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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 475x814, 9A9D6E21-9724-40B5-9664-44E61DE8BAB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16637115 No.16637115 [Reply] [Original]

Post em. You’re not below average, are you? You didn’t waste your life being a poor loser with no skills, did you?

>> No.16637121

Forgot link:

>> No.16637131

It's not waste if you enjoy every moment of it!
I cherish every tendie!
every (You)!
every deciliter of semen sacrificed to 2d qts on /e/!

I will die happy
can you say the same?

>> No.16637134

34 - 160k - 95%

Still forever alone though

>> No.16637138

Life is like trading. Very few do well. You make the choice when it comes to behaviour towards other though, normie. Treat people like shit, then wonder why depression and xenophobia just magically pop out of nowhere.

>> No.16637184
File: 285 KB, 1680x1926, Mensa Practice Test score chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 19
Income: $37,440
Job: Engineering Technician
How did I get the job: I'm smart and earned it, not my daddy.
Gender: Male
Race: White
Girlfriend: Asian Female, Top 25 in USA Math Competitions
IQ: 93 Percentile
Dick Length: 7 Inches
Height: 5' 9.5"
Larp: None

>> No.16637189
File: 206 KB, 1050x1680, mensa_practice test score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof of IQ from Mensa Practice Test

-Suck it Faggots

>> No.16637202

> 5'9"


>> No.16637209

>proud of 125

>> No.16637219
File: 54 KB, 1590x574, Income Distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who can't math. That's 94th percentile income for my age.

-Have I wasted my life so far, no but I have wasted a lot of time, so I'm going to work on that. Youtube's a bitch for wasting time.

>> No.16637258

37,000 dollars is horrendous, you can make that right out of high school at any factory in the Midwest (starting wages are around $17.50/hr). If you’re an engineering technician get an actual engineering degree like I have, your income and future earning potential will skyrocket. Otherwise you will continue working for me you low IQ grease monkey.

>> No.16637272
File: 25 KB, 352x480, B87F70CE-B40F-4E4E-B7F0-6E0CCE35B5B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn’t hack it as a real scientist, huh?

>> No.16637490

Yeah i could’ve if I wanted to be poor

>> No.16637492

What do you think I'm working on, also about to ask for a significant raise since my previous job was paying me $23/hr.

Did you think I was retarded enough to earn this pittance for the rest of my life? I'm only doing this to pay for college and throw more money into Crypto.

>> No.16637506
File: 264 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191222-183838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16637527
File: 58 KB, 777x698, sjkhgdfjks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck do you do that makes 310k anon

>> No.16637602

You talk a lot of shit for somebody who only makes 110k a year.

>> No.16637615

>Height: 5' 9.5"
you know you're an insecure manlet when you have to use decimals

>> No.16637637

You can fuck off with your incompetent use of psych 101 bullshit. IDGAF about my height, I just posted it because /biz seems to be fucking obsessed with height and Manlet vs. Chad. Decimals are there merely for accuracy.

>> No.16637668

Income: $50,000
Age: 24
Job: Accountant
Percentile: 83

>> No.16637716

Yeah but he’s an engineer so he’s obviously overcompensating for his lack of intelligence.

>> No.16637719

your personality is so grating, it's like you're constantly mad about something

>> No.16637916

Fuck off glownigger

>> No.16637950

ive never seen anyone use a decimal in their height. this guys right, you are insecure about it.

>> No.16638153

Why is this beta chemistry undergrad so upset that big dicked engineers like me actually create real, tangible things while betas like himself consume and create nothing of value?

You are a greasemonkey technician. You do what I say when I say it, without questioning me.

>> No.16638163


>age: 19

>> No.16638192


Probably Software Engineer at FAANG living in Bay Area

>> No.16638411

310,000 is a like top 1% of software engineer even in bay area

>> No.16638492
File: 10 KB, 635x773, 1577069923816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw took first job that got back to me with an offer after college to escape internship purgatory (graduated in May and stayed at urban planning internship until October)
>Now an Engineering Technician for a pavement management company making $20/hr with shit ton of deadlines and stress
>Deal with engineering autists who don't understand what is required on the technician end of things
>Constantly deal with impossible deadlines and stay late almost every day
>Have to travel 10 days per month
>Been here only 4 months
>Realize I could be making more money just by being a comfy census taker ($22/hr in my town) while choosing my own hours and dealing with little to no stress
I feel like I'm gaining valuable skills though but I don't know if having no life is worth it. The travel aspect sounded cool at first but living out of a hotel room sucks

>> No.16638497

Mech engineer,

How the fuck do I transition into mining? Spend so much of my time at work as it is I want to t least be paid well for it

>> No.16638705
File: 3 KB, 517x69, Percentile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I live in a low cost of living area and get 200 hours of PTO every year so this job is pretty cushy, I don't mind missing another 15% + of my percentile if I went somewhere else. I'm in IT.

>> No.16638722

imagine being so insecure that you pay someone to tell you youre smart

>> No.16638868
File: 119 KB, 840x960, 2B130B6D-3A99-4E3B-889B-C643400596E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re typical of every dipshit engineer I’ve ever had the misfortune of working with: you have no creativity or imagination and are so clearly overcompensating for that fact. I’m confident you couldn’t figure out how to operate a coffee maker, let alone design or build anything of consequence.

>> No.16638951

83 percentile. Why can I just pay for rent and life’s basic necessities. How do the people below me feel?
>not good, fren

>> No.16639238

Yikes. Seethe harder, gay ass physics undergrad nigga.

>> No.16639316

It's not the same everywhere you fucking morons if you make 100 grand a year you can afford a cardboard box in SF or NY and eat ramen, but in buttfuck Wyoming you can probably retire in like 2 years

>> No.16639640

Unironically this

>> No.16639651

I make 100k a year in NYC and have $40,000 a year of post tax disposable income.

>> No.16639668

>!the absolute state of Jew York

>> No.16639698
File: 301 KB, 1125x1439, 7212E3EA-8D06-4C49-A242-9A11531DC58A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it bros. Best of luck to you all.

>> No.16639722

>below 3sig
Only a 120iq thinks this is good. Checks out.

>> No.16640238

Autistic post

>> No.16640258

>broke manlet brainlet with 2nd tier race gf
I would never even suspect you were larping.

>> No.16640350

>85th percentile

Okay. I know it wasn't the dream, but considering my starting hand I'm proud of myself. Glad I'm not satisfied though, as that always drives me to advance.

>> No.16640734

I'm at least above average. Probably for the first time in my life. Feels good man. Fugg. Right In the feels. I know that feel bro...

>> No.16641213

IQ isn't the greatest but 93rd percentile isn't shabby and I took the test on like 3hrs of sleep. At least I provided proof, you can say anything riding on the high tower of anonymity.

As for my income, did you even read my age?
I'm not going to be earning $100k/yr at my age even if I was Einstein the economy just doesn't work that way, bro.

>> No.16641219

Thanks anon.

>> No.16641234

Making it 19yo.
Literally Average Height for a US Male.
1st tier race girlfriend (according to 4Chan), and at least I have one.

Try harder next time anon.

>> No.16641251
File: 24 KB, 642x478, 68F1DD52-8E51-4333-B632-52737E5006BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to add another decimal place in there?

>> No.16641299
File: 191 KB, 744x1078, DD0BE056-A444-4E67-B4C6-7554CF951D27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in a low COL state too
>still can’t get a gf

>> No.16641315

Greasemonkey, what kind of psycho power trip are you riding on. Fuck off mate and get a life. Every single job I've ever worked I've led my own projects to completion.

16yo: Complete Schematic and PCB design to solve a $100,000 medical product issue.

17yo: Tried and failed to start large scale mining farm. (I'm ok with taking an L at my age).

18yo: Design, Build, Program, and Test Custom Automated Test Equipment for the Electronic Motors Industry on my own schedule.

19yo: (Engineering Tech, by title only) Because, it doesn't look good for a large company to hire a 19yo as an "Engineer" no mattter how briliant you are. Building custom Computer Vision, Java Apps, PLC, Cobot, and other solutions, again using my own designs (not going off some fucking drawing, I draw my own shit) and on my own schedule.

I'll quit any job the first moment I have to answer to a mouth breathing baboon like yourself who's power tripping on telling others what to do. I only accept jobs where I'm given a task, budget and timeframe, and then given full autonomy to complete the project in the best way possible. It's nice being smart enough to do the fun R&D work. Go back to your manual data entry.

>> No.16641404

damn you are insecure

>> No.16641487

Cope has become a meme buzzword, but this is genuine pure cope.

>> No.16641605

Chef at Wendy's, presumably

>> No.16641620

This anon is going to be the next Elliot Rodger top kek

>> No.16641756

>heh, this'll show those anons, that's right, I'm slightly above average, I've accomplished a slightly above average life, you jelly?
>what do you mean it's nothing to be proud of?

>> No.16641843

What a pathetic LARP lmaoooo

>> No.16642554

How ?

>> No.16642570

mfw when only on $40k. I do have 280k in crypto though