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16704688 No.16704688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are non-virgin women a good investment for marriage?

I'm thinking about getting married, however my gf was a non-virgin when we met. So basically she sold before the top, and then if I marry her I'd be buying after the peak. And then she gets half my stuff, and she got to fuck around before she met me, while I was an incel until I met her. The thought of her fucking another dude makes me physically cringe and not want to get married, but on the other hand she treats me well and lets me do whatever I want. So I'm conflicted. What say you /biz/?

>> No.16704706

Virgins are terrible fucks. Go read Sweet Thursday and get the greatest American writer's view on marrying whores.
Hint: he's pro

>> No.16704712


We can give you proper advice only if you show us her ass

>> No.16704715

I think it's time for you to stop reading MRA PUA bullshit my man
If you're so conflicted then just fuck 10 whores on the side to get it done with and you'll realise it wasn't worth it and you didn't miss much then you can deal with the guilt (if any) after

>> No.16704735

I dont need to read MRA PUA bullshit to know that the thought of past dudes fucking my potential wife and mother of my children is off-putting, idiot


>> No.16704740

4chan has warped your mind. Check out this thread


If you are a man or woman seeking a virgin you’re mentally ill. You’re going to go through life having, at best, poor sex.

>> No.16704748

>Are...women a good investment...?
Generally speaking, no.

>> No.16704751

You are a fag. How could you be dumb enough to think marrying a virgin is a good idea? Holy shit you are dumb

>> No.16704752

Imagine marrying a non-virgin and running into one of her ex somewhere. He'll shake your hand while laughing behind your back because he's been in every one of your wife's holes.

>> No.16704781

You're okay with marrying a porn star then?

>> No.16704790

Why would it be a bad idea?

I imagine this isnt a problem for you?

>> No.16704798

There is a difference between that and
>"So basically she sold before the top, and then if I marry her I'd be buying after the peak. And then she gets half my stuff, and she got to fuck around before she met me, while I was an incel until I met her. The thought of her fucking another dude makes me physically cringe and not want to get married, but on the other hand she treats me well and lets me do whatever I want. So I'm conflicted."
Despite the /biz/ memes it's probably not a good idea to see your wife as some shitcoin you can chart. You feel like you "missed out" or whatever, that's on you. Even if you fuck 10 whores btw it will still nag at you, even if you fucked 1000 whores before you met her it probably would.

>> No.16704821

Take this bull shit to >>>/pol/

>> No.16704823

Don't marry a non-virgin. You can "marry" her as in call her your wife, live together, etc, but don't actually do the paper work. (inb4 he's a cuck who lives in a state with common law marriage) The ancient rule of the sages goes as follows: no hymen no diamond.

But by all means feel free to get her a diamond and have a wedding and everything. Just tell her that you don't want to actually do the paperwork for getting married for financial reasons, and play it off as not a big deal.

>> No.16704826

Are you one of those neurotic simpletons who believes that the world lives in extremes exclusively? One should marry someone who is experienced in sex but probably not someone who has made a profession out of it.

Quit your attempts at pedantic fuckery and go have sex.

>> No.16704851

>virgin = top
go fuck a virgin and come back
no, fucking yourself doesn't count

>> No.16704892


>> No.16704913


>> No.16704929
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Simps get the fuck out! Marrying a whore is a terrible idea

>> No.16705048

You’re not marrying for freaky sex.. all these fags telling you that you’re a fag for this don’t understand what marriage is. Both partners should be able to control their sexual impulses and channel them into other things (career for man, raising children, hobbies, up-keeping property, managing investments, dealing with in-laws, focusing on the broader community). Do you really think you’ll even have the time and privacy to do anything freaky often? No. What is most important is control over impulses so that you can stay tied together for decades and pass on your lessons and wealth to your children. Can you imagine your grandparents spending a considerable amount of time on thinking up what sex act to do next?

Rome started to crumble and Christianity gently caught its fall
Florence found itself falling from the top of civilization and Dante stepped in with his Divine Comedy
The same this is going on now.
In times of excess you go towards the path of restraint in hopes of hedging yourself against the decline. This is why people say history repeats itself.
Fuck these hedonists.

>> No.16705055

Why not? Surely a woman whos profession is sex would have the most to teach, cuck.

>> No.16705075

There's a number of factors that go into it anon.

What's your age? What's her age? How many sexual partners have you each had? what are your relationship goals? What are your two ethnicities, religion, background, upbringing, etc.

Statistically speaking, the younger you are and the fewer sexual partners you have, the better the relationship will be. If her number is low, the better off you are. Ultimately, she's looking for a guy who's confident, provides stability, and is someone she respects. Have you asked her if she wants marriage and children? If her answer is yes, then I'd say it's worth going for. Especially if you're in the US or Europe where (((media))) promotes women to be whores and race mixers, finding someone who's a virgin is rare. If you are fortunate enough to find someone like that, don't waste your opportunity.

I'm fortunate where I've done relatively well with attracting women and I won't be the only one to tell you that the older you get the more of a pain dating becomes. Not in the sense that it becomes more difficult, but your tolerance for BS drastically decreases every year. I fucking wish I had found someone earlier in life. Once you hit 28, the wall starts to hit for 99% of girls and the insanity level jumps up tenfold. At this point in my life either through my LINK stack or my job, I fully plan on moving to South America when I've made it and get myself a trophy wife.

t.30yo who's slightly drunk but doesn't who's been in your shoes.

>> No.16705101

imagine thinking that marrying a virgin is a better outcome. Lmao. That's downright anti-human. You think in nature humans just weren't fucking eachother before we married started the "Sacred insitution of marriage." KEKK

>> No.16705102

Follow this anon
After purchasing a new car, the moment that car leaves the parking lot it loses about 35% of its value
This is similar to women, the moment that cherry is popped she loses about 40% of her value
Everything she bangs a new guy that’s a new owner of the car
By the time she banged 4 guys that 4 previous owners with lots of damage and mileage and really you’re just buying junk at that point

>> No.16705109

>t. Cuckold faggot

>> No.16705136


>> No.16705149

Have you ever been with a woman, Anon?

>> No.16705157

>What's your age? What's her age?
24 and 23

>How many sexual partners have you each had?
I had 1 before her, she had 2 before me

She does want children and marriage, but again, the thought of emotionally makes me cringe, to the point of hatred and violence almost. So I dont think thats a good recipe for a long marriage even if shes perfect otherwise. Also shes not that attractive

I agree with this but I think its important to understand WHY she loses value when she loses her virginity. I believe its because sex is more emotionally impactful for women compared to men, so it leaves more of a "mark" on them so to speak, whereas men are more able to dissociate from sex hence why we are technically attracted to 50% of the population

>> No.16705168

please kys and/or go back to /pol/

>> No.16705171


>> No.16705182



>> No.16705185

Have fun marrying a girl who has received miles of cock, you stupid nigger

>> No.16705190

This has nothing to do with business, just because you say "investment"

>> No.16705197

My wife had boyfriends before me. Like all normal men, this does not bother me. I could see why it would bother you if you were an incel.

>> No.16705202

matter of fact he will, you on the hand...goodluck finding a virgin.

>> No.16705222

Keep her around, hunt at marriage if you must to keep her around, but never ever give a slut a ring. Virgins are worth marrying, anything else is just a high maintenance and expensive pet you can put your dick in. Don't forget it. No hymen no diamond. What difference does marriage make anyway? You know she's not religious and that she will burn in hell. What could she possibly hope to gain from marriage? I'd wager her wanting to marry is not based purely on religious conviction. I mean she's already putting out so there is truly no point whatsoever in marrying her. If she don't like it then she can leave when she's tired of being strung along in about five or six years. I'm sure guys will be lining up with rings for her 35 year old ass at that point. You'll just have to settle for another twenty-something girl and repeat the process.

>> No.16705227

>implying marriage wouldnt effect your finances as much as any other decision in your life

>> No.16705230

I'm not an incel. I just know from experience that sluts never change. My ex girlfriend fucked lots of guys before me and now she's married and still messages me begging to fuck. If you marry a whore you'll end up being a literal cuck

>> No.16705240

>I'm not an incel.
Yes, you would probably call yourself a volcel, I imagine.

>My ex girlfriend fucked lots of guys before me and now she's married and still messages me begging to fuck.
I doubt that very much.

>> No.16705241
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I'm getting really fucking sick of these retarded threads. Yeah go look for a virgin girlfriend and end up dying alone. KYS.

>> No.16705249

Better than marrying a thot.

>> No.16705261

A virgin is like sex, amazing to fantasize about and fuck.
But in the end you realize it's just overrated bullshit and it comes and goes without any true differences unless your bitch is a degenerate for other reasons rather than dated people before you and fucked with them.

So if shes good all around dont be an idiot and let her go because at the end of the day you may or may not find a virgin next time and if you do who's to day your future virgin wife won't have an issue with you not being a virgin anymore and decides to cheat on you because shes FOMOing the sex with other people since you're not a virgin and what not, OP.

It goes both ways.

>> No.16705264

The one other girl I ever fucked- some slut- literally would text me to fuck every time something went SLIGHTLY south with her current bf. so yes this shit happens all the time and YOURE the incel if you think otherwise

everyone dies alone. I am most peaceful when I'm by myself. relationships are exhausting

>> No.16705269

Nobody said anything about boyfriends, that is fine. The issue is whether she has ever had sex with another person or not. Huge redflag if she struggles to grasp the concept of not sleeping with a boyfriend. It's actually my hardest test for a girl. I pressure her hard for sex. If she ever gives in it's a pump and dump. If she holds out till marriage then I'll know she might be worth at least something. Nonvirgin women have less value than a big fat stinky pajeet turd on the side of the street.

>> No.16705271

Women don't look for "virginity" in men retard. Have sex

>> No.16705277

Believe whatever you want simp. I'm sure defending whores is going to get you laid one of these days

>> No.16705284
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>> No.16705299

bitch please, nobody believes you do any of that shit. you're just an incel /pol/ faggot who needs to get a life

>> No.16705300

They actually do. One girl refused to date me because of it, then I got lucky again and she was OK with it.

>> No.16705303

You never had sex or a gf before her?
KYS, loser.

>> No.16705304

Yes they do you faggot. Women are in a position of power now. They have careers and don't depend on men for anything. They decide who they fuck while you cam only hope that they'll pick you.

It's easy being a woman in the year 2020. They have the final say, not you. That's why your girl isnt a virgin, faggot

>> No.16705317

>Women are in a position of power now
okay kid come back to me when the suicide rates are ten-fold they are today for women lmao

>> No.16705320

Suicide rates are higher for men than women you mongrel

>> No.16705334

Bullshit. Even virgin girls want "experienced" guys, because experienced guys are in demand by other girls, and girls want what other girls want, because theyre fucking NPCs of gender

>> No.16705341
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>Noooooooo you can't just say whores have no value! That makes you an incel!! All women are queens!

>> No.16705342

Imagine you get to try pizza for the first time. Do you continue to eat only that kind of pizza for the rest of your life?

Me? I’m a meatlovers guy. I’ve tried everything else and meatlovers with some garlic sauce is best. I’ll always order that combo of pizza. Other types of pizza is good but meatlovers is best. If I wouldn’t of tried other pizzas then I wouldn’t be monogamous to meatlovers pizza.

>> No.16705353

except this analogy doesnt work when it comes to relationships- hence the divorce rate being higher for women who have had 10 sexual partners vs women who have had fewer partners. this type of analogy only applies to men really

>> No.16705356

yup get a virgin you guys

its the only way i will marry

with a virgin you can train her how ever you want

they will love you for you.


they will test you, they will see what kind of a man you are. do not be afriad to walk away. do not get angry and hit them.

that is all

i am happily married. with a 23 year old, i met her when she was 18. took her virginity.

she makes more money than me.we almost broke up a few times but she cant do it.

i fuck around a few times with other women, makes me happy to always have her in my bed. could care less about all the other damaged sluts

>> No.16705358

Women are hypergamous by nature and are therefore always looking for the "best" pizza, theyre not going to fuck Chad and then realize Billy Beta was the perfect one for her. Nope, she will try to get even better Chads while stringing Billy Beta along for free housing/luxury handbags

>> No.16705359

I said WHEN you mongrel
We're going to witness a wave of despair not even thought possible
>still caring about relationships or sex
coombrain confirmed

Why the fuck do you care what a woman wants?
If any of you faggots genuinely seek salvation in having a relationship, kids, sex, etc, then wake the fuck up or you'll be a chucklefuck cuck

>> No.16705368

first post jew post as always

love is not about a first fuck. its about union

>> No.16705370

>i fuck around a few times with other women
And shes OK with this? Why do you fuck around when you have a virgin gf? thats fucked up man

I am woken up, why do you think I'm asking you faggots for input regarding before diving headfirst into a marriage- which implies raising a family. Idiot

>> No.16705377

It's fine as long as you've had an equal numbers of partners

>> No.16705392

We dont though, she had more

>> No.16705394

someone has to cheat in every relationship, might as well be me , men are able to fuck another slut for the night and not even think about the slut the next day, and instead cook my wife a nice breakfast and cuddle with her. thats jsut the way i am, im 5 years of being with her i only fucked about 5 differnt women. rarely happens. and ill never leave my wife, no matter how hot the other girls are. and trusts me they are hot, and loaded

i meet them at a bar. im a bartender.

>> No.16705396
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Women with 7+ sexual partners are the most likely to divorce. The more cocks a woman takes the less able she is to form a deep connection or be faithful to just one man

>> No.16705406


Non virgin women are whores that should be tortured and killed.

OP, if you have any decency and value yourself, don't eat rotten food.

>> No.16705419

Does your gf know?

>> No.16705614

have sex incel

>> No.16705668


You sound mentally ill and you undoubtedly have sociopathic tendencies. You should definitely get a divorce but before you do, you should seek help. A therapist would do wonders for you.

Unless she’s a sub-room temperature IQ drooling retard, your wife’s gut feelings should tell her you’re cheating.

Here’s something that’s objectively true: if either you or your spouse is willing to cheat on the other, then you’re objectively not in love and never have been in love. True love is pure dedication, openness and hard work. Cheating is essentially the opposite of love and people that cheat never know the bliss and rewards of actually being in love. That’s just the way it is.

>> No.16705678

she wouldn't be good in bed. you wouldn't be sexually satisfied in marriage. you'd fuck some whore. your wife would find out, divorce you, take half your shit plus the kids and you'd be right back where you started. virginity isn't a big deal. as long as she doesn't have stds then who gives a shit? admittedly if it's a huge amount of guys (30+) she's not worth marrying. if it's 1-5 other dudes she's on the very low end of partners for women in general and you should be thankful she's not a roastie

>> No.16705777

Someone doesn't get it.

>> No.16705791
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>thinking all that matters is sex
coombrain detected

>> No.16705820

I think it's after 4 prior sexual partners for the female that marriage statistically turns into a coib flip. You have to be an absolute lower calss imbecile to not see this

>> No.16705871

Its not just about the stats though. Imagine her seeing an ex while out in public. How humiliating would that be?

>> No.16705880
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Taking anything but a 14-20 year old teen is mentally ill and based on some psychological complex. With this ideal age-range implying virginity...

>> No.16705881

This must be bait but I’ll take it. Here’s some honest truth, you’ll never marry a virgin unless you’ve been with her since high school. Beta incels will keep dreaming.

>> No.16705900

For women it's much more about age than mileage.
A 17 year old girl who has taken some dick will still be worth more than a 30yo virgin, all else being equal.

>> No.16706062

>A woman can only get good at sex by having sex with someone who isn't me

>> No.16706086

Do everything except the paperwork if she reaally wants to marry. Say it ruins the romance for you.
Party yes, dress yes, rings yes... Papers no. Solved.

>> No.16706407

Ur a faggot

>> No.16706425
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>but on the other hand she treats me well and lets me do whatever I want. So I'm conflicted. What say you /biz/?
I say the nanosecond after you marry this shit is gonna end and you will see her true face as it always happens.
I've seen it happen before. Considering you're bluepilled enough to even consider marriage I think it's safe to assume there is no saving you and in the end you will do what your dick tells you to and marry her (or some other bitch) anyways, so suit yourself. Just don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.16706516
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If you do all the gimmick oftentimes you will be considered legally married anyways even if you didn't do the paperwork. In some jurisdictions if you are in a long enough relationship, with cohabitation and all the stuff, you will become de facto married or she will have some privileges equal as if you were even if with no paperwork involved.

Look up "palimony" or "common law marriage" if you don't believe me.

It's some really fucked up shit, I know. It's the state mandated equivalent of a shotgun marriage.

>> No.16706614


I cant believe that most of biz i so Blue-pilled on sex and marriages, not gonna make it.