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16673677 No.16673677 [Reply] [Original]

for me it's my toddler son, everything else doesnt matter anymore

>> No.16673687

Being dead is probably pretty boring.

>> No.16673697

Fuck off roastie

>> No.16673707

Checked. Also the idea of having enough money to buy drugs and fuck prostitutes every single day for the rest of my life

>> No.16673712

would have shown my tits if i were a roastie
jeah i am a man, browse 4chan and succesfuly procreated

>> No.16673714

My family. They're the only reason I still get out of bed in the morning.

>> No.16673723


>> No.16673738

Alcohol and nicotine. And the hope that things will get better if I have money

>> No.16673762

You sure talk like a roastie. Where did you get that line anyhow? Tinder whore?

>> No.16673793

Even if he was, isn't this board just a place for everyone who doesn't fit in to the "normal" world?

>> No.16673795

Have sex

>> No.16673818

fuck off white knight,
go defend some tinder whore on reddit

>> No.16674153

The tough that someday I will be able to retire and bang sluts in some third world country.

>> No.16674164

the notion that someday I could be lonely without having to work or study, that's my ultimate dream.

>> No.16674292
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knowing it all just as joke anyway, stop taking shit so seriously, always fight for what's right and don't give a fuck about anything else. The only thing you should be concerned with is whether you have the karma to escape this shithole to another loka after you die