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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16693663 No.16693663 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16693675

What a gigantic waste of money. Are these people boomers?

>> No.16693682

Take your Twitter shit to r*ddit you stupid nigger

>> No.16693694

samson mow is a total fucking nigger fat faced ugly piece of shit. i hope that whore is getting big bucks to pretend she likes him. fuck bitcoin

>> No.16693711

this. following twitter "personalities" is absolute pleb tier. fuck off.

>> No.16693719

Kek the fat gook kept insulting everyone on twatter for many months, I guess what comes around goes around. Think better next time.

By the way, fuck twatter

>> No.16693722

kek we have memed lina into spending samson's money on a lawyer. what a timeline

>> No.16693750


How about you fuck off to your discord and your r*ddit page faggot

>> No.16693759

oh classsique

>> No.16693764

it is sketchy what they're doing with that ICO launch on liquid where lina works for the chink saudi ICO and samson works for blockstream/liquid
I'm a bitcoin maximalist and blockstream supporter and this is some bullshit that makes their whole company look bad
they're trying to sell tokens for a trading platform that's going to be given subjective value in the system that the exchange decides it's so so bad

>> No.16693787

>eth devs getting snatched from airports for aiding foreign countries in evading sanctions
>btc devs filing lawsuits against twitter-tards for posting unsavory old gym pics

>> No.16693806

made you reply, little niglet kike
thanks for the bump

>> No.16693816

blockstream is dead bro
OPtech is making blockstream look like a bunch of paki java coders

>> No.16693822

I normally agree but it's nice to see someone at blockstream fucking up.

>> No.16693835

They're late for the party. Had it been released in 2017, it woulda been a smash. Now, no one carers.

>> No.16693850
File: 428 KB, 883x863, 1575942405341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Company: Worth IT Solutions


>> No.16693859
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>small blockers

>> No.16693879

blockstream's c-lightning is doing good work with AMP payments
I think for these ICOs to actually work they need to give equity and have established revenue and shit, 99%+ of them are bogus so whether they're on liquid or ethereum it doesn't matter

>> No.16693880
File: 117 KB, 708x866, 1575995679837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a bitcoin maximalist and blockstream supporter

Fucking why?

>> No.16693883

>be samson mow
>finally get gf after 30 years of involuntary celibacy
>post photos all over twitter trying to make people jealous
>get assblasted when someone digs up chad ex-boyfriends
>waste money in exercises in futility
Hard. Kek.

>> No.16693890

because bitcoin is the best and blockstream have shown to be good actors in bitcoin

the latest news with this lina and samson is bad for the company

>> No.16693897

I actually have samson's dragon's den hat back at my house and "my other node is a satellite" blockstream stickers
I like these guys but this is a bad look

>> No.16693901
File: 1.53 MB, 2058x1200, 1576246186055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightning is a scam, bro. ICOs are all premined shittoken scams. Why the fuck would a product or service require a token to work and why are the tokens for sale but not the product? It's a fucking scam. If you have something to sell on the market, sell it for fucking Bitcoin.

>blockstream have shown to be good actors in bitcoin
I disagree.

>> No.16693922

lightning is just bitcoin in a multisig wallet
its network creates an added functionality without needing additional block space
but yeah ICOs are scams

>> No.16693942

but that meme is funny samson is going to crack if he's using legal measures to keep his ego intact
this woman is going to destroy him

>> No.16693970
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Use all the bogus workarounds you like. I'm just going to use Bitcoin.

>> No.16694026

that's just a false statement deliberately used to trick people
just like how use compared multisig bitcoin to ICO tokens