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File: 30 KB, 495x349, midwest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16675810 No.16675810 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best area in the US to move to, to start a family? What places have the most affordable housing?

Given you are in your 20s, would the midwest not make the most financial sense? Or is Idaho/Montana still relevant?

>> No.16675826
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Don’t move to Midwest. Ur kids will hate you. Nothing to do, nothing to see only corn and basedbeans

>> No.16675846

Nevada, only place with alien tech and military industrial complex protection at all costs.

>> No.16675861

Where could i move as a europoor? i don't see a bright future for my continent i could afford to buy a house in the US if i get a job there.

>> No.16675884

A great place to raise your kids away from all the trendy liberal shitholes. Where a home doesn't cost a lifetime of income to buy. he midwest is the only safe place to be in America. The west coast and east coast are a burden on America.

>> No.16675898

Go back to /pol/ u got maggots in ur brain. Politics really don’t affect ur life as much as u think fear mongered faggot

>> No.16675971

yeah stay in europe where you won't go bankrupt if your kids or someone needs healthcare

>> No.16675985

Not the fucking Midwest that's for sure.

>> No.16675997

Is Texas still based or nah?

>> No.16676157
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>> No.16676165

Only place I would raise a family in Texas is north of Dallas or Fort Worth. The other major cities are now too liberal and too Mexican

>> No.16676185
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Das rite

>> No.16676199

where this healthcare meme comes from? My mom has been waiting for 3 years for a very serious surgery, she's in pain but no one can do anything because the waiting list is too long, and you can't be operated in another hospital tha'ts outside of your region. And we're the lucky ones. this shit fucking sucks.

>> No.16676232

i'll just shoot my kids, survival of the fittest

>> No.16676493

ah yes the midwest. all the shit weather and disgusting post industrial half-abandoned grit of the east coast without any of the economic prosperity or leisurely activity. literally the rectum of america

>> No.16676510

how can I tame a bitch like that?`
like not just bang her, but actually keep her around and have her worship me? its impossible to tame these hot bitches they got too much dick thrown at them every minute of the day. God I wish I could control a bitch like that.

>> No.16676515

I'd go with either New England or the Pacific Northwest if I wasn't so tied to NYC

>> No.16676760

If you are high iq and a hard worker, northeast and west coast are the best. High income (250k+) offsets everything. Texas has good high incomes too, might be as good as the coastal regions but I haven't checked recently

If you are average or lazy, southeast incomes are livable if you can tolerate nonwhites. Midwest incomes are even lower but there's more white people. Utah is good if you can tolerate Mormons.

If you can make 200k in NY like me, and 80k in the midwest, then living in the Midwest doesn't make sense even with house prices. If the difference is 90k/120k then yeah go to the Midwest.

>> No.16676809
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>start a family

>he bought into the boomer meme pre-singularity

>> No.16677052
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Just dipped out of this shithole.

> no industry
> everyone's obese
> major cities are garbage
> freezing winters
> hillbillies everywhere
> boomers everywhere

>> No.16677060

Take the rape dungeon pill.

>> No.16677072

Tennessee pretty much has no taxes, only problem is no1 lives there lol. You could buy a shit ton of land for cheap there tho if ur rich and do whatever the fuck u want on it + its warmer than midwest

>> No.16677257
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lotta seething coastfags out tonight. try not to catch the plague or get stabbed by jamal on your way to work on monday

>> No.16677279

Eurofag here. Why the fuck is this area called the midwest? Looks mor like north to me

>> No.16677304
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> no industry

>> No.16677450


>> No.16677472

The midwest has the lowest concentration of retards. People everywhere else are either rude or retarded or both.

>> No.16677670

do not move there. you and your kids will become addicted to meth.

>> No.16677696

I hear Utah is nice

>> No.16677705

>wants to avoid liberal brainwashing for his kids
>must be a /pol/tard
You sound like one of those feminists that accuse everyone who disagrees with them of being an incel or leftists who think that everyone that doesn't share their woke views is on the alt right.

>> No.16677757

I second Nevada. No state income tax. It’s nicer than it looks in photos.

>> No.16677806

I moved to Montana as a signle dude in my mid-twenties and let me tell ya, this place sucks. Everyone is an obese alcoholic and every bitch already has a kid, husband, or both (still got laid tho). Nevada actually sounds pretty based, no income tax and they can't fire you for smoking weed.

>> No.16677839

How the fuck is this “Midwest” that looks like the eastern top half of USA

>> No.16678136
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> manufacturing

>> No.16678195 [DELETED] 


Utah, Idaho, Montana and Minnesota are the only good flyovers.

>> No.16678342


chart discarded

>> No.16678393 [DELETED] 
File: 792 KB, 1242x1519, 18E1C8B1-AD50-4026-8332-BBC0427ED0CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y do u /pol/tards always argue using extremes?
>oh u don’t agree with me. Must be stupid libtard!
God u guys are so cringe

>> No.16678400 [DELETED] 
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No valuable employment. Midwest cucks think 60k a year is a good salary kek!

>> No.16678417 [DELETED] 
File: 922 KB, 1242x1519, 593C0F47-2C6B-4B7C-97B6-818A944C68B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve lived in the west coast, Midwest and east coast. The only place I met smart and driven people was on the west or east coast. Everyone in the Midwest is either poor or upper middle class because they own a business. No one there is smart. Cornfields don’t attract intelligent people centers of economic and political development do. Which is in cities

>> No.16678425

>talking about meeting "smart and driven people"
What did he mean by this? Put on a trip code so I can block your posts.

>> No.16678440 [DELETED] 
File: 1002 KB, 1242x1545, F9ECAB20-7D41-46D0-98EA-0E2BD6C71ECA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping brother. All I speak is facts

>> No.16678445

Rural living vs city living. You have your smart farmers and simple traditional living or laborers. In the city you have business oriented office workers and yuppies or hipsters. People mind their business where not a lot is going on. That's the mid west. It's not that they're low iq and unintelligent, they're just not hip or trendy people that pay attention to the Hollywood scene.

That's because 60k in the midwest can buy you what 120k is needed for in California to do the same thing. A 300k house in California cost 80-100k in Nebraska.

>> No.16678451

I can't get over that your tiny mind instantly shot to "smart and driven" people. You're one or two more chromosomes away from having just initially put that tripcode on, which is a goddamn shame.

>> No.16678482 [DELETED] 
File: 1004 KB, 1242x1536, 4F882EEE-7FE2-4562-902F-8FB6EB45B94B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they were smart they wouldn’t be working labor jobs or farming kek.

Houses are cheaper because they are of less value. I’d rather have double the salary because most daily things you use have a nationwide price & aren’t state specific. 60k is shit tier anywhere >>16678451
U haven’t refuted me all u have been saying is insults because u know I’m right. It’s ok that 60k salary might get ur future wife a used Toyota. She’ll be happy :)

>> No.16678484

I agree with this.
Despite being somewhat less filled with libshit degeneracy, it's also full of people with the most closed minds ever, to the point of not wanting to eat anything besides potatoes and corn, and thinking that Taco Bell is "too spicy."
People there just have this permanent dead look in their eyes, and they are convinced there is nowhere better than where they live despite not being able to go outside for more than half the year thanks to poor weather conditions, which results in most of them being very out of shape.

>> No.16678486

Idaho is done. Is totally infested with California commies

>> No.16678491

The vast majority of billionaires in the united states have hailed from middle america upbringing. Dick Cheney has claim to being the most powerful man in america during its peak prosperity, and he heralded from the most remote region in inland america, wyoming. Joseph stalin was raised in the then remote mountainous area of Georgia, Russia, and was raised in extremely underprivileged and poor conditions. These are just two examples off the top of my head of modern legends who came from rural areas. Your correct manual labor does not attract the smartest people, but there is something to say for it crafting someone who can change the face of our civilization.

>> No.16678509


>> No.16678512 [DELETED] 
File: 863 KB, 1242x1212, 8B00F2A7-D1C1-4686-B6A6-445F74CF5C6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most amount of billionaires are minted in New York kek. Just cuz dick Cheney was from the Midwest doesn’t mean most billionaires are from there. Try again idiot. One of ur copes will work eventually

>> No.16678524
File: 2 KB, 125x94, 98448027-E92D-4A35-A86A-64916733282A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16678529

don't samefag yourself from your Cricket-branded cell phone, retard

>> No.16678530 [DELETED] 

just report for avatar use and move along


>> No.16678533 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1242x1513, D1363D69-E5C6-4EC9-A0D9-26A6AA2AF4EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur in the wrong country boy. It’s ok to be angry but not to cope. U must face reality. The Midwest is where dreams go to die

>> No.16678537

U haven’t refuted me all u have been saying is insults because u know I’m right. It’s ok that 60k salary might get ur future wife a used Toyota. She’ll be happy :)

>> No.16678551

Because America started on the east coast and expanded westwards.

>> No.16678574

if you vote republican move to WI, you are welcome here, if you vote dem stay the fuck out nigger

>> No.16678578

fuck you and your rathole kike city, how's that for a cope

>> No.16678582
File: 82 KB, 901x632, costoflivn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The middle of the country is where most of the agriculture is processed in America. Tons of trade jobs are located there including oil workers and electrician positions.

You don't understand cost of living. Inflation isn't blown out of proportion in the midwest and less money is more money there. Supply is lower than demand in California. The most cucked place to live is in any big city on either coast.

>> No.16678585

Jeff bezos - Albuquerque, New Mexico
Warren Buffett - Omaha, Nebraska
Koch Brothers - Wichita, Kansas
The Walton's - Newport, Arkansas

Honourable mention:
Michael Dell - Houston, Texas

Considering both the waltons and Koch brothers take up multiple spots, that is 6/10 of the USA's richest people by admitted networth who hail from rural america.

Why do the people who fundamentally change our world come from some of the most desolate areas in the united states? Being a romantic at heart, my proposition is that these areas chisel the lessons of life into you like a marble statue, and the strong shine through very brightly because of it.

Something that is interesting to note is that every area up there I mentioned is currently embroiled in the nations biggest suicide epidemic ever. The amount of people, especially young adults, from these regions that are killing themselves are higher then ever before.

>> No.16678607

>faggot who autistically hoards pictures to use in combination with his shitposts turns out to be incorrect
Ya hate to see it





>> No.16678652 [DELETED] 
File: 974 KB, 1242x1531, 4DEE8234-11A8-48BB-A907-7EAC36BE1CE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve Jobs - San Francisco, CA
Mark Zuckerberg - White Plain NY
David Solomon - hartsdale, NY
Donald Trump - Queens, NY
Anyone with half a brain can nitpick retard

>> No.16678680

6/10 is still a majority, as in your mother has a majority feeling of regret for not sticking a bent clothing hanger up her pussy when you were in her womb

>> No.16678718

Except I nitpicked 6 people out of America's top ten wealthiest. You nitpicked one, and a dead guy from the west coast. Are you claiming both coasts as part of your argument now? Can I claim Canada?

The bread basket of America is the true powerhouse of the country. Such as rome tied the empire together so do these states, it is why we own the largest military bases and host the most prestigious events. If you're good at something, someone in new york can do it better, as the saying goes, but the person who owns that man in New York lives in the midwest. It is not cope, it is just how america works. You say everyone in middle america is stupid, ignorant, and while you may be right why are they the ones consuming content, why does hollywood cater to their image and new york track their sales?

>> No.16678727
File: 141 KB, 331x304, EA3DE7DA-6F03-4A09-A43A-45E83D920A7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing dipshit

>> No.16678738

>>16678718>>16678652 samefag btw
Get buttblasted, retard

>> No.16678763
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>"Cash Is King"

>> No.16678825
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>noncrypto thread derailed by faggot shitposters
God damn it.

Where you're born is not where you have to die.
>planting your roots
Is a fucking real estate meme and only makes sense if your business is stuck in a location.

>> No.16678851

Are you fucking serious? Albuquerque and Houston are not fucking rural America.

>> No.16678868

I took a promotion in Columbus early 2019, and by September got headhunted by a bigger company. Columbus at least, is pretty fucking sweet, can't speak about anywhere else.

>> No.16678881
File: 344 KB, 585x606, 0d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up columbus bro

i just like not having to get stuck in traffic for commuting

>> No.16678886

Yes they are. Both played roles in the westward expansion. Both were acquired through the manifest destiny frontier. The states they reside in have human development index's that are actually below some of those other states, I.e. low urban population. Houston is the third largest city in america but resides in rural parts of the country. You can drive 2 hours in any direction from new york and never leave developed land, either of those two cities you drive 2 hours and you find nothing but reservations and open highway.

>> No.16678898

Yup, I live right downtown between the children's hospital and German village, and never deal with any traffic. It's a based city, and that's a big part of it.

>> No.16678911

You work in IT/software?

>> No.16678925

Indy fag here, dirt cheap housing and a decent influx of tech jobs. Indiana leaves you the fuck alone and taxes are reasonable. Awesome schools in the suburbs. Other Midwest states utterly BTFO

>> No.16678986

PNW is pretty comfy if you can handle the weather

>> No.16678991


>> No.16679009

Yeah I almost fell for the Montana meme but there’s fuck all to do. Not schizo enough to live there

>> No.16679015

No fucking way they’ve taken over Idaho yet

>> No.16679048




>> No.16679057

That's properly the Upper Midwest.

>> No.16679093
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Based Tennessee bros.

>> No.16679132

Nah logistics

>> No.16679161
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>I moved to Montana as a signle dude in my mid-twenties and let me tell ya, this place sucks.

>> No.16679175

Manufacturing here, a lot of our engineers are going to amazon. Thing is though amazon vacation bennies are trash compared to what we get so it's like is the pay even worth it

>> No.16679208
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Lol Yeah I was there in November. Fucking Muslims washing their feet in the sinks in the bathrooms and prayer rugs on sidewalks.

>> No.16679226

Right but your whole point is that the areas these people grew up in "developed their character" and what-not, Michael Dell growing up in Houston in the 1960s for example, did not have some "Little house on the prairie" style upbringing

>> No.16679447

I will cede that, it is not little house on the prairie in Houston, and there are some major differences between growing up in a corn field and growing up in the middle of an urban center that is just surrounded by rural land.

My response however is that there is more cultural crossover in these cities with the rural areas then there is in large urban swathes of land such as southern california or the eastern seaboard. Along the oregon trail or during the gold rush there were many large outposts and trading towns which hosted higher populations then many eastern towns, but these areas were still largely rural with a similar culture. Its not the 19th century anymore granted, but I think the concept still applies well, many of these citys such as Albuquerque and Houston tend to be the hubs for the large swathes of rural land around them, sustaining and supporting the activities that happen in these rural communities and suburbs that extend for hundreds of miles around the city, a direct difference to somewhere like new york which is highly condensed population center in which the city is actually being supported by the outlying suburbs rather then the other way around. This is why I believe its a fair assessment to label them rural, and label the culture rural as well.

Overall though I do think this discussion is largely unnecessary, I'm mostly just being flippant about it when there is not really a giant divide between the quality of people in one area or another. Both have sheeple, both have standout citizens, it's just a different flavor with whatever bias you want.

>> No.16679450

Texas was big on electronics at the time you retards

>> No.16679458

Being in logistics I've been tempted to talk to them, but I don't have a degree and without one they require Amazon experience so I couldn't care less, I handle logistics for L Brands and am surrounded by Victoria's secret ads all day, pretty comfy.

>> No.16679601

it IS an interesting concept, I've never really thought of cities in that way

>> No.16679712

>If you can make 200k in NY like me
whats ur job

>> No.16679730 [DELETED] 

I don’t care about politics but I hate niggers.

>> No.16679906

I live here, the answer is yes.

>> No.16680170
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