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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 141 KB, 960x960, 1577117702859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16646056 No.16646056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine having sex with a girl. She's moaning, panting and sweating. Her legs wrap around you, the softness and smoothness of her skin against yours in a tight, sensual embrace. You feel her breasts pressed against your own, the friction of her nipples apparent and arousing with each of your thrusts. She pulls you closer and whispers "I love how you feel inside me" into your ear. You feel yourself thrusting harder and faster. You kiss in the moment of mutual orgasm, as she moans and shudders and becomes tighter when you finish inside.

Afterwards, you cuddle into the night. She's the big spoon tonight and her body fits yours so well. Some of her cute hair falls over your face but it doesn't bother you. "I love you", she whispers. You ease into sleep as happy as you could possibly be.

>> No.16646064

Yes that's assuming you can actually fuck her deep and hard with a big circumference and not cumming too soon through all of it

>> No.16646071
File: 5 KB, 242x208, D559F03A-CED7-4A02-ACE6-5245F3DB5617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get to experience this after link moons....

I'll get to experience this after link moons....

I'll get to experience this after link moons....

>> No.16646079

You mean "I ruv yoo" because you're a cuck who has yellow fever because you can't get a white chick. If you haven't guessed I am Asian and it's laughable when nerdy white guys try and pick up our woman.

>> No.16646093

>seething minho/chang/lee

>> No.16646105

Used to have that, not anymore. Miss it.

>> No.16646127

Nice larp Asian guys aren't this gay

>> No.16646136

You are all weak

>> No.16646160

t. r/asianmasculinity

>> No.16646311

Don't be salty, asians have the biggest population in the world, i'm white and i've fucked asian girls, and i know asian guys that have fucked white girls, not really a big deal. Also women won't really love you unless you have an 8x6" penis, regardless of race.

>> No.16646358

Exactly. Women literally can't love a man unless he is 8x6" . Sad fact

>> No.16646411

IRL (aka not in your incel fantasy), mutual orgasms are rare and coming from penetration too. Most girls need to masturbate at the same time while you penetrate them to have an orgasm

>> No.16646420

this hits a little too close to home

>> No.16646428

I already done that and I was broke


>> No.16646570

you know what I've realized girls do? Once she has already orgasmed because I'm a chad, I'm trying to go myself. I pump harder and harder, the girl knows she is at my mercy. As soon as I go, as I'm going, she caresses my leg. Like 3 different girls have all done this move.

>> No.16646711

link's P&D has already occurred. Now everyone knows it's a scam
>1+ year test net
>6 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

>> No.16646721
File: 519 KB, 400x388, 1576671133993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have this
ywn have this
>ywn have this
ywn have this
>ywn have this
ywn have this
>ywn have this
ywn have this
>ywn have this
ywn have this
>ywn have this
ywn have this
>ywn have this
ywn have this

>> No.16646829

>And then a skeleton pops out!

>> No.16647158


Some day, anon. Not now.

>> No.16647177


fuck off, idiot.

YOUNG girls are very sensitive. Just seek young ones. 17-20.

>> No.16647190

Girls usually don't go to sleep after being fucked.
They'll cuddle for a while in the after glow. But they usually want to clean their pussy and take a pee.

>> No.16647214
File: 23 KB, 359x364, pff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16647223

OP i've done this/been there so many times i don't care and just want crypto to moon again

>> No.16647228

If she is cuddling you for a long time after secks it means that she didn't have a climax/orgasm so she is still aroused. It's not afterglow; she barely climaxed.

>> No.16647236

If she had an orgasm with you then she sleeps right after

>> No.16647318

lol no anon.
If girls are "falling asleep" after they fuck you. It's clearly because they don't want to deal with your bullshit afterwards.
But at least you can pat yourself on the back for being worth a fuck

>> No.16647330

>Imagine having sex with a girl..
Didn't need to keep reading, coomed right there

>> No.16647342

So this is how virgins imagine sex.

>> No.16647349 [DELETED] 


This tbqh

>> No.16647367
File: 116 KB, 1300x1500, FrenLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16647379
File: 26 KB, 300x250, 1566270121713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are profoundly fucked up for composing and then posting this here of all places, i hate you, but i kekked hard

>> No.16647384

We wouldn't be here otherwise right?


>> No.16647394

nigga that shit is highly overrated, bitches aint shit trust me you get over it very quickly don't waste your energy pursuing it

>> No.16647404

>mutual orgasms are rare
Not really me and my ex in hi school could do it ev time. You have to find a bitch that is multi orgasmic, just wait for her them cream her while she is creaming

>> No.16647431

I disagree

>> No.16647455

Been there done that. It's fun and all but after awhile it feels like a waste of time if you aren't going to knock her up.
t. 26 year old boomer

>> No.16647459

>ev time
Every time? Are you sure that she wasn't just acting to make you happy?

>> No.16647464
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>> No.16647476
File: 65 KB, 699x485, 1506115100807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friction of her nipples
>friction of her nipples
Are you a virgin OP?

>> No.16647489

Everything has friction. Including air.

>> No.16647497

I picked up one of your girls that had an American PhD in computer science and makes $280k/year. Copeseethe all you want, there’s a lot of Asians but not nearly as many ultra high status ones (that are also hot ofc, that’s a requirement).

Anyway back to /r/asianmasculinity with you. If I was an Asian male I’d be begging the reddit admins to shut that subreddit down because holy hell is it embarrassing for you guys.

>> No.16647503

This. I’ve fucked every race, even a skinny black girl once (thankfully I was wrapped)

>> No.16647526

it’s still something a virgin would imagine is a highlight of sex because he wants to touch tiddies so bad

>> No.16648023
File: 114 KB, 1073x1390, Anal_Greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now imagine if other guys have been there before you.. (most likely true)

Inside that smelly nasty hole .. it hovers over toilets.

It IS a toilet hole.

>> No.16648038

Women are not worth your time and effort

>> No.16648098

>Imagine having sex with a girl

LOL That is all this fucking Retarded Loser board does all day. "IMAGINE". Useless Rk9 Incels.

>> No.16648589

Now imagine you get to do this whenever you want except instead of moaning, she’s literally screaming your name like it hurts. This is my life bros. I don’t deserve my life at all lol.

>> No.16648875

Most coinees will think that only when their coin moon they will experience near Nirvana state love, can't be more wrong

>> No.16649001

Incel threads pls go to r9k. This includes link spam.

>> No.16649038

>t. coombrained incel

>> No.16649043

Add to that, that the woman is fridged and has anxiety.

She won't fuck unless she feels special.

She can't orgasm due to anxiety. Making her cum is a hellish endurance test, where your back, arms, knees ache and you have to hold off from cumming.

Women are great through. Have more kids.

>> No.16649071

Let me remind you
/biz/ has always been about
>making money
>asian women

>> No.16649088

this pasta gives me anxiety is this normal?
I don't want to read this

I rather just go to /h/

>> No.16649127

>You feel her breasts pressed against your own
tfw you will never live the qt transbian dream

>> No.16649169

That's kind of gay.

>> No.16649200

just get manboobs bro

>> No.16649419

>YOUNG girls are very sensitive
young girls are also much more likely to simulate not to bruise your ego. You dont just lose your sensitivity with age retard.

>> No.16649470

dunno man. i had a very young girlfriend ages ago. she used to cum every time. my gorlfriends since have been older and theyve almost never cum. and i dont think its because ive gotten worse at sex.