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16668383 No.16668383 [Reply] [Original]

will millenials ever grow up? the zoomers are going to pass them at this rate

>> No.16668599

You have to be completely braindead to have anything lower than 750

>> No.16668641

Millenials got fucked hard on the 2008 shit. My graduating class was 2008 and I entered the "real world" which turned out to be a shit show with no fucking work or opportunities. Entering into a "recession" right at adult hood really effects people for the rest of their life! the next generation is going to be better off than millenials because they learned from the past but didn't have to try during the hard times.

You learn close to nothing from your great grand parents
You learn a little from your grandparents
You learn a lot from your parents

the cycle is real and millenials got fucked financially and mentally for the long run.

>> No.16668815
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>"grow up" means borrowing money from the Hyksos

>> No.16669183

Fuck you guys whine a lot. We get it. You experienced some pain In your life. Welcome to the real world. Stop dwelling on shit you cant control and do something productive for once.

>> No.16669205

I'm a zoomer with 760. Eat shit millenniggers. We all know that people born on or after 2000 should have been called millenials, but you just had to take that title for yourself. Enjoy your stupid fucking title while slaving away for minimum wage in the coal mines and cleaning septic tanks! Maybe we can finish automating those jobs so that you can all fucking starve to death and the world will be a much better place. And I'm fucking watching you Gen X bastards too. You're the next target of the Zoomer-Boomer Alliance.

>> No.16669241

I've never understood whats so hard about paying bills.

Nobody is going to recognize this to any useful extent, most will just say you're whining. The hard truth is Millennials are the children of Boomers while Zoomers are the children of Gen X. Boomers were awful people and awful parents and they raised awful people. The portion of Gen X that got on board with computers now run the world, including your stupid trades/sales asshole of a father.

>> No.16669260
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>a zoomer is bragging about a 760 credit score
western civ is done

>> No.16669305

These are the averages? I always read that many Americans have shit credit. I thought I was doing really well at 788 but now I feel a little above average...

>> No.16669351
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Pretty much this except without the whiny tone. I graduated 2006, getting a part time job between 06-early 08 was pretty easy, but after that you were absolutely fucked if you had no skills, there was almost nothing out there and a lot of people in our age bracket decided to treat the education system as a bomb shelter, which meant they accelerated the amount of debt they accumulated for degrees that almost certainly wouldn't improve their ability to land a job. They wanted to stay in school until the recession blew over, and it pretty much never fully did and lots of millennials are going to be permanent debt slaves because they listened to their boomer parents tell them how important education is.

>> No.16669381
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who else /586masterrace/

>> No.16669424
File: 85 KB, 294x313, 1571984988143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you were absolutely fucked if you had no skills
Good. Fucking good. As it should be.

Millennial from lower class family here, worked hard in HS to get good grades, worked hard to get scholarships to get almost a free ride at college. Then worked hard in college to land a decent starting job in 2009. Continued to work hard and hone my skills to get successively better positions. Now I make almost 150k, don't rack up debt, don't spend above my means, and constantly save wealth (mostly in PMs) so that I'll easily weather the upcoming collapse.

Fuck whiny snowflakes giving my generation a bad name. Go cry about it on your twitch stream that nobody watches

>> No.16669466

Not as it should be, I'm saying it was almost impossible to even get a bottom tier minimum wagie job at Blockbuster or some shit. I'm saying this to explain why so many millennials (not all of course) are like adult children. They reached adulthood right as the entire economy collapsed, and so decided to just stay in school for as long as possible, getting brainwashed and expecting everything to just magically work itself out. When you stay in college til you're almost 30 you just don't tend to be able to function like a normal adult. There are always success stories but I speak only of the general trend.

>> No.16669631

shove it up your ass, lolbertarian

>> No.16669659

How dumb do you have to be to have a credit score below 750? All you have to do to get a good score is sign up for a credit card and turn on autopay.

>> No.16669662


>> No.16669666

don't spend money

>> No.16669743

Yes. We're pretty much screwed. Education was a meme and fucked half us with debt. Our parents lied and said we should hold out for better than blue collar work, which continues to fuck millions of us that still work part time service jobs because of this mental pathology. Land is priced out of our reach. We have been mentally infantilized and fed onions by the education system and media.

And fucking boomers keep letting in more immigrants to outcompete our pathetic generation through diversity hire programs.

HS class of 2006, I have no hope for the rest of my generation.

>> No.16669763

Fake and gay

>> No.16670662
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what did the numbers mean by this

>> No.16670804

Golly I resent the poor and the nouveau middle class

>> No.16670813

I'm 24 and have a 760 but my credit card debt isn't added lel based system helping me out so their numbers look good

>> No.16672078

Millenials are subhuman like the boomers. Zoomers are going to own them in 10 years

>> No.16672129

Look at this faggot. Im lucky therefore you all should just pick yourself up.lmao enjoy saying that when you hit a bad turn of events lmao i will be laughing my ass off

>> No.16673069

holy shit faggot alert. you learn EVERYTHING from your elders. Maybe not directly, but through their history. You are so focused and hung up on 'muh recession right out of college' that you actually are affected by it.
Sorry life isn't easy and automatic for you, and that you have to work hard.

>> No.16673121

>it was almost impossible to even get a bottom tier minimum wagie job at Blockbuster or some shit. I'm saying this to explain why so many millennials (not all of course) are like adult children.
This singular event is not why they are like adult children. This kind of behavior is tied to an entire childhood of development over years of time.
They are like adult children because boomers fucked up hardcore and raised a generation of faggots by not allowing real competition between peers. Kids never learned being humbled, having to work hard to win, humility, or enough "teaching moments" where they got rekt and had to pick themselves up. Instead, they got accolades for doing and nothing and so expect that in the real world l. That is where the entitlement comes from. They're spolied and pampered. That part is not their fault, it was part of PC culture that boomers pushed on us because they thought their parents were too cold. The solution is a balance of both.

>> No.16673141
File: 5 KB, 250x241, 342D7407-A134-482E-9F35-DE02D4F3EED8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennials got told that any degree == skills by their parents, their teachers, the entire society. They got scammed. But no, let’s not go after the scammers, let’s keep kicking the scammed down.