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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16681587 No.16681587 [Reply] [Original]

Our economy's a fucking joke, the pipelines never getting built, no one can afford a house, and the leafs are never winning the cup edition

>> No.16681621

I bought a condo for 225k in 2014 and sold for 335k in 2019

>> No.16681757

wooow 100k in 5 years :o almost as much as working at mcdonalds

>> No.16681855

Just wait until the dollar drops to $.65. The ride never ends

>> No.16682048

If oil ever actually revives even a bit I can see the dollar getting close to parity. The fact that we haven't been cutting rates like the rest of the world along with the amount of immigration we have, the loonie should be soaring.

>> No.16682169

He made money without working. Made less effort than a crypto trader. You're doing this board wrong.

>> No.16682186

Foreign investors will crash the Canadian housing market if their dollar is ever allowed to get close to parity. It'd be fucking retarded not to sell out and buy into another market instead of waiting for the Canadian dollar to fall back to 0.70

>> No.16682190

Burger here. Is there literally any company or hell, even sector that is profitable up there? Canadian companies seems (perhaps unsurprisingly) to burn through cash like Chinese ones.

>> No.16682215

maple syrup refillers?

>> No.16682239

Our country is indeed, so fucked. Lied to about our immigration numbers (really closer to 1 mil per year, and expanding) and the cost of them. We spend more than 35 billion per year on immigration and related gibs for them to get a stupid population growth and facked GDP numbers. That's more than our fucking 1.4% GDP defense budget. Figure that one out.

We need to employ a program like Hungary. Two real canadians get married, stay married, and have 4 kids... you get 124k USD. Housing market problems solved, birthrate problem solved, people giving up on marriage solved.. and get this.. we'd get to preserve our FUCKING CULTURE

>> No.16682266

We're taxed to hell on top of making shit wages. I pay about 30% of my paycheck in income tax and deductions.. and then it's closer to 50% with the 15% sales tax on already taxed money I pay on nearly every transaction

>> No.16682283

I bought a condo/townhouse in NS in 2013 for 180k.. today, I'd be lucky to get 175k for it. Absolutely rattled.

>> No.16682288
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but even when the PM says that we're a post-national state, what is there to really conserve? Anyway I agree, the rest of Canada has no discernable culture compared to the U.S.

>> No.16682297

Thomson Reuters

>> No.16682303

Maybe the big cities are too far gone but I'm hhuuwhite and from Nova Scotia and we sure as hell have our own culture. Or look at newfoundland.. think they dont have culture?

>> No.16682362

Mostly no, there's a fuckton of miners/commodities you can make plays on if you wanna roll the dice that way. For the most part we all own the same 10-15 stocks.

That being said our banks have a good record. Outlook on them looks to be darkening though

>> No.16682392

lol, there's no such thing as Canadian culture when the country is less than 200 years old, you whitnoid.

>> No.16682424

Rather than giving families handouts like niggers, I'll prefer giving them a lower taxrate.

>> No.16682435

Where are you from? Burgerland? Your constitution was written in 1787.. we formed a country in 1867.. you mean to tell me the difference of 80 years is the big difference you're trying to make a point about? Or are you then going to claim that you too arent old enough to establish any form of culture? Go fuck yourself you braindead sap

>> No.16682445

I would also accept that, just putting forward a proposition that makes more sense than 3rd world imports and gibs to non-citizens

>> No.16682458

Have fun living in a country over run by Indians and dollar going down to 0.20 USD lol

>> No.16682600

Nice retort. Completely void of substance or any semblance of argument.

My province is still mostly white and I hold bitcoin. Bring on the boogoloo

>> No.16682628

Look at all these north american retards arguing with eachother,

Go back to shooting schools and saying sorry, Britian will join you soon, Just goes to show EU is the right way to go.

>> No.16682651
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The EU LOL I hope this is bait

>> No.16682666

Getting blind drunk is not culture, trailer park boys is your culture and not worth a damn

>> No.16682723

Checked, but no, we are not defined by a low IQ tv show

>> No.16682725

Lower taxrates for families or children are better than gibs. It's a matter of good incentives.

>> No.16682751

I never said they weren't, but for argument's sake let's amend that to 124k in retroactive tax refunds from the day you got married until the birth of your fourth child. Likely close to an 8-10 year span and can keep being applied until you reach 124k since that number was thrown out there.

>> No.16682763
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>He made money without working
buying and selling is work, particularly when it comes to personal property such as real estate

>> No.16682783

what city?

>> No.16682799
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>EU is the right way to go

>> No.16682902

found the underage

>> No.16682936


>> No.16682956

Algonquin Power and Utilities (AQN) pays a nice dividend in a sector that will continue to thrive

>> No.16682970 [DELETED] 
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Pipeline is literally getting built right now.


The new refinery in Sturgeon near Edmonton literally just got commissioned to operate on Bitumen and will start processing in early 2020.

AND my mid-cap energy stocks like ARX and WCP have been fucking STARS and are up +30% since the start of December.

OP, I think you're just retarded.

my energy stocks are up 30% since the beginning of December and the situation

>> No.16683019
File: 48 KB, 640x640, 1566214968650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pipeline is literally getting built right now.


The new refinery in Sturgeon near Edmonton just got commissioned to operate on Bitumen and will start processing in early 2020.

AND my mid-cap energy stocks like ARX and WCP have been STARS and are up +30% since the start of December, with another 100% to go once we reach $70/barrel oil again.

OP, I think you're just retarded.

>> No.16683044

What's the best U.S. traded stock to play the pipeline?

>> No.16683059

>we'd get to preserve our FUCKING CULTURE
why do retarded leafs assume that a single person in any seat of power anywhere in this country cares about "our fucking culture"?
how bluepilled are you stupid niggers?
we literally re-elected trudy. it's so over.

>> No.16683106

Never said that they care about it. Its obvious they dont with akhmed Hussain at the reins

>> No.16683120
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At least Québec is still majority White and not inbred slime/hindou and chink filled trash

>> No.16683217

toronto fag here, cant wait for the great cleansing so we can get rid of all these poos and chinks and niggers.

>> No.16683488

Cited Alaska highway news. You don't have a clue.

Current the oil and gas in the area is a Ponzi scheme. Petronas is riding the I just bought everything wave, but it will be short lived. Encana is moving out and Enbridge will keep their dividends high because they keep selling stuff, but will run out eventually. Or until the lawyers catch up from the cooking the books.

Trans mountain doesn't mean shit until the first contact is secured. We don't even know who owns it. Currently it looks like the govt will pile a ton of money in and not turn it on.

If you looking to roll the dice on something like this look for support companies in prince Rupert. Run the risk that rail can or cannot be a pipeline.

>> No.16683791

You wanna see an eye opening doc on how Canada has been raked over the coals by Jews "the cohen group" in the us... check this one out


>> No.16683809

Coordinated efforts by them to organize our natives to protest the pipelines thinking it's a noble cause and then fuck them out of jobs and money

>> No.16683818

Not that I care about them, really.. but just shows how they use the hordes for their bidding

>> No.16683841

Taxes make it so you made no money

>> No.16683858

>he doesnt know that you dont pay tax on profits made on your principal residence

>> No.16684156

It's so bad out east economically they're now having to import third world debt slaves to keep the housing market propped up. It's so blatantly rigged at this point that I don't even want to play the game anymore. Work culture here sucks ass too, it's such a feminine, toxic, backbiting culture. It goes against everything a guy is, which is why male unemployment is so high, same with mental illness.

>> No.16685272
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>> No.16685282
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>> No.16685285
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Low IQ summary. Will not follow your advice, faggot.

>> No.16685290
File: 734 KB, 2405x1603, syt2d50gagn31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a drama teacher
>mother is a whore
>father is a cuck
>is a poo in loo

Yeah, we're fucked. You can find his mother's beaver online and she ditched pierre to party with the rolling stones in new york.

>> No.16685306
File: 88 KB, 758x679, 1430969161879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TRP is the consortium created to monetnize the regulated pipelines, it's traded in both Canadian and US stock exchanges.


CNQ has their tentacles all over the pipeline and new refinery projects, but they are a large cap integrated business so the upside is not as lucrative as the midcap producers only, like WCP, Tourmaline and ARX.

>> No.16685316
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But poos have nice brown qts.

>> No.16685405

>Canadian economy is a joke because
>A pipeline that's been approved isn't going to be built for some reason
>no one can afford a house
72% of people own a house.
>and the leafs are never winning the cup
But how does that relate to the economy?

>> No.16686236

telecommunications like rogers and telus?