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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16688291 No.16688291 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink shills say Chainlink will be the middleware connecting smart contracts to real world data, hence it'll be huge because any smart contract will need Chainlink.

It seems to me there are already smart contracts being executed, and without Chainlink, I don' t see how it could become an unavoidable satndard if the current "infancy" blockchain projects can already work without chainlink.

I'm probably misunderstanding something about Oracles. My understanding is that as of now, we haven't solved the Oracle problem, but found "make-do" ways to execute contratcs without oracles. If the absence of oracles isn't a hard stop to developping projects, why would anyone want to submmit themselves to one corporation and let them control a universal standard when we can just work around the issue until other solutions are developped for Oracles?

>> No.16688313
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>> No.16688317


>> No.16688779


kek no, chainlink is centralized, kyc (and vaporware) oracles.

has literally not a single user.

>1+ year test net
>6 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

>> No.16688833

its a fucking scam, the token is not actually needed lmao

>> No.16688845

>chainlink is centralized
Are you one of those "weird gender title" people, who never actually reads anything, but spits their opinions out everywhere they can?
Clearly you aren't informed on a whole breakdown how chainlink starts it's operation.
What a dumbass...

>> No.16688855

Can anyone give a brainlet like me examples of actual commercial smart contracts currently using Chainlink for transactions?
Also which industry is likely to be the biggest customer for Chainlink?

>> No.16688861
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>> No.16688885
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>> No.16688888
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I'm less informed than before, if that's even possible

>> No.16688893
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well fuck, I'd like to dedicate this GET to all the gigolos out there. The men who get paid to get laid. They are the true /biz/erati.
Somewhere the ghost of Porfirio Rubirosa is smiling down on us.

>> No.16688897
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It's not a get, you just want attention.

>> No.16688908
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5x 8's in a row looks like a GET to me. But yes, I do want attention, thank (you) for noticing. helg sgarbi is my hero.

>> No.16688925

The only prison that anyone will ever see is linkers seeing the prison of their mind. How could I be swindled by this ? As you are poor and broke you will not be able to forgive yourself.

>> No.16688926
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>> No.16689024

Your issue is partly semantics. The “oracle” problem you are referencing would need an Omnipotent omnipresent AI to execute contracts. The term “oracle” is a bit of a misnomer. Remember that.

Contracts can execute already with off-chain data simply by using pre existing oracles. You can make a call to retrieve data from random.org for example to have your contract act accordingly to the roll of a 6 sided die. The idea behind chainlink is that because the execution of the contract is reliant on this off-chain data, the security and reliability of this contract now rests on the shoulders of whatever data it is retrieving. Having a middleware, such as chainlink, you are pulling this data from a source that is backed behind the same levels of reliability that makes these contracts as secure as they are (decentralization).

Do not think of chainlink as some web data grabber. Think of it like one giant network of nodes that Aggregates and hosts data. A network that smart contracts can’t interact with and pull relevant data from. Your contracts can now have a standard to pull the price of gold for example, instead of trying to settle disputes of what the price of gold was on A exchange and how it was different then B exchange, so on and so forth.

Here’s a brainlet way to understand it. Let’s say that you want to figure the definition of word “x”. You aren’t going to go to your uncle or your dad to get the definition of X because you know they aren’t scholars. You aren’t going to drive to the nearest university to retrieve the definition of X because it’s time and resource consuming. You look up the definition of the word X in your dictionary because you know your dictionary is a trustful source of relevant information for your predicament.

Think of it like legal contacts that operate like software. Not like traditional agreements operating like a word document.

>> No.16689033

>It seems to me there are already smart contracts being executed,
there really isn't, and if there is, they aren't reliable enough. That's the gist of it

>> No.16689038

Dilate nigger