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16638184 No.16638184 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw, you're still not a bitcoin maximalist

Bitcoin maximalists rejoice!

>> No.16638519

looks like this board is full of nocoiner fags

>> No.16638528

Why the fuck would you be a BTC maximalist when you could embrace the fire of rulership by man and be a LINK maximalist.

LINK is how corporations and governments will bring about a decentralized NWO.

>> No.16638538

I want bitcoin to succeed because it means crypto succeeds but it kind of sucks. literally no innovations in the past 2 years. what the fuck are these people doing

>> No.16638542

kys cultist

>> No.16638544

Why the fuck would a corporation care about decentralized oracles. Link isn't even being used for anything but has a ridiculous market cap. Bitcoin is headed back to 80% dominance

>> No.16638546

The thing is, everyone is a bitcoin maximalist now. Everyone is now on the "you only trade shitcoins for sats" idea. Sentiment has changed.

>> No.16638548

why don’t you do something about it yourself you lazy moron. bitcoin is open source.

>> No.16638552

>Everyone is now on the "you only trade shitcoins for sats" idea.
I’d like to believe this but have you seen the state of this board?

>> No.16638555

Blockchain’s next step is stabalized returns

>> No.16638558
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Bitcoin utility & transaction maximalist

Open your eyes.

>> No.16638562

Shilling to sell for sats yeah. All those crypto youtubers and crypto twitter shills now have the "sell for sats" mentality.

>> No.16638575

True, but there are people who I really think are convinced Ethereum or their shitcoin of choice will flip Bitcoin.

>> No.16638585
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hahaha good one anon

>> No.16638602
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Imagine being a bitcoin maxi

>> No.16638619
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it’s difficult to imagine not being one desu

>> No.16638629

have sex and read a book

>> No.16638631

i work on ether fgt

>> No.16638634

Kek, I really think it means that alt season is literally around the corner now that everyone is a bitcoin maximalist and no I'm not a bitcoin maximalist hater.
>bitcoin shoots up
>normie and majority of the traders say "see guys only sell and hold bitcoin"
>alt season happens and blows everyone's expectations and mentality
>fomo back into alts that finally are useful

>> No.16638636

okay now wut

>> No.16638643

Yeah I know what you’re saying, and I agree.

>> No.16638670

>fomo back into alts that finally are useful
Except I disagree with this. More like.
>alt market goes full shill and pnd
>newfags/retards buy and sell low, lose their bitcoin
>oldfags buy low and sell high, sell their shitcoins into bitcoin
>buy the shitcoin dip
>sell the shitcoin top into bitcoin and sell bitcoin for fiat
>buy the bitcoin dip

>> No.16638708
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>converting btc into fiat
Nah not me. Bitcoin maximalists bros are chads.

>> No.16638720
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>mfw Bitcoin maximalist

>> No.16638726

>using a guys face who isn't a BTC maximalist

Sam is in Chainlink retard. No one with that high of an IQ is just gonna buy and hold BTC.

>> No.16638784
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>BTC maxis
Top yikes.

>> No.16638792
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>Bitcoin maximalists rejoice!

>> No.16638900
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> mfw im a maximalist but i still hold a shit ton of MKR PNK SNX LINK and ETH because normies are going to fomo into that shit anyway

>> No.16639038

sure, but given the chance to 10x my stack I would take that chance every time

>> No.16639098


Some people are born to scam and some people just wana hold that bitcoin baby.

>> No.16639111


You guys are so fuckin deluded it’s sad. It’s a fuckin premine proof of stake coin bro. Jesus christ get a brain

>> No.16639135


Use a database and don’t bother mining if you just wana use a centralized scam coin bro. The ultimate shitcoin Cripple existing is honestly better for the world than Bitcoin Scam Vision (BSV)

>> No.16639159


Same, i never sell my sats, ever.

>> No.16639158

>a premined shitcoin is better than PoW Bitcoin


>> No.16639165


BSV isn’t bitcoin

>> No.16639178
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That's where you're wrong.

>> No.16639191



The scam ain’t workin out too well for you is it?

>> No.16639255

BTC has no future. Have fun with your digital hodl Bennie Baby.

>> No.16639272

Waste of trips

>> No.16639294


eth will flip bitcoin in less than 3 years and i will include this in my cringe thread, thanks retard

>> No.16639327
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can't even tell if your joking bro

>> No.16639427
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>bitcoin maximalist
BTC = bitgold (scam)

>> No.16639445


Get back at me senpai let’s see which coin does better in the coming years.

Surely 1 GIGAMEG blocks are good for a decentralized network.

>> No.16639489

because blockstream trannies reeeeeee and force you to hardfork if you want to change anything substantial (e.g. bch)

>> No.16639501

Too big of block size for BSV to take over BTC. The block size should be adjustable as it grows over time. BTC will nonetheless reach $1 million because it's already come this far when it was said to have died over 300 times to date. Nope. Bitcoin is still here.

>> No.16639549


What is +99 BSV in loans? Are getting some sort of interest on your BSV holdings?

>> No.16639817
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>> No.16640085

Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.16640087

bch is the real bitcoin cash

>> No.16640093

this is the incorrect thought.

>> No.16640094


>> No.16640140

anyways daily reminder...

what bitcoin is:
- a trustless permissionless publicly auditable ledger that is also secure
- a non-custodial peer-to-peer electronic payment system
- a network of nodes enforcing a common ruleset shaping a common reality in a trustless manner
- the longest blockchain under the consensus ruleset with the largest commulative hash proven by a specific form of proof of work
- a protocol that describes how consensus is reached on ordering transactions and how difficulty and coinbase supply adjusts over time
- a greater consensus on the ruleset that governs the protocol
- a standard reference client implementation created by nakamoto and maintained as an open source project
- an unspent transaction output spendable to a script returning true

what bitcoin is not:
- a whitepaper
- a gargantuan garbage dump of stale data stored immutably forever
- whatever satoshi said in a forum post
- whatever faketoshi dreams up in delirium
- whatever sv jeets shrill and rave about currently

>> No.16640142

a bitcoin is an utxo not a chain of signatures. nor was it ever since first release. satoshi wrote that paper in 2007 but in the first release he already added scripting and smart contract support.

the blockchain is part of the consensus mechanism but represents zero value in itself all the records stored on it are absolutely and completely worthless if they don't help you in building your utxo.

the future is pruing. once a block is pruned by the network there is no way to tell what was segwit and what was legacy tx. all there is is the utxo set. signatures and ultimately after a while tx-es too. they are all a technicality how a distributed trustless consensus is reached on the utxo set and how you can transact in a secure and permissionless manner.

>> No.16640273


>> No.16640307

>Not being a real BitCoin maximalist

>> No.16640317

I need 20 BTC to get $5 million when BTC is $250k. Still a long way in both metrics.

>> No.16640447
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>Expensive transactions
>Small blocks
>Can't scale
>Promotes censorship
>Hive Mind community that can't think for themselves
>Thinks altcoins are shit because they can't cope with competition.

>> No.16640679


>> No.16640735

>Still hasn't figured out that 1MB BTC is a dead end in 2019.

>> No.16641162

Dilate a bunch first you Femincel janny.

>> No.16641173

Technologies are meant to be improved upon until perfection. Bitcoin as a crypto currency is far from perfect. Why do you hate progress?

>> No.16641617

We're at 7.6k now. Short-term predictions? Will we see a drop? Is it worth buying now if you go for a long time investment?

>> No.16641628

>Everyone is now on the "you only trade shitcoins for sats" idea. Sentiment has changed.
absolutely wrong

>> No.16641641


t. Heavy altcoin bag holder

>> No.16641647


What’s your strategy then? Accumulate XRP to gain fiat? Kek

>> No.16641662

>erc20 token
>bring about a decentralized NWO
get a load of this retard

>> No.16641773

I wish I were a maxi instead of holding worthless shitcoins.

>> No.16642453

yikes sweaty