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File: 1.93 MB, 1917x933, cryptolights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16698767 No.16698767 [Reply] [Original]


50 tx/s currently, 30-50 tx/s for the past few weeks -nonstop-, with full confirmations still happening in under 1 second.

Tell me again why this is not the next and last 1000x? Nano fucking solves the Satoshi Trilema.

-Permissionless, Instant, Free, Non-inflationary, Scalable, Secure. Decentralized Digital cash.

>> No.16698806

50tx/s is a spam?? Joke shitcoin

>> No.16698820

You're either retarded or lying. Which one is it, faggot?

>> No.16698827

Nano can handle 500 TX/s from the latest tests. They actually couldn't spam the network enough to break it. This is sustained spam too. I don't know of any other decentralized cryptocurrencies that can handle this, and if there are any, they sure as hell are not free.

>> No.16698844
File: 87 KB, 1864x606, nanodecentralization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is decentralized, anon. Which part of it do you think is not decentralized? I will happily discuss.

More decentralized than BTC in fact.


>> No.16698944

ill stick with btc/ltc thanks

>> No.16698985

less risk, less reward, but I don't fault you for it in the slightest

>> No.16699003

I don't hold none, but I've always had this feeling NANO will be listed on Coinbase at some point in the near future

>> No.16699012

What fuksme off is I cant shill over on reddit but reddit thinks it can shill their shitty bagholding nano, xrp and iota here. Fuck off

>> No.16699018
File: 106 KB, 828x1352, nanothroughput.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks breddy good

>> No.16699027
File: 2.51 MB, 600x338, nano.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://cryptolights.info is starting to look like pic related

>> No.16699041

how can anything be confirmed in under a second?
how is that possible without being a scam? shill me the technical details. you know there is delay and the internet is not instant

>> No.16699044
File: 129 KB, 828x1161, confirm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

juicy .32 second confirm time, is dat some full confirmations too, with 107 total representatives?

>> No.16699063
File: 164 KB, 1001x823, 1564085471941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is built to be ultra light weight anon. It is sending the bare bones amount of data. No smart contracts or ledgers, just the movement of currency. Each wallet has its own individual block chain and the lattice consists of movement of the currency rather than organization of the chain. See http://nano.org for more.

>> No.16699066 [DELETED] 

yea nice confirmations and all but spill the details

>> No.16699133
File: 64 KB, 607x911, tipyourenemies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love how Nano Chads on twitter just tip troll morons free Nano as a way to tell them off. Laughing my ass off @ this. Going to be seeing a lot of it in the coming years methinks.

>> No.16699168

what is the incentive to secure the network? Do people even get paid for it and does it scale well or is this just 'look how fast my currency' can go?

>> No.16699178

Hey if you have disposable income, it might be worth picking up a few nano just in case you are right.
Don't spend a lot if you don't have a lot and consider it money you've flushed down the toilet, but 133 nano is 21 btc in supply.

>> No.16699202

There is no overt financial incentive outside of the security of the network itself and playing a role as one of the representative nodes. Thankfully this is not very expensive due to the lightweight design (most nodes currently run on $5 a month servers). There are currently 105 nodes online. The system is similar to PoS but there is no locking required. https://nanocrawler.cc/network

>> No.16699263
File: 108 KB, 1024x698, nanocoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was built for scalability actually. That is why no smart contracts, the minimum amount of data is sent per transaction, and the novel design. Nano is not built on pre-existing technology. It is an entirely unique cryptocurrency. No other DAG currently has proven itself to work in a real world environment while remaining decentralized. FTM and DAG are both still vaporware, while IOTA is dependent on a central body to function. LTC and BTC, nor BSV or BCH can scale to match the future that crypto can be a part of. I fully believe ETH is the right direction, but will be too bloated to function as a truly decentralized and global system if it relies on the current limitations present. Nano however could be the base currency layer and exist through second layers of computing and function much in the same way however, at least as far as digital currency is concerned. The nodes issue and receive commands and there are even designers utlizing it as an ingame currency, see the Nano Unreal Engine plugin for instance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMtzOkaNnXc

>> No.16699336

why is no one using it then? what do you think is holding it back. Even if it is "fee-less" someone has to pay. $5 is fine now but as it grows so will the cost more to secure it, who will cover that cost and why? charity?

>> No.16699356

It has more transactions than bitcoin.
Yes much of that is spam but you cannot say noone is using it.

>> No.16699379

It is relatively new technology, I only heard of it through biz when it was known as raiblocks.

Here is a quote on the recent server costs:

>'Storage and bandwidth (on many cloud providers, incoming bandwidth is free) are cheap. I use Vultr, they charge $0.02/GB/month for additional SSD storage so we're adding $0.004-$0.005/day onto my monthly bill atm.'

The same people who host the network will be the ones who use it. Or perhaps some businesses may want to host their own nodes as well. It really isn't an issue nor will it be due to the nature of the network.

>> No.16699395


>> No.16699486

Ill keep an eye on it but other than free and fast I'm not seeing much else. Obviously it would be fun to dump on people with the prices at 2018 but I doubt it being adopted. I like simple projects and reading how its done does not seem simple. I just don't see the incentive to use it/support it currently unless i buy some bags.

>> No.16699509
File: 78 KB, 414x566, 1554231815265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready

>> No.16699584

>other than free and fast I'm not seeing much else
P2p cash is the killer use case. I'm not talking about buying to pump and dump on normies.
I'm talking about buying to cold store for a decade, just in case.
I spent bitcoin in 2011 without cold storing so I know the pain of being an early adopter but doing the wrong thing.

>> No.16699624

My nanigga

>> No.16699702

50 TPS and 0.4 sec fully confirmed

>> No.16699712
File: 1.16 MB, 1600x1200, nanowhale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NANO $1000 EOY 2020

>> No.16699838

it's a dead shitcoin, wont go anywhere

>> No.16699974
File: 2.50 MB, 2048x1910, Screenshot_20191227-201936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh... How many Nano to make it friends ?

>> No.16699986

133 if it gets adoption in the next decade.
1 if it gets adoption in the next century.

>> No.16700012
File: 11 KB, 480x307, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the fucking point of waiting for money for 100 years? I will be dead.

>> No.16700036

Kurzweil predicts immortality by 2045.

>> No.16700050

>Paying for data bandwidth and not using a fixed monthly rate provider

>> No.16700063

Only the rich will be able to afford immortality, which is good news for Nano Chads. 133+ is safe

>> No.16700111

If we get immortality and wealth on average is on the rise, then everyone will eventually be rich and debt will be extended to anyone who wants it.

>> No.16701308

Nano has a nice name, I'll give it that. Better than Raiblocks.

>> No.16701626

They changed it to reflect the brain size of holders.

>> No.16702589
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Riveting post.

>> No.16703013
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>> No.16703086

Because you faggots don’t understand the network effect and how dPoS is inherently flawed as a consensus mechanism. Nano literally has stated “we rely on hobbyist and academics to maintain our chain”. No high IQ individual is ever going to send substantial value on this chain when chains like BTC exist. Remember the entity that sent $1b on BTC’s chain for $700? They will pay this “premium” every time in order to leverage the most secure chain in the world. Keep dreaming about how your shitcoin is going to change it all, stay poor bitch

>> No.16703145
File: 121 KB, 1404x790, 1535205024990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol someone is mad, get rekt with your 7 tps limit and lost funds on lightning

107 nodes and counting: https://nanocrawler.cc/network

>> No.16703330

shitcoin. people send value over btc. if speed is needed, ethereum or ltc is used. This is absolute garbage and not needed. no one will ever buy shit with crypto.

>> No.16703333

107 nodes wow much decentralization. You must be an absolute newcomer to crypto if you think a shitcoin like this has a chance. You fell victim to buzzwords my friend, “instant, free, decentralized”. I’m not even a BTC maxi but it’s pretty obvious what’s a shitcoin and what’s not these days. Enjoy staying poor

>> No.16703435
File: 342 KB, 3412x1456, btcvsnanodec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More decentralized than BTC actually, which is the real shitcoin. No buzzwords needed, NANO works now. It is the only cryptocurrency that has been proven to be able to handle the scaling problem. Those "buzzwords" are all there are too it. Simplicity is beautiful, and is how great complex structures are created. You just need a foot in the door when it comes to bringing something new and novel to the market, which NANO most certainly has. We do not even know the implications of what NANO is going to do to the world. It may very well change our entire concept of payments, likes, votes, wages, and integrated technology. NANO can do everything that DAG, FTM, IOTA, and BTC/BCH/BSV have claimed to do. And it is capable of doing it now.


>> No.16703526

>80 mill MCAP
>Btfo BTC by solving scalability issue
How is this not the next x1000?

>> No.16703530
File: 92 KB, 1462x940, github.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that image is from a year ago, this chart instead is more accurate and based on live data: https://mynano.ninja/statistics/representatives

NANO is only getting more decentralized with time, too. Kind of the opposite situation with BTC and mining. Even ETH wants to shift to PoS, because PoW is unsustainable long term, both in terms of wasted energy costs or even the cost to secure the network vs. the profitability of doing so. ETH and BTC have a chance, but what happens to a sufficiently sized ledger when the cost to secure the network is more than the benefits gained by doing so? You run into the same, or a worse version of the NANO fud about the network being hosted by hobbyists only (satsgang fud). The difference here is, the bloated blockchain 1.0 style ledgers will cost a shit ton to secure, while thanks to NANO's sleek and efficient design, the hosting can be performed for the same amount of money you might tip at a restaurant, even at a larger scale, especially with additional improvements to the design such as bootstrapping from full historical nodes. Not that we will even need to do that anytime soon, but the devs have been working all bear market improving the protocol, so if and when that time comes, we will already be ready for it (btw, the NANO devs have likely the most active github in all of crypto this past year, https://github.com/nanocurrency/nano-node).).

>> No.16703541
File: 41 KB, 396x382, A407E638-5E2C-41BF-AB5A-73CFE438F51A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>similar to PoS
utter horseshit

>> No.16703546

Stay poor retard.

>> No.16703550

he's ignorant as fuck

>> No.16703560
File: 1012 KB, 203x152, 4EF3DD72-26A3-4C42-84D4-3CAA1D07C16B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the genius redditor holding nano

>> No.16703594

Riddle me this then, what happens to a PoW coin that no longer can profitably reward those who secure the network?

>> No.16703630
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 9CE3B61B-9C06-4A34-B00D-1171A6FD4E61.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit, i don't fucking care

>> No.16703639

>There is no overt financial incentive outside of the security of the network itself and playing a role as one of the representative nodes
then it has no future

>> No.16703642
File: 32 KB, 1012x522, xrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.16703645

$0.00 fee/tx? i dont' get it. this a test network?

>> No.16703662
File: 472 KB, 497x412, 1545232407277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think you had an answer, as you have not provided much of anything outside of half witted retorts to the conversation, so instead I will tell you. As miner profits decrease and the ledger increases, the cost to secure the network will also increase thus squeezing out miners who do not have absurdly cheap energy costs. It is the only way to reduce the cost of securing the network. Therefore, this leads to emergent centralization in locations where the cost of electricity is low enough to remain profitable. aka Centralization.

NANO is lightyears ahead of the snail pace PoW system and is built for scaling due to its ultra-lightweight design. It cuts out all the waste and crap that comes with mining and takes us straight to the end game. NANO is inevitable.

>> No.16703669

Live. Been doing 50 tx/s for the last week nonstop. Sustained 500 tx/s during the last spam test. Test net initial results demonstrated 7000 tps with optimized hardware. Shills and miners hate it. Wonder why?

>> No.16703710
File: 19 KB, 300x300, D153BEE7-F51E-4AB6-9F0B-A66B73F84D32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no reddit dumbfuck, fees pay for the network. regardless, true proof of stake is the future. nano is a pathetic reddit idiot's small-brained delusion of a future tech. while you are amusing leddit hivemind specimen, you have to take your nigger tier IQ back to your cuckshed on reddit

>> No.16703720

PoW sucks. If the hashrate drops bellow 50% of ATH the network becomes vulnerable since the idle hashpower can be used to attack it.

>> No.16703749

There is no fees on NANO. The spammer is sending just 1 raw which is equal to 10e-30 NANO

>> No.16703751

ok, boomer

>> No.16703766

*1raw = 10e-24

>> No.16703848
File: 379 KB, 389x479, nanokali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16705052
File: 203 KB, 913x771, Nano Consentual Sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]