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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 729x709, wallmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16633591 No.16633591 [Reply] [Original]

How does one continue existing like this? What's it like?

>> No.16633604

living, just like how cows eat grass

>> No.16633705

>contributing to society
>sweet and happy smile
>valued by those around her

OP you are trash

>> No.16633721

>he thinks hes smarter because hes a neet and has the time to think

Most people are trying to survive you stupid fuck

>> No.16633723

Slave mentality.

>> No.16633730

And you are a slave to vidya and mountain dew.

>> No.16633741

>condescending someone else's accomplishments on /biz/
How does one continue existing like this? What's it like?

>> No.16633747

>valued by those around her
valued at exactly minimum wage

>> No.16633765

>slave to vidya and mountain dew.
something someone enjoys doing does not a slave make
if people actually wanted to wage they wouldn't be called wageslaves

>> No.16633779

this :/

>> No.16633844

Based and redpilled

>> No.16633905
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>companies appreciating hard work is bad

this thread

>> No.16633933

>walmart cashiers

That's still a thing?

>> No.16633938

Seriously this, short of literally just paying you to not even come in, nothing any company ever does is ever enough to show their support for their employees. I really don't understand why companies even bother any more.

>> No.16633947

>finding meaning in being valued by soulless companies

this thread

>> No.16633953

I wonder how they valued her contributions to end up precisely at minimum wage. It's a bizarre coincidence

>> No.16633955

BASED disabled non-working anon

>> No.16633966
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keep riding your boss' cock fags

>> No.16633972
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This is why Corporate America wants more women in the workforce. They realized long ago they didn't have to give raises when women are satisfied with positive reinforcement, recognition for doing what their supposed to do and giving little bonuses.

>> No.16633989
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>> No.16633998

Not all of us are incompetent niggers and actually have a skillset that employers value, and are treated as such. Obviously you sympathize with the incompetent and niggers, but not all of us do.

>> No.16634009

Yes that's why I'm not working at a fucking walmart and wondering how people can stomach that kind of environment

>> No.16634026

Neets and spergys can't relate to the real world.

>> No.16634040

Anon not all individuals are able to excel in life. There are billions of people living worse off then you and billions more living better. Bell curves exist. Stop focusing so much of your time and attention on trying to feel like some sort of woke faggot.

>> No.16634045

absolutely bullish

>> No.16634065
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Most people (especially women) are simple minds and are happy with little.
In this case being approved by her superiors in a job is really gratifying to her.
You guys are the opposite, you thirst for greatness but lack the capacities to reach it. You are forever forsaken to be tormented souls.

She is blessed, you are cursed.

>> No.16634066
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I'm not trying to feel like 'some sort of woke faggot'. It's just the fact that I'd probably off myself in an instant if I had to grind day in day out as a grunt in a corporate hellhole getting petty compliments as a replacement for compensation.

In europe these ultra megacorps don't really exist like they do in the US so it's a bit of a foreign concept

>> No.16634075

Probably less miserable than being a NEET who makes fun of the gainfully employed to stave off the depression.

>> No.16634076

This is unironically Sam's greatest accomplishment in life. This is something that Sam is actually proud of. Don't deny Sam that simple joy.

>> No.16634169

If they appreciated your hard work, they would give you something that actually makes any sort of difference (more money). Instead they upload your picture on Facebook as "Best Goy".
Are normies really this fucking dumb? Is your brain this kiked? This is employee appreciation?
Fucking American idiot.

>> No.16634175
File: 72 KB, 540x960, Walmart associates name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAY! Freedum Big Corp Inc. says MUH SINCERE THANKS, {anonymous poster name} for your Continued Support. Remember, We Value U
>to your last fucking cent

>> No.16634207

i'm 30 years old now. i can barely comprehend why a person making minimum wage wouldn't at least commit to learning some menial skill that would ultimately guarantee them a paycheck 3+ times larger than what they make at their current position. yeah, it might take you 4 years to get an associates degree in hospital administration or whatever the fuck but what the fuck else do you have going on? makes no sense to me. just grind it the fuck out, get it done, and start working your way up the chain in a field that doesn't limit your income to 8 dollars an hour. jesus fucking christ people.

>> No.16634226

video games and mountain dew are compulsions. it's slavery.

>> No.16634235

like i definitely feel that this is modern slavery, but i honestly question if these people are capable of anything else. is being a modern day slave literally the best they could do regardless?

>> No.16634256

inertia, laziness, bad habits/poor lifestyle choices and being fucking stupid. That all adds up, to $8 p/h. Its also a distribution curve - some people are going to be a t the lower end, no matter what you do. Pay them all more, inflation would fuck them regardless.

>> No.16634286

>yeah, it might take you 4 years to get an associates degree in hospital administration

I can kinda understand people just postponing this when student and healthcare high-interest rate debt (literally 10 times my soon to be mortgage interest rate) can very easily turn into a lifelong burden. But fuck me I can't imagine being in such a position, how did things end up like this.

>> No.16634359

Ba ah ah ah

>> No.16634366

They dont give raises

>> No.16634408

fucking go to community college and work your way through school. what the fuck is hard to understand about this.

>> No.16634431

if you are born stupid and we all actually believe that's how life is then is walmart doing anything but providing the country with the service of employing all these dummies? i applaud walmart for giving these people something to do with their lives.

>> No.16634445

i am fucking astonished by how much more capable and prepared i am to face life and reality than 95% of the country.

>> No.16634479
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>> No.16634522

>ak47 noises create the beat

>> No.16634795

Being appreciated for your hard work feels great, and is an important part of effective management. She's clearly done a good job, just because it's a job which you neets think is "below you" is irrelevant. Personally, I've done my best at every job I've had, from a waiter to a bouncer to an engineer.

They usually do have some token cash incentive of $200 or something.

>> No.16634811

$200 doesn't even cover 2 weeks of insulin in the US

>> No.16634835


>> No.16634855

And? They're still giving you your regular wage, this is a gift to show their appreciation. How much do you spend on an average present for a birthday or Christmas etc., $40?

>> No.16634864

she seems like a sweet person and happy to help out other people. nothing wrong with that go fuck yourself OP

>> No.16634869

This. OP and those ITT don't understand what it means to be content with life because they have a perennial sense of dread that makes them afraid of their inferiorities.

>> No.16634878

so sad...
I wish I could make her lose weight and then transform her into house wife after a face transplant

>> No.16634898

All ppl should be able to live with dignity regardless of competence. Fuck neoliberal clownworld

>> No.16634959

>don't understand what it means to be content with life

You think smiling for the camera because your megacorp is taking a facebook picture is somehow showing someone is content with a minimum wage dead end job that hardly pays the rent. One financial misfortune and you're out

>> No.16634971

Based and very redpilled.

>> No.16634981

Stop pretending you read Nietzsche brainlet.

>> No.16634987

I am 100% certain nobody working a minimum wage job at WalMart is content with their life. I am 100% certain of this.

>> No.16635008

let the opioid epidemic in the US show that this opinion is probably not true

>> No.16635016
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Then why did an employee smile when having their picture taken??

Oh right, the US doesn't have permanent contracts like the civilized world but can terminate anything at will so you better not displease your master.


>> No.16635052

Last Man.

>> No.16635168


>> No.16635188

How is he "coping"?

>> No.16635251

90% of a NEETs existence is coping.

>> No.16635347

>tfw been to this exact Walmart a number of times
Walmart pays well above minimum wage

>> No.16636280
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minimum wage
>hard work

>> No.16636428

Name one real issue with working shitty entry level jobs. If you can survive off them then there is no reason to not just continue working there.

>> No.16636460

>Walmart pays well above minimum wage
I bet our definitions of "well above" are vastly different

>> No.16636588

My state's min wage is $8 and Walmart starting wage is $12

>> No.16636595

>valued by those around her
The only reason she isn't being payed less is because it is literally illegal for her boss to do so, and hes still probably stealing part of her wages on top of that anyway, every other employer is.

>> No.16636653

Why aren’t you working a shitty entry level job supplemented with tax paid food stamps right now?

>> No.16636681
File: 21 KB, 300x400, dougtheceoofwalmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs and Doug is skinned alive in 2020

>> No.16636705

I am working an entry level job though I do not need food stamps. Me and my gf's combined income is enough to satisfy us

>> No.16636708

Nuclear cope

>> No.16636767

You guys don't get it. When OP is asking "how do people go on like this," he's revealing that his happiness is dependent upon his success. Now, it's a valid point - we don't know whether or not this woman is satisfied with her life, but the idea that she would just like to end it all because she isn't Sofia Vergara is something that you've internalized after far too many years in the labrynth. You *want* a justification, you *want* to be on top, but the fact of the matter is that there is no profit in that - you will always want more, you will never love yourself, you will never be ready to die.

This isn't a rare affliction, but for those who aren't insulated by the suffocating luxury of office jobs or perpetual NEETdom, the suffering has to be overcome - that is how living is done. So maybe she is not wise or beautiful or strong, but she keeps going, which is more than OP has managed to do in making this pathetic thread.

>> No.16636769

Jesus christ, they look like cardboard cutouts

>> No.16636824

>not physically disabled
>first world country

She's already better off than 50% of people on earth.

>> No.16637027
File: 136 KB, 673x760, A948E562-EA66-4C77-98B4-61B6CC43926D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s certainly it chief. Not that I’m questioning how you manage to get away with your corporate slavery in your shithole country

>> No.16637222

There's more honour and reward in a hard day's work than there is in mindlessly shitposting on 4chan about how shit other people are whilst contributing fuck all.to society living off your parents backs or having got lucky with some imaginary internet money.

There's a poor culture on biz where people larp as having made it yet continuously shit on other people's efforts in life, this kind of projection usually accompanied by :


And of the sort, fuck this nonsense , it only creates a larger divide you have socially to other people than already exists in your autistic lonely lives.

Incidentally if your government worked harder to create jobs instead of giving huge companies like this all the space to swing they're dicks around maybe you wouldn't be in this mess.

I mean literally driving small and emerging businesses out of the picture whilst giving these soulless places like Amazon and Walmart huge tax breaks etc.

It's the worst economics I've ever seen, and it's true of elsewhere too, not just murica, we are all in this mess.

>> No.16637251

This is untrue. Walmart pays above minimum wage for store associates and cashiers get paid even more than that. It's still a shit place to work with shit pay but what said is inaccurate. She probably makes $2 above minimum wage.

>> No.16637269

>It's just the fact that I'd probably off myself in an instant if I had to grind day in day out as a grunt in a corporate hellhole getting petty compliments as a replacement for compensation.
Because you have drive. Most people are content to wake up, survive, and go to sleep. Walmart and similar megacorps are the largest private employers in the US, so there are plenty of these day-wasting jobs available for these people. Barring sequential misfortunes in life, anyone in the US who really wants to escape walmart-tier jobs can do so.

>> No.16637281

I actually gagged.

>> No.16637292

>still posting in this thread

you need to get a job

>> No.16637353
File: 59 KB, 640x746, A034A448-7764-4A9F-9BD9-82799C5BEA95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Europe you can’t be put on a temp contract for more than two years, you automatically have to get a permanent contract (you basically can’t get fired unless you seriously do some bad shit) You get paid for up to two years of continuous sick leave, which starts over if you enter the workforce again at any capacity. Mandatory 25-30 vacation days with added national holidays on top. Low healthcare costs and no mountain of debt out of school. Companies are generally a lot smaller and there are much more worker protection laws and rules.

Reading about how Americans talk about saving “sick days” while paying lives long of high interest debt on education and medical care while some mega Corp posts some plastic fake {insert name here congratulations} disgusts me.

I’m glad the one Walmart that opened up in Europe quickly had to shut down when the plastic fake greetings and smiles were received extremely poorly.

Forcing people to behave like this without a shred of dignity and respect is no better than a brutal communist dictatorship. Only you’ve somehow packaged it more nicely and people lap it up and apologize to their billionaire bosses while your public utilities are privatized and people extorted to pay top dollar for the cheapest filler chemical in your food and contaminated tap water.

>> No.16637384
File: 164 KB, 489x960, 5DB11401-F506-46F6-BDFD-22B8A0E42FFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And of the sort, fuck this nonsense , it only creates a larger divide you have socially to other people than already exists in your autistic lonely lives.

>> No.16637388

It’s called having two weeks off during Christmas. But I’m aware vacation days aren’t a thing in the us

>> No.16637396

why cant you fuckers be happy that there are people like this woman who will happily do a job you would never want to do?
If everyone doing low tier shitjobs was a retarded nigger your existence would be even more miserable.

>> No.16637485

I’m very glad for the menial work that is being done by others. What the us is doing is borderline dehumanizing

>> No.16637553

>paying 2/3 of your income for government promises

Ask me again why you need fed money.

>> No.16637575

37% for the first 60.000 euro and 50% after that

>> No.16637580

this is your daughter if you don't get into the next FRM staking round

>> No.16637600

This. Even realizing the absolute state of things, you still need food and shelter at minimum which runs at least $15k, not to mention other living expenses. You need at least $30k a year to survive on your own whether you like it or not.

>> No.16637651

BBC of course

>> No.16637880

You have to be truly empty to make fun of someone in this circumstance.
Posters are right to feel happy for someone like this, who is experiencing genuine joy at recognition she’s maybe never received before. Maybe she had abusive parents, maybe she has a learning disability, maybe she’s just excited because her life is generally getting better. Life is fucking complicated and hers is as nuanced and complex as yours, you soulless fuck.
Posters are also right to feel sorry for her, if they do genuinely, because the system is really broken and Walmart will eventually grind her optimism into dust unless she makes a sharp set of turns quickly. That’s not a strike against her character though.
Honestly fuck you and everyone like you. God forbid anyone gets even a moment of mercy in this world, right?
I’d rather hang out with twenty male normies at a work party than spend one second with cunts like you. You’re sick and need help.

>> No.16637915

she would be a qt if she lost like 120 pounds

>> No.16638017

Bro she's checking out customers. There isn't that much too it. It's a shit job. Even if it's all she can do, it's still a shitty fucking job. It sucks and pays fuck all. Furthermore she works at a corporation without moral, dignity or integrity. Now clap for your master.
This shit is fucking degrading. No employer should be able to mandate this stuff without consequences.

>> No.16638227

megacorps spend alot of money trying to find ways to bolster employee morale without spending money. i work for a fortune 500 and they started these dumbass "employee appreciation" events where they recognize people. you get a break to attend it but I'd much rather see the money spent on that crap reallocated to my paycheck. unfortunately I'm sure the bulk of HR and execs read garbage like this:


this kike trash gives them an excuse rooted in "fact" to continue to waste money on that shit instead of putting it in employee pockets. as for this shit walmart is pulling, i would pay them not to post my picture online in a walmart uniform. regardless, doesn't matter. this is how shit works.

>Fucking American idiot.
fuck off europoor

>> No.16638404 [DELETED] 
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This. What fucking good is bending your ass backwards at the job, getting compliments and admiration if you're still getting paid $7.25. Oh look at the happy little slave, he's really on fire today! My pocket is gonna explode from all the money he's going to bring me in.

What a fucking joke.

>> No.16638428
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This. What fucking good is bending your ass backwards at the job, getting compliments and admiration if you're still getting paid $7.25. Oh look at the happy little slave, he's really on fire today! My pocket is gonna explode from all the money he's going to bring me in.

What a fucking joke.

>> No.16638516

sam looks like someone you'd like to hang out with. even when things are beyond shit, sam at least manages to smile.

>> No.16638530

but goy the corporation is the one who assumes all risk in day to day operations, etc. the goy is simply given assurance they have another day to come into work and do a service to their community.

>> No.16638632

The funny part is that there are libertacucks and others "capitalist right wing" idiots that unirocally believe this.

>> No.16638712


>> No.16638821

>why don't they have the ambition to "better themsleves" in muh skool and git stem jobz?

I have an honors CS degree, got an A in literally every fucking CS class and it's a total mystery how falling for this meme pays off. Between the HR roastie gatekeepers demanding 1000 years of experience, sucking Shlomo's cock in the cover letter begging for work, toxic office culture, etc what the fuck is there?

The amount of self degradation inherent in seeking "white collar" work is at least as odious as the shitty waljob - and almost impossible to attain in the first place give the barriers to entry like nepotism that account for 99 percent of hires.

I got my degree to milk the loan money and hopefully get into academe, which is somewhat more dignified that slaving for corporations.

>> No.16639035

Not even to mention Americans don’t even let cashiers sit down. Like not even install a proper desk chair behind the register

>> No.16639042

stockholm syndrome

>> No.16639045

Daaaaamn. Now THAT'S how you do a roast. Fucking based.

>> No.16639348
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>All ppl should be able to live with dignity regardless of competence. Fuck neoliberal clownworld
Funny thing is it's not about getting the same, it's about equitable frugal comfort.
This is what neolibs and libertarians don't understand.
And fuck crony-capitalists and monopolists for consolidating the Free Market in to their control.
Let it be free as it should be, with appropriate controls in place for things we should hold above fiat trinkets, like education and health.
I am sick of being called a Communist when all I want is to make sure suffering is kept to a minimum, those who can't do are afforded dignity, and those who want to strive can be helped to help themselves.