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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1663528 No.1663528 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other /biz/ like channels besides Martin Shkreli or is he our only guy?

>inb4 Labo guy

>> No.1664469

This is my favorite /biz/ related channel, this guy is an absolute RIOT. He does vlog-esque videos where he spouts 4chan maymays, what's not to like?


>> No.1664474

Stop shilling your channel you piece of shit

>> No.1664479

Tai has to be one of the most hated people on the internet and idk why, I think he's incredibly smart and really knows what he is doing.

>> No.1664511
File: 365 KB, 471x327, 1481098689582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phil Pusteovsky is based, best free source on real estate imo

>> No.1664514

Look up grant cardone, hes a very smart man and has a lot of knowledge in everything business

>> No.1664524

>tfw no qt boy pussy bf of indiscernible ethnicity

>> No.1664571
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wtf I HATE warren buffet now

>> No.1664724

I watch a lot of Silicon Valley interviews. Hour+ at least is what I aim for, and it's probably my largest source of entertainment.

If you want recommendations then check out Travis Kalanick's (Uber CEO and founder) first interview with This Week In Startups or Chris Sacca's Kevin Rose interview. You'll find YouTube recommendations from there. PandoMonthly is a good one.

>> No.1665113


>> No.1665185

Holy shit, that kid is such a raging faggot. One of the most annoying people I have ever listened to.

>> No.1665188

Roger Montgomery for australian anons

>> No.1665265

this is my final form