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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16662785 No.16662785 [Reply] [Original]

This essentially boils down to having a permanent employee on your payroll. Even once the worker retires you are still paying their full salary, or in some cases even more than that. Despite having this obligation to pay, you also need to hire a new worker to replace them. My question is, how on earth was everyone so asleep at the wheel that this even happened in the first place? How are all of these pensions going to be funded? How can you invest in your locality when you have a laundry list of permanent employees piling up over the years? I know people that grandfathered into the legacy, big-money pensions like this who are beginning to retire and they seem worried that they will be able to successfully exit-scam. How do you think this will play out /biz/?

You can view nationwide public salaries and pensions greater than $95k here:

"More than 1,000 public pensions in California are so big they exceed IRS limits"

OP photo from this 2016 article:

>> No.16662789
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Stay mad wagie

>> No.16662795

They paid into it their entire career.

>> No.16662801

lmao shut up goyim go watch net FLIX and bang some broad lol, tell the firends all about it on the 'gram while ur at it!! perhaps take pics!!!!??

>> No.16662826

t. doesn't understand how pensions work

>> No.16662834

Yeah I live in California, and this is unbelievable . You literally have judges and police chiefs who take a position here for like one year, and then retire with a lucrative pension for life. It should be illegal. Cities across California are going bankrupt because of this shit.

>> No.16662847

>he doesn't know

Chicago public pension system is now only 8%, FUCKING 8% funded. Thats a 92% deficit for the municipal pensions, in the longest running bullmarket yet. Know what happens when we actually go bear?

They unironically just are not going to let the boomers cash out. They don't get to cash out anything, 401ks, pensions, houses, social security. That's why you get told to fuck off when you ask how to setup a 401k on this board, boomer stonks are a ponzi.

>> No.16662920

fucking based anon never heard it said so well

I took the redpill in feb 2018 and cashed out my 401k into crypto. Millenials are so unbelievably fucked it's not even funny. If you can position yourself on the right side of this one you're set for life.

>> No.16662951

This and this. It's also why they lifted the "Accredited Investor" red tape. Now any Joe Schmoe can buy in to anything, no more waiting until it hits the exchanges. There is literally nobody left to buy. They are trying to hard, SO hard to make it seem like nothing is wrong. The rug is about to be pulled. GET INTO BITCOIN before it's too late. One day, the lights will go out for a week, and when they come back on gold, silver, and Bitcoin will be repriced... At that point, you're toast.

>> No.16662966

I for one think they’ll use BTC to absorb pension liabilities. It would be so easy for Munchkin to say “Bitcoin backs pensions now lol” and there you go. The value BTC could absorb is astronomical it’s that video about the 10 million dollar Bitcoin endgame.

>> No.16662984

How will the rug get pulled? student debt collapse?

>> No.16663007

You all have me curious and I'm waiting to hear more.

>> No.16663054

Dillusion and denial. Don't buy the hype. Buy the rumor, sell the news.

>> No.16663061

Yup, and you're right millenials and zoomers will get fucked for it. They cant let the boomers see the light that they were lied to for their entire life, they will definitely flip the switch on student debt or something and blame the entire thing on the generations before the boomers.

You know whats even worse, is that is a relatively small percentage of boomers who are profiting from this anymore. Around 70% of people over 50 don't have enough assets to retire and won't have enough by 65, and about 20% over 50 don't have anything saved at all. That means that 70% of boomers will be expected to be payed out and live on social security alone. That's still a better wealth distribution graph then any of the generations under them, but only 30% of boomers getting a comfy retirement while the rest eat shit, and then have to raid the public coffers to keep them alive?

>> No.16663171

>It would be so easy for Munchkin to say “Bitcoin backs pensions now lol” and there you go. The value BTC could absorb is astronomical
This seems plausible to me. With BTC acting as the ultimate golden parachute, you have the bandwidth to push all this insanity to the absolute limit. Between the new, "temporary" repo operations and everything else it's just a matter of keeping the delusion going until the next system has been fleshed out with the necessary security measures, smart contract functionality, custodian solutions, and whatever else is needed. One day you have governments publishing their BTC holdings just like Binance labels its wallets on etherscan. Something could happen with metals too since it appears that USA, China, Russia and others have been hoarding those for some time now.
>You know whats even worse, is that is a relatively small percentage of boomers who are profiting from this anymore.
Each year you can keep the ponzi running in its current state without triggering a revolt, you are draining more capital from the slave classes. Meanwhile the ruling class have no problem destabilizing their host nations around the world since BTC dissolves this form of power structure anyway. They are thinning the herd in preparation of a new age of sovereign individuals. Look at how elite have quietly built their own small, tight-knit communities of compounds in places like New Zealand and Southern Chile.