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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 944x411, itsogr4ecorecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16636531 No.16636531 [Reply] [Original]

look at these blocks, they just keep getting bigger

>> No.16636544
File: 532 KB, 3000x1086, vishnuwars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16636704

God damn, that’s awesome.
I’m trying to control my hype, but 2020 is going to be fucking amazing.

>> No.16636717


>in 876 Indus valley people believe that exist a economic-ecosystem that had reached a form of transcendence beyond Krishna that create endless positive rupee feedback loop.

>A system in this state would begin what they call sacred golden cow. Various street defecate models were created to show what this golden cow would look like

>Through prof craig satoshi research I believe bsv may be entering early stage of sacred golden cow. Sirs in this stage you could potentially earn an endless supply of rupees

>> No.16636731
File: 28 KB, 889x360, thismakescorecucksseeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average just keeps growing 8mg used to be nice but now we see 20-40mb blocks and the small ones are 8mb

average is growing seeth more core cucks

>> No.16636784

Hi, what's a corecuck, someone who has BTC?
Wouldn't it make sense to have a diverse portfolio?
Do you think expressing negativity toward BTC will cause people to purchase your preferred coin? I assume BSV - but this negativity doesn't make BSV more attractive, if anything it's keeping people away.
If you express why it's a superior Bitcoin then some people might convert and buy some.
But this attitude is all but guaranteeing BSV's demise. You're hurting the chances for the project you want to succeed. Shooting yourself in the fucking foot.

>> No.16636823

I'm not trying to sell bsv, you either have high iq or don't. We express repeatedly why bsv is superior but corecucks are corecucks.

>> No.16636870

The corecuck is devoted to a religion, there is on reasoning with them. The only way they will come to their senses is astronomical financial pain, and even still then only about 25% will probably see the error in their ways. The other 75% will just seeth all the way to 0 and hero

>> No.16636885

How do corekeks cope so hard?

>> No.16636897

i hold equal amounts of btc/bch/bsv, but think the latter two are utter shit, what does that make me?

>> No.16636903
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How many BSV to make it?

>> No.16636906

i'm so excited for you all

>> No.16636913


>> No.16636922

You only need a diverse portfolio if you have no clue what your doing. Only one coin wins... all others go to zero. Figure out the Wright one and you don't need any others to make it.

>> No.16636925

A corecuck that owened before the forks and was too lazy to sell or not already on an exchange most likely. Now you just use your positions to virtue signal as some kind of 'centrist' who can be the only level headed, voice of reason

>> No.16636926

a coward

>> No.16636928
File: 222 KB, 605x213, Screen Shot 2019-12-22 at 6.09.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$BSV December 21, 2020.

>> No.16636930

>a diverse portfolio?
There is only one Bitcoin and one global ledger. Diversifying into shitcoins and premined shittokens is a terrible idea.

>> No.16636936

Also lets get real, this is biz... we are talkign at max, a few million total of money on this board. Nobody is making/moving markets on this board. It's only for shit talking and trolling, which is what people do, it's entertainment.

If you think any differently you are very unaware of the company surrounding you.

>> No.16636941

Coretards are going to go to Monero before admitting defeat.

Uninformed and/or afraid of risk. Possibly a woman.

>> No.16636973

>admitting defeat
something you never did after the hashwar you miserably failed

>> No.16636981

If the attitudes expressed by OP were confined to this board I'd agree with you.
But BSV has a toxic group of supporters that are pushing others away.
BSV won't succeed in becoming the #1 Bitcoin while you continue to allow people with this negative, divisive attitude among your ranks.

>> No.16636995
File: 117 KB, 708x866, 1575995679837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BSV has been vanquished from the market

Still here and scaling massively.

>BSV has a toxic group of supporters

>> No.16637003

no i mean bch mogged your shitfork so bad it was painful to watch and still does. and that's the kiddy league. not where bitcoin is playing.

>> No.16637007

the hash war was a gimmick, it proves nothing. All it proves it that some people use fake hash to win an imaginary battle, but who is winning now?

>> No.16637013
File: 31 KB, 1115x331, 1.4 GB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily for us hash is dynamic and both Segwit and Cash are shitcoins. tick tock, nigger.

>> No.16637014

you really think some random shitposters will influence the entire potential that is BSV? You are deluded

>> No.16637020

sure you do ;)

>> No.16637054

>the hash war was a gimmick
i still remember you had such big mouths so confident then you got mogged hard and on life support ever since

>> No.16637079
File: 29 KB, 937x380, mycockcanonlygetsohardbeforeitexplodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life support this

>> No.16637082
File: 26 KB, 400x462, disdain4plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. nu-coiner who never followed the scaling debate
Read then lurk moar:

>> No.16637090
File: 164 KB, 644x659, 1576219090904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16637099

it literally is without calvin subsidizing the chain it wouldn't even be alive without the constant also subsidized spam it wouldn't even have transactions.

>> No.16637111
File: 39 KB, 605x523, DA32DE21-E8FF-4C11-A07E-15CD358EA2A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16637118

>you can't just develop applications on Bitcoin that use microtransactions
>that's spam!

>> No.16637126

actually its from a new platform coming out.

BitCoin is getting new developers all the time to build on it, dont like it get stiff fucker

>> No.16637136

What kind of information is in the blocks?

>> No.16637148

I think it's https://veribit.io/ doing some initial stress tests before launch

>> No.16637150
File: 36 KB, 1776x486, 74MB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, but look at this fat bastard. 0.75 BSV in fucking fees.


Whatever it was wasn't transaction volume but transaction size. Someone uploaded something big.

>> No.16637156

More info at https://bsvdevs.com/index.php/detail/veribit

They announced on twitter a few hours ago about doing stress tests on mainnet

>> No.16637162

That website is awful. Doesn't tell you anything.

That's what I was about to link, rofl.

It could be them. Uploading a fuck ton of images or something. Anything from faces to fingerprints.

>> No.16637169

or "spam" as a corecuck would say as the continue to be in denial. It's odd for them to see applications actually built on the chain, all foreign and new to them like one of those Amazon tribes that just chucks spears at things that confuse them.

>> No.16637187

hahahahah the usual nonsensical non-arguments and butthurt stiff-posting. never change sv cucks!

>> No.16637200
File: 88 KB, 228x200, 1573031445362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what's worse is people now think an application has something to do with a premined shittoken that is issued on ETH. People who fall for "tokenomics" in current year are literal retards. Meanwhile if an application comes onto BSV, you pay money and use it. That's it. No fucking hodling a premined shittcoin for staking so you can be dumpped on like an idiot.

Deal with it, nigger.

>> No.16637206

BTC could never handle these transactions.

>> No.16637252


>> No.16637254

Imagine looking at a chain that does everything yours does but better, and more. One that basically solves every problem some shit token on coinmarketcap aims to solve with no ICO. And one being actively developed on and backed by thousands of patents.

And your first thought is, WHAT A SCAM top kek

>> No.16637267
File: 212 KB, 1920x648, value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc is for transaction value not storing and distributing worthless garbage

>> No.16637280

Pretty exciting desu.

>> No.16637300

>btc is for transaction
Stopped reading there. BTC is for hodling. Not transacting.

>> No.16637307

i meant to write transacting value but obviously that's not happening without transactions.

>> No.16637331
File: 255 KB, 1824x713, 7jfv30wkesr11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, retard. That's what credit cards are for. Just hodl BTC. Maybe sell a bit at the end of the month to cover your credit card bill. Did you know you can get 3% cash back with some! Isn't that incredible? Nah, BTC just isn't ready for something like that. Just stick with credit cards or if you must, open a tab with a Bitcoin business and settle that once a month or something.

>> No.16637346

How is BSV better than credit cards?

>> No.16637348

i know you don't read that's why i posted a picture btw. just take a look at it. a few hundred to a few thousand times more value is transacted on btc than sv daily.

>> No.16637361

you idiots still don't get it btc is doing exactly what it was meant to be doing no more no less.

>> No.16637434

>how is Bitcoin better than credit cards?

I seriously wonder how long many of you have been around.

Bitcoin is instant payments and 10 minute settlements. Fees to use bitcoin are fractions of a penny. There is no counter party in Bitcoin transactions. Miners do not transmit money Bitcoin is peer to peer. Bitcoin has quite possibly the best security model known to man. Not just the network, users on Bitcoin have better security over their funds than any credit card could ever dream. etc etc

I 100% agree BTC is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Be digital hodl. Meanwhile SV is Bitcoin and doing exactly what Bitcoin was designed to do. Funny that.

>> No.16637449

10 minute settlements are not better than credit cards 3 seconds settlements.

>> No.16637461

bitcoin is instant, 10 minute settlements. did you ever notice how sometimes it takes a fucking week to verify and process a credit card charge

>> No.16637463

Credit cards are typically settled once a month.

>> No.16637479

let me dumb this down.

BitCoin sends and receives instantly.

The verifying and settlement is per block around 10 minutes.

When we say BitCoin we mean BSV when we say BTC we mean Segwitcoin

>> No.16637504

>BitCoin sends and receives instantly

>bitcoin is instant

How is it instantaneous? How is it achieved?

>> No.16637507
File: 856 KB, 2644x1581, xCsJUmn9fbd34m4mR-6jD0nQ__cSYeDxAM_JbGMrlMc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hey, you guys take bitcoin?
>bitcoin satoshay version.
>yeah bitcoin sv, one sec let me open my app
>*pulls out greasy phone*
>one sec, let me pull it up, heh
>*navigates to bitcoin SV wallet*
>*opens wallet, wants pin code*
>*input pin code*
>*wants 2FA code*
>yeah sorry, just one sec, getting it
>*trigger code to be sent to phone*
>*wait 10 seconds for delivery*
>*try to memorize 8 digit number*
>ok, got it, just opening it up now
>*people in line rustling behind you*
>can you stand aside sir?
>*move aside for the next group of 5 people behind you*
>*forget 8 digit auth code, reopen it and try to memorize*
>*reopen bitcoin SV wallet*
>*input, finally youre in*
>ok, i have my thing, im ready
>sir, please calm down
>*app alert, must update to proceed*
>ok, sorry, i can wait
>*wait 5 minutes for the group now ahead to order while you download suspicious 600MB update to app purely on your data plan*
>sir, are you ready
>yeah, what do you want me to do now?
>*cashier sighs*
>let me see your screen, sir
>*show her your greasy android*
>you gotta pull up the QR code sir
>oh, ok, one sec
>*rumbling behind you is getting louder*
>*pull up the QR code*
>thank you
>sir, that's not right
>oh, what do you mean?
>i don't know sir, we take bitcoin SATOSHAY VISION, i dont know what that is, not bitcoin and not nothing else, just bitcoin SATOSHAY. got that?
>*realize you had your regular bitcoin wallet QR code open*
>shit, im sorry, one sec again
>*louder rumbling from behind, you need to move now*
>*pull up BSV QR, show it to her, she scans*
>thank you sir
>thank you so much, im sorry, heh

>> No.16637531

you realize there is a project developing a card system right?

You realize people still take forever to transact with cash, cc, phone wallets etc right?

You really think its going to be that ridiculous to transact in shops? You walk up, put phone near scanner and done.

No never

>> No.16637554
File: 2.69 MB, 640x494, 1575346508388.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes pretty much no time to propagate the network.

This retarded shit was posted in another thread. You're carrying too much on your phone if it requires anything more than your phones lock screen lmao

>> No.16637562

post proof of whatever project youre referencing

>> No.16637566

>Takes pretty much no time to propagate the network.
How about you provide the specifics? BSV sounds like smoke and mirrors.

>> No.16637613
File: 15 KB, 674x176, Bitcoin vs Visa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes maybe half a second for a transaction to be seen by a miner. From there like three seconds for the rest of the network to get it. Usually less than that. You hit send and it's there.

>> No.16637628

Smokes and mirrors are what Core is designed on with LN. It sounds too simple because it really is that simple if you just follow the original design.

Broadcast the charge and verify the address has the funds and no other pending activity. That's it...

Without replace by fee, LN, and a ton of other "smoke and mirrors" 0-conf is ezpz

>> No.16637685

I love the core cope and yet they still defend BTC, furthermore, they defend useless tokens

>> No.16637984

I believe thank you for sharing kind sir

>> No.16638044

Who is winning now? Sure looks to be bch. The real winner though is still btc.

>> No.16638061


>> No.16638069


Isn’t this a good thing under alt coiner logic? If so, why would it be “over” for “corecucks”? Interesting logic..

>> No.16638117

Hodling something because of " price will go up, no other utility needed" dude, that´s what beanie babys are for. Now, hodling an asset that can be used to "spam" all kinds of information and that asset has also all properties of Gold and Beanie babys... that is something worth buy a suicide stack in, If you dont understand this you will inevitably an hero in a couple of years once you figure it out.