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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 124 KB, 585x610, google cloud chainlink tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16643333 No.16643333 [Reply] [Original]

>t-the Google Cloud thing was months ago
>s-surely they're no longer interested in Link h-haha

>> No.16643338

it's not pumping so who cares?

>> No.16643345

they don't care enough to write a new article faggot.

>> No.16643350

fuck off 42. kys u retarded faggot

>> No.16643354

News of actual integration > Short term price pumps

>> No.16643360

Even back then that article was dead on arrival

>> No.16643361
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 1571853820731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toppest of cope so far itt, who can do better?

>> No.16643401

Nice digits

>> No.16643403
File: 197 KB, 1680x902, fin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not coping at all about a fake partnership.

>> No.16643411

This. Me? I'm in it for the tech.

>> No.16643420
File: 44 KB, 647x740, soy wojakk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google Cloud just tweeted about Chainlink AGAIN
>"i-i-it's fake guys!"

>> No.16643429

every link soi cultist will ignore this

>> No.16643451

That meetup was a result of this:

>> No.16643474

Not an "in it for the tech" thing. It means actual real world use which means big fucking money later on.

>> No.16643486
File: 169 KB, 401x317, 1506483385325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so fucking huge

imagine not buying the sub $2 dip. we really have nowhere to go but up

>> No.16643492



>> No.16643500

looks like the bagholding google intern needs to pump his bags again

too bad it ain't working kek

>> No.16643505

Checked, we're gonna be unimaginable rich

>> No.16643509

Not really. All they showed was how to use a school like archives system and how to pay $10 for the price of eth lmao

>> No.16643513

>google intern
That's Google Cloud's main Twitter account.

>> No.16643514

i work for google cloud platforms in there's no real connection to google at all. it's not even under the alphabet umbrella.

>> No.16643527

Gary, get back to cleaning the fucking toilets you know you're not supposed to be on your phone right now!

>> No.16643528

ran by an intern

nobody worth a damn in google gives a shit about crypto, let alone link

>> No.16643531

Yes really.

>i work for google cloud platforms in there's
Thanks for input Rambeshar.

>> No.16643547

Yes really. What did you take out of the presentation?

>> No.16643559

The presentation was organized as a result of this: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/building-hybrid-blockchain-cloud-applications-with-ethereum-and-google-cloud

>> No.16643676

>will make them billions by saving billions for companies using cloud and blockchain
>they don’t care, it’s just money hahaha
Please jannies ban nolinkers. They contribute nothing, just salt.

>> No.16643696

Checked and keked. We just win - get comfortable with this fact.

>> No.16644280

The market can't stay solvent long enough to wait for us to stop winning.

>> No.16644500
File: 30 KB, 400x374, 1509721680814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lmao, Stinkers absolutely, conclusively BTFO

>> No.16644512

So why didn’t LINK confirm there’s a partnership in that recent interview instead of pleading the 5th and looking like a joke? Enjoy your stale hopium off a 6 month old D E M O

>> No.16644540

Oh wow it’s actually real.

>> No.16644574


>> No.16644584

>Some no name reporter demanding answers. Gets nothing. Cry’s about it.
Thanks OP I’m all in

>> No.16644593

it's literally dumping rn

>> No.16644639

>So why didn’t LINK confirm there’s a partnership in that recent interview instead of pleading the 5th and looking like a joke?
if they had confirmed it as a partnership there probably would have been some pnd action causing smartcontract/chainlink to look bad and you pathetic tranny fudder swingers would have more fuel for a more detrimental argument

>> No.16644645

>what did you take out of the presentation

>> No.16645198

He's an npc. He cant form his own thoughts

>> No.16645301
File: 421 KB, 1438x1179, Screenshot_20191223-174433_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16645347

don't tweet us your gay pokemon twitter account

>> No.16645357
