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16673666 No.16673666 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys waste so much time and money on shitcoins when all you need is a simple stonk market tracker to make the big bucks?

>> No.16673683

And what happens when the Head Jew on the Fed decides it has come the time to pop the bubble?
The stock market at this point is like the Bog meme, the Fed can literally pump it and dump it at will through QE and Interest rates.
Forget about set it and forget it, if you want to make money on stonks you will have to duel the Jew at noon and make sure you fire before he does, otherwise you will be left holding the bags

>> No.16673689

then it dumps 50% in 2 years like crypto has done in 6 months lmao.

except stocks actually recover past ATH

>> No.16673720
File: 24 KB, 676x434, japanese-nikkei-225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except stocks actually recover past ATH

By the time you are shitting in dippers.
Pic related is the S&P500 today

>> No.16673731

yeah took 10 years to recover past ATH

>> No.16673736
File: 246 KB, 777x759, 1554622198037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh I'm pretty sure that's the nikkei 225 you retard

>> No.16673760
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you're funny guy

>> No.16673809

Everyone on this board has $500.

>> No.16674002

You're still earning dividends and letting your investment compound.Furthermore, averaging down can help with a broad index fund. And of course, diversification is key.

>> No.16674027

To many people think they are buying the top here. Im bullish on it but I dont think this is >sustainable growth
I'd much rather put my money in silver and wait for the inevitable.

>> No.16674057

>investing in Japan

>> No.16674393

It's a homogenous country made up exclusively of Japanese people, it will thrive in the future despite the low fertility rate

>> No.16674505


guess we're fucked then

>> No.16674536

no it didnt retard

>> No.16674594


people have been saying this for years meanwhile the market keeps going up. one day this has to happen right? it's crazy.

>> No.16674608

Fact: if I am thinking about buying in it means it’s about to dump. I am currently debating about buying in.

>> No.16674648

based on what?

could be, but history shows that after every crash it recovered after some years

>> No.16674674

Same lol

>> No.16674721

> boomers are laughing at us again

>> No.16674747
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Imagine bagholding for 30 years lmao

>> No.16674772
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>What are dividends
>What is dividend reinvestment

>> No.16674797

Reminds me about 15-16k BTC days. Every day is green, bears are laughed at, nobody even considers a possibility of a multi year bear market.

>> No.16674800
File: 10 KB, 247x204, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude just reinvest your dividends for 30 years and maybe you'll break even lmao

>> No.16674817


Why buy an index when you can just buy AAPL lmao? 20% of S&P is 8 stocks.

>> No.16674914
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Good point, except unlike Japan, America can continue growing the population and economy by importing billions of third world street shitters and brownoids.

>> No.16674950

Zoomers have seen the last 2 generations retire rich because of the stock market.
Instead of getting on board,all they do is say "rich boomer faggots should have bought chainlink duhhhhhhhh. The kikes will crash the stock market any day now"

>> No.16675062

Its up to the Fed.

Keep QE going = Eternal Bull (maybe)
Raise Interes = crashing this market with no survivors

Do you really wanna leave your financial freedom up to the Big Jew?

>> No.16675068

Stock market is for long term investing (15+ years) so what's the problem?
If you need money sooner than that or are too emotional to hold the course have your mommy put your money in a piggy bank instead.

>> No.16675086

I was happy at the start of 2019 because I secured a 1yr CD at 3%, looking now it's down to 2% because lol lowering rates three times in a year.

I'm ready for QE to end. Just let me have my 3%+ CDs again please.

>> No.16675102

>Stock market is for long term investing (15+ years) so what's the problem?

And why do you think it will automatically be higher in the future? If you invest at the top now, you might break even in a couple of decades if you're lucky.
Not against stocks, have a big chunk myself, but its dangerous and i wouldnt put much more in at this moment and instead build up some cash from the big dip and invest elsewhere meanwhile

>> No.16675103

There are so many glaring warning signs this shit is about to plummet it’s making my head spin...and yet it just keeps pumping

>> No.16675120

Its fake growth, nothing to do with population and consumption, its all excess liquidity pumped into the market

>> No.16675146

QE4 is already underway, and it will be in the trillions. 2020 will be a massive bull year.

>> No.16675176

Is the Dow more likely to be 50000 or 10000 in
20 years?
Of course it's not risk free, so you might be too emotional to be an investor

>> No.16675197

Name some glaring warning signs that you've seen for yourself (not something you read on Facebook or saw on the fake news media)

>> No.16675310


>> No.16675366

Didn't think so

>> No.16675400

because if AAPL should crash one day because of whatever reason you are fucked if you are all in on AAPL instead of the s & P ?

>> No.16675434
File: 358 KB, 851x972, 5A89E9E4-0EC7-4E21-8159-293EA81685D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep buying bro. Buy the dip . By every chance you get. Buy buy buy. Never sell

I’m not interesting in negotiation or saving stock market apologists or BTFO’ing you with logic, his conversation can go on until he does come home so long as you have the money to put a roof over your head typing random bullshit

I’m buying physical PM’s and crypto and nothing more. I just ask...when the crash happens, please come back to this forum to livestream your suicide. That’s all I ask

>> No.16675508

Good. You're new money will always be gains.

Your monopoly money will never reach its ATHs anymore.