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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1660057 No.1660057 [Reply] [Original]

/CCG/ - Cryptocurrency General - December BTC Megabull edition!!

OLD THREAD >>1650705

>https://1broker.com/?c=en/action/r&i=11313 (Globally with x5 Margin)
>https://www.okcoin.com/?invid=2120673 (Outside US only or VPN with x20 Future Contracts)

>https://telegram.me/joinchat/An3v0z_I8F4nZX6oMn7PcA (Crypto Discussion on Telegram)
>https://telegram.me/joinchat/C9Qooj_3ODViAwrS4UPn9w (/biz/ Pump & Dump Group on Telegram)
>https://discord.gg/jtBmHwJ (Crypto Discussion on Discord)






not sure where OP guy went so i just made a new one

>> No.1660064

Block Halving Alert - OKcash

>> No.1660067
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh shit we almost to bitcoin too


>> No.1660152


>> No.1660501

Rip circle

>> No.1660512
File: 150 KB, 1200x366, Cy2CCvOVQAE6CTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep holding. Do not allocate all of your BTC towards trading. (unless you want to stay poor)

>> No.1660524

none of those are realistic

>> No.1660535

$1,200 per bitcoin is very realistic, in fact it already happened

>> No.1660633


>> No.1660644

I've got some experience in FX trading but my capital was already very low to start with, and FX is a market you can only make a decent profit with if you have a huge capital, and leverage is a double edged sword too. I had a decent enough success rate usually trading in a 1 day time frame. I'm completely self taught, but as I said, the small profits are extremely discouraging.

Would it be worth looking into BTC or other cryptocurrencies instead? Is it essentially the same kind of trading and a similar market to FX?

Sorry, but I'm relatively new to all of this. I don't expect the difference to be huge, but hopefully an improvement over what FX could offer me for now.

>> No.1660666
File: 85 KB, 1251x880, 34253453456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, you're in the right place m8. Just sign up for poloniex, and make gain. but yea, if u talking about technical analysis being heavily relied on, i think crypto and FX definitively have some crossover there. if you want mad gains holding bitcoin long term, then there is that too

>> No.1660672

Thanks. Poloniex seems to be US-based, which I am not, so what is the European option?

Also, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of capital do you have and what kind of gains have you achieved on average? Just trying to get an idea of how this market performs, but I don't know anyone currently trading cryptocurrency. You don't need to give me exact numbers, I just want a rough vision of how this market is so I can compare.

>> No.1660811

Is it a dick move to use a "light" wallet without the blockchain?

>> No.1660815

Any can use polo.

Use okcoin to long btc.

Trade forex and stocks using btc with 1broker, simplefx, whale club.

>> No.1660818

This is most likely a dumb question, but please humor this complete noob:

How do you sell bitcoin?
Whom do you sell it to?

I'm using Electrum.

>> No.1660821


Are you an American? If so use coinbase or circle.

If not use localbitcoin.

>> No.1660822

Pretty sure coinbase wouldn't be a problem, they localize for Europe.

>> No.1660824

You can also google bitcoin ATM's in your area if you just want cash.

>> No.1660829

The purpose is to invest in the longer term.

Will Coinbase simply buy whatever I decide to offload?
Or will by BTC be put on hold until buyers are found?

>> No.1660833

>by BTC
my BTC*

>> No.1660841


You can for instance sell it on BTC-e for Euro's and have them transfer it into your bank acc via a wire transfer. Takes a few days amd then you have it in your bank acc.

It's even easier if you are Dutch.

>> No.1660860

>It's even easier if you are Dutch.

>> No.1660867

Question: thoughts on Lisk? (long term)

>> No.1660969

>want to put 3k into buttcoins
>have to wait until I sign the papers to build a new house

Hold me /biz/.

>> No.1661040

I've been bag holding this cryptocurrency and the whales that also hold it are almost going to let the coin die in the hopes that I sell my stash to them. The second I do sell my stash they are going to pump it. Fuck rich people.

>> No.1661094

>person A and B are both holding
>person B is letting the coin die by holding, but person A isn't

How does that work?

>> No.1661107

The coin is used to pay for an application, the developer of the app has been told to stall an important update for the past year as if its been abandoned. I'm friends with the dev. People all sold thinking the app was not longer being updated, except me and the whales due to having insider info. Dev told me they aren't happy that someone (me) is still holding so much (+10%).

>> No.1661109

Is this kind of like how Circle stopped selling buttcoin for some reason?
To (seemingly) kill the currency?

Also, what app?

>> No.1661281

>decide to put some money into buttcoin anyway
>open a free account with some other bank
>"no home banking tonight due to maintenance"

Someone please hold and squeeze me.

>> No.1661348

Remember when everyone was shilling XDN like nothing has ever been shilled before?

Dumb asses.

>> No.1661353

Remember when WAVES was in a better position to double in market cap than anything below it on the list?

Oh wait, you don't have to remember. That's right now.

The toads have spoken.

>> No.1661373


Sasha did just say something about the price in the waves telegram chat.


>> No.1661508


Pascal getting big volume. I'd seriously suggest start buying in.

>> No.1661534


You'd be becoming a 3rd generation bag holder if you bought now. It was only ever conceived to make a quick buck off of Ethereum's hype at the time.

>> No.1661586

What the the fucked happened to cause XRP to jump around 4pm GMT today?

>> No.1661647

Looking like exit pumps of alts for BTC.

>> No.1661649


>> No.1661721

Of course up.

Why would a dev go out if his way to shit in his own coin. (WAVES)

>> No.1661798

I put in4k, lost 1k ish or more

Yea, fomo is real

>> No.1661804

Should I buy into the ethereum meme?

>> No.1661812

Is it still worth buying?

>> No.1661817

buy IOC, will hit 50K+ by end of weekend. you're welcome!

>> No.1661858


Sasha has never indicated he gave a shit about traders. I'm pretty sure this is the first he ever talked about the price for traders.

Already up 1k sats in price.

Not really. LISK is a good coin to have in your portfolio. Maybe not massive gains but safe investment, just not all in of course.

Wait until the price goes back down which is sooner than later with BTC looking to break ATH.


>> No.1661874
File: 69 KB, 340x372, thinkysay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I have no idea what I am doing in Cryptopia, I made an account, made a miner, but dunno what to do after.

Help please

>> No.1661887
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>> No.1661903

Buy HZ. Check all time chart. Perfect price and moment. Profit guaranteed

>> No.1661922



>> No.1661927

Buy RADS boyos

Get ready

>> No.1661953

Is it too late to start buying Bitcoins? I got some money to put somewhere, and want to know if I missed the boat on any bitcoin gains.

>> No.1661964


Nope. BTC still hasn't passed previous ATH and it wants to.

>> No.1661972
File: 34 KB, 1712x583, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read charts /biz/. When should I buy bitcoin? Today, tomorrow morning, etc ... ? I need to know where this chart is heading in the short term.

>> No.1661995


Buy the Sunday dip

>> No.1661999

Thanks bb.

>> No.1662199
File: 207 KB, 842x519, 098345098345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use some of these technical analysis studies

>> No.1662220


I honestly suggest just buy now and just don't look at prices until CNN reports "BITCOIN $2000"

>> No.1662454
File: 230 KB, 300x297, 1479843705512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy ZCoin

>> No.1662460

Guys, Id love to buy bitcoin but lets be realistic. I only have about 3k to invest, desu waiting a year for bitcoin to hit 2000 dollars is only going to make me like 9k total. Thats pitiful returns for a full year investment.

I know bitcoin has major issues with some kind of transaction slowdown. Literally reminds me of AOL before actual good internet came to the market. Surely there will be a replacement to bitcoin right? Theres always a first on the market but someone else is going to improve it. Do you bitcoiners really think bitcoin is going to be the permanent virtual currency?

>> No.1662472


>lets be real
>x3 is pitiful

lol okay buddy.

>> No.1662492


but we're here to get rich quick, senpai.

>> No.1662583

>Everyone missing out on those sweets gains from Bittrex

>> No.1662595

it is though

>> No.1662788


Why Pascal over bitcoin?
Srs question.

>> No.1662791

>BTC looking to break ATH.
Will a bunch of retards dump right after the ATH?

>> No.1663157


Yeah it'll consolidate. Every time, BTC reaches a new high, it'll go down then break through. When the ATH does get broken, it'll be on a very steady uptrend for a long time.

PASCAL is going to be Bitcoin but easier to build ontop of with a well known programming language. Won't overtake bitcoin by any means but it'll reach 5 times it's price soon.

>> No.1663164


>but it'll reach 5x it's price soon


>> No.1663178


you really don't understand the power icocountdown.com has in terms of shilling.

>> No.1663258

Opinions on navcoin?

>> No.1663303

Bitcoin's history is fucking huge spikes. That's what we hold in hope of. 3x is still nice while you wait.

>> No.1663350

>There are people that are still falling for the Bitcoin meme.

>> No.1663501

what wallet should I get? I'm a nocoiner. I don't want any third-party having anything to do with my wallet in any way, shape or form. I'd prefer a desktop client, keys stored only on my computer.

and user-friendly because again, I'm a nocoiner

>> No.1663524

For anons who can't invest large amounts of money on crypto

>> No.1663569





>> No.1663818
File: 55 KB, 725x483, 6546541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /biz/! I was trading with cryptos a few months ago but then stopped because I needed my capital. I stopped following the news around the beginning of October. Now that I have a little money again to play around I want to get back.

So someone can give me a TLDR on what happened in the last 2 months? Anything I should know about?

>> No.1663838

stop shilling shit coins and buy waves. Gateway coming out next week this is your last chance

>> No.1663901

I'm a bitcoin noob about to sink 3k into BTC. Sell me on waves.

>> No.1663911

are you me?

>sell me on waves and ether

>> No.1663914

>mined 1 btc
>sold 1 btc for eur
>want to buy 3 btc now(can't afford anymore)

Do I pull the trigger, why the fuck did I end up selling that first btc anyway, it is only gonna go up now right ?

>> No.1663923


>> No.1664024

Is it safe to hold btc on exchanges like kraken ? I don't have my own btc address, I always used polo/kraken address but only for small amounts so far.

>> No.1664062


Dont buy waves.


Not a very good idea chief

>> No.1664136

>tfw there's more than one shitcoin that's something pathetic cheap like $.0001 that will balloon to like $3 per coin and could make me effortless millions
>tfw I'm not invested in it because I'll never know what it is

>> No.1664262

You have a better chance of turning your $3000 to $300,000 with waves than $3000 to $6000 with Bitcoin. It's basic math.

Wavesplatform is the 7th highest funded crowdfunding project. It's a very active project with a great community and brilliant developers behind it. Don't take my words for it, go see it yourself in their slack channel and commits on Github.

>> No.1664264

please help me /biz/

>> No.1664297

Yes, bitcoin --> moon

As always

>> No.1664299

FEC committee ID - C00629519

This will become the bitcoin/trumpcoin superPAC. No news because it's not announced yet.

>> No.1664382

You'd have to research over 3000 different cryptocoins and be real good buddies with the devs in order to get inside info and then you'll also have to guess how they'll do in 3-4 years. For all you know bitcoin could become illegal or even worse... forgotten.

>> No.1664491

i got in bitcoin pretty early (they were around 25) as a safe way to play online poker for money in the USA

i pussed out and sold when they hit 400. It's been a few years, I have 10,000 that I want to "invest" (gambool) with

what's gonna happen to bitcoin when Trump takes office, should I just do it?

dubs and I do it

>> No.1664494

Don't know shit about BTC. Where do I start? Guides, infographics, anything. I want to learn as much as I can.

>> No.1664551

If you can't even google don't start

>> No.1664563

whats up with ETC?

>> No.1664618

>get lucky on some obscure cryptocoin
>think 10x returns are normal

>> No.1664868


I'm a waves holder and been telling everyone to buy waves for a long time now.

Now I'm gonna spread FUD because fuck you.

Literally in the OP but don't bother because if you can't see that, you're not gonna be able to trade.

Honestly, just buy and hold BTC or wait until ICN's platform comes out and put your money into one of their funds.

Big news on the way apparently so everyone is buying the rumor.


Fiat gateways for crypto. Actually huge for the crypto markets.

Diversify, nigga. Don't go all in on anything ever.

Here's some shit you should be holding


also buy into BTC now, wait a few months and buy altcoins a lot cheaper.

Get a wallet and save the wallet in a flash drive unless its going to be actively traded.

3k to 30k is highly possible, not 3k to 300k. That is just ridiculous.

if you're not actively trading then just buy btc and hold.

>> No.1664871

ICN sell wall at 30k just disappeared. Buy now and sell on December 21st or December 28th.

Follow their twitter just in case of any delays of platform then you can safely sell there and rebuy when new date is announced.

>> No.1664900

what does FUD stand for?!?

>> No.1664905
File: 79 KB, 868x533, photo_2016-11-29_01-42-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally in the OP but don't bother because if you can't see that, you're not gonna be able to trade.

absolutely, here is FAQ

if you're US citizen, u can buy with coinbase from bank or debit card. basically digit gold and you should hold for long term

Tech crunch has a great youtube series here on history/ current state of bitcoin


>> No.1664909

Just getting into BTC, chose Armory as my wallet. People I've talked to have said it isn't a great wallet for beginners, but I really want the most secure wallet I can get, so I'm planning on doing cold storage with Armory, and eventually, buying a hardware wallet for cold storage.

Any tips on setting up cold storage on Armory for beginners? I'm following the official tutorials on Armory's website and some YouTube videos

>> No.1664917

Fully UnDetectable, it means it won't be caught by antivirus programs

>> No.1664925


This isn't maplestory hacks, faggot.

FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

>> No.1664926
File: 79 KB, 470x560, 876345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dayum i thought it was like hype or something

i have no idea regarding the wallet. i just used multibit and have never done cold storage with USB

>> No.1665149

I just want to emphasize the possibility here. Look, to turn $3000 to $6000 in Bitcoin, the price must be $1400/BTC. You'll earn the same amount if waves was $0.6. Which one is more possible? from $700 to $1400 or 30c to 60c?

>> No.1665169


Waves to 40 cents may be the quicker route but both are possible.

Also Waves is at 22 cents now, not 30. Almost doubling to 40 cents would be a lot quicker than 30 to 60.

>> No.1665311

What about BELA?
Looks good with the MAC wallet release and the big ass countdown on their website. http://belacoin.org/invest/
It worked for SHADOW.

>> No.1665342

I got electrum after many recommendations, but I haven't used it yet.

If you have the HDD space, just get Bitcoin Core.

>> No.1665347

>save the wallet in a flash drive
Do I simply drag the "wallets" folder to a flash drive?
I'm using Electrum.

>> No.1665351

I could do that. I thought that one needed to download the whole blockchain? It can't do that if it's offline

I was actually planning to get Armory just now, but just for the offline computer. How should I set up the online one?

>> No.1665353

sorry for any confusion, forgot to mention that I want to utilize cold storage

>> No.1665354

I am an absolute buttcoin noob as well, still have to actually pull the trigger on my very first bitcoin purchase.
I know very little about the different wallets, except the difference between fully-fledged and lightweight wallets.

All I think I know is this: bitcoin relies on a network of "nodes", and getting the whole blockchain makes you a node who is a benefit to bitcoin.
Consequently, getting a lightweight wallet like electrum is kind of a dick move (even though security is supposed to be very good on electrum, with that seed phrase and all).

Not sure how accurate this is though.

>> No.1665381

Why should I buy Waves over bitshares? Aren't they implementing the same features?

>> No.1665383

I want your opinion, /biz/:

-use Electrum for actual holding/trading
-simply download Bitcoin Core for the sole purpose of being a node

Sound like a plan to you?

Or is being a node not actually important to the growth of Bitcoin?

>> No.1665386

continuing this guy's questions

Using cold storage, I'd trade BTC like this
>Have private keys, acct balance record in my offline computer
>copy of blockchain, public key in my online computer, active acct balance
>Make transaction on online computer, copy wallet file over to the offline one to sign it (and update my acct balance)
>Go to online computer to transmit signed transaction to the blockchain and update my copy of the blockchain

>> No.1665393

Long ETH?

>> No.1665394

you spelled short wrong

>> No.1665402

Doesn't Ethereum have a lot of potential, with dapps and so on?

>> No.1665426
File: 5 KB, 322x157, 456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, thats why i am bullish

>> No.1665534

This, Waves is a scam, put it all in ICN.
Or watch your money evaporate.
Here's to ICN , cheers!

>> No.1665576

Is there any nocoiners still alive or have they all finally killed themselves?

>> No.1665585
File: 43 KB, 1092x700, waves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I seeing this wrong, or is Waves not going to do shit?

>> No.1665590

lmfao, you actually bought into this scam..

>> No.1665591

I did?

>> No.1665595

For your sake, I hope you did not.

>> No.1665611

Nothing wrong with WAVES.

(Remember that one crypto that had to change its entire code to give back people money that made a bad investment? The one thats around $8 now? That totally wast a scam.)

>> No.1665617


I've been hearing about dapps for 2 years now.

You know how many dapps I use? None.
You know how many dapps I've even heard about people using? None.

>> No.1665626

How many of the Devs for other alts just did an hour long unfiltered Q&A?


Decentralized exchange is coming with WAVES. Ya'll gonna be crying.

>> No.1665628

Do you have to buy waves using bitcoin?

>> No.1665746
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All you had to do was take my advice.
Yet that thread got like 3 replies.
Your loss, guys.

>> No.1665940

What's ICN?

>> No.1665947

And why should I care?

>> No.1666047


sorry breh, I'm not here to explain anything to you. I'm just here for my monthly screencaps, so I can post them in January.

>> No.1666056

Explain it to me tho.

>> No.1666108
File: 75 KB, 1224x692, dolandsad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have to buy ICN with bitcoin, right? Or can you buy using Euros?

Can you use Electrum as a wallet for ICN?

I'm honestly trying to look this all up, but I'm way too new to the game to understand any of it (I'm the guy who was about to pump 3k into buttcoin).

>> No.1666208


You can buy ICN with ETH or BTC which can be bought with EUR. Use Kraken to buy BTC or ETH to buy ICN.

ICN is on a dip. BTFD = Buy The Fucking Dip

>> No.1666209



>> No.1666344

>Use Kraken to buy BTC

How about Coinbase? For a Euro?

>> No.1666348

>For a Euro?
By which I mean a European citizen.

>> No.1666350

Any particular reason why you linked me page 844?

>> No.1666363

B-but where do you store ICN? A special wallet?
Or is this different?

>> No.1666366


Nope. Just happened to be in the link.

Use Kraken for Europe

>> No.1666410



>> No.1666413

BTC keeps going up. Should I buy now? Should I wait for the Christmas downward spiral?

>> No.1666443

Gotta love how these fucking cryptowallets just start downloading gigs without asking where to save them.

>> No.1666491


And now Ethereum Wallet stopped loading blocks.

>> No.1666535

so, after creating an offline wallet in whatever software I choose, I can generate a receiving address, and then people can send money to that address. But since my full wallet is offline, I need to update the account balance from an online wallet. How exactly do I do that, keep a secure, full version of my wallet offline, while keeping a partial wallet online to send/receive money, and how do I transfer the info from my online to my offline? Can I just use an actual online browser-based wallet?

>> No.1666696

Opinions on BURST?

>> No.1666785

Yes, most crypto is still speculation on new blockhai

>> No.1666790
File: 68 KB, 1140x732, HRxhNB1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the trendlines you drew 2 days ago are on point

>> No.1666798

Bitcoin is ready to pop, its like October 2013 again.

Bitcoin and Monero are the coins to hold. When bitcoin has its bubble, roll the gains into Monero and make another 5x-100x.

Then buy private island.

2017 is gonna be great.....

>> No.1666803

xmr had its pump with alphabay, it's over

>> No.1666869
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actually? i thought we still in anonymous hype phase

>> No.1666921
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>> No.1666930
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>> No.1666953

This Monero rise is over but the next one will come in 2017. They have great developers and just got listed on Bitfinex last week.

The only truly anonymous coin, RingCt and the GUI will be released in January 2017.

Things are ONLY getting started!

>> No.1667022

4 atm

>FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
oh shit thanks

>> No.1667032
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I'm on OKcoins list of their 10 largest future contact holders. Don't even ask how I got there.

>> No.1667054
File: 92 KB, 1444x779, 9T7YqbH[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

further update ;~;

>> No.1667080


fucking chinks

Huobi is such a cocktease. Give us a marginally higher new high and then immediate and violent dump. Note the relative lack of volume on the huge red candle - someone wanted to shake out longs for cheap

>> No.1667093

How did you get there

>> No.1667095

how did you get there?!?

>> No.1667111




>> No.1667209
File: 658 KB, 2040x3160, 1474001638043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VoIPing with a big bitcoin exchange operator
>ask him if he's excited for the new and upcoming 4chan/biz/ demographic
>he literally can't even respond
>mention they call themselves /biz/raelis
>he says he's always open to new customers and then adds "I support the /biz/raelis"
did I do good, goys?

>> No.1667212

he also said he'd be open to adding rare pepes if they have consistent volume over time.

meme magic is real, people.

>> No.1667308

FoldingCoin - FLDC?
Looks good with the halving coming up for a good price now.
Also BELA with the new projects coming and with the countdown on their site.

That's the 2 altcoins that look promising for me now and not just pump and dumps. First I was thinking that I'm gonna wait if BTC goes up but with that dumping today I'm not waiting anymore.

>> No.1667340

Ethereum Wallet always stops downloading blocks.

Tried this many times on two computers now.
Even tried both 32 and 64 bit.

What a piece of shit.

>> No.1667347


i am ready for the pump.

>> No.1667350
File: 35 KB, 571x456, immovable blocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This number hasn't changed in two hours.

Tried relaunching but it always just stops downloading after a bit.
Tried on a different computer too.

>> No.1667355

that's ETH for you.

i am just using https://www.myetherwallet.com/

>> No.1667387

And now my login and password for Kraken are apparently "invalid".
Even though I wrote them down and they worked perfectly an hour ago, and yesterday.


>> No.1667399
File: 54 KB, 565x390, 1 hour = 2 months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set this graph to 1 hour
>shows me more than 2 months

Am I being trolled?

>> No.1667735

Can someone confrim this btc poker is safe? I dont want to step in some e-bandit e-trap

>> No.1667814

POT has jumped 100 percent in the last 24 hours

>> No.1667921


To all the people who mined Pascal on Vultr

Here you go.


its not an "e-"bandit "e-"trap you "re-"tard.

>> No.1668086 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 349x303, fe422593d675cd5fd48226c6c6e45473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in the crypto is cruel. All speculative business is cruel. Not one of those anons ever earned a single satoshi of their money, they've taken the whole of it from others, and these others took it from others still, and so on almost indefinitely. There isn't a single satoshi of it that hasn't been through twenty hands, or fifty for that matter, since the last man who had done some honest work for it parted company with it. Well, bitcoin like that belongs to those who are in possession of it, only so long as they are strong enough to hold on to it. When someone stronger still comes along, he takes it away from them. They don't complain; they don't cry and say it's cruel. They know it's the rule of the game. They accept it-- and begin at once looking out for a new set of fools and weaklings to recoup themselves on. That's the way the crypto-exchange goes.

>> No.1668089
File: 195 KB, 349x303, fe422593d675cd5fd48226c6c6e45473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in crypto is cruel. All speculative business is cruel. Not one of those anons ever earned a single satoshi of their money, they've taken the whole of it from others, and these others took it from others still, and so on almost indefinitely. There isn't a single satoshi of it that hasn't been through twenty hands, or fifty for that matter, since the last man who had done some honest work for it parted company with it. Well, bitcoin like that belongs to those who are in possession of it, only so long as they are strong enough to hold on to it. When someone stronger still comes along, he takes it away from them. They don't complain; they don't cry and say it's cruel. They know it's the rule of the game. They accept it-- and begin at once looking out for a new set of fools and weaklings to recoup themselves on. That's the way the crypto-exchanges work.

>> No.1668148


Literally 30 minutes after, 131btc buy wallet appeared. Lol

Factom (FCT) is starting its uptrend cycle and will be lasting for a few months.

>> No.1668242


Incoming dip.


>> No.1668550


>didn't buy the dip

>> No.1668561

its trying to give you 1 hour candles
but then you have it set to display as a line (mountain) chart

>> No.1668770
File: 179 KB, 602x452, BitcoinMemeMagic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise kek

>> No.1668773

how much do you want?

>> No.1668776

.01111 pleases kek

>> No.1668780

Hi OP, was wondering if you'd be willing to include a bitcoin faucet game that's like Agar.io in your threads.

its called chopcoin.io
my referral link if you want bit (do) do/chopcoin

>> No.1668789


Nope. Don't like things that make me disable my adblocker.

>> No.1668806

we use two banner ads to fund the faucet, they arn't in your face or anything, but they help to keep the users happy players.

if you want an idea on our gameplay without diabling adblocker, go to agar.io and play that game. its the same as ours, just no bitcoin rewards.

>> No.1668833
File: 973 KB, 312x213, 7drHiqr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW no one has ever sent me any and I thought you were serious

>> No.1668863


You're gonna lose a lot of customers just because people aren't gonna want to disable their ad block. Figure out a way to get passed that and you'll be able to continue staying open.

I won't be putting your game into the OP though, sorry.

>> No.1668916

nigga i can't give out free money right now, i'm fucking living on ramen noodles lol

if i had a net worth above 4k i would send it lul

>> No.1668924

Thats probably why you are not worth above 4k

>> No.1669030

congrats potcoin holders

>> No.1669071


>> No.1669093

So glad I bought the dip.

>> No.1669096

buy potcoin

>> No.1669104


>> No.1669158

EMC2 on Polo? Right now it looks just like before its last big pump...

>> No.1669411

any strategies on potcoin?

>> No.1669426

Besides that it's getting ready to dump?

>> No.1669440

Guys, i wrote a bot. Earned exactly 0$ with it.

Waste of time?

>> No.1669452

If the dollar goes up in value will bitcoins go down?

Or does it not matter much since 90% of bitcoin transactions are in chinese yuan

>> No.1669457

Doesn't matter

>> No.1669471

told you to buy SYS two weeks ago..

2.1 is going to get released on sunday

>> No.1669484


>> No.1669485

Obscure cryptocurrency No. 24654165762137324 that might enjoy a short-lived bubble or two.

>> No.1669486

what is your position?

>> No.1669496

obscure? It has an actual working decentralized market you fucking Waves bagholder. Download the wallet and check yourself.

Even if it was obscure how the fuck does it matter? It's about making money here and 2 weeks ago SYS was at 1050.

>> No.1669504

I just checked out your posts and realized that you're a complete cryptonoob. I'm not even angry anymore.

>> No.1669518

>I'm not even angry anymore.
Well that's good.

>> No.1669519

I didn't see WAVESMAN in a long time

>> No.1669520

I'm a complete noob at crypto
What altcoins would you advise me to trade in?

>> No.1669537

I'm monitoring POT, still going strong.

Filtered that guy long ago, his shilling attempts were pathetic.

>> No.1669629

I made 11p from mining ETC yesterday for six hours. I get the feeling it's a bad idea to keep this up.

>> No.1669633

hey, it's a start!

>> No.1669640

I guess, it's 11p more than I'd have normally, if I keep it up I could buy a Freddo.
I'm just worried about the life of my GPU.

>> No.1669755

You will all be trading these coins on WAVES in the future.

>> No.1669763

top kek

>> No.1670401
File: 713 KB, 737x617, sasha making waves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


other crypto devs wish they were as great as Sasha

>> No.1670896

¿Being Bitcoin a software, how does it upgrade from time to time to the evolution of technology? Does bitcoin acquire brand new features as the years goes on? Btw, I'm a newfag in cryptocurrencies.

>> No.1671124

I want to buy btc, should i wait for small dip or just buy right away ?

>> No.1671163

Unless you're about to invest $100k or something, a $20-30 dip isn't going to mean much.

>> No.1671166

I have about 3000$ to spend, so I guess i might as well buy it right away.

>> No.1671174

I'm in the exact same boat as you, about to drop 3k.

I'm not waiting on a dip though, just for my new bank card to come in.

Heard BTC is going to get to 2k or something, so that would mean almost a triple return.

Maybe the holidays/new year's has a major dip/peak in store, so perhaps that might be something to hold out for.

>> No.1671179

Assuming nothing bad happens like a major hack btc should break its all time high in 2017

>> No.1671181

I've been checking, and btc had pretty big dips in the early days/weeks of each year.
Really makes you think.

>> No.1671202

>Taking hit and run dumps serious.

>> No.1671216

Well the drops have been pretty consistent in the days or weeks after each new year.
This is just from a superficial look at the chart though.

>> No.1671232

Hey, question from a bitcoin newbie
Why do you guys use/buy bitcoins or other crypto´s instead of doing business as usual with a bank etc.? Is it the investment and money making, or are there any other advantages? All the bitcoin and blockchain seems to complicated and unsafe in the eyes of a normal guy

Kinda have to write an article about the bitcoin consumer base and its possible growth, so i would really appreciateyour help

>> No.1671236

>in the early days

Bitcoin was a new technology then and very volatile,price shot up to 1k then mtgox happened and it crashed big time ,the price didnt start to recover until last year now its at its highest price since the all time high in 2013 ,minus the bitfinex hack earlier in the year bitcoin has been consistently rising.

I would do some more research on bitcoin and keep up to date with the price,having an understanding of the technology behind bitcoin will help you to understand bitcoins potential,i wouldnt treat it as a get rich quick scheme ,most of us are in this for the long haul.

>> No.1671238

I said "in the early days of each year". Not "in the early days of BTC".

There was a post-new year's dip in January 2016 too, a drop of about 70 Euros.

>> No.1671251

First of all many people treat it as an investment because we believe in the technology.

Id say Bitcoins best features are

>The Bitcoin system has never been hacked
>Nobody can touch or seize your bitcoin as long as you store them correctly.
>Transactions cannot be reversed or altered,they are set in stone on the blockchain.
>No chargebacks like with paypal.
>Ability to send and receive bitcoin to anyone and anywhere,nobody can close your account or block your transactions.
>Supply is capped at 21 million btc making it a deflationary currency,no more printing endless money.
>Privacy,although every transaction is publicly logged on the blockchain with precautions you can be pretty much anonymous.

You are basically your own bank,if we all used bitcoin then traditional banks wouldnt be needed.

>> No.1671253

70 euros is like a daily fluctuation in bitcoin land,the last big dip was after the bitfinex hack,we got to $780 then it dropped nearly $200,Basically nobody can predict the price so tread carefully.

>> No.1671266

Here's what I see in BTC as a complete noob:

- no imaginary money being added to existing money, driving down the value of said existing money (i.e. like fiat currency)
- no retards in suits making decisions
- no expensive infrastructure, technology, manpower, security, ... to be paid
- there is still TREMENDOUS potential for growth considering only a tiny fraction of the population is using BTC at the moment

I really think this could be the wave of the future.

>> No.1671268

Only downside I see has to do with the (perceived) vulnerability of "internet stuff".
Not just hacking or HDD failure, but also possible internet regulation.

>> No.1671279

Other downside it isn't backed by anything, if every decides fuck this shit, it's going to be worth 0$

But that won't happen though

>> No.1671281

>it isn't backed by anything
Neither is fiat currency. It's all down to "trust".

Exactly the same thing.

>> No.1671288

Isn't fiat backed by gold?

>> No.1671289

Not since Nixon was president of the United USA of America.

>> No.1671300

Is ICN going to the moon once the countdown is done?

>> No.1671338


Not anymore

>> No.1671348 [DELETED] 

But how can I tire my coins correctly and what about the block chain? Is it possible to make the block chain more accessible for everyone?
I know what it is and what it does just can't figure out how to gain more customers for the bitcoin
Just stupid questions in this report I have to write

>> No.1671352
File: 62 KB, 990x466, sdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems SDC is gettin ready for something - nice uptrend. maybe the rumours are true and the marketplace will be ninja launched within the next days :D

>> No.1671515

I buy Bitcoin because it is the future of currency. It's partially a bet against fiat, and the rest is investing in something that is completely decentralized with a monetary system that everyone can agree on

>> No.1672030
File: 2 KB, 69x101, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have any longterm insight on Zcash? Theoretically, if ETH is successful, then Zcash should also be successful, right? I understand that the huge volatility early on is causing the price to be driven down, but does anyone here think that it could be a strong buy relative to BTC?

I worry that BTC has reached its limit and its possible that Chinese mining interests are pumping the price to dump supply while they switch into currencies that are devalued due to their BTC pump and then leave others as bagholders essentially.

In that event, wouldn't Zcash be a solid buy along with XMR and ETH?

>> No.1672121

How much do the other parts besides GPUs matter for mining, can i buy some cheap shit with 4 rx 480s and still have it perform the same?

>> No.1672570


Yup. Then megamoon over the next few weeks/months until OFMs get released then a few weeks after that for everyone shilling their OFMs.

>> No.1672589


Holding ZEC at this price for months is a terrible idea. Wait until it gets appropriately priced then wait for ETH news.

>> No.1673417
File: 35 KB, 321x362, 1480081450724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took a week to get an existing bank account to work online
>finally get it to work
>have to wait a day for my wire transfer to Kraken to complete
>meanwhile BTC keeps growing

>> No.1673564

If it was, it wouldn't be fiat.

>> No.1673567

Don't worry, it will drop as soon as you buy. :^)

>> No.1673592

Who wants to play? https://primedice.com/?c=adb4dz

>> No.1673895

What do u guys think of t-coin. Massive drop in price but still quite a bit of buy volume within 24h

>> No.1674581
File: 18 KB, 261x181, 1421468497753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get in

>> No.1674871

I don't think that it's gonna pump like how they pump smaller altcoins, but I'm sure that BELA will be steadily increasing in the next days since they are developing and releasing new projects. But there's a good chance that the price will skyrocket soon.

>> No.1674951

What exchange is ICN going to be released on? All I have is a polo account

>> No.1675061


Its on Kraken and Liqui.

>> No.1675123

wow $FLDC 115 sats

>> No.1675126

How fucking long does it take for my deposit to show up on Kraken, the wait is excruciating.

>> No.1675216

rolling for prediction thread, kek bless these digits

>> No.1675219

I have no idea, but feels bad man with coinbbase too. Takes a while fucking week

>> No.1675235

That is how they make a profit, holding on to all deposits for a while will create cash they can invest

>> No.1675356
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding zec

>> No.1675385

whats your entry point?


>> No.1675388

I'm mining zec, I didn't buy any.

>> No.1675394

opinions on BURST? it's easy as hell to mine and seems like an interesting idea technically. I just can't see a pump anytime soon.

>> No.1675467

I'm in the same boat. Stay strong bro, the pump has yet to happen, but it will.

>> No.1675795
File: 52 KB, 1556x902, 456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to pump FLDC /biz/
>we need to pump FLDC /biz/
we need to pump FLDC /biz/
>we need to pump FLDC /biz/
we need to pump FLDC /biz/
>we need to pump FLDC /biz/
we need to pump FLDC /biz/
>we need to pump FLDC /biz/
we need to pump FLDC /biz/
>we need to pump FLDC /biz/
we need to pump FLDC /biz/
>we need to pump FLDC /biz/

>> No.1675813
File: 35 KB, 1451x738, 3n09VLJ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys what the fuck just happened with OKCoin

look how the volume dropped all of a sudden and now the chart looks spotty

what is going on

>> No.1675820
File: 453 KB, 2000x1250, ip.bitcointalk.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in on ICN, boys.

>> No.1675821

nevermind its just cryptowat.ch fucking up

>> No.1675958


>> No.1676079

>start small
>end up with 10k sat
>get greedy
>bet 10k sat on a >9.99 roll
>roll 9.98
>lose everything
and that's why I don't gamble.

>> No.1676201

So how important is it to get in on this before the countdown is done?

>> No.1676239


> guy asking the important questions

Please answer

>> No.1676619

Gridcoin FTW!

>> No.1677798


LMAO everyone selling as soon as it hit exchange. Was up 530% max when i saw it.

ICO price for NXC was 2-3k i think. Major profits being made


here is link for ICO

>> No.1677942
File: 48 KB, 556x440, 1473834309675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bagholding 555k of dogecoin i mined in late 2013

is this shit ever going up again?

>> No.1677960

DOGE should reach 40 sats again if it pumps, but thats a long wait

>> No.1677970

1 Doge = 1 Doge
what hardware did you use.
Mined like 270k with shitty Nvidia-Laptop

>> No.1677990

I have no idea what happened. I have BELA, SYS and FLDC.
There were news, develop updates and halving, the prices should have go way higher.
I have a feeling that they are being manipulated with high volume and once it's over the prices will skyrocket.

>> No.1678045

where do i buy ICN?

>> No.1678117

Kraken or liqui.io

>> No.1678143
File: 8 KB, 475x298, exchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why come Kraken can give me an ICN-EUR exchange rate in the balance section, but they can't give me a freaking chart?

Or does it not make sense to directly convert?

Making two conversions (ICN-BTC-EUR) is really screwing with my head.

>> No.1678153

For bitcoin?
Bitcoin core. Take some time to get to know the interface, and especially take time to download the chainblock wich is 100GB +/- large but then you will have everything in your own control and environment.

>> No.1678201
File: 243 KB, 1024x1656, screencap2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it's that time of the week again I take my icn going up screencaps

you didn't listen guys, you did not listen

>> No.1678218
File: 23 KB, 1066x382, icn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>icn going up

>> No.1678239

thanks for the reply, it's gonna get added up to the screencap, January is gonna be fucking EPIC

>> No.1678256

Is there a reason you keep switching IDs in this thread, and in your screencaps?

>> No.1678285

I'm trying to jew you obviously, anyhow, stay poor see you in January.

and merry Christmas!

>> No.1678346


>> No.1678358

rich people don't kill themselves, breh

>> No.1678371

ICN platform getting released months earlier than expected.

I will be opening an OFM for /biz/, just a heads up.

>> No.1678372


I will be 100% open with it. Will be 100% transparent and will show all my favorite TA techniques, fundamentals, why I pick certain coins, etc. Completely open to /biz/ so people can learn to trade crypto efficiently.

>> No.1678418

>I will be opening an OFM for /biz/,

Nice, when?

>> No.1678420


2-3 months. I'm waiting for BTC to finally make its move then I'm opening it.

>> No.1678421

What move?

>> No.1678464

But >>1660535 was a response to >>1660524. Talk about a redundant post.

>> No.1678486

I'm having trouble restoring my Litecoin wallet. I installed the software on a fresh Windows install and replaced the stock wallet.dat with my backup one.

The software doesn't get past the splash screen - it just hangs on "Rescanning... 100%".

I hope I haven't lost my wallet.

>> No.1678494


We're in uncharted waters for BTC. It's never traded this high before without it being parabolic, well most of this year has been like this. So I'm waiting for confirmation of moon or doom, which hasn't been signaled yet.

Also sell ETH if you're in right now. Forum database leak possibly coming out soon.

>> No.1678503

The growth has been really steady for over a year now. I'm guessing it's just going to keep growing, with maybe a dip right around the ATH because of the psychological barrier (the very same one you're referencing).

This include ICN?

>> No.1678517


DESU, I don't know. A scenario like this hasn't happened before in crypto (well to my knowledge anyways).

>> No.1678552

I've been reading about buttcoin reaching 2k+ in the msm even, and the potential is there obviously.

>> No.1678555

I reinstalled the software and decided to let it do its thing with the stock wallet.dat first. Now the splash screen has been stuck on "Loading Wallet..." for the last half hour.

>> No.1678624
File: 124 KB, 502x362, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then this happened. Can anyone help?

>> No.1678657
File: 4 KB, 287x176, ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's happening to STEEM?

>> No.1679054

welcome, to the fourchannel

>> No.1679072
File: 14 KB, 500x500, opengraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1679249

Sorry bro, I have no idea what's going on or how to help you.

I'm still waiting for someone to answer >>1665347

Does this include ICN?

>> No.1679322
File: 89 KB, 1435x504, bitcoin euro chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can these be different?

They both compare Euros to bitcoin.

coinbase says 761 euros, and kraken says 767 euros.

>> No.1679641


>> No.1679944



>> No.1679959

it's an average based on the ongoing trades you nigger, different exchanges will have different values.