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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16648021 No.16648021 [Reply] [Original]

so /biz/bros, the bitcoin halving is only 5 months away... what's going to happen to the price?

>> No.16648030

Daily reminder that the halving is already priced in.

>> No.16648031

go on...

>> No.16648037

But the fake out ‘pricing in pump‘ has not happened yet, just don’t get blind and remember to take profits...

>> No.16648045

It’s actually priced too high, dump incoming

>> No.16648051

>imagine still believing in the halving meme

>> No.16648062

Small miner capitulation to $5.4k then moon.

>> No.16648086

The real bull run will be in 2021.
2020 will be a capitulation/fake-out/preparation year.

>> No.16648097

6 gorillion seal skins.

>> No.16648131

You have one year to accumulate, then it either moons in 2021 or bleeds to zero

>> No.16648149

Brainlet post

>> No.16648160
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bull run in 2021

>> No.16648347
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>> No.16649040
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how hard can it possibly be to time your post on a dead board

>> No.16649052

The great rektening.

>> No.16649068

Most likely this, but you never know

maybe this, if prices don't rise some miners will capitulate (no, don't even suggest the death spiral, it was proven time and time again to be a nocoiner fantasy)
but anyway it won't affect the price

>> No.16649372

>what was $14k?

>> No.16650114

>This time it will be different

>> No.16650247

thanks for reminding everyone you're a newfag

>> No.16650266

How many of the 18mil Bitcoins have been lost through stupidity, deaths and normies forgetting to secure their keys?

>> No.16650268

Bull run should actually start end of 2020 but yes mainly 2021

>> No.16650726

either 0 or 100, either way im hodl'n

>> No.16650784
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Reminder to laugh at bears

>> No.16650821
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6 digit bitcoin will happen sometime in 2021.
We will get 2017 on steroids. It will probably be the last bullrun where the average joe will be able to get rich.

>> No.16651475

Bitcoin has good fundamentals OP, it is destined to deflation, becoming more valuable (general long term trend) over time.

>> No.16652695

It'll go way up and then it'll go way down, but you'll probably miss both and sell just as it starts to go way up again. Just HODL and worry about it next time when it really won't make any difference in the scheme of things.