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16702848 No.16702848 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16702854

Programming classes in the mid 00s

>> No.16702906
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How would I know it would make me money if I didn't do it?

>> No.16702929

CENNZ had 6x in October....should have bought some before that....

>> No.16703029

Buying eth sub $1 and selling over $1000

>> No.16703175

Buying bitcoin in 2009 and selling at ATH

>> No.16703194


>> No.16703322

g4p underage

>> No.16703353

buying shitcoins early obviously

but something i was involved in and fucked up was not selling in jan 2018, and again a few months later when i hit my ATH again

>> No.16703387

Literally anyone could have bought s&p500 or property after the 2008 crash and made a killing

>> No.16703963

He said 'method' individual coins and trades aren't a 'method'.
No wonder you're poor, you're 100% dependent on timing.

>> No.16703997

Publishing shitty niche ebooks and making money from the long-tail.
And band photography. I didn't realize how much you can make for a few hours work, good side hustle if you've got a good eye and can read and anticipate body language. You need a half-decent DSLR first, that's the barrier to entry. Although I'm sure some cats go full Terry Richardson and do it on a disposable 35mm
Monte Carlo Simulation

>> No.16704009
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>> No.16704050
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>posting disgusting chinks

>> No.16704986

Being first on youtube to create a channel where you watch me play videogames while acting like I have ADHD, screaming like a girl and say retarded shit.

That or opening boxes of toys.

>> No.16705002

Based. Fuck rice cookers- cook the rice, pay the price.

>> No.16705029

Giving up on figuring out how to buy bitcoin in 2010 when I was trying to do big boys first investment and had 3k to throw at it. Then forgot about bitcoin till I saw it going crazy in the news. That’s the most expensive but there’s about 7 other million dollar range flubs I pussied out on. This bull run I’ll finally be ready to ascend to my destiny

>> No.16705058

Growing weed in when it was still only medical in my state. I had lights, very productive plants and seeds, was tweaking both indoor and outdoor setups, had a few edible recipes that people liked, had a couple connections who were going to share their land with me when I proved profitiability. And then I let my family and friends fud me out of it.
>anon, what if it comes back on me and I get fired fron my job because you're doing illegal things?
>anon, the market is already saturated there's no way you can turn a profit
>anon, nobody likes drug dealers
That's just the first of many opportunities that I've squandered, but it hurts the worst because it was the first time I understood that my own fucking family wants me to fail, and that I'm a spineless coward.

>> No.16705078

Bitcorns... then litecorns... I saw these things in the dark webs when they weren’t worth shit, I was moar interested in the kiddie p. Fucked my shit up man

>> No.16705103

im so hornie & lonely it has overcoom my racisms

>> No.16705236

Assembly language Programmer here. Learning how the language of Math specifies things, like how a fornext loop can be written using Sigma

>> No.16705281

I sold around 17k litecoin for 3-4 dollars each

>> No.16705287
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>I was moar interested in the kiddie p. Fucked my shit up man
at least you made some from ETH

>> No.16705336


I always wonder if something like this is worse than what happened with me where I just missed it entirely

>> No.16705386

It was only 35-40% of my stack but still sucked

>> No.16705420
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>> No.16705878

runescape farming and btc