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16703275 No.16703275 [Reply] [Original]

“I think the nuance here is that crypto markets and the companies that build the technology are to a large degree separate.”--Sergey Nazarov

>> No.16703506

he is a retard that had no idea what bitcoin was.

>> No.16703651

That’s his secret way of saying
>I’m here to scam all NEETs

>> No.16703658

fundamentally correct

>> No.16703747
File: 82 KB, 365x590, DABED088-2069-4A5A-BE1F-9B6C45386CC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying that those with all the money arent interested in blockchain for the purpose of relacing their money with coins/tokens, they're interested in blockchain because it will help them save and make more FIAT.

>> No.16703759

he literally was part of the group that invented bitcoin, you are a retard.

>> No.16703760

People who don't know what they're talking about tend to burp out vague meaningless statements.

>> No.16703791

it is plausible that he was introduced to the bitcoin inner circle through his VC work in russia

>> No.16703893

Fucking chad, look at that skull shape

>> No.16703941

By "crypto markets" he means the price of the tokens, and the activities and companies that faclitate the trading of the tokens. He's saying that the teams building the cryptos exist in a separate capacity and are virtually uninvolved with the trading side of things. There an interview where he goes into a little more detail about this

>> No.16704023

>unironically believing this

>> No.16704209

Sergey is calling BAT a scam. He means Brave is going to get rich by selling a billion internet tokens to newfags.

>> No.16705404
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>they're interested in blockchain because it will help them save and make more FIAT.
they still fail to understand that the fundamental problem with FIAT is that it is losing the ability to assign value to goods and services
particularly when we are seeing currency wars playing out
crypto is a money laundering operation used to fuel the escalating trade wars
the best part about Chainlink is that it is open source and agnostic and is aiming to be used as a tool for coming to a consensus on the quantification (a.k.a valuation) of goods and services as well as risk (insurance)

>> No.16705416

lol using the link token makes no sense

>> No.16705433
File: 358 KB, 960x960, 464e2a07-933e-4539-ab3d-a31e1e525f91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol using the link token makes no sense
the term "staking" is a misnomer
it should be called "collateralized data aggregation"
hence the need for the token
>no skin in the game (aka no risk), no reward

>> No.16705436

Again, makes no sense. Link team might as well keep all the link and having everything run through them.

>> No.16705438

someone post the comefrombeyond tweet

>> No.16705448
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>Link team might as well keep all the link and having everything run through them.
explain how consensus is reached via proprietary or closed systems

>> No.16705480

Yes. How was this difficult for anyone to understand?

>> No.16705852

I’m too lazy someone else do it

>> No.16705874

a lot of very expensive, neurotic, long nosed middlemen pretend to argue amongst eachother about which belief should be forced on everyone else.

>> No.16705877

he's saying he didn't dump tokens without outright acknowledging it, because to do so would lend even a shred of legitimacy to the market dumping theory, for which there is no concrete proof