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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16625941 No.16625941 [Reply] [Original]

Shall there be a recession soon? Please discuss.

>> No.16626286

Fuck off, zoomer faggot.

>> No.16626354
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We're already in one. What do you think this crab market has been? It's artificially propped up by QE and FOMO due to the inflated prices. This puppy should be at 2016 levels again.

Also, if you are an entrepreneur, a recession is the best time to start a business or buy a distressed business on the low. Something something fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. I'm sitting on my hands and waiting to make my next sizeable move in the 2-3 years.

>> No.16626387

Killeth thineself
How much worse shall you think it shall get?

>> No.16626398

>thinking we're in a recession
how underage are you? just fuck off, zoomers, go play fortnite, this field is not for you

>> No.16626456

Pray tell, why art thou still alive? And speaking to a nobleman without permission, peasant?

>> No.16626467

really fucking cringe zoomer
what a colossal faggot
even for a LARP bait, it's just too much, get a hold of yourself

>> No.16626531
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Dabeth on you. Move along, peasant

>> No.16626594

enjoy your pathetic LARP life, bye

>> No.16626650

imagine opening a thread just to be mad kek

>> No.16626698

>missing out on 2-3 years worth of gains waiting for a "recession"
you are not. going. to. make. it.

>> No.16626701

Germany is going down, mark my words. And with it comes next crisis

>> No.16626717
File: 40 KB, 600x360, BusinessCycle1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy necked himself. A fat NEET driven to madness by his hormone imbalance.

Markets will continue to crab for the next two years and unemployment will rise (post 2020 US Presidential Election) now that we are at the end of the business cycle. Central planners will not allow another to 2008 to occur because there will be literal blood on the streets. After unemployment rises, markets will take a soft nosedive for a year or two. We will see another bullrun after that until we find ourselves talking about this again in another 10-15 years.

Part of me wants shit to hit the fan hard so we can experience a boogaloo, but the days of ideations of chaos and madness are past me. We build and protect what we build now. Hope this made sense.

>> No.16626725
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>> No.16626729

Go get dialysis boomer, piss in your blood makes you delusional. Bunch of niggers fuck your daughter and you still think we are not in recession

>> No.16626736

Unironically will listen to you because this is literarley the opposite of biz. So how can i profit from this?

>> No.16626738

My stonk portfolio says otherwise. I should clarify that I meant making a substantial business move/acquisition/starting a new business/going into real estate. Right now is not the time. I'm waiting to swoop in like a vulture and devour hatchlings or vulnerable critters, so to speak.

>> No.16626746
File: 77 KB, 900x900, bestmilky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when i was like most of those on this board. Once i made it i had a conversation with mummy and i told her that i will never drink milk from a bottle again. Bottled milk is for NEETs and i'm an entrepreneur. I want milk straight from the bag.

Mummy was shocked to learn how much of a good boy i've become and with much blush, she lifted up her top and let me feast on her delicious milky bags.

>> No.16626753

EVERYONE is waiting to do that even my normie freinds are "stacking cash" to buy cheap this is like how everyone was buying shitcoins at peak 2017 in order to get rich in a year

>> No.16626772

Build a cash reserve. Learn to trade stocks, learn to trade stock options. Paper trade to train in the mean time. Get good. Get real good.

Play the markets when you are ready. If you know what you are doing, you can make money in a bull or bear market. Don't let doomers make you think otherwise.

Increase the size of your cash reserves/war coffers and start a business or acquire a business. Pick something you like and know inside out and take the plunge.

Maybe real estate will be for you. Wait for the next correction to go into real estate. Prices are retardedly high and the supply is drying up and/or very low quality.

>> No.16626780

Many keks
why not both?
their bank is dying
reasonable and realistic. thanks fren
Ah, straight from the tap, the only patrician way.

>> No.16626785

This is how it works lil nigga. Crypto was a once in a lifetime phenomena. Business cycles are forever.

>> No.16626795

thanks anon, i really like options any idea where to start learning quality trading?

>> No.16626812

I just understood what you are saying now, im a bit slow.

>> No.16626826

projectoption is based and redpilled as he is agnostic in his teachings and doesn't shove his courses down your throat.

Open up a brokerage account as soon as you can. Most have "simulation" trading available. Do your own research as to which one is the best fit for you.

Know that I want all of you guys to make it.