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File: 2.95 MB, 720x1280, Paris Wage cucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16700329 No.16700329 [Reply] [Original]

Only 2 more vacation days left wagies

>> No.16700341

hahah, scream "bomb" and scream it as high and loud possible

>> No.16700347


>> No.16700351

jesus fucking christ.

>> No.16700353

Scream "Allah Akbar"

And hold a lighter or something

>> No.16700366

Cope, not everyone here is wagie.
Feels so fucking good.

>> No.16700381

When I was in Rome at the vatican museum it was the same thing, absolutely overcrowded to the point that you couldn't even move. Never again, rest of my vacation I avoided most busy places.

>> No.16700386

This is literally my fear, would probably have a panic attack if I was there

>> No.16700465

I go back on the 6th. A competitive degree lands you a job with good benefits. Feels good, man.

>> No.16700501
File: 6 KB, 229x220, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek look at these cucks and basedboyerino supporting the strikes, aint so good now isnt it

>> No.16700523

Where is this?

>> No.16700543

Is that fucking real? Dude... They clearly need more immigrants.

>> No.16700559

>Paris Wage cucks.webm

>> No.16700634

I work late evenings part time so I dont have to deal with that shit but thanks for the reminder, I'll make sure to remember it when I acculumate more crypto with my first world salary

>> No.16700636

>t. brainlet making well below average wage but coping by telling himself getting more days off is more important than any money

>> No.16700700


One day I wont be a wagie any more and then you wont be able to laugh at and taunt me.

>> No.16701387

im at work today
get 2 days off then back at it
after that get 5 holidays throughout the entire year before 2020 Christmas holidays

>> No.16701403

no one in the clip knows what chainlink is.

>> No.16701426

Human cattle

>> No.16701446

imagine the smell

>> No.16701452

fuuuuuck thats congested

>> No.16702028

Ahhh Paris. Those people. Proud to be wagecucking in the midst of diversity. They call it "progress". What a delight. Over-crowded environment.Pollution, noise, stressed out people, concrete, arabs, niggers, racial pressure towards whites. Anti-racist cucks and feminists cunts everywhere. This really is some sort of hell.

>> No.16702039

I wish we had iPhones in the 1700's cause I feel that the footage would make this look like paradise.

>> No.16702060

Yes, it's really like this, everywhere in the city.

>> No.16702063

I had 30 days off this Christmas (back on the 17th) and made £3k this month. How does it feel to still be in the red, crypto fags?

>> No.16702164

Centennial reminder that Paris's Air Quality Index is "Unhealthy" at 130 (AQI). Research has indicated that there is a 2 IQ point penalty per 40 AQI.

The current air quality suggests that Paris is currently facing a collective deficit of 12.8 million IQ points. (6*reported population of 2140526)

This is not including the aerosolized fraction of the 190,508kg of lead that formerly covered Notre Dame cathedral which burned last year.

All wagies in the metro area, good luck with the rest of your lives

>> No.16702195

imagine the smell

>> No.16702765

Paris is the biggest meme ever. traveling to Paris for vacation, or even worse, moving there to "live and work in the most cultured city in the world" is a sign of mental illness, a feminized mind.

t. someone who went insane and traveled to Paris

>> No.16703064

You poor soul. You should have paid the 25€ to skip the line. Totally worth it. Another tip: at the sixtine chapel with the skip the line ticket you can exit to the right and are immediately in St Peter's. Take your time in the chapel, you can join any other group, once you lose contact to yours. There is no need to follow a herd, not even a small one.

>> No.16703066
File: 1.94 MB, 1240x2098, 1575561211931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relocating. Gonna take 3 months off be a stay at home toy boy and trade crypto on the side.

>> No.16703087

I imagine it was very nice 30ish years ago.

>> No.16703106

Try 40 or 50 years ago

>> No.16703126

How so?