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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 2000x2000, fantom-ftm-logo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16690412 No.16690412 [Reply] [Original]

Fantom is a fucking great project but I honestly think the staking is a ponzu scheme designed to create a massive bitconnect style moon..

>> No.16690424

It's to bootstrap network security. Rewards will drop quickly. Already 14% staked without an UI wallet.

>> No.16690510


>> No.16690524
File: 201 KB, 1299x856, TRTAYH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ring ring*

sir, gains are calling. will you answer?

>> No.16690659

I'm a white purebred male and I hold fantom

>> No.16690696

me too. it's fun to larp as a pajeet and shitpost though

>> No.16690820

The real big brain question is wether is makes more sense to stake now and have it locked for 6 months or not to stake and being able to dump when FTM rallys in Q1 next year.
Probably always best to stake as you can end it anytime and your rewards get burned then.

>> No.16690851

Yep my thinking exactly. Stake in case but at any time if I judge that I could increase my stack more by swinging it, I will.

>> No.16690872

This. I guess you could decide based on where you see fantom six months from now. If it really rallys in Q1 then six months from now it will be worth more. You could gain your rewards and cash out even more.

>> No.16690984

Does it matter who I stake with as long as I take from that top list? What should I look for?

Also you can pull your delegated coins out at anytime with the rewards, right? Or did I miss something? Seems like it's best to be in early to capitalize on the higher reward and then pull out later and put it all in cold storage.

>> No.16690988

Chink scam

>> No.16690990

If you un-delegate before either 80% of tokens are staked (1% requirement reduction per week) or 6 months as gone by, whichever comes first, you rewards will be burnt.

>> No.16690993

Denny Daggins is a butthurt salty loser who has time to post copy pasta fud 20hrs a day.

>> No.16691005

Ah ok gotcha. I'm hoping the interface to see rewards gets less clunky because I was fucking with it in mew and it is a headache.

But it works fine with a ledger so that's nice

>> No.16691025

>300k tps

>> No.16691037

Nobody cares. Honestly.

By lachesis is already achieving 20k tps on a the cosmos stack and by mid 2020 will achieve 50k + with proprietary VM and more TXs per event block.

NOBODY gives a fuck about your schizo fud. Just fucking quit it Denny, you'll find peace and relief from giving up on this deranged obsession.

>> No.16691188

purchase soon. train departing soon bros get on

>> No.16691476

It's a scam and will crash, go to zero within a short time. You idiots are delusional.

>> No.16691484

Nah I'm gonna make it. Have fun with chinklink

>> No.16691500

Exactly. Do these people actually effect holders? It's been going on since march, constant fud. They won't talk about actual development. They just mention "scam" because chinks/russians, they will dump. Binance us listing soon so buckle up and get in before.

>> No.16691511

It's actually embarrassing how much time the schizo has spent fudding in order to make absolutely zero impact

>> No.16691519

>300k tps

>> No.16691579

You can withdraw your FTM at any time but you only get the money for the amt of time you staked for. You get paid on a 6 month period (I believe)

>> No.16692091

Based and fantompilled. Love you guys

>> No.16692114

Anyone "investing" in Fantom deserves to lose his money. This is an OBVIOUS scam and Ponzi scheme. Fantom chink team exit scammed long time ago. Scammer Andy replaced them with Russian temp devs so the scammers would still have some kind of "product" and "devolopment" in order to dump on low IQ investors. Fantom promised a 300K dag with smart contracts. Everyone with tech insight knew that was impossible due to the rubbish tech solutions in the white paper.

So when Fantom scammers delivered their utter garbage product, a fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with some dag like garbage on top of it, even the most deluded Fantom bagholders would normally have seen something was wrong and start to dump. What the Fantom scammer team did to prolong the scam was to introduce a classic Ponzi scheme with absurd ROI that is unsustainable.
But they don't care about that, as it all is designed to attract short term money so they can dump for a couple of months and then complete the exit scam. There is no working product, the "partnerships" are either paid for, mostly in corrupt third world countries or just fabrications. Bitconnect also faked a partnership with Visa, paid for partnership and positive editorials. Fantom is doing the same thing. Their tech is utter shit and there will be no magical "packaging" of transactions, insane claim, so Fantom suddenly and magickaly can get high TPS. This is the sad reality:

Michael Chen did a similar scam earlier on, as a warning for everyone to see. This Fantom scam is just as obvious as Bitconnect were. Here:

More about why Fantom is a scam here:

>> No.16693157

Thanks, keep us posted

>> No.16694489

why the fuck does it just pump a lil bit, then take a huge dump? , this has been happening with basically every coin for awhile, i just want the shit to go to $100 or $0 , will we ever see price action on any coin again?

>> No.16694542

I'm staking and making so much free money while you sit here seething all day waiting for threads to post fud pasta. you must be fucking retarded.

>> No.16694596

Seething retard

>> No.16694699

>free money
I hope for your sake that you declare whatever make from staking as additional income.

>> No.16694905

Scam satsgang fuck off

>> No.16695446


>> No.16695459


Oi, here's the facts fucker... if you don't ever mention this shit here again, no-one else will either, promise. You retard. The audacity on this salesman

>> No.16695469

chainlink is a scam

>> No.16695559

What exchange can I buy Fantom from in the US?

>> No.16695566

>might be a ponzi
LMAO, it's an outright scam

>> No.16696522

It will be on binance us soon.

>> No.16696662
File: 141 KB, 891x597, snibsnib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we crabbin

>> No.16697264

I hope xar network are forced into the ftm4ftm model and every subsequent mainnet. I heard there is a mainnet 3 lined up. This would mean huge buying from the market. Noone wants csdt xar pump our bags

>> No.16697429

uh we cant buy on regular binance in the us? i did

>> No.16697443

FTM is an out and out, shamelessly blatant and brazenly outrageous Ponzi scam of the highest order and it shocks the shit out of me that people on this board are falling for it hook, line and stinking sinker.

>> No.16697463

Come on then I will bite. Why?

>> No.16697479

seething no coin jeet

>> No.16697483
File: 96 KB, 2355x1024, SINGLE DAY OF STAKING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:D I'll make 100k if the rate cuts in half in the next 5 months

>> No.16697559

holy shit! GJ anon good luck on that 100k! You're goi9ng ot make it.

>> No.16697715

Biz told me Synthetix is a Ponzi scheme. I did not buy it until it hit 1.40 USD. Look at me now
Look at ME.

>> No.16697723

/biz/ always fuds the gems insteading of helping fellow anons make it. /biz/ is dildos

>> No.16698162

We are staking Bitconnect BCC/FTM bros! We are all gonna make it!! Just look at that insane return on BCC/FTM!!!

>> No.16698200

Maybe we get mainnet 3 before the 7th Jan

Or some news on xar?

I don't think they want the whole stake on opera hence the delay for noob staking

We know there's 3 mainnets already that need ftm

>> No.16698203

Biz is now officially a double digit IQ board. It should not be possible to pull off such a blatant scam and Ponzi scheme on a supposed business and finance board.

>> No.16698212

Ok retard.
Doxx yourself so we can dab on you in a year.

>> No.16698217

You lost. At least be gracious in it

>> No.16698222

I hope you tell us what your endgame was at some point. You clearly aren't being honest about your motivations, schizo-anon

>> No.16698229

>Ok retard.
>Doxx yourself so we can dab on you in a year.
This is how double digit imbeciles defend their financial positions, when investing in obvious Ponzi schemes.

>> No.16698241 [DELETED] 

>You lost. At least be gracious in it
That's retarded. That's just as stupid to say I lost when people invested in Bitconnect, just as you invest in Fantom. There will always be some idiots going into obvious Ponzi schemes, but at least they were warned. Much worse when no one told them.

>> No.16698246

Fantom have released 2 mainnets, an amazing consensus mechanism and shown the research for their virtual machine. Also government partnerships. Time to ignore this moron

>> No.16698273
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, 1577484025207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an amazing consensus mechanism
That made their fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine only have 18 tps. Pic.
>Also government partnerships.
Lies and corruption. Not a single first world country.

>> No.16698278

>You lost. At least be gracious in it
That's retarded. That's just as stupid to say I lost when people invested in Bitconnect, just as you invest in Fantom. There will always be some idiots going into obvious Ponzi schemes, but at least they were warned. Much worse when no one told them.

>> No.16698305

you had a full year to accumulate you dumb nigger. mainnets are up now, you're too late. it's not our fault your buy orders aren't getting filled. stop fudding and just market buy or be left out of the last 100x and stay poor

>> No.16698317

Nothing you say is of any substance. You're recycling the same debunked fud for weeks and it's indicative of either a mental disorder or someone paying you to keep doing it.
Learn what Ponzi schemes are btw, you Reddit IQ schizo.

>> No.16698331

>you had a full year to accumulate OUR MAGNIFICENT BITCONNECt BCC you dumb nigger. mainnets are up now, you're too late. it's not our fault your buy orders aren't getting filled. stop fudding BCC and just market buy or be left out of the last 100x and stay poor

>> No.16698339

>You're recycling the same debunked fud
No, you Fantom morons never debunked anything. Lots of screaming, ad hominem, mudslinging but zero debunking.

>> No.16698367

Ok redditor. Thanks for saving us.
BITCONNECT is guaranteed upvotes, after all. I bet you cucks still circlejerk over it in your barren subreddits.

>> No.16698379

Only low IQ newfags from plebbit fall for this obvious scam. You idiots invested in revolutionary 300K dag with smart contracts. You got a badly forked Ethereum Virtual Machine and 18tps with zero smart contracts. Yet you plebbit morons that desperately want to make 2017 gains that you lost, still invest your money due to a retarded staking Ponzi scheme. IQ ~80

>> No.16698388

Projecting too hard. I'm up several hundred percent this year, neck if your can't make money in a bear market.

>> No.16698415

When enough of you idiots have locked up your FTM in the crazy staking with Ponzi scheme ROI, then the Fantom team will be de facto the only seller on the market and start dumping, driving the price to zero. You are then trapped and can't escape.

>> No.16698423

>I'm up several hundred percent this year, neck if your can't make money in a bear market.
Sure you are. With that low IQ going right into an obvious scam. I promoted DAG early this summer, an obvious 10x. If you were here then, and not on plebbit, you would have seen it.

>> No.16698438

You probably bought my DAG bags at some point. Glad to see you've shown your true colours. Is your next guaranteed 10x MTV?

>> No.16698492

>You probably bought my DAG bags at some point
Only if you sold when DAG had a sub 1.5M mcap.
>Is your next guaranteed 10x MTV

>> No.16698514

*) MTV has a higher risk due to China based, compared to DAG, however, if they manage to pull off sharding before ETH 2.0, good probability for that, then MTV will go 10 000x.

>> No.16698534

The absolute state of desperate biz shills.
Imagine needing to 10000x a $300 stack to escape whatever hell you live in.

>> No.16698588
File: 53 KB, 800x750, rBVaV1wonzmATo_GAAH59lg6kHo202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I need an x1000

>> No.16698601

>The absolute state of desperate biz shills.
>Imagine needing to 10000x a $300 stack to escape whatever hell you live in.
Lurk some more, moron. If you were not a plebbit newfag, you would know that I have enough money to do whatever I want. Best way to fight the tight grip globohomo has on Western Civilization and hopefully avoid a future civil war, is through crypto space and especially the decentralized monetary system part of crypto.

>> No.16698604

Perfectly reasonable if you buy MTV sir

>> No.16698621

How desperate for money, plus low IQ, do you have to be to go openly into one of the most obvious scams and Ponzi schemes in crypto and buy shit tech FTM from proven liars in FTM where the chink team exit scammed long time ago? Plus, no shame in being poor and honest. This in sharp contrast to scammers, no matter how rich.

>> No.16698624

I'm glad you can afford all the rice and corrugated steel sheets needed to live comfortably.
I can guarantee I've been here longer than you, stop trying so hard to fit in and your larping as someone with money is pathetic. I'll definitely buy some MTV though to help you out.

>> No.16698632

>I can guarantee I've been here longer than you
Sure you have, homo, yet for some reason, despite all that experience in crypto space, you can't detect the most obvious scam since Bitconnect. Here, what does these threads tell you?

Anyone "investing" in Fantom deserves to lose his money. This is an OBVIOUS scam and Ponzi scheme. Fantom chink team exit scammed long time ago. Scammer Andy replaced them with Russian temp devs so the scammers would still have some kind of "product" and "devolopment" in order to dump on low IQ investors. Fantom promised a 300K dag with smart contracts. Everyone with tech insight knew that was impossible due to the rubbish tech solutions in the white paper.

So when Fantom scammers delivered their utter garbage product, a fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with some dag like garbage on top of it, even the most deluded Fantom bagholders would normally have seen something was wrong and start to dump. What the Fantom scammer team did to prolong the scam was to introduce a classic Ponzi scheme with absurd ROI that is unsustainable.
But they don't care about that, as it all is designed to attract short term money so they can dump for a couple of months and then complete the exit scam. There is no working product, the "partnerships" are either paid for, mostly in corrupt third world countries or just fabrications. Bitconnect also faked a partnership with Visa, paid for partnership and positive editorials. Fantom is doing the same thing. Their tech is utter shit and there will be no magical "packaging" of transactions, insane claim, so Fantom suddenly and magickaly can get high TPS. This is the sad reality:

Michael Chen did a similar scam earlier on, as a warning for everyone to see. This Fantom scam is just as obvious as Bitconnect were. Here:

More about why Fantom is a scam here:

>> No.16698638

If you can look through these two thread and not find a scam, then you are too stupid and too plebbit to be on biz. You have to go back. Here;

>> No.16698640

>massive bitconnect style moon..
sounds pretty fucking good to me

>> No.16698647

Thanks schizo-anon. Just sold 100m.
Should I sell my BCC too?

>> No.16698656

Never mooned. Was locked up in a program with very high return on paper, before the total crash. Exactly the same as Fantom. BCC claimed trading robots would generate money, FTM claims just stupid and blunt staking. FTM is a poor man's version of a much more advanced scam, Bitconnect. FTM is BCC without the glitz.

>> No.16698659


That someone put so much effort into saying that we don't buy is mega strange.

>> No.16698663

Keep your BCC as a daily lesson, they are worthless anyway. As FTM will be.

>> No.16698673

Go search Bitconnect threads.

>> No.16698935

You didn't tell people bitconnect went from $0.17 to an all-time high of US $463? We know what happened after, but we have yet to moon.

>> No.16699099

Fantom funding research at two universities for the new FVM. Big


>> No.16699719

You could not sell BCC on normal exchanges. It was all highly regulated and manipulated, just like Onecoin. NO ONE outside the inside scammers got rich from Bitconnect and Onecoin. Closest you will get is those giving the scam a face via affiliate programs, but they are now paying a price with having authorities after them, hundreds of thousands of angry scammed individuals and a totally tainted name/reputation. Plus, those guys are very few, in Bitconnect's case, less than 50, most of them are now broke. Lawyer fee, had to relocate, etc.

>> No.16699734 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1440x2058, Fake Fantom - Oracle Partnership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom team is lying again, as always. Giving money to university programs are not "partnerships", just as being a sales rep for Oracle, pic, is not "partnership" with Oracle.

>> No.16699768
File: 222 KB, 1440x2058, Fake Fantom - Oracle Partnership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom team is lying again, as always. Giving money to a university programs is not a "partnership", just as being a sales rep for Oracle, pic, is not "partnership" with Oracle. A partnership in business is strategic and tactical cooperation with synergy effect. Fantom's "partnerships" are scammy and fake as hell.

>> No.16699899


>> No.16700103

Why do you FUD so hard in every fantom thread? why put so much effort into it?

>> No.16700155

Anyone "investing" in Fantom deserves to lose his money. This is an OBVIOUS scam and Ponzi scheme. Fantom chink team exit scammed long time ago. Scammer Andy replaced them with Russian temp devs so the scammers would still have some kind of "product" and "devolopment" in order to dump on low IQ investors. Fantom promised a 300K dag with smart contracts. Everyone with tech insight knew that was impossible due to the rubbish tech solutions in the white paper.

So when Fantom scammers delivered their utter garbage product, a fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with some dag like garbage on top of it, even the most deluded Fantom bagholders would normally have seen something was wrong and start to dump. What the Fantom scammer team did to prolong the scam was to introduce a classic Ponzi scheme with absurd ROI that is unsustainable.
But they don't care about that, as it all is designed to attract short term money so they can dump for a couple of months and then complete the exit scam. There is no working product, the "partnerships" are either paid for, mostly in corrupt third world countries or just fabrications. Bitconnect also faked a partnership with Visa, paid for partnership and positive editorials. Fantom is doing the same thing. Their tech is utter shit and there will be no magical "packaging" of transactions, insane claim, so Fantom suddenly and magickaly can get high TPS. This is the sad reality:

Michael Chen did a similar scam earlier on, as a warning for everyone to see. This Fantom scam is just as obvious as Bitconnect were. Here:

More about why Fantom is a scam here:

>> No.16700197

It is the first time that this type of person can be seen in biz.
Not even in bitconnect had someone of his style appeared, and this is worse, since in bitconnect all the anons knew very well that it was a great scam, but nobody did these berrinnches.
There is a cat locked up.

>> No.16700261

I just dont see how Chen could exit scam, with all the promoting/marketing on the different social media platforms, and expect anything other than being killed or sued to oblivion, or prison. I remember bit connect, I remember bs with litecoin... but I cant see the team (ftm) being able to work in the crypto space again if this was their goal. The way they portray it, it seems like it's just a matter of time before adoption. This obviously deserves speculation, but then again, that is how the money is made. The fact it is not partnered with US healthcare, and Afghan healthcare is why it's worth a penny. This leads one to think the price will forever stay low af and never become adopted because Afghanistan is more than likely to remain 3rd world and impoverished. Also why would the US go after ftm tech when it was being used by ragheads? Why would China? Why would any 1st world country? It's a gamble. If ftm tech is legitimate and actually brings about the real TPS they said and their consensus mechanics are top tier, this still doesnt mean it will be adopted and be valuable... unless a company who is successful and uses ftm needs ftm will it ever amount to anything or give demand for the token.. many ftm bag holders know it's a gamble, some do not. I would not expect a moon anytime soon, but then again depending on how many you hold, 10x does not seem ridiculous if btc has the golden bull run
t. Stoned on lunch 380k bagholder

>> No.16700263


>> No.16700325

Listen you fagoot. They suceeded in forking ethereum to a completely proof of stake consensus and it's working out well. It's wy fucking faster than ethereum so you must just be a seething loser that missed out or is holding a failed project

>> No.16700415

The ~900 TPS cap is an EVM limitation, not a lachesis limitation. Lachesis consensus has reached speeds of ~50k in core implementations. Without EVM execution it is much higher. For this reason, Fantom proposed the EVM improvements as designed in the research paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.11143)) which greatly increases EVM throughput

This is the project lead for the EVM rework; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0z6_oNEAAAAJ&hl=en

>> No.16700810

That’s due to grandpa shitcoin’s fluctuations

>> No.16700831

>22 posts by this ID

>> No.16700856


>> No.16701193

Found the Satsgang pajeet. Go fuck yourself

>> No.16701459

To be fair, FTM has so much going for it, I don't see it being outside of the top 50 for much longer.
One of the best altcoin bets out there currently.

>> No.16701471

>300k tps

>> No.16701613

I don't see it being outside top 10 much longer

>> No.16701874

Thats how pump and dump shills work. There are a million coins out there, some have incredible potential. The only thing discussed on biz is Satsgang low MC pump and dump failed businesses pumped by Pajeets.
Only an idiots buys anything pumped daily on biz.

>> No.16701957

Satsgang fud fantom all the time on twitter. Some of them use their Real faces and take the fud from this one anon here and tweet it. Come on fantom isn't Satsgang. Quant and link were biz coins btw nothing to do with Satsgang like fantom

>> No.16702155

This shit isn't a pump and ump if you look at the fucking charts you'll see that for yourself. Fantom is going to be fucking huge and the same seething jeets that shill MTV know it. All the fud they post daily has been debunked. The top jeet who post more than 20+ times knows it too. If you aren't holding at least 50-100k fantom you're ngmi

>> No.16702296

Biz shilled link for years daily and I didn’t buy because faggots like you

>> No.16702492

stay broak nig.. the network is stable as fuck and we are getting killer staking ROI.. wait for dapps to start stacking up. why would anyone deploy on PoW Ethereum when you can stake and make a profit as well as enough to deploy and run a shot ton of dapps

>> No.16703033

Schizoposter has ruined every Fantom thread for months.
He has ruined the vibe behind Fantom at least on /biz/ with pure bullshit that has been debunked almost instantly every time.
Fuck you schizoposter you faggot I hope anons weren’t stupid enough to believe you and miss out on such an opportunity. I also hope you get ass cancer and die a slow painful death

>> No.16703409
File: 61 KB, 620x576, FTM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has ruined the vibe behind Fantom
not for me! i just staked 345k on the opera network a few minutes ago and i feel bullish af. idc what some retarded pajeet fudder says. i'm making money

either get in or stay poor. this shit will moon with or without you

>> No.16703440

>either get in or stay poor

shill talk 101

>> No.16703460

don't buy then. i literally give no fucks what you do with your rupees

>> No.16704328

Where can I find the rules for staking (not the guide, but the terms and conditions)? Couldn't find it.

>> No.16704490

The shills just want buy now they dint actually know anything

>> No.16704840

Workchain is a total pyramid shaped scam, and now this kosmocuck is pitching a raffle in the workchain telegram

t. me/workchains

>> No.16704940

Who the fuck is cosmo

>> No.16704981

shill harder pajeet

>> No.16704998

If flood can keep the staking rate under 20% until June. I can almost double my Fantom hold.

>> No.16705012

flood -> fud*

>> No.16705018


>> No.16705937


>> No.16705952

lol just buy FRM and then lets talk after I 15x'd and we both have the same risk profile, idiot.

>> No.16705960

So, is this just Bitconnect 2.0? Place your bets, how high will this moon.

>> No.16706267

except ferrum is a literal shitcoin and fantom is a serious project. you can't really compare the two

>> No.16706367

I'm with the team, let the stakers see their huge gains dump

>> No.16706402
File: 66 KB, 1024x584, 1551150097923m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are aware that stakers can pull their funds out whenever they want and only lose their staking rewards for pulling out early right? you do know that, right?..

>> No.16706795

You do know that you give up ownership of the tokens staked, right? There will be so man technical "problems", "glitches", "too much demand" etc so you will not be able to get them when they are dumping FTM into oblivion.

>> No.16706803

BCC was not traded on ordinary exchanges. BCC never mooned for ordinary people to sell with a profit. You will not find a single investor in Bitconnect that got rich of the scam, that was not part of the scam. Same with Fantom in the future.

>> No.16706889

>You do know that you give up ownership of the tokens staked, right?
except that's wrong. that's selling, not staking

>> No.16707036

Staking is IOU. Learn the difference between allocated assets and non-allocated assets. Fantom moron.

>> No.16707183

learn what trustless smart contracts are, dipshit. did somebody miss crypto 101?

>> No.16707205

If you believe the Fantom trainwreck of a badly fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine has "trustless smart contracts", then I have goldmines on Mars to sell you.

>> No.16707214

Well I'm sure you can point us to a source. Maybe even why you think the code doesn't hold up?

>> No.16707265
File: 58 KB, 1309x482, Fantom Scam and lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe even why you think the code doesn't hold up?
Team lied about 300K tps. Chink team exit scammed. New team lied about 24K tps and Visa only 2k (reality is 64K), pic related. That this lying scammer team suddenly outperform the largest and best dev community in crypto, ETH, is insane. Plus they provide zero documentation, stress testing etc. Just tons of hot air, future plans etc. Judging on what they are posting they have no clue what they are doing. This is amateur hour from hell.

>> No.16707302
File: 704 KB, 828x1594, 7438FF86-3FCB-4E99-B176-65ECE34B355E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom has central banks in Europe now

>> No.16707328

Find a single European central bank confirming what these scammers are claiming. Do it.

>> No.16707357
File: 869 KB, 1280x1280, ftm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as soon as he does you'll just start fudding the banks themselves. it's always something with you faggots

remember when you guys were saying we'd never get our mainnet? now we have two and you won't even admit that the team delivered

>> No.16707365

Oh hi Denny

28 post by this ID

I see you are still doing this. Happy new year fella

>> No.16707420

Feeling good vibes for 2020 in Fantom. Opera changes everything.

>> No.16707426
File: 81 KB, 1259x533, 3Q 2019 Mainnet - total chink scam icodrops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember when you guys were saying we'd never get our mainnet?
You mean the 300K tps, dag with smart contracts, that suddenly became a horrendous clunky and bad fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with 18 tps, >>16676689 ? That mainnet that you Fantom idiots "delivered"?

>> No.16707449
File: 138 KB, 610x900, andreplaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rome wasn't built in a day. i'm satisfied with the progress we're making and bullish about the future of the project

>> No.16707486

Once the central banks and banks are announced a 1m fantom bag will be worth more than Dags entire marketcap

>> No.16707515

You didn't answer my question you copy pasted fud

>> No.16707569

exit scam live


>> No.16707596

full year to accumulate at 200-300+ sats
156 sats atm...yeah!!!! enjoy the x100 but i pass mateyy

>> No.16707605

Who the hell can watch this and not understand that they are OBVIOUS scammers?

>> No.16707642

I see lambos

>> No.16707686 [DELETED] 
File: 2.81 MB, 1280x720, 32432434324.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see lambos
Time for you to put down your crack pipe

>> No.16707700

Video removed by the user. Why am I not surprised?

>> No.16707707
File: 2.81 MB, 1280x720, 32432434324.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see lambos
Time for you to put down your crack pipe, Fantom boi

>> No.16707994

Replying to your own post several times is a good sign you're a schizo shill

>> No.16708017

Adding information. Learn the difference low IQ Fantom scammer.

>> No.16708025

>muh crybdo space waaaaaa

>> No.16708039

Do you have any proof of that lawsuit yet or still only your boring bland copypasta you bring to every thread?

>> No.16708047

>There is a cat locked up
Meaning what?

>> No.16708698

The New Zealand Shooter literally made a section about how he got rich off of Bitconnect in his manifesto. Who are you trying to fool?

>> No.16708744

If you were not a low IQ fantom scammer, you would have understood that it was a joke. He would not tarnish the crypto the made him rich, BTC, ETH, Monero or whatever. Bitconnect is a joke and he made a joke.

>> No.16709707 [DELETED] 

fuck this loser. fantom is the last 100x. check em

>> No.16709825

fantom is the last 100x

>> No.16709870

If this shit goes to $1 I am making like 10k every few days staking. This can't be real.

>> No.16709986

how to stake?

>> No.16710070

Staking rewards aren't going to stay this high

>> No.16710240

Download MEW
Connect to Opera Chain
Create Opera Address
Use bridge to convert your FTM to Opera FTM
Run createDelegation function and choose amount and validator you want to delegate to.
There is a medium post: https://medium.com/fantomfoundation/ftm-opera-delegation-via-mew-15e5302e9fa

>> No.16710291

>If my coin does 100x I make a lot of money.
No shit man.

>> No.16710326
File: 2.76 MB, 190x200, 1502297137338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If this shit goes to $1 I am making like 10k every few days staking