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16669598 No.16669598 [Reply] [Original]

how do i keep my brain sharp, and what should i avoid to keep from rotting my brain?

>> No.16669611

Just bee urself m8

>> No.16669626

Regular exercise, healthy diet, and enough sleep.

>> No.16669660

Chess or other competitive mental games. Real time strategy games also probably work well.

>> No.16669671

1. Avoid 4chan

>> No.16669694

read books, philosophy, psychology, history, religion, fiction (not YA trash) etc, listen to podcasts, read newspapers, do crossword puzzles, play chess, exercise, all kinds of shit. if normies don't do it because they're too busy watching netflix, you should probably be doing it

>> No.16669701

Such a gay meme

>> No.16669710


This, unironically

>> No.16669924
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Learn new skills, set yourself enjoyable complex projects that require multidisciplinary problem solving approaches, where one skill won't help you complete the whole project, where you need to do multiple things you're unfamiliar with to achieve each milestone.
Constantly change your environment - don't just clean your room like that hypocrite Jordan Plonazesam says - rearrange the furniture, change the arrangement and general look. Walk through unfamiliar streets or neighborhoods or at least go on your regular walking routes in the inverse or perpendicular through them.
Don't read anything without a 'use case', better yet try and synthesize that knowledge, write rhetorical counterpoints to philosophy even if you agree with it, play devil's advocate.

>> No.16669930


>Nintendo Brain Training
>Jelq while reading Nietzsche
>set random alarms throughout the day to keep you on edge

>reverse osmosis filter your water (fluoride deficiency will dull your mind)
>eat fresh veg / meat without processed shit all over it
> move throughout the day, maybe try a little wim hoff breathing

>> No.16669940
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Exercise and stay the fuck away from anime

>> No.16670039
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reminder that you can only make it if your brain is at constant post nut clarity. fap more and then after cumming immediately force your attention to something productive. the first moment a tit or ass comes to your mind you start fapping, then you cum and then you force your post clarity nut attention towards making money.

it also has financial advantages:
>fapping to porn is cheaper and more entertaining than holding a 5/10 3DPD and their mediocre sex
>porn can be easily pirated which makes it FREE
>no risk of getting babby (babby very expensive)
>dont need to pay for STD medication
>dont need to pay for roasties in any way
>can retire faster and invest more
>more money = more chances to make it

or listen to the nofap discord shills that want to drag you into the wagecuck ponzi for life while chaining you to some 3D pig. its your choice

>> No.16670045
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> t.

>> No.16670092

RTS games are still video games and are highly addictive. Avoid addictive things.

>> No.16670099
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never gonna make it
enjoy your roastie distraction money drain and no gains EVER.

>> No.16670300 [DELETED] 
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>advocates pirating porn
>disuades from getting involved with women, which indirectly adocates for lower birthrate which naturally shrinks the labor pool and consumer markets of Jewish capitalists
>something something the Jew profits from this even though it directly disincentives Jewish producers
Is there something I'm missing?

>> No.16670371
File: 1.31 MB, 1240x1754, EMm9PsHUYAALvCp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if normies don't do it because they're too busy watching netflix, you should probably be doing it
Unironically some of the best advice you can get.

Nice pic, I have a similar one for you

>> No.16670378

Imagine if you touched the sweat in the crease between her vagina and leg. The crease on the leg socket. Do you think the sweat there smells like vinegar? Because mine does.

>> No.16670426
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ty fren
merry christmas

>> No.16670433

Just assuming things like the typical jew you are.

>> No.16670434

running 30 minutes a day/every other day and dedicating atleast 2 hours a day to do something productive has pretty much helped me

>> No.16670480

Depends on personality type. Undeniably good brain training if you ask me for making decisions.

>> No.16670527

>don't just clean your room like that hypocrite Jordan Plonazesam says
OP asked how to stay sharp, not how fix his life.

>> No.16670610

Be fully nourished.
Properly hydrated.
Practice a variety of physical and mental things.

>> No.16670676

Avoid sugar and processed foods
Do parasite cleanses and eat carnivore

>> No.16671010

I am only speaking about staying 'sharp' - please explain to me how changing your immediate enviroment to have novel cues that are more stimulating doesn't make you sharper?
The whole point is that novel cues force you to use System 2 or whatever Kahnman calls it where you are more discerning.

>> No.16671024


>> No.16671029

Stop watching anime you fucking freak.

>> No.16671135

it isn't supposed to, peterson's whole spiel about cleaning your room is irrelevant to your point

>> No.16671151

>wahhh wahhh anime bad
Shut up nig, people who watch anime are probably sharper than people who watch Star Wars or game of thrones or whatever the latest normalfag s.oy show is.

>> No.16671188

cut your brain in a way so it forms an acute angle

>> No.16671235

Wait, so what's your problem?
You agree that novel cues in a otherwise familiar enviroment would force a person to use a higher cognetive load, and therefore stay more attentive, sharp, and have higher 'brain entropy' because they aren't resorting to mental shortcuts. Right?

>> No.16671496
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That's leaves me with 1 hour for sleep and family time....fuck off!

>> No.16671519

Hey brother, actually kill yourself.

>> No.16671544


It is simple. Do this:
> Smoke weed.
> Watch Anime.
> Masturbate.

>> No.16671552


White lionsmane extract/l-theanine/aniracetam etc are good options for starters.. Dyor.

>> No.16671967

Microdose moda in cycles

>> No.16672377
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Meditation. Exercise. Diet. Writing lists of positive goals and steps necessary to accomplish those goals. Rewarding or penalizing yourself food good and bad habits. Daily reading and puzzles. Avoiding social media and false positive reinforcement. Using nootropics or herbal supplements. Psychedelic microdosing. No fap.

Strengthening your jing, qi, and shen forces of the spirit and soul is probably the most important advice I can offer you.

>> No.16672400

The easiest and fasted step available:
Close 4chan and never open it again.

Goodbye and be brave

>> No.16672402

Install linux

>> No.16672450
File: 70 KB, 512x640, CC98E59F-5ED0-43E1-964B-2617BBBF7C86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strengthening your jing, qi, and shen forces of the spirit and soul is probably the most important advice I can offer you.

H-how senpai? Teach me.