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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16665525 No.16665525 [Reply] [Original]

i found a "critical exploitation" on coinbase that allows me to buy bitcoin indefinitely. i have tried to email them, call them, and even DM them on twitter and they simply show no interest. this exploitation, if done correctly, is untraceable but i do not want to abuse an exchange that is working hard to bring crypto mainstream, i dont want anyone to abuse anything that is bringing crypto mainstream. how do i get the bounty reward for reporting such an exploit? they tell me to register through hackerone but i refuse to do that. what do?

>> No.16665538

No you didn't looool

>> No.16665553

i mean i dont have to prove it to you, im only here find out how the fuck i can get coinbase to stop being dismissive.

>> No.16665560

Nice LARPing. Coinbase is the most secure exchange.

>> No.16665563

that's what they want you to think. funds are notu safu

>> No.16665572

>find guaranteed zero effort loop hole to become rich
>complain about it on the internet

>> No.16665599

I am a Coinbase agent. I scour the web in search of malicious or exploitative content against Coinbase.
If you report the exploit to me, I will make sure the information gets in the right hands.

>> No.16665622

its actually pretty simple but tedious. my TA skills are accurate enough for me to not worry about money ever so being able to exploit them is not something i care about but i wont give them the information if they wont give me the reward. i believe in being rewarded for the work you do proportionately to how valuable the work is.

>> No.16665682

Send 100 BTC to some address

>> No.16665689

what does this solve?

>> No.16665699

Yeah just send the exploit right over to me at Coinbase69support@protonmail dot cum

10 btc instant reward

>> No.16665700


Why do you refuse to register through HackerOne?

>> No.16665707

It would prove you aren't larping

Send it to my address btw

>> No.16665708

lol fuck off fudder dipshit, is spending time with your family really so painful that you have to LARP on the internet?

>> No.16665717

it proves you're not just another faggot making up stories on /biz/

>> No.16665722

Tell us how to do it in detail. They will be more inclined to respond if many of us report the problem.

>> No.16665726

Try any mainstream media avenue and sign a contract before disclosing method.
They' ll love to FUD BTC and we'll just buy the plunge or sell the pump.

>> No.16665737

you're a really bad larper. so you're telling me you can be infinitely rich right now but you'd rather do the right thing so that bitcoin can go mainstream? lmao yeah right

>> No.16665743
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And I also found a loop in the chainlink block chain that lets me take tokens from the founder's wallets.
But I'm such a good person I decided not to exploit it. I came here to tell the team because I know they lurk here.

>> No.16665757

Yeah, it's so dumb and absurd that's believable.

>> No.16665768

if they dont care that much its because they get reports by deluded retards like you all the time with shit that actually isnt an exploit. just take your meds and go back to sleep

>> No.16665802
File: 160 KB, 950x1425, C666CA55-36B5-40B8-83B4-419A0AC038A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based me too tell us so we can fix it

>> No.16665806

because when you register, they assign you a role. you're either a "hacker" or a "company". the hacker role reports bugs, company role pays them. it's a third party and its probably reliable but it seems fishy to me especially when the exploit im trying to report is of this level of significance.

>> No.16665835


Well then do something about it, Are you going to bitch out /biz/ or coinbase to give a fuck?

Just choose hacking their ass off or the pussy way doing a shit and crying for money

>> No.16665849

Tweet at Brian Armstrong. He seems fairly responsive on Twitter.

>> No.16665880

i dont think anyone understands.

i dont need to use this exploit

i want to be rewarded properly

i dont want to use hackerone to report it.

not even larping. i told the tech support manager they need to give me their information because its not me thats having the problem. they refused lmao like okay ill just not tell you how to fix an exploit that allows me to drain your funds? whos got the higher ground? actually pissed me off because while i was on the phone trying to express this to them, i lost out on the recent btc pump to 7370

>> No.16665883

not reaching out in a public manner.

>> No.16665908

They have a process and that process is hacker one
>how do I get to $city? no I don't want to walk there or travel in any vehicle
>reee how can I get to the $city tell me /biz/

>> No.16665922

last person to report something like this made news. i don't want to make the news.

you have to be an actual brainlet in order to think wanting to be recognized for this is good.

>> No.16665935

I'm pretty sure you don't have to agree to publicity

>> No.16665974

right but i want the least amount of recognition as i can get. having to register on an account where there is a group of people identified as hackers, whether its a playful joke or not, is not my idea of good publicity. making any list as a hacker can be misinterpreted at the wrong times in so many ways. basically, i do not want to give any potential ammunition to any future bad encounters.

>> No.16665983

well then you have dug yourself into a hole

>> No.16665994

i am not in a hole. selling information is not illegal. i wouldn't want it to resort to that.

>> No.16666073
File: 394 KB, 539x778, leo-oscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an obscure, scarcely known professional called an attorney... those shrewd hooded griffins can summon elfinish private deals to spawn massive golden and silvery treasures off the fortified city.

>> No.16666091

im already in contact with an attorney. i will be meeting with him in january to discuss the details.

>> No.16666093
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1562258563889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you'll get rewarded for being "righteous?"

>> No.16666147

Excellent then, happy gains and congrats for your chivalry. I would think the exploit will not be found by then if it's remained unnoticed to date.
For your personal profit alone I wish it continues undetected.

>> No.16666150

Wow anon I would love to buy this totally legit exploit that you definitely found. Can you contact me at gullibleretard (at) gaymail.com? I would love to do a deal that involves you sending me absolutely no proof and me sending you an untraceable bounty in advance

>> No.16666153

there is basically no chance anyone will ever find this. it was pure chance.

>> No.16666175

Abuse it until theyre forced to notice/act and be prepared to work with them

>> No.16666184

Rope yourself faggot larper

>> No.16666208

>it's a third party and its probably reliable
>it seems fishy to me especially when the exploit im trying to report is of this level of significance.
yeah, stop bulshitting.

>> No.16666210

Lightning does double strike.
Some technically inclined turboautism is most certainly burning their brains right now due to your unintentionally signaling.
Enough of this ARG driven anime addicts owls ogling this and who knows what's possible.

>> No.16666216

thats what im going to get legal advice for. idk if thats illegal or what, im not abusing the irs. i'd be abusing the company even after i made several attempts to notify them.