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16701679 No.16701679 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16701688 [DELETED] 

wtf who said inheritance cant exist? and how the fuck is it morally wrong?

>> No.16701699
File: 68 KB, 800x550, shit barometer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16701722

You live in a civilisation that is more comfortable than any other period in human history. 99.99% of things you have cannot be made by any one single human, thus it is imperative that you give back to the collective.

Renting and inheritance negatively affect society as a whole. If you think you shouldn't care about the greater whole, maybe you should read about the tragedy of the commons more.

>> No.16701745

>I'm not getting your shit so me sad
Yes, I certainly do not care about this negative effect on society.

>> No.16701746

checked and based

everyone I've ever met who inherited more than $1 million dollars is a fucking maggot

>> No.16701756

I don't care, neet.

>> No.16701868

You’re right anon. The “greater good” is more important than individual rights. By the way, an important politician needs heart surgery, and we just found out you’re compatible with him. Hey, he contributes more to society than you, gotta do your duty, right anon?

>> No.16701895
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>Renting and inheritance negatively affect society as a whole

>> No.16702844

Yes, absolutely. Landlords are definitely in a parasitic relationship with the rest of society. They produce nothing of value themselves and provide no useful skill, labor, or talent, and get paid an inordinate amount of money just for owning real-estate that they didn't even help to produce. This is copy pasted, but here's another point , it's normally boomers who own these rental properties, exploiting younger generations by forcing them to pay half of their wage so a boomer can buy expensive wine. Also judging by your lame attempt at the basedboy meme, you are a fucking boomer also. So fuck off faggot.

>> No.16703602
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>> No.16703610
File: 40 KB, 398x376, F012C838-03CC-4779-B3E0-51E448EC28C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commies are so funny

>> No.16703626

ok, go clean toilets 24/7 so you can contribute to society

>> No.16703628
File: 475 KB, 1080x1020, 1574215462178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, absolutely. Landlords are definitely in a parasitic relationship with the rest of society. They produce nothing of value themselves and provide no useful skill, labor, or talent, and get paid an inordinate amount of money just for owning real-estate that they didn't even help to produce. This is copy pasted, but here's another point , it's normally boomers who own these rental properties, exploiting younger generations by forcing them to pay half of their wage so a boomer can buy expensive wine. Also judging by your lame attempt at the basedboy meme, you are a fucking boomer also. So fuck off faggot.

>> No.16703637

this is very well put actually, kek

>> No.16703735
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>> No.16703755

Oh I’m the bad guy for providing housing in a collage town ?
Guess I’ll just sell my portfolio and go work 9 to 5 again

>> No.16703756

I can somewhat understand the argument against landlording (which isn't really a landlord issue as much as it is a housing availability issue), but there is literally nothing wrong with inheritance.

>> No.16703770

We take risk and provide short term housing options.

>> No.16703786
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Fuck your bitch ass common good

>> No.16703837

Have you ever actually looked into the work it takes to be a landlord? It's a lot of work keeping everything maintained and up to code while eating the cost whenever your piece of shit tenant falls behind on rent and it takes 3 months just to evict them. Shit isn't easy, if it was then everyone would be doing jt

>> No.16703839

Seems like OP was so mad in 1 thread that he couldn't out debate this other guy he had to make a new thread.

I saw that OP, and I'll remember.

>> No.16704232
File: 600 KB, 1113x724, 79e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess i'm a onions-boy beta cuck for having an opinion on landlords, who are mostly frumpy middle aged men or oldfags with more money then they will ever need. Pic related is you.

>> No.16704253

Ohh it must be so hard to inspect a property every 3 months and the landlords choose the tenants, so it's really their fault if they get bad people.

>> No.16704286

Newfags are worse

>> No.16704298

Not a newfag, just don't use that phrase very often .

>> No.16704302

And fix broken pipes at two am
And paint every year
And screen people

If we didn’t have rentals where would you live short term?
Oh let me guess the government would provide bloc housing for free amirite?

>> No.16704338

Who are you to say how much money people can earn ?

>> No.16704366

>They produce nothing of value
Cool, then you wouldn't mind living on the streets?

>> No.16704388
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so much work getting a decent couple in and cashing in checks

>everyone would be doing jt

not everyone inherits

>> No.16704391


>> No.16704393

>implying landlords make houses

>> No.16704401

>landlords choose the tenants

There are anti-discrimination laws in every state that force landlords to rent to tenants who are of the 12% that commit over 50%.

>> No.16704404

All of those problems pale in comparison to being a wage slave 50 hours a week. Wow, there was one instance where you had to fix pipes at 2am, painting can be considered "fun" (or just pay someone else to do it) and screening people is really easy. People rent long term now due to the rich buying up all of the properties and charging heavily for rent so they can receive passive income. As mentioned in a different thread, the average couple or person cannot afford a home. People have no choice but to rent. Maybe I wouldn't have such a negative view of renting if the prices were actually reasonable, spending half of a paycheck on a room is fucking stupid.

>> No.16704413


>> No.16704429

Do you live in nyc?
I have two duplex’s in the buffalo area
Both are 3 bed 1.5 bathrooms and I rent out each half for 950 a month.
One of them is paid off and cash flowing
The other I break even on for another five years.
Not my fault you live in a high cost area with a low skill set

>> No.16704440

you can't even spell "college" correctly, so I doubt you are telling the truth

>> No.16704454

Whoops my bad senpai. I never went to college.l so I’m not too smart so bear with me. When BTC mooned I was smart and reinvested. I’m also Jewish and gay if that matters

>> No.16704460

I'm not currently renting, but if I have to in the future i'll become a nomad and live in a van or in the forest.

>> No.16704472

Also why are you on a board about making money when you should take this woe is me bs over to pol

>> No.16704483

I'm sick of these dumb /pol/ threads too. Somebody keeps making them...

ok now you're definitely LARPing. not sure why, your life must be pretty sad

>> No.16704492

He inherited or he is larping

Im on a shitty flat built in the 70's and the only fix that my dad needed to ever do was fix a pipe last summer.

Unless you are hiring bonobos to live into your property theres no fucking way you need to constantly fix shit

>> No.16704496

Ok man what ever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.16704510

To make you even more mad I’m about to sell a house in the Bay Area I bought for 450k two years back and sell it for over 600k

>> No.16704523

Well they do own them

>> No.16704525

One of my properties is a section 8 rental
You have no fucking clue how demanding these folks can be

>> No.16704539

>implying the abstract concept of "owning" something is labor that deserves to be compensated

god forbid you actually do some work

>> No.16704554

I’m retired from the military. I’ve done my work already imho. Now I sit back and live life for me

>> No.16704565

yup such a great world to be the cuck of jooz, social media influencers/celebs/literal memes

>> No.16704575

what kind of car do you drive sir

>> No.16704579

Well only if someone else is using something you own. Imagine just owning money and believing in the abstract concept that it holds value equivalent to labor that deserves to be compensated.

>> No.16704585

Just an older Dodge Ram.
Kinda junky desu. Ladder rack and tool box are new tho

>> No.16704600

must be hard to live life for you if you are constantly repairing shit from your section 8 housing. unless you're greatly exaggerating that or just making all this shit up of course.

>> No.16704609

Don’t forget “lobby endlessly to open the borders for new serfs to prop up their rental market and restrict construction of new units”

>> No.16704639

It’s definitely more work than I thought it would be.

By the way you sound kinda bitter. Is there anything you wanna talk about ?

>> No.16704652

oh, you're the same person as that other larping faggot, switching between ids. carry on then

>> No.16704662

Sorry I think my vpn is acting up

>> No.16704682

Ok Karl

>> No.16704694


>> No.16704697

I actually had this one bitch flush diapers down the shitter and completely block it twice in one month. Roto rooter got me for 350 each time

>> No.16704722

Well anyway it’s getting late and you have to be in your wage cage by 9 tomorrow or you will get written up!
And remember rent is due next week !

>> No.16705511


>> No.16705591
File: 9 KB, 233x217, 1577772309797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guess i'm a onions-boy beta cuck for having an opinion on landlords, who are mostly frumpy middle aged men or oldfags with more money then they will ever need. Pic related is you.

>> No.16705730

Look man, I'd rather be the one taking advantage than the one being taken advantage of, all that morality shit is subjective, this is business.

>> No.16706145

Commies expect society to give to them but they give nothing to society. Ironically, they hate charity because it contradicts with self-entitlement.

>> No.16706268

To some extent I can understand a hatred of landlords or whatever even though I'm a rational adult that doesn't think there's anything inherently evil about renting out your house, I cannot for the life of me understand someone that wants to take away your inheritance. That is pure evil. Imagine you work your whole life and want to pass on everything you've worked for to your loved one and some piece of shit bureaucrat comes in and tells you that it belongs to them now. That would be enough to make me go postal.

>> No.16706291

Ok then buy ur own house dumb ass

>> No.16706301

You’re a retard and should never reproduce

>> No.16706304

I am a landlord and its the easiest several k every month ive ever made. I look at the house once a week and pay the bills, in all about 2 hours "work"

>> No.16706308

Which is funny because the majority of the "fuck landlords" crowd literally contribute to this problem by being open borders cultural marxists that don't really give a shit that we bring in a half million illegals that drive up demand for housing annually on top of the marginally wealthier Indian and Chinese legal immigrants that are essentially the reason you will never outright own a home in any area with a functioning economy. But because they're globalists they cannot oppose this practice

>> No.16706321
File: 268 KB, 550x767, 1571097029454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't begrudge those who can count on inheritance (my parents haven't two nickels to rub togother). However, you can begrudge me fucking the system sideways to get as much free shit as possible. My free shit isn't any less justified than your free shit.

>> No.16706336

wow, about 10 hours of labour in a year

>> No.16706343

>You live in a civilisation that is more comfortable than any other period in human history. 99.99% of things you have cannot be made by any one single human

>thus it is imperative that you give back to the collective.

the great thing about voluntary exchange is in an exchange, both parties are better off than they were before hand. no one owes anyone anything, if someone produces something and are paid for it, they have provided value to 'society'.

>Renting and inheritance negatively affect society as a whole.
A system that allows these things benefits society as a whole more than a system that disallows these things.

>> No.16706361

Ok commie

>> No.16706377

literally this. Most if not all of the percieved problems with landlords would be fixed if government didn't cuck housing supply

>> No.16706383

>wahhh why is my rent so expensive? Why do I have to bend over backwards to appease my landlord??
>Hehehe I just love all of the intelligent hardworking Indians coming to work for Boeing and Google! I hope more keep coming because they are valuable additions to our workforce! Wow, this neighborhood is becoming so cultured thanks to the 5 million illegal immigrants and college grads moving into my city looking for work!! Wow how diverse and beautiful. But I just can't understand why housing is so expensive and why my landlord isn't in any rush to make me happy and keep me as a tenant. It is a mystery I guess

>> No.16706405

Dumb argument. See my other posts. Most people can't afford houses, having to pay rent certainly doesn't help with savings either.

>> No.16706412

Nooooo you can't just argue against me with valid points because I saved an image of a crying wojack, this makes be inherently better.¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!