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16666864 No.16666864 [Reply] [Original]

im so tired of living a centralized life, how can i decentralize completely?

>> No.16666875

Oh you know

>> No.16666879


works well for decentralization of body tissue, also works well for mixing with other peoples body tissue
thank me later.

>> No.16666881

pnd scam

>> No.16666883

The first step is to decentralize your housing, never sleep under the same bridge twice.

>> No.16666884

each one of your cells has a copy of your dna. youre body is literally decentralized. what the hard question is how do we raise your IQ? might be impossible

>> No.16666894
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as you wish

>> No.16666904
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>> No.16666915

Buy Cruzbit on qtrade.io

>> No.16666925

You need to socialize your anus. Your anus should be a public good.

>> No.16666955

Upload your consciousness to your pc. Zip it up and upload with a bootleg version of the latest marvel film on piratebay. Should generate enough normie seeds to make you decentralized

>> No.16666956

auction off shares of your body. you might want some knee pads for this

>> No.16666968

Flag theory bro

>> No.16666996

What do you mean, you want to rent everything or what? If so, then rejoice, that's the way the economy is going anyway. So enjoy coming home by uber from your wework station to your $4,000/month 25m2 apartment to spend the evening watching netflix while eating dominoes.

>> No.16667026

everything is too centralized 4 me. how do i know every part on my car is safe? id rather buy each part separately so i can verify its quality. my car is too centralized. the food i buy? where do all the ingredients come from? how can i trust the source? id rather just buy each ingredient separately so i can verify its source. everything around me is so centralized its making me sick. at least i have crypto where i can its all decentralized

>> No.16667038

how worthwhile is it to set up an account in say the cayman islands or create an LLC based there? if i'm an entrepreneur can I write off pretty much all of my expenses as a business expense? say I get new clothes, can I say it's for "company image" etc?

>> No.16667085

That's easily fixed. Buy a kit car or aftermarket parts for a popular car. Go to local butchers and grocers/farmer markets and talk to the shop keepers if you want to know where their stock comes from. While the vast majority of brain dead consumers just want cheap convenience, there is still a market out there for those who still have hobbies or still care about their health/life. The main issue is it is usually more expensive though, so you better have money.

>> No.16667104

YES!!!! I need to verify that each of my body parts is LEGIMATE. No Chinese made goods anymore!!!

>> No.16667142

going to the store is too centralized for me. maybe i should just live in the wild and hunt my own game.
exactly, we need to decentralize everything. there is too much centralization. starting with this website