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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16625139 No.16625139 [Reply] [Original]

what's trump's problem with our pipeline?
those sanctions are economic warefare

>> No.16625145

>those sanctions are economic warfare
what u gonna do about it pussy

>> No.16625175
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Nothing can be done

>> No.16625198

>making yourself dependant on russia

you are either ivan or retarded

>> No.16625205


I donÄt know about Mr Trump, but my problem is that whole we are expected to be all environmentally friendly, you Russians do as you please. Don't say no. I KNOW u do. My wrath comes. Also to you, even can't yet imagine it yet.

>> No.16625222
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The ZOG is afraid of Russia becoming too prosperous and independent, so they want to cripple her economic spine.

Last round of sanctions didn't work, this one sure as fuck won't.

And after this Zionist treachery, the only allies remaining for America will be Israel and Saudi Arabia. Good luck with those strategically important shitholes, lmao.

>> No.16625232

America is jelly of the cheap gas. Free markets and good trade deals are totally unfair according to Trump, he would rather start a global depression.

>> No.16625233


Russia has been the supplier for European natural gas for decades, and only the American fuckery in Ukraine has forced the Germans to look for a more reliable direct partner, instead of going through that corrupt shithole that is Ukraine.

>> No.16625406


Oh yes, Russia is important to us. No dying it. BUT... This led green shit in Europe whilst attacking the us? ARE YOU SEROIUS??? Russia is under no control. The do environmentally as they fucking please of course. So get real here. GET REAL

>> No.16625445
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funny thing is you dont need anything to do against the dumb fucking states but watch them collapse themselves lmao

>> No.16625512


What are you talking about moron?

Why would I care what Russia does environmentally?

>> No.16625703


I will gladly explain, Anon... Russia, India, China, Africa... NONE of these countries give a shit about environmental protection. They do what they can. Produce, make money, survive. Now, I ask you, who invented environmental protection? USA AND EUROPE DID. But now, if use and europe made greta happy, it would mean shit.. the rest of the shitholes would still do what they want

>> No.16625958


Because I look right through you. And because it matters! What is Greta really about then? USA AND EU BE good boys, while everyone else (hugest polluters in the world) carry on? Do you realize what the 3rd world is and does? I donÄt need studies to understand it might not be so nice to dump all Indian car batteries into rivers

>> No.16625974

So should we just physically exterminate them to protect the environment?

>> No.16625975

trade with russia

>> No.16626322

Cuz its retarded to be dependent on Russian supply retard. Watch less RT fucking Hanswurst German.

>> No.16626362


No. I don't know the solution either desu. But I hate this hype about a mentally unstable teenager who tells just the people who actually DO care, to care more, while ignoring the whole 3rd world mess. I is BULLSHIT.

>> No.16626383

I'd wage economic warfare in her pipeline if you know what I mean

>> No.16626545
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>> No.16626566
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>Russia becoming too prosperous
You mean Russian oligarchs.

>> No.16626662

There is no dependence. If russia stopped gas supplies, germans could still use their reserves for half a year and buy more norwegian gas or even american liquid gas, it's just more expensive. Russia would go bankrupt earlier than germany runs out of gas.

>> No.16626730 [DELETED] 

Thats a childish perspective. The consequences would hit hard as alternatives are nit easily available. You greatly overestimate Germans power. Also you dont take geopolitics into consideration, which destabilizes all eastern Europe if geostream is implemented.
The best solution would be nuclear power plants.

>> No.16626759

this, the pipeline just adds more options, but the existing options don't diminish because of it

>> No.16626838

I will be honest. I want to drive my favourite huge us 8v semi cars. And fuck the rest. That is really how i am and how I think. I do not see a point in us westerners being the goos guys again while asia, africa and so on do what they want anyway. Greta should go protest in pakistan or india.. i would pay to see that

>> No.16627017
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gazprom & rosneft said nyet to the pillaging/looting of russia's energy sector by the west. this was not and is not acceptable to the indispensable and exceptional burgers, so expect more more more sanctions and nato bluster.

>> No.16627736
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Divide and conquer

>> No.16628443


>> No.16628668

Send more Somalis your way

>> No.16629496
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it sure is nice to see every pre-mined shartcoin gets 20 threads, but anything that skirts geopolitics gets slid

>> No.16629521

The oligarchs are mostly Jewish, unironically.

>> No.16629698


Basically, Ivan, the US senate is concerned not to allow fucking aggressive snowniggers with an uneducated gopking on a throne have too excessive liquidity which those slavniggers will use to stage wars and inflate its outdated but numerous military.

Basically, it is about starving the fucking cancer of whole humanity which is what fucking North Nigeria precisely is.

Now fuck off, Ivan.

>> No.16629726

>every country when the US does something for them

haha US is our paypigs :) :) :) amerifatsssss

>every country when the US decides to throw a spanner in the works

what the FUCK this is economic warfare how could america DO this to their allies wtffff we're all on the same team

>> No.16629797

The US want to sell their liquified gas to EU, which the gain using fracking. So jus economic point of view / market protection fro the amerifats. Thanks Trump.

>> No.16630596

This and digits

>> No.16630649
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Trump is afraid that American Companies which produce LPG wont get any Merkelcoins.
Awwww Trumpie Booiii wants to sanction us? On what?? Our Cheese?

Murrica pls

>> No.16630782

I'm only going to make one post
Know Your Customer

>> No.16630833

how are we going to depend on russia you subhuman incel

4.5% of our energy comes from russian gas you dumb uneducated dwarf

>> No.16631909

will putin pump our bags anons?

>> No.16632045
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/biz/ is lower IQs than even /k/ and /x/.

>> No.16632629

the dollar has been weaponized by a handful of short-sighted politicians. countries will migrate away from the dollar over the next decade or so and america will lose its status as the global economic superpower

>> No.16633186
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>The ZOG is afraid of Russia becoming too prosperous and independent, so they want to cripple her economic spine.
>Last round of sanctions didn't work, this one sure as fuck won't.
>And after this Zionist treachery, the only allies remaining for America will be Israel and Saudi Arabia. Good luck with those strategically important shitholes, lmao.
LMAO, stop this "MUH BASED RUSSIA!!!" shit right now you nigger.

>> No.16633267

Russian oligarchs are all Jewish lol

>> No.16633300
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>stock market is indicative of the country
lmao you're living in a distopian nightmare, the kikes have full control over your economy, media and politics. It's over

>> No.16633490

Calm down Greta

>> No.16633992

germany already gets the oil and gas from russia, the pipeline just removes poland and ukraine from transit fees.