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File: 53 KB, 720x960, 1545744307339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16647038 No.16647038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If it's so easy being an e girl then why don't all the girls do it?

>> No.16647050

fat legs, kys cow

>> No.16647053

1. you have to be cute
2. petite
3. have an appetite for attention from fat greasy losers

>> No.16647058

Know how i know you're an incel virgin?

>> No.16647082

im a girl

>> No.16647087

What does your portfolio look like

>> No.16647097 [DELETED] 


>> No.16647103
File: 262 KB, 446x456, 1497197958104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't wait until she's 23 and nice and THICC.

>> No.16647113

btc, holo, eth, monero why?

>> No.16647121

>im a girl
If i believed that I'd assume you were ugly & jealous

>> No.16647133

yes im, ure right but dont have eyes if poo like she keek

>> No.16647139

Her legs are already way too skinny. On the off chance that you aren't a retarded larper, you must be anorexic

>> No.16647146

Most attractive women have enough self respect not to be jerked off to by a bunch of overweight dweebs.

>> No.16647149

Either you have to know someone who's clout you can ride, or you get really lucky

>> No.16647159

Disgusting no ltc

>> No.16647161

rolf, pussylicker detected. more care about whore which dont about u in real life

>> No.16647165

Not gunna lie though her legs b thicc. In a couple years she’s going to have a big oll phatazz

>> No.16647173

i have

>> No.16647175

It's not easy, dumbfuck. Competition is fierce and only top 0.0001% whores actually make it

>> No.16647181

The slav stallion, we meet again. Happy Holidays to you and your pagan kind.

>> No.16647189

Umm... what?

>> No.16647194

Are you that Eastern European camwhore?

>> No.16647202

the top of those tights are just, you know, tight. her legs are on the skinny side of normal

>> No.16647204

no, im jewish girl. why?

happy hanuka

>> No.16647205

Post cock

>> No.16647213

clitor penis i dont have

>> No.16647217

I’ve seen your cock before, don’t lie. Post 1 more times, for hanukkah

>> No.16647218

go to bed ranjeet

>> No.16647249

dude, u confused me with some one.
shut up, ure not my bf to ordering me

>> No.16647252

I guess you've never met a Jewish girl in real life because none of them, even straight out of Israel, talk like that. I think you're some bored autist looking for attention

>> No.16647258

Not even the slav, fuck you larper. Just a sweaty man, taking a shit, b8ing me on the toilet. This is my life.

>> No.16647288

who cares about ur gay comnent


slavs are our slaves. get a jew girl

>> No.16647290

I'm thinking about transitioning so I can be an egirl

>> No.16647294

Post nose or gtfo

>> No.16647304
File: 88 KB, 563x960, 32394139-46DC-4274-9553-0FDCA95C48C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why transition?

>> No.16647313
File: 82 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1577157800645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16647324

I bet if they used a UV light her face would have more semen then your acerage hotel room.

>> No.16647337
File: 166 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1577157810402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet it'd still be less cum than they'd find on your keyboard.

>> No.16647343


>> No.16647377

Less cum than they'd find on the roof of your mouth

>> No.16647401
File: 124 KB, 1080x1082, FB_IMG_1577157793899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16647402

Her hair is almost as dead as her soul. Looks like a stripper

>> No.16647409


>> No.16647415

Lemme see that nose slut

>> No.16647426
File: 186 KB, 1200x797, 1571592033060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tiny titties with even tinier bra's
I didn't know i had this fetish..

>> No.16647434

I like your hair knowledge. Yeah she dyed it to many times.
And you wish lol

>> No.16647463

ur mom is a whore
all women are whores

>> No.16647469

Post cock

>> No.16647470
File: 60 KB, 536x800, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16647500


>> No.16647508

Look at her face, without the make-up she could easily pass as transgender. Now i’m not saying these are the worst looking whores anon, but I am saying they are just your mediocre E-Thot material.

>> No.16647518

Please post cock?

>> No.16647525

That's all the same chick

>> No.16647531

Then it is the angles that are screwing with me. Her face looks a lot bigger in the third pic. 6/10 would not fuck.

>> No.16647537
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 1576695655672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16647542

fuck off faggot, do u like dicks in ass?

>> No.16647544

Why are you getting so mad? Post cock homo

>> No.16647545

Because not all women are soulless devils

>> No.16647555
File: 10 KB, 225x225, B0899CD4-DAE7-4D17-B71C-AA3D5D5E840E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Santa Claus is real
>not all women are soulless devils

>> No.16647614

im a girl not gay. stupid aids homosexual

>> No.16647619

You are not a girl. You are a larping slav. Post cock.

>> No.16647630

post penis to prove your homosexuality

>> No.16647635

All women are sluts but most like to keep a public image of not being one.

>> No.16647671

proof im a slav?>>16647630
fuck off homo with 200 ips

>> No.16647778

LTC is the lowest IQ coin in the top 10 aside from BSV.

>> No.16647812

brown eyes = dingleberries

>> No.16647845

Prove you are not a slav. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

>> No.16647850

Lol LTC is the only coin besides BSV that has a chance. And its not close.

>> No.16647864

im not a slav for sure. slavs are trash

>> No.16647886

Because it isn't easy. She treats it like a job.

>> No.16647913

post penis homoslav

>> No.16647919

Post a pic of your face nigger

>> No.16647921

Poles aren't slavs?

>> No.16647930

polacks are the worst kind of slavs

>> No.16647960

in ugly girl , mastuebate on asians.
asians the best

>> No.16647961

Fuck off LARP

>> No.16647969

im an ugly girl. stop abuse me i will cry

>> No.16647988

Post dick slav tranny

>> No.16647994

Jesus Christ FUCK OFF if you won't show tits

>> No.16648002

i dont have tits

tip for flash kek

>> No.16648006

because a little secret is that women generally value validation more than money, and few realize that they can get paid the latter while getting the former.
Women also value validation from other women 10x more than from men.
Holy shit, get a hobby or get laid you dumb bitch (probably a Trap larping where no one can prove you otherwise).

>> No.16648022

Show me your big, vieny cock. Faggot.

>> No.16648056

will tip BTC

>> No.16648070

tip then

dont jealous of me. im a girl

tip for cunt too

>> No.16648088

>actually giving whores attention

>> No.16648173

You're obviously a girl. I just wanna see a pussy pic.

>> No.16648187

>actually giving attention to me

>> No.16648209

>I just wanna see a pussy pic
you might want to rethink this. it's pretty disgusting.

>> No.16648212

Because it's easy being a girl in general.
>Spread your legs.
>Get hitched.
>You've made it.

Spend as much money as you want.
It doesn't matter. Some loser faggot will just work it all off for you. And if you dig him in to too much debt to escape, you can just leave him for a new one.

If they can just live like that anyways, why would they want to go through the "work" of becoming an e girl. It's easier to just do nothing at all.

Also you need to be cute, which disqualifies a lot of girls anyways.

>> No.16648222

Post eyes, and timestamp

>> No.16648239

I'm willing to take that risk.

>> No.16648246

who's she?

>> No.16648258

whyy lool>>16648173
flashing for toks

>> No.16648263

You can tell her midsection is just going to turn into mush in a few years. It already looks mushy from the thumbnail.

>> No.16648274

don't say i didn't try to help you if she starts posting pictures of her disgusting horridness

>> No.16648281

I'm just trying to keep it real baby. I like to work for my visual stimulation.

>> No.16648289

post pics like you did before >>16648239 wants to see how old and disgusting you look

>> No.16648330

im hotter than ur exs lmfao

fine keep it

>> No.16648352

>im hotter than ur exs lmf
you would post pics if that were true. just admit that looking at you makes people want to thow up.

>> No.16648365

confirmed uggo

>> No.16648377

show cunt

>> No.16648378



just pussy is not enough, you have to have a 10/10 pussy

>> No.16648423

Hope she sees this bro

>> No.16648430

want to jerk or what on my photo

>> No.16648436

Lack of brain

>> No.16648437

no cunt. u can watch it in pornhub kek

>> No.16648452

Maybe I will!

>> No.16648460

yes, im there dont forget do tip gift, today is my bday rolf

>> No.16648472

I already tipped. Happy birthday slut

>> No.16648482

where? noo proof

>> No.16648502
File: 1.89 MB, 640x360, 1566720755958.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's so easy being chad then why dont all guys do it ?

>> No.16648897

Let me see your slav cock

>> No.16648923
File: 316 KB, 1246x871, REEEEEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitch thot stole our frog
apustaja is ours
she stole our fren
RIP apustaja

>> No.16648941

Genes and circumstance. All men used to be chads, for the most part, and the only ones that werent got fucked over by shit genetics, interbred with neanderthals, and led to Jews.

>> No.16648948

This. That bitch is an obese cow. Probably an ameriburger

>> No.16648956
File: 35 KB, 540x960, 1573448092776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not a trap though. picrelated is a bio female. we've established this

>> No.16649190

The fact is not everybody is attractive.
Attractive people have extremely easy lives. Women easiest.