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16701454 No.16701454 [Reply] [Original]

>finish physics phd
>leave academia because I think it's useless
>get a job as a Python programmer for a consulting firm, hate everything about it and quit 3 weeks later
>decide to become a digital entrepreneur
>started writing my software idea 2 months ago. It works but I need more time
>I'm running out of money, my family thinks I have mental illness because I don't want to leave the house and wagecuck like everyone else, and my friends think I'm an unemployed loser

Am I the only one who goes through this shit? I can't be. I just want to be free and not have to sell myself and spend my days surrounded by retarded people to survive.

>> No.16701476

Gotta fail to succeed anon. Sometimes it’s a lot of failure

>> No.16701479


>> No.16701498

you're idea probably sucks enjoy being homeless

>> No.16701529

>retarded people
>pay him competitive (minimum) wage

Whos the retard retard?

>> No.16701555

>working with and for people who can only talk about money, brothels and sport

>> No.16701633

Find job that requires only your presence. Like night guard. You get paid, and you can focus on your work. I have done this 7 years . 8x12 hours / month as college guard. I have my NTB and played games all night.

>> No.16701661

Well let's look at your situation:
>Increasingly poor NEET
>Never leaves the house
>"Digital entrepreneur"
>Working on "my idea" like some silicon valley startup venture capital vampire

You would likely be greatly helped by realizing that by all objective measures, you are a loser, with a swelled head

Your narcissistic tendencies both make you think you are 'invisibly superior' atm, and shield you from being able to see how anyone who was not already rooting for you would be able to judge you as you are right now

>> No.16701672

I love a good retard fight

Ur retard

No, ur a retard



>> No.16701673

anon your family cares about you, if you just show them your financial situation is stable and secured they will not care about little eccentricities like starting your own business or not being wageslave, oh wait you can't lol, guess they were right to worry

raising money now will be hard and also a full time job in itself, over night success on your own usually takes years, be prepared for a long haul, better get some side job just to get by,

>> No.16701697


>> No.16701704

I don't have the goal of raising venture money or anything, I just want to have a small online business that pays my bills. It's a modest aspiration

wtf I want to wagecuck now

>> No.16701718

What's your idea?

>> No.16701737

Why don't u leave the house and go work in one of those shared office spaces? Do you own your company 100% or are there other shareholders / members?

Also good luck in your endeavors OP

>> No.16701751
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People with jobs are the real losers, loser.

>> No.16701755

It's a desktop application that automatically generates machine learning models based on user data and exports them as code

I haven't officially opened the company yet, will do that once the program is a bit closer to finished. It will be just me, but maybe I'll try to find someone online to help me with sales at some point

I hadn't thought of shared office spaces, that's a good idea

>> No.16701761

You're a quitter so it's unlikely you will succeed. I get bored of my job every couple of years and I just get a new one and make more money. I have a side hustle but I need to live first.

>> No.16701767

>doesn't like working in academia
>doesn't like waging
>quits job without having enough money to work as entrepreneur
>have no backup plan

You're the stupid one here. I mean what else would people think?

>> No.16701771

You have the correct answers. But unless you have a rich daddy who is going to fund your ventures; until you find something that sticks, you’re going to have to wage cuck in order to fund your ideas.

>> No.16701773

I didn't quit my phd, I finished it

>> No.16701775

being a wagecuck for a consulting firm is one of the worst possible choices you can make
they will work you to the bone with long hours of actual productive intellectual labour and you the wagie gets nothing out of the deal no resume building and zero advancement possibilities
so OP you were very right to quite that shitshow before the first month was out

but where you went wrong was after that, if you don't have at least your living expenses covered you can't go full independence just yet
get an easy job that requires a fraction of your brainpower and allows for unmonitored internet access, congratulations you can now work on your project on their dime
the only downside is that your social status takes a dump because you'll be doing shitjob x, but it is your only move
can't you get back into academia, there are some postdoc functions in which you can be dysfunctional for years before being kicked out

>> No.16701780

you're a loser, dude. and frankly, there's very little difference between running a successful business and being a "wage cuck". both are a lot of work if you want to be successful.

>> No.16701790

you quit the consulting firm when you could have stayed and made money to help with your software.

>> No.16701821

a shared office space is just more cash burn for cash you don't have, just so you can live up to the social expectations of people that will not do anything to help you out in your own biz

absolutely terrible idea, minimize all expenses untill you get a positive cashflow and then don't pay rent at least own your workplace outright, then you'll be building equity rather than burning rent

>> No.16701901

That leaves you with 9.7 hours of "free time" per day, which is the exact amount required for EAT-SLEEP-PeePeePooPoo.

Yeah.. I'm thinking this guy nailed the formula.

>> No.16702010

>am i the only person who was doubted before their success?
Something tells me no, your case is not unique.

That said
>academia is useless
you are probably autistic. I don't say that to devalue your opinion. I'm just deeply confused by the kind of person who would bother getting a phd in physics but that wasn't interested in academia. Did you do it for love of knowledge? Seems odd to me that someone who is making utilitarian arguments would spend the time to get a phd in the first place.

>> No.16702030

I pray you have some niche market for that idea I'm not aware off, because if it's just like I imagine it to be... it's time to pivot, and update your CV

sorry to be this negative, but maybe it will help you in some way or you actually have some knowledge I don't and there is nothing to worry here...

so how would you describe a typical customer for your idea? someone who can't code but not quite and needs that code to do what?

how will you reach them where there are many cloud based solutions for "non-programmers" and even beginner programmers like myself can easily use one of many desktop apps that do this... do they not know about them but somehow will find your app? how so?

>> No.16702034

I changed my mind during the course of the phd. I considered dropping out but thought it would be more sane to get the title first

>> No.16702090

It's a bit more sophisticated than just a repackaging of scikit-learn models or whatever, but I'm too paranoid to give details here. There are people selling similar software in the market for high prices, I think mainly because of stock market applications

I know I sound pretty dumb in this thread and I'm well aware I have made bad choices, but the business idea is not so naive

>> No.16702119
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Elon Musk is a fucking charlatan
He plays on people's moral insecurities with his faux conservationism while dangling transhumanism and cybernetics in front of everyone to keep people on the hamster wheel.
>more production
>more consumption
>work 100 hours a week
>colonize mars
Pure deception

>But he smokes weed

>> No.16702123

good then, hope you can make the sale

would still insist on you getting some financial stability in your life by getting a job in the meantime

>> No.16702308

I went kind of through the same, was in a different field went into academics didnt like it, studied AI and got into academic research there which i did not like.
Opened my own company doing AI stuff for other companies with some friends and we got lucky so we can now finance ourselves.

One take away i can give from my experience is, that it takes a while until you get income. If you sell to companies the contracts an negotiations can take forever. If you have your working program then you might still need an interface and a proper deployment, if everything is ready and running you still need paying customers. Oh yeah and before all that lots of paperwork. It might take a 6-12 month until you get any money coming in even if your tool works.
I personally underestimated this.

Idk how solid your idea is, i am skeptical regarding how useable it is, as for any non generic usecase smart datapreprocessing and deciding on how to represent it is one of the hardest parts.

Good luck to you, if this does not work out then keep trying. For me every year i can make it without being a wagecuck and having stupid meetings all the time is a win.

Also consider getting a partner. I hate doing marketing etc. but someone has to do that if you wanna live of it. If you domt want to or you are not good at it then you might need someone else. Sadly this part is probably more important then the product in early stages

>> No.16702349

>Oh yeah and before all that lots of paperwork
What paperwork exactly? I plan on selling through paypal and delivering license keys after the payment has been processed, nothing fancy

>> No.16702353

Why are so many of you against him trying this? I hope it works out for you OP, if not there's always another wagie job waiting for you.

>> No.16702372


>> No.16702391

This is a great video and a great series in general...

That said, he gets a majority of shit from the city and effectively 'retired' thanks to a very high paying job.

He still works and he makes money as a lumberjack and craftsman in addition to also transporting materials to and from the city - sometimes getting his wife (who also has a six figure salary) to contribute.

>> No.16702409

sir, you are retardest

>> No.16702418

>Am I the only one who goes through this shit?
its been my life for 5 years
im finally getting traction but im running out of cash
put 5 years in and you'll get there.
1 trick is finding out what people care enough about to even bother paying attention to you. if you dont have that as a 1 man band youre boned imo.

>> No.16702432

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.16702435

Also i think it usually takes at least 5 ideas til you are really early enough to the party. took me 15+ tries.

they are negative redditors content with slavery

>> No.16702450

>>have no backup plan
you are fucking disgusting for this mindset. kindly go back to FIRE

>> No.16702478

You made really bad decisions and now you're paying the price. Your physics PhD can land you a pretty good job in the finance industry, and from there you would have been able to save up while programming in your off time. Once you had your program working, then you could have quit and would be able to live off the money while your idea took off, or more likely failed.

>> No.16702493

if you have users who register with real names etc for example in my country you would have to register in central database of personal-info databases or some other nonsense...

don't remember if you need something special for paypal like merchant account or some additional verification, just be ready for chargebacks

if you make money though your app you may also be required to register sole proprietorship, not to mention some customers may need your VAT number for tax reasons.. oh and you probably need to do taxes too lol, do you sell to EU customers?

I know you can get a long way with basic "report as other income" and flying low, certainly getting it all setup first for the app to just not sell seems silly, but at least be aware what legal hurdles are ahead of you

>> No.16702520

Also just wanted to add that your idea isn't that great either. I would be the perfect customer for your program, except RapidMiner Studio has their auto model process that works pretty well for someone who isn't a machine learning expert. And it's free.

>> No.16702535

> Social/Financial problems;
You need an excuse to get your family/friends off your back which will help reduce your stress levels allowing you a clearer head to focus on software.

A part time job would help this immensely while providing you with financial backing towards the project. If you are certain the project will work, then you have to deal with the retarded people in the meantime.

Friends will switch from thinking you are an unemployed loser to pretending to care about wanting to see you which they'll normally schedule when it's convenient to them (which you'll be 'working' during) and so you can push them away with a reasonable excuse that they'll understand.

You need to patent or copyright the software idea, no point working on it for a long period of time (already 2 months and no deadline/completion date?) You will cuck yourself otherwise as someone will get the idea before you if it is a unique idea - potentially someone has already done the thing you are working on.

> Part time job to ensure you have money
> Part time job should stop family stressing you
> Part time job will provide a reasonable excuse to let down your friends so you can focus on software

If you want to be succesful, you have to be around the retards for a while. It will also give more motivation to escape that life and you'll put your heart and soul into the software you are developing.

>> No.16702611

Doesn't Google do that with AutoML? Microsoft has a suite of tools for that as well I believe. I would be IBM too.

Weirdly know of someone who works on similar stuff. But not sure that it's going well.

>> No.16702613

it's all depends how and to whom he sells, for example basic app that make it possible to train some simple AI to sort e-mails from customers with just few dozens examples would be loved by guys at local corpo and is still quite close to what OP does... sure you could do it with any tool capable of of doing simple bag-of-words nlp, but integration with existing infrastructure and ease of use wins in this specific example

>> No.16702618

>your idea isn't that great either
As I have said before, I am not intending to sell the software to millions or raise venture capital. I personally find my code useful and don't think there is quite anything in the market similar to it, if 5-10 people agree with me every month I'm all set.

>> No.16702641

Also you're not alone, right now I'm accumulating as much capital as I can while trying to find that one thing that will work.
Like in video games I'm pretty sure there is something you can exploit in real life even if you have competition.

Posing as a normie is so tiresome.

>I'm running out of money, my family thinks I have mental illness because I don't want to leave the house and wagecuck like everyone else, and my friends think I'm an unemployed loser
I would say that many of us had that feeling in their childhood when they spent all their time alone indoors.

>> No.16702642

>mathlet pic
*120 hour weeks

>> No.16702644

Lmfao dude. Get into a business where you can flip undervalued assets.

Private equity, real estate, investment management, oil & gas, distressed debt etc..

It's piss easy. You buy an asset that you know is worth X for a fraction of its value, and position it to sell for X or greater.

For example, if you can find people to sell you underperforming real estate at 70% of what the properties are worth, you can turn around and more than double your money if you put 20% down within less than a year or two. Sometimes, it only takes a few weeks.

So you can turn 100K into 200K+ in literally weeks. Don't swing until the perfect pitch. You'll have all the time in the world, and you can even manage other peoples money if you want for a fee.

Its the easiest business in the world, and people do it and become billionaires.

>> No.16702654
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You're going to have a lot of nay sayers, doubters, and people who will straight up dislike you for choosing this route. This is all fueled by their fear of your being hurt or their own insecurities. It's lonely at the top. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Tall poppy syndrome. You know the rest.

Don't listen to anyone. This is the most painful but rewarding and freeing road to travel. Remember why you chose it in the first place.

>> No.16702660

>started my software project 2 months ago
>why am I not rolling in cash?

>> No.16702663

This anon gets it.

>> No.16702725


>> No.16702729

what do you do for a living

>> No.16702749

anyone not wage slaving is viewed as crazy by wage slaves. Because they are slaves

>> No.16702887
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We're all going to make it lad.

I work in IT (half of the time on site/half of the time remotely). I funnel my earnings into the markets and my venture(s).

If you have to wageslave, choose a job you want and don't actually need. This will preserve your creativity and prevent you from burning out. I've passed up promotion opportunities and other job offers because they will eat up my time. The older I get, the more I realize that time is the ultimate asset.

>> No.16702897

I should be more specific by saying that I am a data analyst.

>> No.16702918

>Squeaky wheel gets the grease
I dont think you know what that expression means

>> No.16702971

Based on the context that it was said in, you know what it was meant to convey. Stop being pedantic. It will get you nowhere in life.

>> No.16703043

Dear OP, I have been saving money before I venture into the unknown. ENOUGH TO ATLEAST GET MY IDEA OFF THE GROUND AND FULLY FUNCTIONAL

>> No.16703058

Well I can survive for 2 more months without debt, if I can get something functional in that time I'm all set

>> No.16703093

If you run out of cash, make sure that you do postmortem. Most people don't do this and find themselves out of cash again and can never understand why.

If you fail, get back on the field champ. I believe in you.

>> No.16703152

Get shot by nigger
Die for Israel

The only way out for an American. You fuckers really are cursed

>> No.16703159
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People don't want to see someone succeed by removing the "script" they have been indoctrinated with all their life.
It suggests their way of life is slavery and they will aggressively defend their incorrect programming.

>> No.16703168

Fucking retard

>> No.16703183

>thinks he is in position to give advice when he can't even write his own language

>> No.16703232

A man of character.

>> No.16703235


It's people like you that commit suicide when shit fails.

>> No.16703237

And yet he pioneered reusable rocket boosters, significantly reducing the costs of getting things into space.

>> No.16703246

>He didn't save up money to live off of before doing his venture

Go fuck yourself you selfish fuck. You want it all now you pay the price

>> No.16703304

Based post and rare apu. Smooth

>> No.16703351

>no resume building
I've been a programmer under a consulting firm for a couple of years now, what do you mean by that? Do better companies not care about the experience? All of the projects I've worked on were for tier 1 tech companies

>> No.16704257
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He can't even do basic math

Isn't he supposed to be a genuis engineer?

Working 100 hours compared to 40 doesn't mean you get done in 4 months what they do in a year. That would be 120 hours, what a nigger.

Also you would obviously be tired and burn out etc.

>> No.16704313

If I had more time, I'd give you a pep talk, but I don't so concisely put: you're not alone man. I promise you. Things can get pretty dark, but you're not alone in that struggle. Find people playing the same game you are.

>> No.16704743

Probably wouldn't have the time. I'm busy working a miserable glorified data entry job only because I have time to fund my cryptobux and investment research (shitpost here). If not, I would have left to work at a trading firm as a backend programmer.

>> No.16704753

Thanks man.

>> No.16705947

Depends on your country, but you have to found a company and do tax, maybe some data/privacy legal stuff, then get a company bank account, an insurance etc.
There will be plenty as you move on.
Where are you based?

I cant stress enough that you need to really make sure that your tool/product is being sold, if you are not comfy with marketing it and reaching out so it gets attention, then you really need someone to do that.

You wrote in another comment that you have only 2 more month of savings, i would recommend getting a part time job. Like another anon says, it will keep you afloat and remove stress factors. I would not expect money coming in that quickly.

Again best of luck, you will have to work your ass off, maybe it will take a couple tries, but from my experience it feels liberating and 100x better then being a wagie.

>> No.16705980

What's your software idea? Need any help?

>> No.16706053

>started writing my software idea 2 months ago. It works but I need more time

do you actually know what youre doing or are you one of those code from scratch memers

>> No.16706066

i gotta say fuck your proprietary niche bullshit software i hope you fail and have to suck bill gates dick after that.

>> No.16706120
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>> No.16706147

>Python programmer
Thats your problem.

>> No.16706172

life is choosen before to born bro
don't stress too much yourself and don't follow to much the pic related of your tread
it's useless
life it's choosen before to born.

>> No.16706181

the subtext is probably that there's compounding interest in working harder
working 100 hours/week isn't unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination when you work on your own ventures. the impetus it takes to get going is large enough you tend to want it, it becomes your life. so even when you're having dinner with your wife you're thinking of your business, and so on
in truth the mental effort expended on say video games or watching netflix isn't fundamentally different from working, so it's all a matter of what you choose to focus on

>> No.16706206

I unironically think spending our lives on 4chan has lifted our minds to a higher realm where wagecucking and normalfag interactions are borderline intolerable

>> No.16706227
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>> No.16706232

But there isnt, if anything working harder results in marginal gains

>> No.16706244

>life is choosen before to born bro
Just hope you're reborn in a higher caste eh, Manvinder?

>> No.16706252

How much BTC u have?

>> No.16706264

>takes time out of his busy schedule and tight deadlines to post a blog on 4 chan and argues with strangers online.

>> No.16706283

Selling software is hard as fuck: your competition is mature, open-source, free shit from Google, IBM, etc. It's easier to make your own shit free as well, and then sell support or beg for those patreon bucks. Another alternative is to go for the freemium model and sell 'enterprise' versions for business.
Anyway, good luck anon.

>> No.16706309


>> No.16706325

>Just hope you're reborn in a higher caste eh
What's the point to reborn when on the other side there is no division and there's an owervelhming sense of love
We came to this dimension only to experiment limits

>> No.16707224

You're too smart to succeed

>> No.16707519

>Like in video games I'm pretty sure there is something you can exploit in real life even if you have competition


>> No.16707539

The good part is that you get better at failing and sometimes you can somersault it into success

>> No.16707624

I have been a programmer for 9 years.

>> No.16708511
File: 15 KB, 422x382, 12CDA763-A257-4862-B935-B43F33B683CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ppl talkin shit about Elon about to get hit

>> No.16708621

Working alone is just terrible.
At some point you're going to lose motivation, leaving a several months old project unfinished. The worst thing is that it trains your brain that long work doesn't pay off.
Get at least one partner.

>> No.16709318
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We can't get into space you dingus.