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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16641497 No.16641497 [Reply] [Original]

What is the outlook of ETH in the next 1-2 years? . Can it replicate the 2016-17 gains?

>> No.16641516

Probably not

>> No.16641522

Depends on if they actually get steaking working. Most likely not.

>> No.16641530

the main reason it pumped to begin with was the ico craze.


>> No.16641708

$500 by end of 2020 probz

>> No.16641874

ETH 2.0 will most probably never happen. Not if degenerate Vitalik has any self-preservation instincts left.
Expect it to be postponed in intervals that are short enough to keep the price somewhat afloat.

>> No.16641906

ETH 2.0 is nowhere.
Devs forgot a key part of their last hardfork and have to another.
Regulators killed ICOs, will target DeFi next.
It pumped over 1000x from Jan 16 to Jan 18.
Not gonna happen

>> No.16641994

Kek these FUD replies are priceless. You won't find good eth analysis on here because these bagholders want their "eth killer v. 6159" to moon. They won't.

2.0 looks good. Biggest issue is if they keep it backwards compatible which Gavin isn't a fan of but we'll see.

>> No.16642042

You wont find good analysis of eth nowhere, everybody is pissed about it and devs use it just because there is nothing else. Shits’s pathetic

>> No.16642055

blockchain transaction slow, like wheel is circular. customer want square wheel. we are geniuses we can do it

>> No.16642154

it doesn't matter how good ethereum is (and it's not that great gently speaking), you pretty much don't need any eth to use it, it's way overvalued even at $50

>> No.16642157


This is how it will go: ETH futures are launched in 2020. Wall st. whales pump ETH to new INSANE heights. Same whales start dumping ETH because they can now short the fuck out of it with liquidity because of the regulated futures and they can also legally invest their clients money in this new vehicle. Normies hodl all the way back down to double digits again like in 2018. Wash, rinse, repeat.

>> No.16642192

>2.0 looks good
>coming out in 3 years
>oh wait they said the same thing in 2016
>its 2019 now
>wheres 2.0?
dead unscalable shitcoin

>> No.16642305

if it doesnt go back to it's ATH within 2 years I will eat my dick

>> No.16642319
File: 406 KB, 823x527, 1576255678929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to $10,000. It's going to replicate BTC 2017 Bull Run.

>> No.16642361

there is a really low chance ETH can replicate 2016-2017 gains. it would need to go well over $10k each to do that. the market cap would exceed 1 trillion. its unlikely.

Tezos has a chance to mirror the ETH run. target: 150-200 each at the top. key variable for exponential growth for XTZ would be how big STO's (security token offerings) got. not sure if sto's can lock up coins similar to how ico's did for ETH.

>> No.16642370

State of eth fud is sad.

Literally sub 80 iq answers :)

>> No.16642523
File: 84 KB, 1000x667, 56465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not good. I wouldn't touch this shit until Phase 2 of ETH2 is over which should be like 2025.

>> No.16642535

i think literally every point in your post is incorrect congrats

>> No.16642740

its 2020 now, it's literally starting this year

>> No.16642913
File: 4 KB, 267x188, vitalkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> ETH 2.0 is starting now

Are you fucking retarded? ETH 2.0 Phase 1 is POC. No sharding. No smart contracts. Basically staking. So you get inflation on 2 chains with zero benefit in the ETH2 chain. Smart contracts on ETH2 will be in 2025.

>> No.16643231

>implying proof of stake on Ether isn't going to be the biggest thing in crypto when released