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16657029 No.16657029 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is going to replace fiat by 2030.

Hold on to your cryptos (BTC, ETH, LINK) because this is the last chance you get.
HODL for 5 years at max, things will develop so far, that you guys will be the elite of the NWO.

>> No.16657042

I once ate a rotten egg, it was disgusting, but the taste wasnt the worst part. The worst part was on the toilet. Apparently the egg had some acidic reaction in my stomach and the shit left a deep dark green stain on the toilet bowl. I cant get it off,please help.

>> No.16657064

i think its quite optimistic if you think that the worlds banks wont just fork their own stablecoin to create their own crypto.
what im sayin is that every scammer out there has learned that you can premine all the dosh you want when you create a chain yourself. why wouldnt banks opt for that as well?
just imagine you have customers and want them to adopt as fast as possible. create your own chain and provide the customers with 1to1 exchange service. now you have a chance of getting your 100% of customers to adopt instead of 5% early adopters etc.

>> No.16657074

they'll use their blob chan

>> No.16657091

not this crypto though

it's literally beyond naive to think that banks or whatever else serious about money is going to pump the existing shitcoins - no fucking way in the universe! They'll make their own stuff and bagholders will be left with their dicks in their hands.

>> No.16657100
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If crypto replaces fiat that would be so hilarious because I hodl and want this too

>> No.16657119
File: 146 KB, 1200x1200, saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Governments, banks and card providers share at least a goal: the elimination of cash. Key is what happens in the world’s two most populous countries.

>Details are to be confirmed but it seemed that the digital currency may have the following characteristics: i) commercial banks and the PBOC will be the only issuers; ii) the PBoC will design all wallets, possibly without using the blockchain.

>Assuming governments back cryptocurrencies, and consumers want them, adoption rates will drive the timeline for mainstream use.

Source: pp 59-60

In other words, the paper is saying government / central-bank backed cryptocurrencies will replace fiat, NOT open source fantasy software like BTC/ETH/LINK.

>> No.16657120

>Will fiat currencies survive the policy dilemma that authorities will experience as they try to balance higher yields with record levels of debt?
>That’s the multi-trillion dollar (or bitcoin) question for the decade ahead
holy shit literally shacking right now
bitcoin = multi-trillion dollar confirmed

>> No.16657127

which is quite literally nocoiner COPE


>> No.16657131

The article was written by a jew so you shouldnt fully believe it and expect misdirection, disinfo and lies.

What I see is the jew trying to scare you away from already existing cryptos so you expect something new to pop up and take their marketshare, by that they want to achieve that you are not buying now.
What he is also doing is trying to scare you with words like stability so you think there will be an end to the volatility and thus its not gonna be possible for you to make a profit (a lie of course).

also tries to stuff in the global warming fud and tip toes around the interoperability problem (solved by LINK).

>> No.16657137


>> No.16657144

>Cryptocurrencies need to overcome three main hurdles to become widespread. First, they must become legitimate in the eyes of governments and regulators. That means bringing stability to the price and bringing advantages to both merchants and consumers. They must also allow for global reach in the payment market. To do this, alliances must be forged with key stakeholders – mobile apps such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, card providers such as Visa and Mastercard, and retailers, such as Amazon and Walmart.
omega LUL
i fucking hate banks

>> No.16657327
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if you want to know what the future for money actually looks like I can tell you, all for free and without trying to jew you like some Deutsche Bank kikenigger.
Cash or the Fiat system will never truly disappear especially not in the foreseeable future, saying they will is like saying that street signs will disappear from the roads because the traffic light was invented.
Cash will serve as a backup in case shit gets fucked. sure the bills will get smaller, their overall use wont be anywhere near as big as digital payments but it will always exist just for redundancies sake.
in the near future you will be able to pay with whatever you want because of Chainlink and smart contracts, it will do the conversion automatically so anyone can pay with whatever provider, account or currency they want, all end to end reliable and trustless.
Bitcoin will also continue to grow in size (and price) and it will serve its function as originally intended, volatility ain't going anywhere.
People also wont abandon BTC and the trust in it because a Jewbank starts printing their own stablecoin, thats nonsense and misdirection, the Banks know exactly where this is all going and they shit this high level FUD out to secure their own profits (Banks dont want ÝOU to make profits)
also notice how this piece doesnt mention "Smart Contracts" even once?

tl;dr fuck kikes, fuck bank niggers
and buy LINK and BTC

>> No.16657334
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holy shit

this is a thinkly veiled wink and nod to the man in plaid

bullish for chainlink

>> No.16657352

No it’s not it’s about combating things like AI racism and AI’s inability to detect cultural nuance.

>> No.16657354

No wonder they are on a verge of collapse. Imagine being a bank and believing in crypto.

>> No.16657356

if crypto becomes world money it literally cant be money that is controlled by a central bank, because of the events that crypto become money.

only bitcoin is real crypto

>> No.16657358

Another jew pushing (((their))) agenda.

>> No.16657369

>Deutschebank said crypto is gonna take over

holy FUCK that's bearish, just market sold my positions.

>> No.16657510

Me thinks
>2030? That's a long time in the future
>mfw 2020 is around the corner

>> No.16657560

Imagine thinking a crypto like bitcoin will replace fiat, ever

Imagine thinking governments will give up the one tool for absolute control over their countries, inflation

This place is full of retardeds

>> No.16657600

>imagine being ok, to get enslaved by a financial system that benefits only a few
look you chinks and poos can live in whatever dystopiam future you like. white people will not tolerate that shit.

>> No.16657634
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Naruhodo ne

>> No.16657658
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>> No.16657720

I ve been thinking about monetizing drone shoots or something like that I am pretty sure lots of jobs around drones will arise. What should I study/learn to be on top?
Also how long until afordable submarine drones?

>> No.16658062
File: 10 KB, 344x155, 1567601298402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did DB mean by this?