomers had insanely affordable housing.
Contrary, Soviet boomers were handed apartments built by state for fucking free. Another option was dyi house on which the government reimbursed 50% construction costs.

>> No.16718061
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>> No.16718129

yea well some day your family will get TSARed too, faggot

>> No.16718155
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>be wealthy "bloodline"
>let your country get flooded with niggers and chinks to get even wealthier

>> No.16718337

This guy gets it.

>> No.16718343

So... move?

>> No.16718401

> land belongs to fucking everyone
Not even animals - shit, not even plants - fucking p l a n t s - agree with this idea.

>> No.16718417

Most of the tsars were Saxon /Dutch implants
Feeble cucks mostly with exception of Peter the Great and Nicolaus I

>> No.16718509

>reeee i had to pay rent even though they bought a house for me with that money effectively making it $0 in rent all while living in their house
Really seems crabs in a bucket mentality. Theyre mad they did it a certain way and want you to do it as well but on a harder difficulty

>> No.16718952

It wasn't effectively a $0 rent. It was $0 rent PLUS a fucking free house. Call me jidf, but boomers really are more greedy than kikes. And they destroy their own.

>> No.16718986

Because the state...any state cannot be trusted with too much power.

>> No.16718993

commie idiot

>> No.16719015

If they could afford the house they were renting they would buy, they can’t. So someone else puts up their own cash so the renter can have a place. Don’t think all renters are some monolithic oppressed group. There are enormous benefits to renting (freedom of movement, access to areas they can’t afford, maintaining a house is not cheap).

>> No.16719038

For Christ sake stop your pity party and envying other peoples shit. Work hard and earn your own shit and pass it on.