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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 468 KB, 724x621, googlewar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16668488 No.16668488 [Reply] [Original]

Google going all out on war on crypto


>> No.16668504
File: 26 KB, 500x509, 1566429455420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullrun in 3...2...

>> No.16668512

You already missed it. And afterwards it dropped lower than before.

>> No.16668519

ETH will dump hard

>> No.16668521

So when will google ban all email accounts that have anything crypto related in them

>> No.16668529
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>> No.16668546

they are forcing people to use brave lmao

>> No.16668548

Its unironically over. January 2018 was the bubble top and now crypto will slowly bleed back down to 0.

>> No.16668556

Holy shit banning metamask is a huge hit. They will really push national cryptos.

>> No.16668559


>> No.16668570

Finally. Craptoscam should be illegal.

>> No.16668575

..."screamed the jew

>> No.16668584

Without Youtubers and blogs and whatever else *they* are blocking now, who will buy our bags?
There needs to be a constant flow of fresh money into crypto just to sustain the current prices because there is always sell pressure from miners.

>> No.16668587

institutions you fucking brainlet, we dont need normies anymore

>> No.16668592

>Without Youtubers and blogs and whatever else *they* are blocking now, who will buy our bags?

People who need a censorship resistant asset that government can't confiscate.

Also hackers, pedos and criminals.

You think we are running out of those anytime soon?

>> No.16668594

This is revenge for the GCP bigquery 'demonstration'

>> No.16668598

Brave will unironically get banned next

>> No.16668605


>> No.16668609

So what’s with the massive Crypto purge in the part of alphabet? Streisand effect could be big if this is spun properly.

>> No.16668610

Institutions don't give a shit about crypto. They maybe hold minuscule amounts of it. All the pumps came from retail people buying in.
This won't change for years to come.

>> No.16668615
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Crypto is acidic in the sense that it dissolves these centralized power structures, so obviously they aren’t going to let you use it. Learn Hoon and help build the future computing stack that allows you to chat, buy, sell, trade, and anything else you can imagine in a p2p on urbit.

>> No.16668616

>So when will google ban all email accounts that have anything crypto related in them

>he doesnt use cryptamail

>> No.16668617

Rofl dumb bitch, stay poor.

>> No.16668618

Stop posting three way handjobs on /biz/. Blue board, faggot. I don't want to get fired.

>> No.16668621

>muh decentralising technology

>> No.16668625
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>> No.16668633

>My token doesn't have miners, haha no sell pressure.
Well, there is also always some scammy founding team dumping millions of their token on the market and they can do it at any price because they've created it from nothing.

>> No.16668640

d-does this mean everything i have in metamask is gone

>> No.16668648

Yes, rip

>> No.16668703

Unironically good for crypto, because once the forbidden fruit is that much sweeter and if someone as powerful as Google starts "banning crypto" then it means this shit could be powerful and normies might start paying even more attention.

>> No.16668718

i'm so confused, what the fuck is going on... first BAKKT, Nasdaq and Facebook we're all getting amped for crypto, but now google/apple/youtube are all banning it outright. WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.16668729

(((bait and switch)))

>> No.16668740

meanwhile retards think they are partnered with an ERC20 manipulated shitcoin lmao the absolute state of mental illness

>> No.16668741

wtf my linkies are gone

>> No.16668784

do you think before you post? it will force brave (the browser not your shitcoin) to start putting out products. Email etc etc

>> No.16668798

Google is coasting on its search dominance, which it is soon to lose. Damn near everything they release fails, or gets given up on due to their fucked up incentive structure. They are on the wrong side of everything, even history (e.g. cooperating with the Chinese government).

>> No.16668869

can't blame them with all those shitty alts.
good for bitcoin though.

>> No.16668909

True we need to be babysitted.

>> No.16668913
File: 684 KB, 1045x629, 2gsjgna1uruvUuS7ndh9YqVwYGPLVszbFLwwpAYXYXvwbGthxpzyxj8uzDvhoP3BTR7CCeZHDvKUQk6GVv8pdzBMyQgaDPK1BVzJ6ARF3Hi9Yr1PBU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realizing this just now
>not back then when the signs couldn't be more clear
>pic related
You just don't learn do you?

>> No.16668929

Link it!

>> No.16668932

... while derisking his ripples

>> No.16668934

I mean even Bing and shit have better search controls. Google hides what you want 3 or 4 pages deep and always assume you meant something else when you search. They aren't even trying to stay relevant, and that kind of pride will cost them.

>> No.16668956

You can't be serious. Bing is unusable

>> No.16669010

January 25, 2018
Literally the last warning to sell before it all went down.

>> No.16669012
File: 797 KB, 1518x863, lachende_dinosauruse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this was the reason vitalik sold 90k ETH! :D

He knew it!

>> No.16669028

this will 100% be undone

>> No.16669035

fukcing newfag.

>> No.16669050

idiots still think crypto will "recover" LMAO

fools and their money, thanks for buying my bags tho ;)

>> No.16669100

Sorry if I don't care what pop celebrities think.

>> No.16669115

hol up

metamask had a mobile app?

>> No.16669160
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>> No.16669165

fuckiking newfag

>> No.16669173
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>> No.16669186

strong buy signal

>> No.16669201

this is all quite possibly in the name of national security so our dumbass population isn't hemorrhaging money to scammers from around the world

>> No.16669250

This. Google will be replaced once a usable search engine is developed.

>> No.16669304

brave was/is conducting a survey about the interest in other products and services, like email and vpn

>> No.16669309

google wallet makes sense, since Brave has tens of millions of users now. probably making them somewhat nervous.

>> No.16669316

I didn't find LINK using jewtube or any other good goy platforms.

>> No.16669334

wtf are you talking about, there are literally tons of results if you search for chainlink on jewtube

>> No.16669339

I'm talking about when it was 20 cents and under idiot.

>> No.16669354

How could I have been so stupid

>> No.16669358

Pissing off a bunch of 150 IQ autistic neets is a great way to get out developed and lose your business. I cannot wait for Google's demise.

>> No.16669373

what ground did they ban it on exactly?

>> No.16669413

no mining on the phone

>> No.16669557

that was hardly it
a) mistaken identity with a scam app which did mining in the background or otherwise violated the policy.
b) some other policy about lending was the problem for example if the app allowed for high interest lending via smart contracts..

>> No.16669642

this is the most bullish thing i've read in the past 2 years...this is the bottom

>> No.16670399

Best news possible for Brave/BAT of the year.

>> No.16670437

oh no no no no

>> No.16670450
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Based Alphabet.

Own 20 shares and they've given me better returns than crypto shitters.

Get fucked.

>> No.16670477
File: 856 KB, 500x270, mm2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills chainlink from their own twitter account and has been working with big mac man for quite some time now
>Also Google
>Does this

What gives? Is this bullish for Chainlink?

>> No.16670496


>> No.16670534

begone, normie scum. kys

>> No.16670616

Stakenet, unironically

>> No.16670637

Banned by who? Google?

>> No.16670680

Youtube was saying XRP is useless.

Do the opposite of what they say.

>> No.16670691

Do you even understand how brave works? It is in direct competition with Adsense.

>> No.16670710

no... that's a basic thing you should know about crypto...

>> No.16670755
File: 52 KB, 654x755, chainlinkgoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Google bans crypto videos on youtube
Google suspends metamask in its Play App Store

This happened when Federal Crypto Regulators are stepping in and announcing the New Cryptocurrency Act Of 2020


but then

Google tweets out a second Chainlink tweet. This time coming from Google Cloud Platform.

Read the article. they specifically point out "decentralized oracles" within the act.

well...... this tells us the rumors are coming to fruition.

1. Only smartcontracts using decentralized oracles will be legally enforceable and falls within the Cryptocurrency Act of 2020. Since there are many platforms public and private that support smartcontracts but only ONE decentralized oracle platform, this puts Chainlink as the beneficiary of this bill. It literally is telling you that LINK is the standard.

2. Google is now focused on regulatory compliant crypto projects that can support googles new financial infrastructure supported by ISDA, payments, banking etc.... Yes, Google wants to handle your money AND they will be coming out with their own stable token for their network.

3. Google wants to create a network within its platforms to support this much like Apple does with its product. They want end to end support with only the chosen projects. So far that is Ethereum and Chainlink. Possibly a few others but it isn't quite clear yet.

Only the smooth brains have not gone all in Chainlink.

>> No.16670783

checked and based

>> No.16670868

I see this as Google struggling to maintain its monopoly over the internet. Google peaked in 2000-2010 and since then it hasn't done anything truly transformative. Instead of investing in innovation, they now try to destroy innovators who they see as competitors. They can't acquire the Ethereum foundation, so their only option is to cut people's access to it.

>> No.16670872

God damn linkers are fucking delusional

>> No.16670882


>> No.16670886

I really hope you're all in because you're going to lose all your money. Lol

>> No.16670889

this is sell signal right here. ppl desperate to dump their bags

>> No.16670923

Based, guess what the first true DEX is. Trips and I'll tell.

>> No.16670927
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Google should have attacked Brave years ago, barring Brave now would make it go mainstream.

>> No.16670998

ddg and yandex already out perform boogle

>> No.16671003


>> No.16671022

Nobody cares

>> No.16671051


>> No.16671127

that's their stated reason, of course I know metamask isn't mining

>> No.16671158

Awe damn son. Google Dex coming soon.

>> No.16671170

Why Metamask though? That's where I keep all my linkies...

>> No.16671283

Be nicer to your cat fag

>> No.16671312
File: 280 KB, 1152x864, 1422597717404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple was the pioneer of smart contracts, XRP is literally working with the government and is handling smart contracts using Codius.

Chainlink is a scam that stole from ripple, The government even mentions ripple and xrp in bills yet no mention ever of some who coin called chainlink.

>> No.16671341

actual boomer detected

>> No.16671364
File: 358 KB, 851x972, FA1B827D-10F0-4173-9912-90F68C1C4A75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still believes institutions are coming

>> No.16671380

>Chainlink is a scam that stole from ripple
Poo yourself

>> No.16671426
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chainlink whitepaper 2017
Their whitepaper even came out AFTER their ICO.

Ripple announces Smart contracts 2014

>> No.16671450
File: 20 KB, 267x267, AllInLINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect anything from Google for Link, but the future sure looks bright.
I just added 600 Link to my stack !

>> No.16671490

> liquidated all my LTC into LINK
> liquated all my Monero into LINK
> liquated all my BTC into LINK
All in 40K+ LINK and I just keep buying more

>> No.16671543

Fuck yes LINK wins again. It is literally an anti-scam. It’s the only crypto that ISN’T a scam. We are going to be so fucking rich LINK bro’s.

>> No.16671547

Delusional as fuck

>> No.16671563

People called Donald Trump supporters delusional and we made him president as a joke.

This is now about our future and wealth - you have NO idea what we’re capable of.

>> No.16671574

>we made him president
No you didn't you fucking retard, the military made him president. They recruited him and were not going to allow the country to fall to traitors. if trump didn't win they were going to have a coup d'etat and kill all the traitors anyways.

>> No.16671589

Metamask is available on mobile?

>> No.16671605

>A true DEX doesnt exist atm
There is one coming soon and it ain't google.

>> No.16671620

What if Google is doing this because of competition from Brave advertising?

I've never had this problem, maybe you suck at searching.

>> No.16671625

There's already one built into the XRP ledger.


>> No.16671634

>XRP ledger.
>A true DEX

>> No.16671635

>we made him president as a joke
No you didn't. Boomer normies did that hate social programs and foreigners. There are many, many of them I personally know, even in a pretty democratic state.

>> No.16671637

The only benefit to this would be to stop people from using BAT on maker? I believe that it has to do with Nchain threatening google with a lawsuit.

>> No.16671646

Get ready for A BRAVE New World

>> No.16671648

>the video literally demonstrates it

>> No.16671656

>Voice shakey and pathetic
No one is buying your ripple bags faggot.

>> No.16671660
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I wouldn't want some faggot like you buying it anyways idot. but im not going to sit around while you scam innocent people of their wealth.

>> No.16671678
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>> No.16671692

>>Chainlink is a scam that stole from ripple
He's not wrong. Vitalik and Sergey both stole unfinished ideas from Ripple Labs and rushed them out to claim 'first'.

>> No.16671697

Anyone got the apk for metamask?

>> No.16671708

>Trade for IOU's
LOL fuck off.

>> No.16671709

Tgis just proves this board is full of conspiracy schizos.
They delete metamask and crypto youtubers because they are full of (promotion of) scams and normies are losing money through these scams, which is bad for business. That is all. All these crypto personalities are providing detrimental financial advice, and metamask is full of scam coins.

>> No.16671710

i like this theory, explain more?

>> No.16671792

iou's mean anything you retard.

>> No.16671800

Trump was recruited to peacefully change the public's perception and expose the fake media, if trump lost in 2016 the military were going to take over the government by force but that would have made the people against the military.

>> No.16671802

I would love to shit on your face.

>> No.16671809

Seone give me the pak please

>> No.16671877


>> No.16671918

>always assume you meant something else when you search
This is really starting to piss me off with Google. It's like they tried getting too fancy with their AI and it ended up making it worse.

>> No.16671938

The media only pushed the Russian propaganda narrative because the truth is embarrassing to the point of being inconceivable- a bunch of random autists on a Loli board manipulated normies into swaying a presidential election in the most powerful country in the world. “It was muh Russians” plays nicer to the smooth brains

>> No.16671955

goes all out war on crypto
>uses chainlink
really makes your razzles jizzle

>> No.16671986

Two theories:

> google trying to fuck plebs from not using their services and trying to work around them for payment.

> the good old fashioned block normies from buying till the top to create a mania phase when you finally let them again and sell.

This could be bullish if the second

>> No.16671989

>he didn't do this 2 years ago like the rest of us
Christ normies are intolerable

>> No.16672005
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I am building a new social media platform where you can export users, followers, likes, and subscribers. Still, a lot of work to do to get it perfect, what would be the best blockchain to build it on? I have been looking on Eth, Fleta, and Cosmos

>> No.16672111

Who is jannie
Fuck you deleting posts
You’re a fsggot.
Obvious buy signal.

>> No.16672120

Google is agaisnt crypto.
Just give up you fags.

>> No.16672134

Based retard

>> No.16672143

Because a chainlink fence was more relevant than link then you retard.

>> No.16672171

That would have been a better solution even though trump is going well, albeit slowly. Like link :/

>> No.16672184

What was the coin with the childish rocket ship again. I remember all the threads, hundreds of them about it mooning.

Someone help me out.

>> No.16672187

>Bing is unusable
Oh ho. You are very wrong. Bing is the engine of choice for the coomer.

>> No.16672314

At least one sane person here.

>> No.16672537

Guys, I just checked and the major blockchains are still there and undamaged. Crypto won right?

>> No.16672541


>> No.16672547

>that government can't confiscate.

>> No.16672666


you are fucking degenerate lmao

Streisand effect works only once, when the shit is literally unknown to majority

crypto is already a meme

fucking imbeciles

>> No.16672676


some third-world degenerates, like fucking russkies, do. but they will be burned hard.

fucking Sberbank brought lots of crypto at the second top lmao

>> No.16672677

its stellar

>> No.16672680


>> No.16672690

How about a decentralized 4chan/YouTube/LiveLeak with the tokens called "good boy points" ? Get rid of the fucking jannies

>> No.16672706


fucking russki banks invested in BTC

>> No.16672715

>How about a decentralized 4chan
Blockchan but it seems to be gone now

>> No.16672720


but they both are uneducated and unqualified lmao.

that is why they failed to deliver (and vitalik delivered an amateur crap)

>> No.16672733

meh youtube chanells already reinstated. clearly just some low-paid low-iq moderators going rampage. happens with every company. moderators have 0 talent and add 0 value to the product and accordingly they get shit salary. their only joy in life is abusing their power, they probably shorted crypto before doing this shit. however once people with actual power receive the news they correct the damage they do. then another set of air-wasting moderators arrive and the cycle repeats. crypto will eventually fix this and these lowlife pieces of human feces will stop leaving shitstains in the world.

>> No.16672813

>>16668488 (Heil'd)
Those greedy (((google))) faggots will suffer for this!

>> No.16672939

Baidu is the future.

>> No.16672996

based and redpilled

>> No.16673015

This. I know of a few Youtubers who have been victims of a ripple scam hack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvE2SBiPc_4

>> No.16673016

Have you ever used it? It usually offers exactly what you want in the first entry. Good luck getting that will jewgle now.
MS sucks donkey dicks, but they did a good job with Bing.

>> No.16673067

We all already know, it's snx
Others i can imagine are kyber, blue.dex, asgardex and uniswap

>> No.16673846

I took this survey but can't imagine many people wanting to pay for a Brave email or VPN. looks like they want to be able to act as a crypto exchange too

>> No.16673870

Chainlink isn't a blockchain you dingus. It's an offchain toolset.

>> No.16673992

>They delete metamask and crypto youtubers because they are full of (promotion of) scams and normies are losing money through these scams, which is bad for business
You're stupid. Some of the channels are back up already. They got raided by a telegram group and spam reported. Metamask is about mining. I fucking hate you tits.