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16643318 No.16643318 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much of it? I’m tired of the Jewish tricks lads.

>> No.16643329
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which propaganda?

>> No.16643332

I've been cooming 1-3 times per day since I was 13 and nothing on 4chan has disrupted this habit.

>> No.16643362

Caption: I cordially invite you to fuck my ass while civilization I inherited burns to the ground.

>> No.16643386
File: 150 KB, 670x573, 116A7A49-E361-41D0-8970-EEFD0DCFA200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I’m sick of it, anyone who’s studied history can see a pattern of when the women are corrupted the society as a whole is soon to corrupt. I wanna use my Link/BTC gains to re-social engineer women to embrace their femininity, purity, and nurturing motherhood instead of being Jewish pawns falling for stronk independent sexually liberated career womyn.

>> No.16643436

It’s not really women, it’s the laws that are the problem.

>> No.16643525

How do fren? Like divorce laws and free abortions via planned parenthood?