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16694987 No.16694987 [Reply] [Original]

I have no issue with bill gates, Evan spiegal, musk or any other billionaires but when I see this fucking faggot’s smug piece of shit face, why do I want to curb stomp him?

>> No.16695003

Because he has a "I fucked your wife" while scamming you face.
Alpha AF. You are beta male. So you'll despise him. It's in your nature.

>> No.16695005

He's a boomer

>> No.16695014

he was involved in 9/11 and the 2008 collapse. rumors are he raped kids from boystown in omaha

>> No.16695025

Bill gates was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein

>> No.16695032

ya gates and buffet have dirt all over. they are both doa

>> No.16695070

Because he's a fucking faggot poser who's goal in life is to be "hey look at me i'm not like those meanie rich guys im down with you poorfags i totally dont even care about money look i am totally normal lol money is gay i live in a normal house" and every fucking shitlib catlady buys it up completely. It's fucking fake and it's fucking gay and it's fucking virtue signalling.

>> No.16695076 [DELETED] 

For Amazing stock picks
Text (248) 832 2677

>> No.16695110


>> No.16695346

He doesn't look alpha at all, he's just a greedy boomer piece of shit, you probably are too, that's why you defend parasites like Buffet.

>> No.16695360
File: 49 KB, 1212x516, dapps price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2020 will be the year of $DAPP


scheduled tasks
computation (e.g. AI)
interoperability (inc. multisigBTC etc.)
web auth
site &file storage

>> No.16695374

The fact that he doesn't enjoy the money is what scares me. He purely gets off on the power.

>> No.16696052

might be because he has a big fat uncut 13 inch cock and a white bush.....

>> No.16696280

it's his autism

>> No.16696299

>he is over 70
>he is not retired
>he obviously has Rothschild tier money
Doesn’t grandpa Buffet have grandkids/great grandkids he could visit with or something?

>> No.16696320

is this the 1000x rocketship?

>> No.16696399

he's giving all his money away to niggers, so i doubt his grandkids care if he dies alone.

>> No.16696563
File: 19 KB, 530x298, 810ED149-7E52-4A8D-AA30-0E1917A763D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the few men who didn’t inherit everything, and actually just got lucky by finding the right teacher (Ben Graham) and busting his ass while the market was basically crashed.

He eats McDonalds every day and he’s in his 80s, and he isn’t wheelchair bound or sipping oxygen out of a tank.

Basically, we hate him cuz we ain’t him. He was in the right place at the right time To put his skills to work.

>> No.16696577

>One of the few men who didn’t inherit everything
You might want to look up who his father was. Buffett was born into a very well-connected family and that most certainly gave him a leg up. His investment returns are quite impressive, though, and that was due to his talent initially. His later returns, though, have been through special privileges given to the extremely wealthy. He actually lost his ass in 2008 with all the shitty bank stocks he owned and his investment in GS in the depths of the crisis most likely had some unstated guarantees.

>> No.16696584

>busting his ass while the market was basically crashed.
He basically just bought a shell company, sold shares to raise money and then bought a bunch of dividend paying stocks. the money from the company only goes to the preferred share holders and give common share holders nothing.

he basically scammed a bunch of newbs into buying dividend stocks for him and his buddies.

>> No.16696594

All he did was leverage trade long positions right after market crashes. Did it like 3 times

>> No.16696635

>he basically scammed a bunch of newbs into buying dividend stocks for him and his buddies.

>> No.16696727

Is his company actually worth $340k usd per share? Or Is it just peak boomer delusion that he's the best "stock guy" in the world?

>> No.16696736
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Forgot pic

>> No.16696737


>> No.16696766

There's so many things that piss me off about him.

Normies worship him as a god, when not knowing shit about him.

He constantly whine about how much he should be taxed, but never writes a check for that amount.

Just fuck him.

>> No.16696790

>still works at 95 worth $90 billion

Yeah I hate him too

>> No.16696792

He hasn't been hot shit in decades. He gave away all his investment knowledge through his books, now everyone copies him which killed his impressive gains. He doesn't retire because his job is now so easy it's basically a hobby.

>> No.16696866

>He constantly whine about how much he should be taxed
He doesn’t complain about paying too much though, he complained about paying less in taxes than his secretary.

The P/E there ain’t bad.

>> No.16696949

He had 20,000 in 1950 in his early 20's. That is around 100,000 now, but houses were cheaper.

>> No.16696978

His ingenuity and the facade he portrays to society. This dude is a relentless, blood sucking demon worshipping BILLIONAIRE. He is not human, he is just another soulless reptilian with no sincerity at all. Don’t let his face fool you, he has eaten infant hearts and fetus brains. Once you reach a level a wealth like that, there is a certain being you worship and it’s nothing good.
You inadvertently realize all these things and you’re predisposition to hating him is a good thing. Stay on the path of virtue my brother

>> No.16696991

Because you're extremely jealous.

>> No.16697151

He had ties to the Franklin credit union. Look it up.

>> No.16697156
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>> No.16697197

It's actually worth that much, he only has ever had a million shares of it.

>> No.16697254

Also let it be known that you DO NOT become mega-wealthy in this country without the blessing of the federal government.

>> No.16697290

Of all the billionaires I hate Jeff Bezos the most, but i think Elon is the most overrated. Buffett is an investing God, and I respect him for it, but I wouldn't trust him at all.

>> No.16697300

Define mega wealthy because you're definitely on to something

>> No.16697302

lumbersexual faggot

>> No.16697306

smug Buffet is based as fuck,
you will never make it


>> No.16697338

Who hates buffet lol I kinda wanna give him a hug desu

>> No.16697342

>>he obviously has Rothschild tier money
he doesn't have hundreds of trillions

>> No.16697370

People with enough money that they could reasonably be considered a sovereign entity from their personal wealth alone, would be my definition.

I'm not onto anything, that is actually how it works. Even if the government does absolutely nothing to help you and your business directly, not regulating the fuck out of your hustle is still their good graces. In a more direct sense though there are multibillion dollar industries who have made countless millionares and billionares by being the only supplier to the government in a variety of services and goods. Prisons, education, military, are just a few of the exceptionally dependant ones, but literally every industry is effected by this buisness model in some way. In a slightly less direct way thousands of businesses live and die from laws around federal aid, subsidy, grants, and other forms of monetary padding the government does which your business can suck up from the recipients of said padding.

So from a completely logic based standpoint this already happens in broad daylight, albeit with a veener of democracy somewhere. On a more "gut feeling level" I would be absolutely amazed if the government did not in some capacity integrate these billionares into its systems and trust at some point by sitting them down and explaining they could be allowed to suck from the tit of free money the gov has if they were willing to play ball, and what exactly would happen to them if they didn't.

>> No.16697386

Yeah...that's exactly what I said. His whining about how he totally should be taxed more would ring a lot less hollow if he sent a check for the rate he believes he should be taxed at.

>> No.16697400

You hate him because he made fun of crypto rat poison (which is the vehicle in which you put your hopes and dreams) while managing to increase his net worth by more than the entire altcoin market cap in the time since he made that statement.

You hate him because he dispenses wisdom and sound advice which is anathema to the cryptocurrency ponzi rat poison that simply won’t die due to faggots like (You).

>> No.16697403

Buffets not stupid, that would just be giving away free money, and then he would lose. He wants everyone to be on the same playing field so that way he can pay more without being at a disadvantage to everyone else. Of course that just gives more incentive to those willing to break the law, but buffet probably considers the ratio to be favorable at this point in time.

>> No.16697419

I don't know the man enough to respect or hate him. I do know he was smart enough to father an entire new field in finance. I believe he is wrong about crypto though, I think he's been too sure of how money works his entire life and now that it is being challenged as the impasse before we can continue market efficiency he see's it as a non-issue. It's most likely a fabricated problem with a manufactured solution, but at this point I think most people are willing to try anything else.

>> No.16697486

this is will probably justify why you hate him https://youtu.be/FHQantYEgvg

>> No.16697490

Old, stupid, boomer, jew, actively fights to remove basic rights, jew, gay, smells bad, jew. What's not to hate? Fucker needs to be killed.

>> No.16697515
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>no issue with bill gates

you should.

anyway it's most definitely the over saturation of seeing his smug face everywhere when you first start learning about stonks, trading, etc. It seems you can't go anywhere without being reminded about how wise and invicible this old fucker is, or how he becaume a billionaire by "lol just be patient" and you really could, too, goy. It's tiring, irritating and it gets old really fast. He has a very punchable face, too.

>> No.16697543

He wrote a lot of puts and was going to lose most of his money in 2008 until he forced the government to bail him out. He’s a fraud

>> No.16697692

Warren Buffet is more cash now than ever before. This is because he knows that the market is a bubble. I also agree that we are in a bubble. But where I disagree with Warren is that this bubble won't pop anytime soon. Who is right?

>> No.16698009

He's lived long enough and been successful enough that he is a market maker. Back in the 70s, he had to have a grasp of the big picture that the average joe wouldn't have been capable of. Today, his word alone is enough to make or break a company by making normies either flock to or flee from it. He's successful enough that he's been coasting on easy mode for a couple decades, but still has that Oracle of Omaha reputation. So that's a crock of shit. It'll be interesting to see how Berkshire Hathaway fares when he finally croaks.